

Another lost khanine in the same area of NJ as Rocky and Rudy

Rocky's Rescuers -as Mom has khome to khall them - is doing all they khan to help find both of THESE "B's" - by going out when they khan and looking in the areas they've last been seen
Perhaps Bear-Bear and DrDre khan help khonvince Bella and Buddy to khome on out now PLEASE
Auntie Di went up to Prescott last Friday after work - whilst there, she saw a khomplete AND double rainbow - she khalled Mom all excited and wishing she had a wide angle lens fur her flashie beastie - they took lots of pikhs and sent some to Mom - she has inkhluded them in this week's PHOTOBUKHKET SKY AND STUFF SLIDESHOW ! ! !
(Mom didn't see many interesting sky shots around 'here' this week - it was too ikhky and she was too sad about Bear-Bear's murder)Once again, thanks fur all your words about Bear-Bear and DrDre!
Mom will khontinue to share links and such she finds or receives related to the ongoing saga of what happens when 'UNhumans Go KhrazyStoopid'
A Care2 Petition has been started for Bear-Bear
Maybe prior to doing THAT, you want to read THIS ONE - CBS News picked up the shooting - be ready to say 'wtf' -
WBAL TV was at Thursday's Memorial - here is their story on their website - here is the video link for the report - AND I've linked their website to the picture of Bear-Bear that is our sidebar - suffice it to say, things are changing rapidly with the increasing pressures from all sides - I'll try to update 'here' as I can
Bear-Bear's foster mom - she had him before his furever family adopted him - posted some pics of the memorial on her FB page - well, let's just say Bear-Bear sent HIS sign he'd made it AND that he was appreciative of all that is being done for him - HE SENT A RAINBOW DURING THE GATHERING
(Here is the link to the album - BUT you may or may not be able to view them - I'm not sure but wanted to include it just in case it would work - one never knows from one moment to the next with FB -I HEAR YOU NEED TO JOIN THE FB GROUP FOR BEAR BEAR TO SEE THE PICS)
Our friend Leika and her mom shared THIS LINK from their area ; and The Baltimore Sun continues to update their coverage ; and so does the Animal Blog section of The Baltimore Sun
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Norwood is going to lose it - that is one of the best frogs I've ever seen!
The Dre news killed me today. One of our old faves. :(
We signed the petition for Bear-Bear and joined his FB page. We are still sick about it.
Hee hee my bendy merdie pulls offt the bestest froggies:) ribbet on merdie
MFT those r beautiful fleurs biscuits and your FAD is trying to get in your blog action... Nice wat to do it with a double your lucky charms rainbow!
Bear bear's story is infuriating to say the least.. But i feel we r making progress it is at least on leave now
Khyra, thank dog for you and your khousin Merdie for making us smile! This has been a rough week and we're so sad about everything going on with dogs we don't even know what to do. We signed the petition but can't find the link to the Facebook link. Our hearts are just breaking for Bear-Bear!
We are crossing paws the two lost doggies come home soon! We really need some good news!
I think Merdie is being covered up with frog kisses! :)
OC is starting to sleep that way too, lately. Grammy always loves to see Rainbow's and thinks that was a wonderful picture. Now-a-days, it reminds us to remember so many of our furiends and their people.
I'm so glad that things are being done about the Bear-Bear situation. We can't just let things like that be without trying to make a difference and changes to be sure it doesn't happen again. That's what they did in Maricopa, and now, with the new Sheriff Officer they have in charge, when they come across a loose dog, they catch him, instead of shoot him, and then call Unity Thrift and Outreach, Grammy's Sister's Rescue to come and get them to be fostered until a new home can be found.
Good changes CAN be made if enough of an uproar is made when bad things happen!!!
LOVE Merdie's frog photo :)!...Lovely Merdie and Khyra pictures=even just lying around they are awesome!...Beautiful garden photos on your walk as well...Crossing paws and purring those 2 dogs are found soon...We are going to sign the Bear-Bear petition right now; that baby will be remembered...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh that first pho-toes wits 'da little froggies and hearts is too cutes!! Is 'dat 'cuz Merdie sits likes a froggies?
We's sorry about the two lost doggies and yes, Bear Bear and Dr. Dre will help find 'dem.. they are guides from above..
'da rainbow was beautifuls!!
And 'da flowers too!!
We are still so sad for Bear Bear and Dr. Dre and our hearts are with their families.
We don't have FB, butt we's did sign 'da petition!! We read the news coverage too from your link..
Mommy was at a loss for words and got mad again reading its..
Mommy shouldn't say what she wants to say infronts of alls of us innocent little fur babies..butt her face is purples...
Oh's no.. we's better walks her...
bye bye..
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
We have signed the petition and we have placed it on our facebook and twitter accounts, too. How horrible!
I liked ur rainbow pikshers. They made me feel happy! :)
I sorry about the lost goggie. Paws crossed in the hope the woofie is home soon.
Froggy Doggy Friday!
I had a peemail about bear-bear all the way to NZ!
We just signed the petition for Bear-Bear.
Love the photos of you and Merdie, Khyra! And all the lovely flowers.
We are sendin purrs for the missing dogs and hope they come home safely VERY soon ~ like today.
The flowers are bootiful ~ all of 'em. But not as bootiful as Khyra and Merdie. Smoochies.
We sure hope those little doggies find their way home safely.
Thank you for the suggestion, Khyra (and Khyra's mommy). My mommy picked some up today and tried it, so far, no more shakes. It's kind of funny, I can smell it in treats and food, so I don't eat it right away. I need to let it marinate a little more, so mommy put it in my water. Let's cross our paws in hopes that this works. Thank you! My mommy's hair is happy. =)
-Mika (and Mika's mommy)
The photo's of you two gorgeous woofies made mum and me smile and thats good. I will so ray for the safe return of the two lost woofies and go visit the tribute site to Bear Bear, so much sadness around, I hope it changes soon.. Hugs GJ xx
What a beautiful double rainbow!
There has been way too much sadness on the blogs lately. Paws are crossed that these doggies are found!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
The Bear-Bear story has captured me in a way that no story has in a long time. Exactly how long does it take to investigate something like this? I fear the police are waiting for the publicity to die down and get out of the news cycle so that they can make this go away.
you make me smile
thanks :)
We're purring and praying that the lost dogs are found safe and sound soon!
We're getting a break (short-lived) from the heat and humidity today - hope you are too! The club entrance flowers have grown a lot and look beautiful!
Seaborne loves to lie like a froggy! :)
Hope those lost puppies get found.
Such sad stories lately. Thanks for the flowers and rainbow to remind us of the good things life brings.
What a beautiful rainbow! Merdie, I'm surprised you aren't performing in a circus somewhere with those moves!
Frogs and rainbows and beautiful flowers! You brighten every day, Khyra. We need that with all the bad/sad news we're hearing these days!
Ribbit! Nice pose Merdie....
Khyra - You are right! We did say WTF! Ummm, we don't even have the words to express how outraged this makes us! Shooting? In a park? With people and dogs around? What's the world coming to? Thanks for sharing this story.
The Road Dogs
I think I just heard Norwood swoon and collapse.
Love the double rainbows--we so rarely see any rainbows in MA it's a treat!
It's just so hard not to feel rage - sicksicksick. Going to FB to join Bear-Bear's page - just such a tragic mindless and stupid act of dumbness. So thank you, Khyra, for reminding us that you pups take time out to rest on a hot day (Merdie - you do doga so well!) and... smell the beautiful flowers.
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and the crew
Hi Khyra, Hi Merdie! We love your froggie doggie pose today Merdie, and the decorated one is great!
We are so upset about Bear-Bear - mom can't even finish reading the stories - even seeing the headlines makes her cry. We hope that he gets the justice he deserves and that the officer is punished.
You two need to head over to Ina's. They have SNOW over there!
Merdie Frog never fails to make me laugh!
Thank you ever so much for the update on Bear-Bear's case. My paws are crossed for Bear-Bear's family.
Wiggles & Wags,
Everytime I think about Bear Bear I get so emotional.
I love cousin Merdie's frog legs!
I am glad the people are going to find out you just can't up and shoot a dog any more then you can people!!!!!!
Yay for you!!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
We read the CBS article and WTF is right!!! That's not the way to break up a dog fight(if there was really one). If he has a gun, just shoting it up in the air would get any dogs attention to stop at what they were doing. Oh that really got mom's blood boiling!!!!
Sam & June
Great froggie, Merdie. And about all we can do here is sleep too. Way too hot and humid.
We have signed the petition and sent some letters too. The overwhelming support has to promote something good to happen.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Nice High-Biscuts pictures today!
Thanks for sharing the story about Bear-Bear. That is so wrong, on every level. Even if the dogs were playing too rough, a squirt bottle of water would do the trick.
My blog has happier doggie news on it today - and lots of ways to link up and make new friends.
My blood boils when I try to express myself about you-know-what but something has to be done about him.
We have been spending lots of time in front of the fans. Hoping for a cooler spell this weekend.
What's good weather for flowers is too hot for us dogs.
Justice for Bear Bear. Glad the word is spreading. We signed the petition and emailed to put our opinion in.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
Froggie Merdie is beary cute!
Floofy resting Khyra is very purrty!
Flowers are very purrty too.
We just don't have words left for all the stuff with Bear-Bear and Dre. Too sad.
What's with that frog attacking Merdies tail? Froggie better show Merdie some respect.
We are following the Bear Bear story, hopefully he will get justice.
We will stay calm but the off duty cop need to face justice and we will keep watching and participating in a thoughtful and professional manner.
Remy and Flash
Froggy frogs, yeah I like them
Nice woooh
we love seeing all of you and the flowers too!
happy happy friday!
m & e
Thanks fur da links on Bear Bear...I will be on way to sees them.
Dat club entrance is unreal...da flowers are just gorgeous!!!!!
Hey Merdi and Khyra....dats what we been doing here too...it's even too hot fur me to do anything to get in trubles.
Norwood will be so proud.. Great photo Merdie.
We are spending a lot of time doing the same thing...
Great flowers mom....
Big Slippy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That is one super duper frog pose on Miss Merdie. I hope she was able to get back up again.
That is an olympic level frog!
You are so wonderful to keep Bear Bear's story up to date for all. We have joined the support network and signed the petition. The humidity JUST broke here last night so with an y wind, maybe you'll get our drier stuff by Monday. Transport this weekend? Oh, and we are sending our positive energy and "come home" woofs to both of those sweet missing babies. May they be found quickly and safely.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the flowers they brightened our day. We like the purple ones at the club entrance the best.
We are sads about Bear-Bear, we just read they sent reporters to the dog park and they talked to WITNESSES. And sadly kids were there and saw this.
Your flowers are beautiful! Have a great weekend!
Deborah We are very sick over Bear-Bear too
There is too much madness in the world right now.
you have some beautiful flowers.
we were really sad to hear about Dr Dre and Bear Bear. those kind of things should not happen.
One of our kittehs sits just like Ms Merdie BOL
BTW you should know, even though it's not quite as hot over here, my pack is feeling very much like Merdie and you. Our mom is too busy to take us places and we're fed up. I think I'm going to start a revolution. Oh yeah. Got to go.
Gee Khyra...
We agree with ya...the weather this summer has been the pits....way too hot and with so little rain our way anyway.....can't imagine how those beautiful flowers survived over your way cause the ones here look pretty sick.
Sorry ta hear about that shooting...Gram heard about it on the news.....some people just think they can do exactly what they want to....we hope he goes to jail....
Dewey Dewster here......
we love the froggie pics of merdie! Too cute!
Still really hot and humid here too. We are really anxious for October and much cooler weather!
We sure hope all the lost doggies are found soon. We are keeping paws crossed.
The Bear-Bear incident is still weighing heavily on our minds. We are sure hoping justice prevails.
Merdie! Froggies! Norwood! Happy!
I signed the petition too! I am sure justice will be done!
I hope those doggies will be found soon!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs
Thank you for sharing the double rainbow,,,
we needed it!
I am so in love with Merdie's frog dog - it is seriously adorable and amazing!
Mom signed the petition and we hope and pray that Justice is done. It makes her totally sick. We love the pictures! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Merdie sure does have a funny way of laying down!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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