Some pikhs of Merdie's last day of Khamp Khyra

Yes, it was a dreary and rain last day of this session of Khamp Khyra - some of the usual outdoor akhtivities were curtailed - replaced with extra naptime so Merdie khould be ready to return to her beans!
and here are some scenes from our sekhond walk of the day this past FrEYEday - the sekhond walk each day is the khounterkhlokhkwise route so the shadow patterns are difFURent
and here are some scenes from our sekhond walk of the day this past FrEYEday - the sekhond walk each day is the khounterkhlokhkwise route so the shadow patterns are difFURent

We hope all of woo enjoyed walking along with us!
I know Khousin Merdie appreciates the khomments woo've pawed about her khoming bakhk soon!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: We hope woo've khaught up with the news that Momma PF is now at TWO eggs and khounting - since Blogger and Mom don't play well when it khomes to moving pikhs around, any PF updates we have will be at the top of my posts - we won't tempt Fate by TRYING to insert it elsewhere in the post!
Oh my. How many posts have we all blown up while trying to get a pic in just the right spot? ;)
Farewell Merdie. We'll all miss you, but something tells me we have not heard the last of you. ♥
Buh bye, Merdie! Hurry back!
The last sky shot was taken through my not very clean windows :( thus, the blur...
Hi, Khyra!
I am going to miss seeing Merdie everyday and I hope she will be back sometime soon!
I loved the walkies!
Kisses and hugs
Nothing like resting up on a rainy day. Woo & Merdie made some pretty khool shadows on your walkies! A-roos to yous, Merdie, till woo come back to Khamp Khyra again!
jack a-roo & moo too
don't be a stranger now Merdie! see you soon and take care.
how are you and your mumster, Khyra??? do you remember to remind her to look after herself on her drives???????
What?! Merdie is leaving?! But I love the pics of her. She can't leave! :)
That's an adorable pic of the crazy one all curled up!
I think you're missing Merdie and the snow, poor little puppy!
Hope you hurry back to Khamp Khyra Merdie! It was fun going on the leisurely walk with you both today. Khyra, your fluffy tail is so pretty and Merdie we like your flag tail!
Aw...such a shame Merdie's visit at Camp Khyra has to end!! I hope she gets to come and stay again soon!
Honey the Great Dane
We love when Merdie visits any time!!
Sorry Merdie had to leave. I bet she will be back before you know it!! Nice walkies!!
Whens the next intake at Kamp Khyra, how do I apply??
Koda MD
Hi Khyra
We will miss Merdie but enjoyed seeing her for her last Walking Wednesday filmed on Thursday!!!
No we were not at all confused, we will leave that to Mango who will adore those fluffy tail shots.
It did look a little warm for Merdie today.
Very pretty houses you have on your street and we loved seeing your lookalikie Riley and Star. They liked a good bark!
Goodbye Merdie - come back soon.
Martha & bailey xxxx
That blogger movie moving thing IS very frustrating.
We always enjoying visiting and seeing your wonderful pics, but we are going to miss Merdie until her next visit. The CCC
You sure have a beautiful neighborhood for walkies, Khyra! We're glad to took it slower for Merdie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Safe travels Merdie until you return!!
We certainly enjoy the PF updates. Merdie we wish you well on your adventures! Be sure to check in and let us know how you are!
Hey Khyra,
Please tell cuzin Merdie that we miss her already. We bte you miss her too. That's a nice brush pattern on your coat in the lying down photo. Don't catch a cold lying in the damp yard.
Bring Miss Merdie back - these WW posts won't be the same without her. Love her laughing photo.
Mom really likes that white house with the red door, reminds her a lot of her home back in Connecticut.
Thanks for the virtual walk today, we will have rain soon, so we probably won't be getting a real one today.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woo, Cousin Merdie, we miss you already. Miss Khyra will just have to pull double duty hanging outside and being a slow down bump in the kitchen (we saw your comment on Luke's page).
Sorry about the Blogger thingy. We have had our shares of website problems this week too.
Two eggs! Hurray! Yes, Blogger is a real pain when it comes to moving photos around - we can never do it either!
Khyra - how do you curl up into such a tiny ball in your resting photo?
We'll miss seeing pretty Merdie around, but I'm sure you'll be able to entertain us all on your own, Khyra!
P.S. We've all come close to throwing the computer out the window over picture issues at some point!
Woooos! Nice walkies! Mum laughed when she saw that she was not the only one who struggled with blogger pictures..... Have a sunny day
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow...and I thought muzzer was just a stupid.
We find the new version a bit easier to manipulate, but not quite as friendly with the text. Win some - lose some.
We enjoyed Merdie's visit. Does Kham Khyra have a regular season?
oooh that photo where you are sleepy , you furrr looks fantasic!!
El'bow & Hauwii
Love every pic. today. Happy times Khaptured.
So long dear friend Merdie! We will miss you until next time!
Oh and Khyra, your walkie seemed so serene and peaceful just like when you were curled up sleeping! so beawooooootiful!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
What lovely, sunshiney walkies! Khyra, we got 10 INCHES of snows last night! Do you wanna come over and play?
Wiggles & Wags,
We love your PF updates Khyra, thanks for letting your Mama share them!!
O hai. I loves the pikshers of u and Merdie. I can't wait for the cute floofy berdies to be borned! :)
Awww, we're all sure to miss Merdie ! But we know she'll b back for a visit !
We enjoyed your walkies!
Love the shadows ! :D
Tail wags,
Angel & Miko
great pikshurs!!!!!
Come back soon Merdie. I know staying at Kamp Khyra was a BLAST!
Those birdie pictures are so good!! We'll miss Merdie too!
Woofs and Kisses!
A great Walkin Wednesday Khyra! We have been going on walks now too since the weather has been nice. When it gets below 70 degrees us Chihuahuas are cut out for walkies. :( We are happy to see your floofy tail again. We have certainly missed it while we have been behind on blogging!
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Awww, Merdie has left? That stinks! But I'm sure Merdie will make a triumphant return!!!
Is that a peregrine falcon? Kewl!
Yes, we did see the 2nd egg! Mom saw a red-tailed hawk on a tree yesterday while driving but she couldn't get a picture because she was driving and eating an apple, no available hand to grab the camera.
Merdie, we'll see you soon! We know Krazy Khyra will miss you, so will we!
Sam & June
Woo~Hoo, we love going on your walkies with you! Sorry Cousin Merdie had to go back home.
Hello Khyra!!
Drop by to tell you that I'm still alive! =p
I wonder what it'll be like if I join both of you on the walk? I bet I will look like a mouse walking with you guys *grin*
I'm following the bird egg saga with interest!
Hope to see Merdie again soon!
oh merdie we'll be mishing you evefurry day that we dont shee you.
until vewy soon ! sugars for you especially slobbery ok?
the pittie pack
We bet you miss having Merdie around, Khyea! We hope the weather improves. Ours has been OK these last few days.
And YES, of course we knew the answer to the question!
Who is the feathered guy, Khyra? Have we really missed a lot in our absence? He looks cool!
I hope you'll be back soon, Merdie! It's nice having you around to complement your khrazy khousin!
Merdie is going to her beans? Merdie is just too lucky! The best of both worlds: Khyra and beans
Floofy happy tails!!!!!
First mum knows what you mean about moving pictures around, she still get all uptight. Mum has been facinated watching the birdie and so have I. Loved the shadow pictures. Come back soon Merdie.. LOve GJ x
I like the birdie. Hurry back Merdie!
Bye, bye Merdie :(
We're going to miss seeing all those pawesome photos!
What a nice walk you all had.. We are sure glad you decided to post the walk with Merdie. We sure hope she comes back real soon. We will miss you Merdie...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Khyra...
We will miss Merdie...Please tell her to come back soon...
Great Walking Wednesday...
It's been rainy here too...
Abby xxxooo
See you soon Merdie! I know you'll be back.
Two eggs! We're so excited!
We'll miss Merdie but probably not as much as Khyra will! We know she'll be back soon...
Two eggs and counting...
Love your blog! Love to have you join us in the Pet Blogger Support Group! Woofy Woo!
Ohh noooooooooooooooo...
we'll miss Merdie a lot!!!!!!!!!
Hope she'll be back soon!!!!!
We love love love your photos...you look soooooooooooooooo comfy and cute sleeping on the floor!!!!!
Ehy girls!!!!
Thank you a lot for your sweet words for Paco!!!!!
You're such a special friends for us!!!!
We know Paco is feeling your love inside his body!!!!!!
and that's very very very important for him!!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee...continue to keep him in your hearts ok??!!!!!
Oh no...did I miss it? Did Merdie go back home?
Looks like some extra floof in two tails today! Bye Merdie, see you soon!
Looks nice and green around there. Bye bye to Merdie!
you must be very sad when you are away from Merdie
Woof! Woof! Hi n Bye Merdie. You will be missed for SURE!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Sorry your missing sweet Merdie girl. Farley will come keep you company?
Are you taking applications for Khamp Khyra?
We are really enjoying the birding cam...our nest is finished and we haven't see too much activity today but weather is bad. We hope Merdie hurrys back; she is such a wonderful sidekick, Khyra! You look beautiful under your tree--btw
Oh, no, cousin Merdie has gone home. We hope camp opens again soon.
Oh Merdie
Do you know how much you are already missed?
More than words can say.
We cannot wait until you back again.
Thank you for sharing all the walkies that you and Khyra shared with me
Hi Khyra and Merdie!!
Wonderful walking pics!!
Will sure miss you Merdie and hope you'll come back and visit!
Thanks for sharing your walks with us!!
How much did I love that video? Tons! I can't believe I got a little mention! That made my night. Call me crazy, but I was just flattered that you remembered me. YOu live in a fantastic neighborhood. My dream home is bigger than I thought. Thanks for taking the camera along. I had a good chuckle over Khrya strutting her stuff. She has a cute waddle. Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks again for sharing!
There's a new setup on blogger that makes it so much easier to move pictures around.
Hey 2 down
That WFT came in handy for my puzzle.. Merdie you'll have to come back soon to get onto the next puzzle.
Oh 2 down.. how come u walkies so close to that truck and practically under it on your walkies... that was silly
I like that series of parallel lines down your back, Khyra! Very stylish!
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