Merdie had her dad send this one Monday AM with the subjekht of "I'm on my way!"
So Mom was ready with the khamera to khapture her arrival -
here is the video link fur that

Fur her fans

Snikhkering - this is what happens when woo walk past your mom whilst she's using the flashie beastie

Merdie enjoying the chew she chose from The Toy Box when she arrived

I was a good khousin/hostess and pawmitted her to work on it fur a while

Making sure she was okay

Play Bow Time!

Okay Mom if woo must


Some shots from Sunday afternoon

I kept looking in at Mom to make sure she was paying attention to how khute I looked

I am so going to miss this wonderous white stuff!
Merdie was furry happy to see all the khomments! She's bakhk bekhause we hadn't gotten to see each other fur sometime!
SO, we'll try to make up fur some lost time and share lots of fun khousin stuffs this week!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Zippeedeedoo dah merdies back in town. Merdies merdie merdie!
I am playing bowing.. okay okay.. kicky feet spin moves at woo.
You know I'm a giant fan! Welcome back divine Ms. M.!
TWO cute puppies!!!
Yay Merdie's back! Khyra, you are a very good hostess too by letting her have the bone although we saw you side butt her to try and get it back!
Hope you two have a great time playing in the snow!
We love merdie's hair color. Our human says she is trying to find it in the drug store.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What a wonderful friend you have there. And you were so nice to share your stuff! Have a great time.
Emma Rose
What fun! You and Merdie should have a great visit this week! You are always such a great hostess... Wow... sharing a CHEW with her! The CCC
nom nom nom
I'd love to share Merdies bone!
MM chew chew chew
Nom nom nom
You are the best hostess Khyra!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay cheese??? did sumwun say cheese??? is their cheese heer??? oh hi merdie now ware wuz i oh yes cheese???????? ok bye
hey Khyra and Merdie,
So happy to see Miss Merdie back! Khyra, how furry sweet of you to let her chew on your bone. And furry funny of you to stick your nose in front of your mom's camera! Great picture! The "Cheese" pic is also classic! You two are such pretty dogs!!
p.s. great play bow!
Woo Khyra! I can see you teeth!
I hope you're having a pawesome time with Merdie. Does she like the white stuff as much as we do?:)
Teddy Bear
Awwww a Golden visitor! I have to say, in my very humble opinion, they are the best kind of visitors. =) You kids have fun!
How lovely to see Merdie. You are just being the perfect hostess Khyra and as for that posing.......well your mom must think she has died and gone to heaven.
Great shots of the two of you today - smiling right at the camera!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Loved the movie...It made us BOL when you just scooted her over and tried to take the bone...BOL BOL BOL
But you are such a great hostess to have Merdie over again!
Welcome back to the blogosphere Merdie!!!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hi Khyra,
You look so Khute with all that white fluffy stuff around you:) I don't think I'll ever see snow...but I can imagine.
Thanks for pushing these two into taking some pictures. Cameo has taken a few with me trying to catch a nap in a makeshift bed made of a carton! If Mercury has even an erg of energy left by the evening, they might appear on my blog.
Mercury too wants to thank you for visiting her blog:) Bellyrubs from her.
Licks and wags,
I know you love the white stuff... but sun ain't so bad, you know? I'm getting quite fond of the sun.
It's always great when Merdie comes to visit!
Have lots of fun with Merdie - loved these photos.....
Glad to see you are having fun with Merdie! It looks like you have a little less snow than last time?
Welcome back, Merdie - great to see you. It didn't take you very long to find something good in the goody basket. Mom is amazed at how good Khyra is about letting you have that chewie. But we know how happy she is to have her cousin back for a visit.
And Khyra, you still have snow!!! We think that's what should happen everywhere, one big snowstorm that lasts all winter long.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You are super polite sharing that bone with Merdie. I don't think I could do that even with a beautiful gal like her.
Tick tock, tick tock, almost Wednesday!
We always love to see sweet cousins together.
The Rocky Creek Gang
I think you are very happy that Merdies back. She's certainly a good mate.
Nice woooh
Hi Merdie! We missed you!
We both have Golden cousins! How fun is that?!
Welcome back, Merdie...it's so nice to see them treating you well.
Khyra...you are the most perfect hostess!
Oh, have lots of fun! It has to be better than my company!
Welcome back Merdie! You is being very nice and polite Khyra and you look soo super happy to has your cousin back again.
~lickies, Ludo
Khyra, your eyes look very intelligent.
Sheeba needs deworming pills, she is getting the shivers.
Ahhhh...how nice to see Merdie again. And how lovely you look in your (still) snowy domain
Say Cheese CAKE!! What a picture!!! Love it.
Your snows must be melting rilly fast now. We could does mud rassling in my yard.
Woos! I am sure Merdie is now missing the warm weather we are finally starting to get down here.... but I can take her place if she would rather be warm, because I want to play with woo in your snow!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Alright! Merdie's there! Have a howling good time. You're a very nice host to let her have that chewie. Not many dogs are so generous!
Welcome back Merdie. Have lots of fun with Khyra.
Love Ruby & Penny
Yipee ! your cousin Merdie is back ! ;) you must have miss her ! BOL !
mmmm~ just look at the yummies she is chewing ! :X
It is so nice to have a friend to visit with over breakfast! Enjoy your time together!
Oh gosh, cuzins are the Most Fun, aren't they? You looks oh-so-happy to have her there. And sharin' your chewie - wow! You are the best hostess ever, that's for sure! Have fun!
Wiggles & Wags,
Welcome Merdie! Love, Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle xoxo
That was awfully nice of you to share your chewy bone with cousin Merdie! Have fun playing today!
you two look very happy to be back together :)
Khyra, you are so lucky to have Merdie over! She is quite a boweauty! You are so photogenic and smiley-a grin from ear to ear so much that it makes your eyes close! I love that pic, by the way.
Me fur mom IS proud of me. She also puts me in my place when I deserve it too. She is very nurturing, like when she cleans me face. It sure beats the way me mom does it with a soapy wet rag or a baby wipe! She loves me, and we are adjusting quite well. Thanks for stopping by, Miss Khyra!
Irish Love,
Such cute pictures. Hope you both have a good time :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Weeeeee hello Khyra!
Welcome back to Merdie. So fun to know that you'll be posting lots of your playtime the coming days. We so love your "Cheese" shot for the you mom. We love how you cousins bond together.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Yay! HI Merdie!!!! Glad to see you back!!! We love you and Khyra!!!! Hugs JOey and Kealani
Welcome Back Merdie!!!!! Khyra you are looking very happy to see your cousin!
It's great you and Merdie get to spend time together again.
We hope you get more snow, but I sure don't want anymore. Spring is only 18 days away!
You girls are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! We LOVE the "Cheese" picture!
We LOVE the smiley photo of the two of you!!!
Tommy (and the Gang)
MErdie your so blond to day!!
El'bow & Hauwii
We love seeing Merdie! You are a super hostess to share your chew with her!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
OH we've missed you SO SO much.
Mom cant thank you enough for continuing to visit and support us eventhough we;ve been totally absent for the last month really. We are so lucky to have you as friends...
Thanks for pointing us to that link today. Mom went and read it right away and commented. We DO believe and know it was Theodore....
Kisses to Khyra and co.
Benson (and Gibson in spirit)
(and me, Jaime)
WOO HOO!!! It's Merdie!!! Looks like you two are having a great time together!!! We wish we could send you more snow...you like it so much!
Khyra you look like you are up to no good with that grin on your face.BOL...adorable!
Benny & Lily
Glad Merdie is visiting...you two look like the best of buds! :)
Loved all the photos - enjoy your week with Merdie!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hooray for Merdie! I think I'd like to come and stay at Camp Khyra one day. You know, if you promise not to eat me.
You're good at sharing!! That was a nice greeting video.
love & wags,
Hi Khyra! Hi Merdie! You both look great! Those are super cute pictures of you two together. We know you will have lots of fun together this week!
Oh how exciting. Merdie was more interested in the bone than you Khyra.. She didn't even care that Dad was leaving? We have a conniption fit when Mom and Dad leave..
Still enjoying that snow we see..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
There is nothing better than starting the day with a healthy dose of Khyra and Merdie-ness! Khyra, I would ask mom to put a bowl of the snow in the freezer for use in July!
Aww...yeah Merdie is back!
You are both so cute and was so nice of you to share your bone with Merdie.
Khyra, you are the best cousin! I love the close up when Mom was using the flashy beast - I didn't know your nose had that cute pink part. And you Bow is adorable...
Merdie, we are leaving now .
Nom Nom Nom
Really, we have to go. See you Merdie.
Nom, Nom, Nom
Are you go to miss us Merdie?
Nom Nom Nom
So glad to see you Merdie!!! We have missed you, haven't we Khyra?
Khyra you are being a good girl and sharing your things with your cousin Merdie!! Very good!!!
XXOOXX Bambi & Fern
Khyra you know I love you, but seeing how you treat Merdi, even letting her have the bone...I really appreciate you my furiend
Sure it was pawesome to have Merdie at home with you, right??
I know you love to share with her!
Kisses and hugs
You're so gentle with Merdie! What beautiful pics and video! You both look so cute and sweet! Have fun!
Hi Merdie! Hi Merdie! Hi Merdie! I'm just home too and so glad to see Merdie, but you know what? That picture of you "play bowing" to your cuz is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Adorable pic! And I know how sad you get when the snow thief comes stalking about - wish we even got that white stuff here at home! Enjoy it while you can!
Big Hugs xo
I'm glad for the up-close-and-personal view of your cute pink nose.
HI Merdie! I'm glad you had a nice visit! Smokes thinks your bone looks delicous!
I love the picture where your both posing, very cute!
Hi Cousin Merdie! I am happy to see you, Ever since I heard you were back, I been singin:
Gotta get my old tuxedo pressed,
Gotta sew a button on my vest,
'Cause tonight I've gotta look my best,
Merdie's back in town.
Just a little joke, Merdie! I hope you and Khyra are having lots and lots of fun.
Great pictures of the two of you together. Your play bows are perfect! You must really enjoy each other's company. We sure enjoy catching a glimpse of it!
Enjoy the snow while it lasts!
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo
oh merdie love
we missed you so
please khyra to hold her hostage wont you???
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Ms. K - you are rockin' the "cheese" photo. Be still my heart.
Oh Merdie
I am so happy to see your happy smiling face again. You have been missed! It must be so fun to share some time with Khyra and play with her toys from that big basket, and have someone to go on walkies with and pose for the flashie beast!
Khyra is a very good at sharing all that she has- just for you!!!!
We are so happy to see your bright eyes! And we are so happy to see that Khyra has a big smile too,
Merdie is back. OMD, she could be Lady the way she walks in and takes over the house, toys and Khyra's attention. Great video. Great life. Looks just like ours.
Your devoted fans,
KT and Lady
So happy that you get to spend quality cousin time with Merdie! :) Looks like she really loves that chew! How nice of you to share with her!
Yippeeee! Miss Merdie is back wif my Sweet the Khyra!!! And you know what that means...
Double my pleasure! Double my fun!
wif love from the Luke
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