Merdie being kharefully snoopervised whilst at Khamp Khyra

Resting up fur my shift

Merdie just hanging

Resting up again - this is tough work!

Still hanging!



Still digging her sekhond story unit - akhtually, he does too


This is where Butterskhotch was prior to the walk woo saw - where I was saying HI!

Ah yes - a sign of Spring - BroFur preheating in the sun

I think he missed his favourite spots

The brikhk portion of the house and the stones seem to keep him toasty and tasty

Mom went out fur some dusk sky shots and Butterskhotch was hanging 'round

So was BroFur

Look at that smug face of hers!!!
Merdie is going to extend her stay at Khamp Khyra into next week! Merdie's peoples are getting a new roof on the house and we thought it best she hang here rather than be all woofed up ovFUR GIANT manskhwirrels on her roof!
I know Doggy Nanny and Fred will be happy to see her too!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Merdie just hanging is so cute! Khyra, you're the cutest snooperviser ever!
Brofur was very photogenic this week! He let your mom get pretty close with that flashy beast. They seem to really enjoy their Khitty Khondo at Khamp Khyra!
Happy Khaturday, Khyra!
I know Merdie and you are going to have a great time together!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Khyra,
You and Merdie look very comfortable hanging in the house together. We agree that Merdie should stay a bit longer.
Aww~ there is nothing better then just resting and relaxing at a comfortable spot ;)
MFT, you work too hard! You should learn to rest up. Did you see that spooky video of our haint??? He best not eat our bones and beef hearts or it's on!
Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Foster Dude Skippy ^..^
So happy to see Ms. Merdie hanging out here...
It is very appropriate and special for Sassy's sponsored transport to start in GA...we're always proud of your mom!!!
Hugs and belly rubs from AK,
You must be thrilled to have extra Merdie time!!
Hi Khyra - yay, Merdie's staying longer! We loved her 'just hanging' photos - so cute! And who would want giant man-squirrels wandering over their roof - woof! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Khyra,
You and Merdie were really enjoy resting, ya?
Whoaaa... look at Brofur, looks so cute!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
We're glad to hear that Merdie is extending her stay, Khyra! You girls will have a great time together on walkies!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hello there Khyra & Merdie!
Hey Khyra! You look exactly like Miko when she's sleeping! Except for d markings on your face. You are such a beautiful Husky ! Merdie looks really cute hanging down her two paws hehe.
Butterskhotch & Brofur seems to be doing really well with their lives!
Enjoy your weekend!
Angel & Miko :]
outstanding paw placements, Merdie! I luv how they hang...Sugar
Very good ideer to has Merdie hang at your place while the giant manskwerrels is on top of hers house. They camed here once and I tell you, it maded us very nervous. They is so loud and it woz just plain creepy.
We love the pic of Merdie hanging out. Brofur and Butterskotch seem quite comfy with you around.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Khyra!
Thanks for stopping by! I am most appreciative of the new friends that Mango....errrr Dexter has brought my way! It looks like our Momma needs to come over and take lessons from you on resting.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
I loved merdie's "hanging out" picture, good catch!
That is a great idea to work in shifts so that you can both get your beauty sleep.
I wanna go tuh Khamp Khyra!!!
Pee S: Dang that's a big cat!
Extra time with Merdie, yipee!
I love how your paws are crossed in that first photo. :)
Great news that Merdie is staying longer than expected!
Merdie is very wise to stay at Khamp Khyra! Construction can be hard on a doggie.
On the other hand, most of the men who work on our house bring pretty big lunches...and they are almost always willing to share.
"Schmart Dog, Likes Food!" (that nice Romanian guy who fed me sausage!)
Have a pawesome Khaturday!
Hope you & Merdie have a blast:)
Just a relaxing weekend fur eFURyone at your place - ours, too☺
How nice that Merdie is staying over a while! You two will have some real quality hanging-out together.
I think Khamp Khyra is much more peaceful than PeeWee's Khamp Hunch a Bunch! I'm just sayin'.
I'm glad for your sake that Merdie is staying a little longer! You two seem to have a wonderful time together, even when you're 'just hanging'.
Butterscotch knows how to stay warm - smart kitty.
Butterscotch and Brofur are two very healthy looking cats! You all take good care of them!
Hi Cousin Merdie! Glad to hear you will be at KK to welcome Doggy Nanny and Fred back!
Khyra, are you following the Iditarod? A grueling race, but we are gonna root for DK's choice Karen and her pack.
We are having rain which is freezing on the streets and causing trouble for drivers. We stay home!
Have fun welcoming your traveling Nanny and Fred, Khyra!
Wowzers! Merdie is going to hang around a little longer. You are such a pawsome poofer to have her stay at the queendom for a while. Must be great to have company. How do you contain yourself around those kitties. They must be really nice to not get 'the pounce'
Paws and poofs,
Ozzie and Zozo
Do you and Merdie ever play together?
That spot on the rocks where Butterscotch was laying, does not look comfortable at all.
Enjoy your Merdie, while she's there.
You are so funny. Actually, I've seen those manskhwirrels before. They can be very noisy, but they usually move on in a few days.
Merdie, you are just so cute. Always good to see you.
Khyra, Kats are not tasty, we are sometimes TESTY, especially with doggies. But you are such a love we could never be TESTY with you.
Hi Butterskhotch and BroFur good to see you enjoying the sunbeams.
From now on I am going to be known as the snooperviser of Camp Misty.
Misty the alpha snooperviser
My! You are getting sunshine! Yay! Everyone looks so content at your house, Khyra! All happy, relaxed faces!
And, yes, me and me fur mom are adjusting quite well. THanks for asking!
Irish Love,
Nice to see all of you again. Including the kitties. You do not need a strong stomach to view them, Khyra. You're such a tease.
I think it's great that you two get to hang together some more! Manskwirrels sound scary!
You're super sweet to take care of Merdie, looks like a lot of hard work; you really do need all that rest.
We love cats, unfortunately Calvert loves them a little too much, if you know what I mean.
Super cute hanging pictures.. Good to see lots of my kind too.. I am glad we get to see more Merdie and doggy nanny will have a double big welcome home.. Hugs GJ xx
We likes Merdie's just hanging picture! Khamp Khyra sounds so cool! And of course I am partial to Butterskhotch pictures!
Monty says "Hi Khyra and Merdie"!
Yay, Merdie's extended her visit. I bet everyone's happy with this arrangement. As for the kat, I bet unlike Khyra he's looking forward to the snow finally melting.
Hi Khyra,
We just luv watching you guys! You seem like such a nice happy little family.
Riley and Star.
Merdie's hanging pictures are so cute! Khyra Khamp look so cool! Have a great time you two!
Great pictures of Brofur and Butterskhotch.
You look beautiful, as always!
You 2 sure know how to just hang out. Sure glad Merdie gets to stay a bit longer. We love seeing her..
Those kitties are sure enjoying the warmer weather too. You better get out there and enjoy your snow. That snow thief is coming for sure...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I love those pictoowes and youw Bwofuw looks like he's enjoying the coming of spwing even thoug I know you miss snow(come to my bloggioe , I have the pictoowes fwom youw twip to the Fwench alps) I'm glad mewdie gets to stay.she is such a sweetie
smoochie kisses
Woo-hoo, a week long "Merdie Marathon"!!! Excellent!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Ah, Khyra, I just LUVS our tours around your place! I bets you're Most Happy that your khousin gets to stay longer. What fun!
Wiggles & Wags,
Happy Khatwatching! Watche 'em closely cos crikey...they sometimes do the roof climbing like the mansquirrels.
Wiry love Eric xx
Very cute pics! It is so cool that your friend gets to stay longer. Party on!
Oh Khyra you sure do have a lot of furry ones to snoopervise over there. Kittys, squirrleys...and Merdie...BOL
Benny & Lily
Dear Khyra, I came over from Jack and Moo's blog. You are a beautiful snoopervisor and Merdie is a very lovely snoopervisee! The kitties and skwirrel will keep you busy. If your kitties are like mine, they're not too keen on being snoopervised. Good luck!
I know Merdie has the best time at Camp Khyra!
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
Keep up the hard work girls!!
mollie and i want to thank you for diverting a catastrophe at the event on our blog... your words of wisdom were a stroke of brilliance!!
OMD, how did we miss this one today? Mom is really slacking bigtime. She will blame it on Ciara, but no, she is just getting old.
That's a whole lot of Khaturday stuff today. We do like that shot of Brofur by the brick wall. And Miss Merdie just hanging - too cute. Glad to hear she can stay longer and please tell the DN welcome home.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi beautioful Khyra and sweer Merdie.
I am so happy that you get to spend another whole week together.
What fun for you. We cannot wait to hear more fun and adventures.
Such wonderful snoopervising skills! We had some warm sunshine today and we sure did like it!
Those are some tasty looking morsels!
Merdie is such a zen doggie :) The two of you doing your relaxations together is very sweet!
I has such fun readin about u and Merdie and the snow. I wish I could play there. :) P.S. Hello to ur kittehs.
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Those are summ furocious pics of those khittis. I hope Merdie's takin' good khare of mi girl. Sorri bout the snow thief..looks like he's targeting woo.
Your BG,
Woohoo, Merdie is staying longer at Kamp Khyra!!! Brother looks great sunbathing.:)
Teddy Bear
double pibble woofs for mardies stay
you guys have all kinds of adventures when she's around
cant wait to hear 'em
pibble sugars and wee wags to both
the houston pittie pack
Hi Khyra, those are cute piccies of Butterscotch and Brofur.
And also lovely shots of you and cousin Merdie. You both look so relaxed. :)
What a wonderful Khaturday Khyra and YEAH Merdie staying!!
Wow - it looks like spring is coming where you live, too!
That pic of Merdie "just hanging" made me BOL.
Those CATs like to sun eh, I guess they aren't totally dumb. I like my snacks nice and warm anyway!
Hi Khyra! We are behind so we just wanted to stop and say hi to you and Merdie!
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