Merdie and I would like to thank Mochi and her mom fur sending us some pressies a few weeks ago! Mom waited until Merdie khame bakhk to give us ours! Here is a video from that!
Mom had gotten some yummy nom noms BUT of khourse they are LONG gone with not even a khrumb of evidence!
I will make sure Mom gets some pikhs of us enjoying our nom noms when she opens them fur us!
Thanks again!
The One The Only The One&Only Dennis pawed these my way/our way

This one I had done in the past - but here is the link to it if woo would like to see what I shared then - most of them are still spot on - of khourse, I won't tip my tail as to which ones aren't anymore!
Woo are special just cause you're woo, MFT! Hey, I recognized that lobsta even before mom read me your blog --- I'm glad Merdie likes it too! Your snow may be leaving, but woo still have ots more than we do, so enjoy, my deear!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Awards galore! :)
I am very thankful Friday is just around the corner. One of those weeks!
Merdie doesn't get to wear a big cord around with her when she's outside. she must be jealous of yours.
M the a P
Yes, Khyra! You are very special!
Mochi sent you all pawesome presents!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, everything about you makes you special! Merdie and your mom are special too! Hope you have a great Thursday!
We are so happy to meet Merdie! What a good looking pup!! We hope Khyra enjoys the ever shrinking snow... watch out for those birds!! xoxo Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle
Umm Khyra.. don't look now but that birdie is right behind ya! birds mess with me all the time too! Hey merdie luv the LOBSTAH-
back to doga.
Look at all your awards. Congrats, my sweet friend. We loved the video of you and Merdie. That stuffy Sibe toy looks FUN!
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
We sooooo knew you would understand the staring and deep thinking!
Great presents and great Awards - you deserve them all and how lovely Merdie is there to share in the fun.
Sorry it looks as though your snow might be packing up.
Martha & Bailey xxx
you are very special, You and your Mumster and we're glad that you're being honoured.
chikisses and have a great weekend as dadster's flying away to another country and i Will have fun with that little devil who's been getting me in trouble this past week
notice my body language in our Wed post.....i'm Not with her bol!!!
Woo, Khyra, come on down - we have had another 10 inches or so of snow in the last 2 days.
hey Khyra and Merdie,
Congratulations on your furry cool awards!
I hope Merdie didn't get dizzy from thinking so fast! And Khyra, beware of stalking ducks!
Those Sibe-head stuffy toys were way cool! And those treats looked very yummy! What great furry friends you have to send you such pawsome gifts!
Don't you know it is all those kisses and hugs you give all over blogland that are part of what make you so special, Khyra? That and a whole lot more. Great pressies from Mochi. We love those cookies.
Yikes, we see green and brown and black in your yard - what is happening to all the white? No chance of snow here for a bit - we have 50s on the way.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Miss Khyra,
Sorry that winter is closing down on you. I would send all the snow I have left your way if I could.
Congrats on the awards and pressies! The photos of you and Merdie are great.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Congrats on your awards! We like your Doga poses :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
The bird hunt gave us the giggles this morning! It looks like you two are still having great fun together!
Sorry your snow is going away.
Hey special ladies...we love seeing the doga pictures, and we understand that Merdie has evolved to a higher plane where she does not need to bring her mind and body into harmony...it IS.
What wonderful things to be thankful and thoughtful about!!
Hi Khyra!
Kongratulations on your awards!
Are you wishing for something there in the snow? you had you eyes closed..very cute!
Enjoy your snow while it lasted, lucky lucky woo!!
wow.. your blog is so heavenly! im glad im your follower and looking each day with you through your eyes at times i vist your blog
I knew you were headed for a nap, Khyra! You had those sleepy eyes on you!
Take care and hope you had a good nap!
Wooos are special because of the Fluffy Tail...and the kh's.. and the really wonderful things woo and wour Mom do everyday in this beawootiful blogging world!
Enjoy each day!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You are so special, you, your mom, and Merdie. I'm so glad that your friend is visiting.
That snow is shrinking fast. You need some more!!!!
ConCatulations on those great awards. We hope your snow stays around a little longer. Mom says it's yucky when the snow starts to turn black and icky.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are so thankful for Khyra & Merdie!
Mom thought Merdie's little paw sticking out on pic #4 was "adorable"!
Have a great TTT Thursday!
You are all so very special! Sorry about your snow situation, Khyra. Our doggies sympathize -- it's 60 degrees out here in Denver. Yay mud.
Something makes me believe you've learned about that concrete bird the hard way....
My post today is also about thinking. But I thinks thinking is hard sometimes. It looks like thinking comes awful easy to you and Merdie. And that is definitely something you should be Most Thankful for!
Congrats on all those awards! You have a really nice place here! And I myself am very thankful I found it.
Wiggles & Wags,
You are so clever with your Oz reference MFT. I said I would have the Wizard send YOU more snow... me? I hope I'm done with it for this year and the warmer temps and sunshine are a welcome change.
I'm not exactly sure where the yellow brick road is located, but I'll google it before I take off. Hopefully, the Wizard will be able to give you at least one more snow fix (although now that I think about it, he wasn't really much of a Wizard.) Well, it's worth a try. I'll keep you posted.
I'm with Merdie...I could use a nap right now!
Hey brilliant to come and see my pal again. I missed you all so much.. I am back now... Cngrats on your lovely awards.. Hugs GJ xx
Congrats for the great awards. We loved the present movie...You got some tasty treats and squeekful toys. Enjoy!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Foster Sibling Maggie Mae
You gotta watch your fuzz around those quackers....
WOW! THat is some advanced doga move there at the end. I need to work on the head turn at the end of my downward dog.
Paws and hopefully a little more of the white stuff for ya. It suits you well.
I hope the snow sticks around for you. Good advance dogs moves, I will has to try and learn those ones!
It is March 4th Khyra, so enjoy every bit you can of your snow. Don't miss a minute of it. It will be gone pertty soon!!!
Love you Khyra, Fern
The Husky Heads are my favorite toy right now! For some reason I am pretty gentle with it. That lobster looks like a lot of fun! :) Thanks for sharing that fun video! :) Congrats on your awards!
Yay, it's almost Friday! :)
How many awards did you get this time? Wow, congratulations. I enjoyed the video too. Hey, idea, can we pass Merdie around like we're doing with flat Brutus?
yea..SNOW is the way to go! I had so much fun for my First SNOW! rooo roooo!
Did you get that bird that was following you??? He looked rather sneaky to me! Just sitting there...suspiciously...mmm?
Have a great day...
Paws UP!
Are you a Bird Dog too?
I'm wiff Merdie on dis one... ;-)
Oh how we have missed Merdie!! I'm glad you got to visit!!!
Miss Khyra, we are very sorry your snow is going away. Maybe you will get a bitmore before Spring really settles in.
We agree with Merdie...naps are the best!
Awwww - wonderful pressies! Love your show and tell set-up with Mochi's blog in evidence! Furry creative! And the pressies look yummy and fun to paw around and bite on - woofs! Sawry that the snow is disappearing - with the way this year's been going, I'd like to bet you'll get more?
Hugs xo
hi k & m
oh we love your photos! we are so glad you had such a great time together!
m & e
Congrad's on all your awards...
We are not to sure you are excited about that noisy Siberian head though.. Merdie you are pretty lucky to get to visit and get presents..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I am finkin I am fankful for two beautiful girls in Pawsylvania!
wif love from the Luke
Congrats on your awards.
I thought that bird was going to get you, pheww...glad you are safe and sound!
Seems like you and Merdie have lots to be thankful for and to think about! I too have lots of thankful thoughts to think this week. We are all so fortunate, my friend!
I liked the awards and the nice pikshers. I would love to hang out with u and Merdie. :)
Congrats on the awards! And we are sorry all the white stuff is going - but it will come back next year!
awards, awards, awards whoooooo
Benny & Lily
Love your Doga moves. What perfect form.
Congratulations on all your awards.
I am not one bit surprised, as you and your mom deserve them all
What an interesting contrast between Merdie and you. And well done. You deserve those awards! Have a good weekend.
It's cute seeing you try to lay on what little snow there is left.
Congrats on getting the prezzies! Those are always great to receive AND enjoy! The CCC
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla og hay hmmm i cannot see wot i am typing in the comment boks today silly blogspot!!! i hope this duznt come owt all misspelt and typod and wotnot!!! ok bye
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