Sometime after nightfall on Saturday, March 27th and 11:20 AM on the 28th the fourth egg arrived. This could be the full clutch or as in the past three years, the full clutch may end up numbering five.


I had to help Mom with an EMERGENCY ROTE ON MONDAY

As we were leaving BJ's

Taking my pawsition

Assorted stuffs...khan o'khoffee fur The Doggy Nanny (and Mom's lazy times)...a new bag of beans is on the floor along with some little cinnamon rolls...filters...a bag of KettleKhorn in khase a certain handsome furiend from MN khomes to visit...and the most important item is now in its spot

A new khrakhkberry

It is a furry lovely (or so Mom tells me) Smoky Violet - Mom like FREAKED fur three hours and 87 minutes when she tried to chekhk her phone Monday AM - the trakhkball had khrapped out - and at some point took out the keyboard - she khould receive khalls with her Bluetooth but that was about it - SOOOOO off to BJ's we went to see if it was able to be revived - NOPE - oh well - c'est la vie!
Then when we returned, Mom tried to put my post together and Blogger was being stoopid - it would upload a pikh but NOT upload it - it finally khame bakhk later in the day - I had already told her what I wanted the post to be about today but she said we'll do that another time - we are still SOOOOOOOO far behind in blogs that we'll KISS it fur Tuesday

Here is a pikh she took whilst she was downloading Sunday's pikhs to upload to Photobukhket - SOOOO I said why don't woo share
THIS VIDEO from the other week where I turned a modeling session into playing SRF!
AND now fur your Merdie Moment

This pikh was from the night she chekhked out from her most recent stay at Khamp Khyra
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
Please remember to chekhk out Twinkie's PAWESOME GABE event - we've decided we'll have to sit it out this year as Mom has too much going on to pawmit me to do it justice BUT I have been in touch with Twinkie to ofFUR a prize fur her to use as she sees fit!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: WOEFULLY behind in The Blogs - please furgive us - we are not resorting to the M-A-A-R button but it is tempting! Please be patient!
Khyra, thank DOG for you! You were able to make sure that emergency got handled! Love the picture of Merdie *waves* Hi Merdie!
sherbet skies... I like that!
LOL we LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED that video of you. You made mommy laugh when at first you wanted to part in playing ball but then all of a sudden ran to play with it. You are a cutie pie ^_^
wet licks
khyra to the rescue thats for sure
thanks for the update on the momma birdie
we love to see her
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
4 eggs!
I like the visits by cousin Merdie!
Thoughtful Merdie in her "contemplating life" position
I thought blackberries were for chomping?
Koda MD
Blogger was going crazy today. Hopefully it won't do it again for another 20 years! :)
I know what you mean about Blogger being wacky today, fur I changed my blog getting ready for the new once a week deal! The pics were there and then they weren't, the words were the wrong color, and so it goes.
I think they have settled down now. Your Mom loves your help and support!
Dearest Phyll and Khyra
I am still totally overwhelmed and not down from the "Clouds" (excuse the pun) yet! It's early morning here in SA and I've not slept much...trying to comprehend this awesome gift and love abounding in bloggie-land!
A really special THANK YOU to you for co-ordinating this incredible gift. I can't stop shaking at the wonder of it all and the depth of emotion amongst all the cyber-buddies.
Sometimes I feel so 'out on a limb' here in SA with internet interruptions and sites which can't download and I worry about my real 'GRATITUDE' being conveyed!
Your bird and her clutch of eggs is magical! What a treat to be able to watch it all!
Thank you for being "YOU" and for your role in our blogging-community. Thank you for all you do for those lost doggies too...and for your "Lost" friends in cyber-space. You are one special person indeed!
With love and licks
Glad you got the new crackberry, to be without is awful. Blogger was doing all sorts of stupid things yesterday. Glad thats sorted. LOve that Merdie fix. That photo is so cute.. You are such a darling in the video.. Love your expressions.. Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, your SRF games are so much fun! You always make our mommy giggle!
We loved seeing the Merdie Moment too!
Hi, Khyra!
Khyra to the rescue!! You are sooo good!
Those Blackberries scare my mom a lot! Haaa!
Happy to see Merdie today!
I read about Max's surprise. It is awesome. I felt sad I did not know about it!
Kisses and hugs
Woooo, a new khrackberry! That'll keep her busy!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Once more. We're here to tell you you are pawsome. For everything you do.
Off to remind Moma to get the ladder to check out our potential dove nest ... those four eggs reminded us of how special watching life develop is.
Thank you,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Technical issues? Ugh. Glad I missed the Blogger blackout.
Nice phone! :)
We're loving the birdie pics. Let us know when they are ready to :play: !
We are "Berry" glad to see that you are fully equipped once more!
Great ROTE photos, Khyra!
Are those eggs from the Easter Bunny??? ;-))))
Four eggs? Every time we tuned in she was sitting there hiding what was going on. I think four is enough. I know how hard the mom and dad birds have to work to feed those greedy hatchlings.
Don't worry. We know that sometimes real life gets in the way of the blogmosphere!
A fourth egg..woo hoo!
Oh, Mom says that Crackberry is very pretty! Hers is pink, but one of these days, she'll have to look for a new one too, she imagines. I don't want to think about how upset she'll be if it conks out like your mom's did! Not. Good. Hopefully Blogger behaves better today!
Oh Khyra...you were driving Grete nuts in that video...she was barking "get the football....NOW"! Then you must have listened because you did go for it!
Hi Khyra, Glad that your mom got the new khrakaberry. I hope she does not use it in the khar though.
Wow, I am glad that everybuddy else was having BLOG troubles and that it wasn't just me.
Four eggs. WOW!!
Hi, Khyra, this is our first visit, there are so many beautiful dogs on your page!...You're a sweetheart to help Mom out with the emergency!...Have a happy week!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
Wooooos Khyra! We totally understand about losing the "net" as "Psycho" Mum's computer crashed and she is working on the library one right how until she gets hers up and running....
Oh man, so the blackberry broke right after you bought it? I hope it's working now! Khyra, make sure your mom doesn't go TOO khrazy!
PURPLE>..we like PURPLE...
unfortunately, muzzer is still in the first G of cell phones, so we are stuck in black and grey.
Ah well, she is an OK cook.
We want to come play SRF with you!!!
And thanks for the Merdie "fix"...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy, and Buddy
I also missed the Blogger Down Time ... Wow, 4 eggs and Merdie!! BONUS!!!
I was so excited yesterday with the arrival of the Maxterpiece in SA that I could hardly focus at work. I marvelled at the dog/pet bloggers who, although many of us who have never met, opened their hearts for this most special project. You are all very special people. God Bless All of You.!!!!
Many hugs to you all, and I hope Caryl gets a bit of rest today. xoxoxo
Hey Khyra and Ms. Phyll,
Lot's of stuff to cover:
We had the same blogger upload problem as you did and it was very frustrating. We got around it by using Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer. Mozilla lets you copy photos from one place on to your blogger post, a little trick that ya gotta figure out is that on the blog post you need to type some letter and then select that letter (highlight it) to "paste" the photo over. For some reason ya can't post the copy unless it's replacing something.
We love the Merdie picture but think you're right about Ms. Merdie needing to trim down a bit; it's just not healthy. We realize it's uncomfortable to get involved in other family member's business but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Sophie is the only one of us allowed on ROTE to BJs because she won't try to open the packages and eat all the goodies.
We love SRFB and dad says he might buy us a FB so we can try playing GRRFB out in the paddock.
We have had our tails tucked in shame because we weren't involved in the Max Project but that was a GReat thing y'all did for Ms. Caryl; wished we'd have been involved cuz we are big Max Dog fans; he's GReat afterall. Bravo Zulu.
Glad that you got your Mom's phonie problems worked out!!
That shot of Merdie is GRRRRREAT!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Oh Khyra, do you know what I did to my dads blackberry? I can't tell woo! It's bad, bad, bad!
HI MERDIE! We miss woo!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Oh, Khyra, what would your mom do without you to helps her out on emergency ROTEs and stuffs? She sure is lucky to have you! And your momma shouldn't worry so much abouts getting around to everybuddy's bloggies. We all understand about the busies.
Oh, and I just luvs Merdie's Moment. She always makes me smile.
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra, my mom had a hard time with blogger yesterday! Blogger looked like CRAZY! Thanks for sharing Merdie's moments! So sweet! You're beautiful!
Have a great day!
Blogger was a big BRAT yesterday wasn't it??
That is a beautiful Crackberry your Mama got...my Mama couldn't survive long without hers either...
We're so glad Mom has you to help with the ER. And glad she got her phone going again - 20 years ago cell phones were just a drea and now our peeps think they can't live without them - we know, ours are the same way - Mom can't leave the house without her phone and camera.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
We had blogger problems yesterday too.. ANNOYING!!!
Cool new phone!
Sweet Merdie, so cute in that photo!
happy tuesday!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Two ways I define a good day...
1. A fun video starrin my beawootiful Miss Khyra!
2. A Merdie moment!
Ahhhhh... Today is a very good day!!!
wif love from the Luke
Pee. Ess. I notice you have on your Ides of March bandana! And the Luke loves it!
Khyra, you need to be entered into a football contest or on America's funniest home videos of you playing ball. You are too funny.
Mom is jealous of the purpley khrackberry! She loves purple anything.
The video khracked us up. SRF rules!
Your pal,
hey pal
we tagged you in a game ^_^ come over to our bloggie to find out more and learn about the Rules of the game
have fun
wet licks
Dear Khyra, Hi! We wanted to stop by and wish you a good week, and then we got to see those BEE-YOU-TIFUL Pikchures!! Wow! We love the birdie!! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! http://www.luluandlolly.com
We're sorry bout your moms Blackberry. Sometimes tech stuff just plain acts up. Grr.
We're also glad Blogger isn't acting up anymore. We can now see you again, Khyra!
Hi Khyra! We understand very well about being behind - we had to do a lot of reading not commenting to get as caught up as we are now! And your mom sounds like our dad - as soon as his phone gets finicky it is off to get it fixed or he is a crazy person. He has a non-crackberry but still gets all his email/text/calls on it. Our mom says she would be perfectly happy without a cell phone!
That is a cool new phone your mum has!
We enjoyed watching your video, ball play is such fun.
Blogger was a real pain for us yesterday too, we didn't get to visit many blogs. We had problems with commenting and seeing the pix on some.
We hope they have sorted it out now.
Mom loves the color of your mommy's crackberry! And that picture of Merdie is so flippin' cute! made mom LOL!
We are back!! Sorry you had technical difficulties while I was gone. Glad to see the khrackberry replacement is good to go.
That SNOW stuff is STUPID. It is like frozen rain and does not feel nice on my feet AT ALL. You khan keep it.
very nice that your mom is reconnected! I love how the phone has a nice little floof lined nest in the car! We are soooo behind too :-(
Khyra and mom,
Thank you for all your support and love when we were on our Hospice Journey with John and Gert. Sorry we didn't have any computer access otherwise we would have tried to keep up with your postings and blog. My mom and I just read through yours and laughed so hard watching you play with your football. You are so beautiful to watch and I love all the wonderful work your mom does. She's an angel herself. Ivory, Silver and Misha are so gorgeous. And what happened to Gretchen??? Your mom Rocks!!! I really like her lucky travel charm and her new purple Krackberry. Sorry it didn't want to work right. We cannot wait to see if 4 eggs turns into 5, maybe in time for Easter. And a visit by Merdie too. So much to catch up on. But again, thank you for all your love and support. You are a true friend. My mommy got all sniffy too when she read your mommy's posts. Much love, Woof, Josie and her mom
Khyra, we are so glad you are there to assist your mom with emergency transport and shopping. Not to mention advice etc.
Love the new blackberry - purple is our favourite colour.
We will come back and watch the video as mum chasing her tail again.....funny, cos we never do that!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Thanks for the birdie update! We love our Blackberry!
We are sure glad that you were able to help Mom out Khyra.. We are sure she enjoyed the company.. Great shot of happy Merdie...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
MFT: In response to your comment on my ever-so-delayed post-HAH! I'm not the ONLY furple with a techno-obsessed, eyes-glued-to-the-monitor, laptop-tanned person. And, again, I say, HAH!
But, 'choo know what? I missed you! I read what you're up to, but SOMEbuddy's fingers are too durn lazy to, like, leave a bloomin' comment.
She's on restriction. Forever.
That silly bird! Who ever heard of a bird laying it's eggs over such a long period. Sorry, Khyra but you know me, I'm anxious.
Thank you for posting about GABE, I hope you have lots of furiends who will notice. I will stay in touch with your mommy regarding ... stuff :) BOL
We know how much your mom loves purple, Khyra! Good luck with the new Blackberry! Our mom has problems using a plain old cell phone! She's just too old-fashioned to get with the program!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Momma birdie is going to have her hands full when those babies come! Thanks for staying on top of the situation, Khyra! It is good to see Merdie even as a remote correspondant.
We're way behind with all our visits and comments too! Just can't seem to fit it all in!
We just read Max's Mom comment on your post! It was wonderful - you could feel her excitment and appreciation in it! We were so honoured and thrilled to be part of the Max project! Has to be the blogging highlight of the year!
Love the egg photos - the NSLM really enjoys seeing them.
Best of luck to your Mom with her new phone!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Glad the emergency ROTE resulted in some good purchases. AND it gave you a good ride too.
Look at all those curls on Merdie - did she get a perm?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We love the way you inserted the little French phrase in there, but we thought woo were Siberian. Thanks for the bird update and sorry for tech problems.
Human lives get sooo khompikhated.
Our blogger template is still frustrating us. Hope the pix load for you tomorrow.
HI Khyra,
Blogger was being crazy yesterday and this A. M. too!! I have spent a LOt of time trying to get to blogs to comment today and yesterday!!!!!
4 eggs!!! Good for her!! I love watching the birds do everything!!!
Hope for better days, Bambi & Fern
Sounds like you are having a crazy week and it is only Tuesday! I know your mom appreciated the help you gave her on your ROTE (what does that mean? Maybe I should ask Star...)
I have a yummy gift for you on my blog, please stop by and pick it up.
We vote for a "Merdie Moment" every day! Good luck with your new Blackberry, we love ours! We would have liked an iPhone, but apparently we have sausages for thumbs. Khisses to Khyra for just being her beautiful self today (and everyday)!
Looks like a grape-flavored Crackberry ...
Dear Khyra and Merdie
Who is sittig on the birdie eggs to keep them warm? I remember a year ago when my mommy and I thought those birdie eggs were in your kitchen window and that your mama was peeking outside to take pictures of them. How silly we were.
We hate the computer being cranky and crackerberries too.
We hope it is being better today for you.
Thank you for showing us your sweet faces
Hi Khyra,
You look gorgeous in your bandana..
Blackberry? I much prefer blueberry, strawberry, raspberry... Yummm... (oh my mom just told me that these blackberries are not exactly 'berries'... ok I am confused)
Hi khyra
Tank you for sharing the video. Mommy is still lol-ing.
Nice woooh
Thanks for the egg update. This is exciting to follow along.
LOVE the new blackberry color. Same color as my moms eyes.
a broken phone is always a reason for emergency ROTE
As we have learned in the past several weeks, STUFF HAPPENS, and you just have to roll with the punches! Everyone knows of your care and love and won't have a problem giving you the space you need to do what needs to be done! We're so glad that us doggie's live minute by minute and day by day, and we can maybe teach our people that trick too! Corgi Dances and hugs to you and your Mom, Khyra!
...and we thought it was our laptop that made blogger act funny...
Looks like a very successful shopping trip.:)
Teddy Bear
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