Enjoying it whilst I khan

Khool AND White

Just chillin'
Merdie's dad sent these on Saturday of her getting ready to khome ovFUR on Sunday
His message with this one said SOUND asleep!
Merdie's people dropped her off Sunday evening so we didn't get any postable pikhs yet - especially since Mom needs the blog NOW to tell all of woo about her Sunday drive!
I will warn woo - there are lots of one certain fella in all these shots - she kept saying if she had been looking fur a broFur fur me, Truman would have been it!
Time to fur Mom

Oh yes Khyra - Truman was quite handsome and well behaved! He actually reminded me of Laska in looks!

Tally saying hi! Tally liked to watch traffic from the very back of the Xterra - then watch them pass us then he'd pick out another vehicle to watch

Our lucky charm again gave us another safe and happy drive

What a face Tally had! They speculate GSD/X - whatever the 'X' is reduced the GSD 'height'

Those eyes were just toooooo much

Truman road in the passenger seat most of the time - he ventured to the back for a bit but invariably returned to try and fit on the seat - that is in between showering me with kisses AND attempting to drive!

I finally figured out this is where we need to get off for
Martha and Bailey's (actually, I pass this everytime I do the Hagerstown to Harrisburg leg - this week traffic was such I could snag a shot of the sign)!

Truman was approaching prime plucking but I didn't start whilst driving

Just LOOK at him!

I really could not have asked for better passengers - they got along quite well - Tally had come along with a crate but I didn't use it for him

Four and 3/4 of the five passengers!

How about THAT fluffy tail?

Tally was always looking at things

Winslow - off to live in Southampton NY- the nice Mary lady fostered him in Charlotte and shed quite a few tears when she sent him on his way to furever happiness Saturday AM - another lucky dog that made it out in the nick of time (and in his case a heartstick nick of time)!



Yes, him again!

The nice lady taking Tally and Truman to Hamburg came with her Westie/Cairn Ollie! Ollie is one VERY lucky boy. Donna had a fire and sadly three of her other dogs didn't make it - the fireman grabbed Ollie out and was able to bring him around!
Merdie's back? Yeah!
Truman is a very handsome boy. I think you DO need a Truman brother!
I knew one of those M's meant Merdie! Great to see her again - and another weekend well spent...
But I still despise Mondays. ;)
If Truman doesn't have a home and a Mommy yet; then, you might still be able to convince her. He looks just like you. I think it is great having a brother. You really should try it.
Sally Ann
Now that's a lot of dogs in one car. We think you need a bus! Beautiful dogs and beautiful blog.
Riley and Star.
We think you need a bus too! What wonderful passengers to have along.
Emma Rose
hey Khyra,
You look lovely as usual enjoying your snow! Hope it lasts a bit longer for you!
Tally has an adorable face and Truman is quite the looker! The rest of the pups were a great looking group. Here's to paws crossed that they all find loving forever homes!
Khyra, if Truman were to become your fur-bro then there would be two amazing fluffy tails in one family!
We think you should have totally kept Truman!! Even the doggie nanny would have fallen in love with him!!!
Another wonderful transport for some wonderfully lucky pups!
Holly and Khady
MERDIE! We're glad Merdie came for a visit! We've really missed her!
Tally and Truman are very cute boys! They look so sweet!
Khyra, hope you hang on to that snow!
I sure could take Gabby home! I wonder what Ma would say....
Two floofytails in one house? Definately!
What a wonderful thing you do! I LOVED all the pictures. By the way Khyra, you WON my count the tongues contest!!!! Please send me an email with your address so I can send you your pressie! =) Congratulations!!!!
Wow Khyra,
You sure have a busy life. Mom says she gets tired just reading the things you do :)
Another great transport. Truman and Tally are adorable. Truman would be a perfect sibe sibling for you.:) Just look at that tail! You must be having so much fun with Merdie.:)
Teddy Bear
Horray, horray, Merdie's back! What a great weekend you all had. We think Truman is your 'spirit brother' if he doesn't become your real one, he he! You two are like two peas in a pod which is lovely. FH fell in love with Tally, such an adorable face. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Khyra
Happy Monday, Happy March!
You look cool chillin in the snow and Hurrah Merdie is coming to visit.
Your mom had some very nice passengers on Sunday.
Truman is a hunk! And those eyes......
We thought your mom would have taken that Scotland sign!
You could just have left Truman here and carried on.
Of course the other doggies were beautiful too and we hope everyone of them gets the best home ever.
We were so very sorry to hear about that fire.
How awful! It was good Ollie survived but tragice to read about the others.
Have a good day
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hey Khyra
That sign is getting me really confused. You are in the States, aren't you!?! I'll take that as a yes!
Truman is such a hottie - he makes mom drool....so beautiful! Hope he gets a happy home!
Geesh...it seems that Merdie is pulling off one of my acts!...zzzz!
Thanks for all the wonderful photos. You do amazing work!
Truman is quite the handsome boy, isn't he? His face reminded Mom a lot of Phantom, especially the expressions. Nice run, so good to see happy pups finding safety and love with either rescue or homes.
Can you just imagine, MFT, those two fluffy tails and pantaloons trotting down the street in your Walking Wednesdays videos?
Welcome back, Merdie. We hope you can stay and visit for a while.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara
Hey Khyra 7 Mom,
Our dad said we should get used to the snow going into the ground and making MUD. So when we bring the MUD into the house we're really bring in some of our snow. He thinks that we've had more than our fair share this year already and we should let some of the other people in the country enjoy any more that may be coming.
We loved seeing all the formerly lost souls traveling to their new furever homes. Truman would have been a very handsome companion. We wish them all well in their new second chance lives.
Please give our regards to Ms. Merdie. We hope that she enjoys her visit and look forward to seeing her in some posts. As always after a transport, please to be giving your mom 13 sets of hugs and kisses from us. Ten kisses to be long sloppery dog kisses and toss in 3 sandpaper licks fro the you know whats.
Stupid human! Those trips would go much faster if she didn't detour through Scotland every time. Gosh, even I know that.
Merdie is coming to live with you? Did I get that right? Good for you, but hope everything is OK with her family.
I am so glad ur Mom helps goggies get to their noo forever homes. :)
Those doggies all look very sweet. We wish them all the very best!
Tally is cute as a button! That Truman's a real looker! I would have had a hard time sending him onward, too.
Glad to see your mom had such a good run! That Truman is a stunner!
Very nice! I hope they all find great forever homes!
hi Merdie! welcome again
i've said it many times and will keep saying it ( yep, this chi is like a tape recorder )
i love your mumster for who she is and what she does.....
Woooos! MFT, what a handsome boy woo Mum had there! And she did not bring him home for woo! What a shame.... he was stunning!
Woos to woo Mom once again for doing another great transport, and thanks fur letting us know which way it is to Scotland... just wondering...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hope those doggies all find happy homes!
Yikes... your mom went to SCOTLAND? I thought that was WAAAY far away and that you needed one of those 'GASPORT' thingys to get there. Can the Xterra SWIM???
I don't know about a brother though. What would Merdie think?? Would he want to get into your bisquit hiding places and steal your treasures?
He does have that certain Pantyloon look though. I can see why there was soooo much temptation.
I am glad that this is the transport that was sponsored. It was a grrrreat one. Full of drama.
Hey Khyra!! Your mom is so great to help with rescue! Don't you evefur try to talk her into keeping one of those cuties as a permanent playmate for you?
Sorry we don't get by to comment very often. But we thought you might like to know that we mentioned you in our bloggie today, reminiscing how far we've come (khome?). Thanks for being a furiend, Khyra!
Brutus the Frenchie
hey Khyra,
me again! we just wanted to thank you for directing us to your last Spring posts and we saw and loved all the
cherry blossoms, irises, pink dogwood,magnolias etc etc.....
TQ so much
Another wonderful transport!! What self control, that Truman was a cutie pie!!
Looking forward to hearing from Merdie!
Our mom says she would never have been able to let Truman get out of the car except at OUR house... and she knows woo probably felt that way about Truman too... when the time's right, right?
jack & moo & Pat
Look at that floofy tail! If we transported as many dogs as your mom does our house would be overflowing because we would just keep them!
It is nice you get to see Merdie a lot.
And those are some good looking woofies!
Wow! Those are some cute dawgs!
So you know how we gotted all that snow last week? It was great. Then the snow thief started coming around and it's going away! :( What the paw??? Enjoy your white stuff while you can!
Your pal,
BOL Merdie was catching up on her zzzs before coming over, Truman driving part of the way...What a trip! As for the Furter family, I thought they came up with the best idea for sponsoring, I have awesome furiends, but you knew that :)
At furst we thought Khyra went along with the ride then we realized it's not her, it's Truman!
We would love to see what Khyra and Merdie did ofur the weekend!
Sam & June
p/s: Khyra please let your mom know that if she makes the pulled pork, she can use the crockpot. That's what mom uses to make hers.
Merdie! good to see you :)
khyra isn it cold on your tummy?
El'bow & Hauwii
Goodnesses, my heart got all melty looking at all those Most Beautiful Doggies! Thank your for sharing the pictures of your adventure. It looks like everydoggie had a great time!
Wiggles & Wags,
Those blue eyes.
That fluffy tail.
Brofur's can be lots of fun (except when they're not)
Jake and Just Harry
What pawfect passengers you had!!
Khyra I so think you should have pawtitioned to get Truman as your bro-fur!!
Welcome back Merdie.
~lickies, Ludo
Crikey. You Mom takes her car over the big pee every weekend? Lucky those doggies aren't put into Quarantine. Stay at home chilling Khyra... you always look so laid back..makes us smile.
Wiry love Eric xx
Truman is handsome, and you are bootiful...what a pair, what a pair!
And we think Tally is maybe crossed with a beagle?
Sorry we are so late, but muzzer says she has "things to do" some mornings!
WOO HOO!!! Another successful woofie run!!! Meowm is kinda drooling over Gabby. What kind of woofie is she?
We can hardly wait for pics of you and Merdie!!!!!
wnat a wonderful dog!
thank you for sharing the photos with us
have a great week
What adorable pups to transport! Truman is a cutie! Missed visiting, we'll be back to normal soon!
Oh that Truman sure is a cutie. We can see why Mom would have loved to bring him home. Khyra you 2 could have played int he snow together!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Truman is so handsome!
wonderful photos
thank you
have a nice week
Wow he certainly could give MFT a run for her money in the fluffy tail stakes! Are you sure the doggy Nana doesn't want another member of the family in residence?
Truman would be a great bro I bet!
My mom thinks Gabby is sooo pretty!
We love happy endings. What gorgeous dogs! thanks for all you do for them!
Woof! Woof! For the longest time I was wonderring the 3 M's...now I get it. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Too bad your mommy isn't looking for a brother for you. Looks like he would be a great match.
Hope they all find wonderful homes.
Khyra, Truman would make a gorgerous brother! We loved him.
Your Mom has a very busy transport.
Lovely to see Merdie back.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
What a great bunch of pooches!!
We hope everything goes well for them!
Truman is adorable! What a great addition to your family he would be!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Truman and Tally are both very handsome doggies! Your mom always seems to have the most well-behaved passengers, Khyra!
We can't believe you still have all of that snow! Ours is almost all gone!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That is a lovely drive with some great company as well! Truman is definitely a handsome fella! Glad to hear that all the doggies went to their furever homes! It's always great to hear about happy endings and new beginnings! *grins*
What great photos.
Toby thinks 2 dogs are way to much in a car... but hey you guys fit!
Hey Merdie, your looking good:)
What sweet dogs! Khyra are you sure you want to share your korner? Hmmm...Better have a talk with mom before she starts bringing home fursiblings. Can't wait to see Merdie again.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Truman! Wow! So handsome! What cool eyes! Mommie biggified that first picture and was mesmerized!
Great passengers.
Monty says: Hi Khyra!
PS: Oops the first picture of Truman we meant!
And we always like Merdie!
I see a big resemblance in that fluffy tail!
Yes, Tally has a very sweet face!
Kisses and hugs
How long is Merdie visiting for this time! I hope that you have a wonderful time!
Truman was a very handsome boy, but I gather he already has someone waiting for him? I hope that all these lucky dogs have a wonderful life in their new homes! The CCC
Nice transport, all great dogs. And thanks as always to Khyra who magnanimously lets mom use her wheels!
Now, why is it that I must come to Khyra's Khorner if I want to see snow and not out my window here in CO?
They are all very handsome! I hope they all find forever homes soon!
So, I don't see why you can't have a brother. Every girl pup needs one to boss around.
Holy CRAP! that trueman is PAWESOME! and you managed to resist PLUCKING him? oh the horrors! i would never resist that!
and that little gsd/x is too loveable too!
Ahh, another great group of pups! Sooo cute! :)
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