I asked Auntie Phyll to use her khrakhkberry to send some pikhs to my furiends and furamily to show them how much fun we were having
After we did the big loop trail, we did a bit of a khool down - I sent this to share my smile
And her smile too
This was from the flashie beastie - Auntie Phyll liked the khloud train
(more skEYE pikhs this FrEYEday)Flashie Beast on the way bakhk to The Xterra
Same fur me!
I was khwite the happy GiRl!
When we pulled in the driveway, we saw some of the same khloud train! It was khool fur it seemed to hang in the same sekhtions of the sky fur khwite sometime even though we had a furry nice breeze! They must have applied the brakes somewhere!
My khooldown as I kept thinking HOW RESCUE DOGS ROCK!!! Please go see what Ben's update about the fundraiser AND the 'rules' going furward!
And my khooldown to heat some of woo up!
The Khrazy One was doing her khooldown outside - she's like that!
Later, she had some fun with Siberian Rules Football - Springtime Edition - she tried to enlist me fur a game but I preferred to just watch and meander! Chekhk out the video and see! She did ask I paw a khomment about hoping Mango khould wrestle khontrol of the khomputer away from his momma so he khould watch this video - I'm not sure why but I'll humour her

Some have asked where the nest is lokhated - it is HERE in Harrisburg Pawsylvania
Merdie & Khrazy Khousin Khyra
Merdie, we will miss you. Be sure to visit Khyra and her blog often. It has been spring for a few weeks here in Vegas. We are now in the upper 70's. Enjoy spring. Khyra, stay cool.
How great to hear from you again Merdie, you're a fun pooch. Are you sure you don't want to stay on? Something tells me you'd be a happy dog...
We've nefur been furst before.
We love your blogging, Merdie. You learned to speak Khyra really well.
Tell us some sekhrets about Khyra nekhst time.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Merdie, you and your cousin are characters. You must keep your Auntie Phyll in stitches. (NOt real ones, we hope.)
Now Merdie
Don't you be going anywhere.
Yes you would be missed , so just sit down.
I loved that cloud train soooo much.
I think I will look in my sky for a cloud train,.
I loved your walkie with Khyra- and I love to see you have a good time in the sunshine
Choo choo all aboard the cloud train! merdie wait up, don't think i can make it around the entire loop.. i'll meet ya at the cool down area by the frig.
miss ft, is that a new bandana you're sporting? tres jolie! Ben ROCKS YOU ROCK! DWBs rock!
*momma birdie! we need more eggs plz.
Thanks Merdie and Khyra for a good post today. I am sorry to hear Mz Merdie is going home but I know her little boys will be missing her.
Come back soon, Cousin Merdie!
Cousin Stella
O hai, Merdie. I feel like u is mah cousin too! :)
Layla got all huffy and said, "*huff* Don't you guys know that the Easter Bunny is supposed to bring the eggs? NOT a bird?? Everyone knows that!"
She's cranky today! I think it's all the rain.
But I bet a pretty blonde Golden like yourself will cheer her up soon!
NIce walkies that you and Khyra were on, Looks like fun and the clouds were cool. We like to watch clouds too>
Our snow in IL is gone already so happy bout that!!
Khrya, maybe you should move the little beans in and then Merdie can stay with you!
Looks like you had a good time - those are pretty big skies...lovely photos - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hey there Khyra
I'm so sorry Merdie is leaving you...sob...I like her lots!
you seem to have had a super walk! Love the skytrain too. It really looks like things are heating up in your part of the world.
Enjoy your day.
So glad you all had such a warm outing! Lucky dawgs!!
Hey Merdie,
We saw a cloud elephant last Saturday; maybe that was a circus cloud train.
Youse guys look like you enjoyed your time in the park. We don't have a dog park here in the neighborhood, just our paddock and the lake.
Merdie, we are very sorry you had to go back to your other home for now. But we hope you can come back to Khamp Khyra's soon. We will miss you.
At least you did get a nice visit to the park. Tell Khyra that our snow is all gone for now. We tried to send it to her, but we don't think the snow cloud train made it to York.
And it's OK if you don't want to play football, you can just be the coach on the sidelines or maybe even a cheerleader.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Merdie, We're sorry your stay and Khamp Khyra is ending and we hope you're back soon! Thanks for sharing your Tuesday with us.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi, Merdie...
We will miss your smiling face & your froggie impressions...Come back soon!!!
What a beautiful day you had...
Abby xxxooo
Merdie, you look like you had a great time and it's nice of you to be so tolerant of the crazy one!
Hi there pretty Merdie!
I just love how you stick your foot out when you relax! It is a form of doga??
Merdie, I sure am gonna miss you! I hopes Khyra keeps us updated on your activities. I liked very much seeing how happy you were on your walkie. You and Khyra have the Most Beautiful smiles!
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra, What great pictures! You are all so Khute!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Merdie, It stinks that you are going to be leaving. We weally were starting to be friends! Hope to see you soon!
Khyra that was an awfully nice walkie you went on and you got to see the cloud train...all I see right now are clouds filled with RAIN! DARN IT!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Hi Merdie
Hope to see you again real soon.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi Merdie! It was so nice seeing something other than another Husky for a change You brightened my day! I hope you enjoyed your walk in the park and the Husky did not drag you around.
-Scampi the bright Border Collie
Merdie...we will certainly miss you and your lovely smile. How wonderful that you had a great day for a great walk to celebrate going home.
Two eggs? This sure is getting eggciting!
Oh Merdie... we will miss you but we are sure you will have a cameo appearance here and there.
Lovely Mama PF and 2 eggs!
Nice cloud train travelling along with you.... choo choo!!!
Have a lovely day, all!! xoxo
We will miss you!
ANOTHER egg! How EGGciting! :-D Falcons are awesome. How neat! We have a hawk that hangs around our neighborhood and an eagle stops by very occasionally, but no falcons.
Merdie don't be a stranger! We all wanna be updated on how and what you're doing! Meow for now! =^_^=
Wow, Merdie! It looks like you sure had fun! Mom took me on a super-long walk yesterday 'cause the weathers were so nice. Yeah for spring!
P.S. Tell Khyra that I'm in the midwest and didn't get any snow here.
Bye Bye Merdie!! Keep in touch. You are one pawsome dawg!
BTW...I won't show Midget the pik of the birdies nest. She's a bird killer.
RAMBO is the bird killer, not me! He is sitting here droooling. Poor fool. It's a picture!
Awwww - Merdie... we'll miss you too! But Khyra keeps us on our toes as you know! Love the 2nd egg from the PF! Can't believe a year has slipped by so fast! Thanks for telling and show!
Big Hugs xo
Hi Merdie,
So nice to see that the khrazy khousin let you have the blog today. Are you staying for an extended visit.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
Looks like you all had fun at the park! WOO~HOO
Those photos of the two of you basking in the sun are just gorgeous! Sorry to hear you have left Khamp Khyra, Merdie, but we hope you will be back soon!
Hurray for Egg #2!
Hi Khyra!
Tommy and The Poupounette Khitties
Merdie, we will miss you but I am sure you family does as well so until next time be safe and be happy. The walk in the Park was fun to share but didn't you know that is a rule that after the Park outing you have to stop for a burger or chicken taco? Check your contract...
Merdie, sorry to hear your time with Khyra is over for the present but hope you're back very soon! Great photos - what sudden warm weather so soon after snow!
We love looking at the egg photos - really gets the NSLM excited!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Merdie. We're gonna miss you. And we want you to know that it made us feel better to get your encouragement, to know that you aren't crazy about snapping and popping sounds, either. You made us feel just a bit braver.
And. Just in case you haven't heard. Another snow storm is blowing in. Tell Khyra. Maybe she could come visit, since we're pretty sure she is gonna be missing you.
Come back soon, sweet girl. An tell that birdie to be a good moma.
Fergi and Jake ooxx
Merdie, we're sorry your visit at Khamp Khyra is ending but it looks like you had a lot of fun! We enjoyed seeing your photos of your trip to the part and giggled at how you cooled off.
How eggsiting for two eggs!
At long last, the second egg! Yay. What a cool thing to watch. Thank you Khyra and mommy. As for Merdie sending proof of her happiness...silly girl. The world knows how happy you are over at Khyra's :)
We seem to be having trouble with every blog tonight leaving comments!
Merdie we will miss you and look forward to your visiting with Khyra.
You did an excellent job on the post today.
We love your sunshine and warmth.
We enjoyed the video but thought you should have played football with Khyra!
Nice to see the new egg.
The sky train was so cool.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Merdie it's so good to see you and "the Khrazy One" are doing well. Haven't been to visit Khyra in a while and I missed her sweet little mug!
Merdie, lovely post you did. I am going to miss you when you go home. But I think your mum and dad will have been missing you. Mum watched the birdie pictures and said it seems so mure clearer this year. Realy close. Loved the cloud train pictures.. Your walk was so good today.. See you later.. LOve GJ xx
Looks like you two had a fun time in the park! Sun and fun...what a great combination.
Another nice visit to Khamp Khyra!
Merdie, those Sibes are like that, they love to be outside. My sister is part Sibes, so she is like Khyra. Me, on the other hand, would prefer going where my mom goes. If she is inside, then I'm inside.
Samantha & June
Great pics! What do YOU think are in the eggs?
Mhm. Yummi eggs for breakfast I like that. hihihi. Only kidding. Nice pictures.
Nice report, Merdie. Woo must be a furry good influence on MFT, woo are sooo calm about everything. Thanks fur just being woo!
jack -roo & moo too
I am glad you had such a good time at Camp Khyra, Merdie!
Merdie you are so good at doing the post. Looks like you had a wonderful walk with your Anutie and cousin...
Beautiful pictures...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Is Merdie going home? We will miss you. Come visit from time to time, won't you?
Merdie, tell Khyra to stop whining. You still has snow in Pencilvania, you just has to know where to look. Go up in the Blue Mountains where I woz on Sunday. I still seened lots of snows up there. Enuff for both of you to roll in. Rilly! Mom even had to walk thru some.
oh super duper YEY!! for the second egg. this is MOST entertaining
thanks for the update
and give your khrazy khousing some sugars from ush and save some for you too
the houston pittie pack
Another egg, very exciting. Looks like it was a beautiful day there!
What an excellent day and it looked like a great walk. We love your froggie doggie approach, Merdie!
Dear Merdie and Khyra, thankhk you for sharing your walkhie with me! The cloud pictures are pawesome!
I'm late getting here today...It looks like everyone had a great time on their family adventure--Cloud watching is one of our favorite things to do too! :-)
we will miss you. please be sure to stop by
Hi Merdie!
Do keep in touch!!We will miss you that's for sure!!
Dat's right, Rescue dogs really rocks! Some of my fur-riends are rescue dogs and they are just the greatest!!
Enjoy your spring and a big HI to miss Khyra!!
How nice of auntie to take you guys to the park. Hope you had lots of fun
Benny & Lily
Hi Khyra and Merdi,
Thanks for taking us along with you!!! And a big thank you for the egg watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you both, Bambi & Fern
Lovely spring photos of the girls on their walk! Not that we know anything about spring...our girls are proud to be your snow deputies and so far, they're doing a great job!
We luv you Merdi so come back soon. O.k.?
Riley and Star.
Seems like just the other day you had snow! Enjoy your warm walkies!
I'm sure that Khyra is going to miss you as much as we are, Merdie! We love to read your posts, too, and it gives your Khousin a chance to rest up a bit after all those posts she's done over the years.
This is always a fun place to visit! The CCC
Momma watched the birdie at the work place. She looked kind of tired.
At one point she had three uber geeks in her office all just staring at the bird staring at the camera. This is where an engineering degree can get you.
Rescue dogs rock all right!
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