Here is a pikh from a ROTE earlier in the week

Mom snagged these shots whilst we were at the traffikh light - and since Merdie was sitting behind Mom's pilot seat, Mom khouldn't khapture all of her BUT the smile is there nonetheless!

Mom piled evFURRYthing on the front seat and floor since she khouldn't risk opening up the Xterra fur fear Merdie would run off (SNIKHKER) - plus, it would have khramped our travelling style - even if the ride from BJ's to the house is about ten minutes. I know woo khan see the most important purchase she made!

Earlier in the week - but woo knew that bekhause the yard still had SNOW

I shifted around to let Butterskhotch know I knew she was bakhk there and as long as she maintained her distance I would let her be THIS time

I think she's khopying my sentry style

Another day, BroFur was in one of his warming tray spots

Friday morning Mom subjekhted them to a flashiebeastie session

BroFur always bails straightaway but Butterskhotch is better about posing a bit - Mom did - GASP - pet her after this one - and believe it or not, BroFur ALMOST ventured into the house! He akhtually was part of the way in the front door when Mom noticed him there - she had left the door open bekhause I was out bakhk resting under my tree and Merdie was being Merdie in the kitchen - she nevFUR thought he'd be brave enough to try it - boys khan be SOOOOOO sneaky!

Mom snagged this one on Thursday as you khan see by the date/time stamp

and this one Friday AM - they have repositioned the khameras in preparation fur the egg drop - they are guesstimating sometime around March 21 or so based upon past years and this year's 'akhtivities' !
Here is the link to The Falkhon Wire News page so would khan stay up to date with the latest flappings! I also have a link on my sidebar along with links to other wildlife khameras!
Resting in the evening after full days at Khamp Khyra
Mom gets a smile out of our evening routine of settling in 'together'
Here are two videos of some akhtivities ofFURed here at Khamp Khyra!
The furst one is what Merdie chose fur Friday AM akhtivity time AND the sekhond one is what I chose fur Thursday afternoon's fun!
We hope woo enjoy them!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
It's good to see you still have a little bit of snow!
Oh Khyra...my mom would have loved to meet you. She met another blogging woofie though, and he's a handsome devil!
Purrs, Cory
I love the thought of the kitty cats coming inside to visit. I can see the look on your face now if you came in and saw one sat on your mat.. MOL.. LOve he snugly pictures of you and Merdie. I did notice your mum had bought the right things at the shops.. Have a good weekend.. Hugs GJ x
Hi khyra! Your Saturday posts are always so fun and special! Thanks for sharing em with us!! Have a great weekend!
You look very lovely in the first picture.
Hi, Khyra!
Sure you and Merdie had a nice ROTE!
I can see Milkbones for you... and cookies for your mom on the other side!
Kisses and hugs
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay yikes!!! before yoo no it yoo mite hav howse kats!!! and be kareful they bring deth rays and hoo nos wot else with them!!! ok bye
Khookies and Khats - looks like a great Khaturday to us!
We like how you and Merdie chill out during your evening routine!
OMD...I can't believe your Mom got to pet the kitty! It's probably because of that wonderful home you made for them...they are starting to trust you all! How cool that you got to go on a trip with your Mom...hope you got to hide some of those bones for later! ;)
Doing ROTE are always fun especially when when you get some nummys!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the foster
aww that last pikshure of you two is priceless
you sure your we'rent shisters seperated at birff??
pibble kisses and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Its always fun to see what the activities are at Kamp Khyra.
Kousin Merdie always looks so pleasant and sweet natured. Thats the Golden, I guess. Your football game is improving, isn't it. Can't you get Butterscotch and Brofur to join you? Make a team, like?
That Khyra stuffie looks most interesting. No wonder Merdie likes it so much. As for the football... too much bouncing around for the Mango. I would just be the goalie I think.
hmmmm cookies
hi kitty cat! :D wanna play with us?
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi Khyra
Well we know where to come if there is a dog treat shortage in the UK.
We so love a mom who knows how to shop.
Cool videos today - you two sure know how to have fun.
We like stuffies and football - can we come play?
Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Looks like you guys went for a Costco/Sam's Club run? Butterscotch looks quite cozy in the condo.:)
Teddy Bear
Cramped or not, I would have preferred the big box of Milk Bones in the back, so I could keep a watchful eye and possibly nibble on the corner of the box!
I will be watching for more about the bird mom and future egss.
Khyra, did you save some snow for summer cooling? I hope so. I got my mom to put some away for me.
wowie that is one HUGE box of milkbones!! What a score!
Nifty critter cam! Can't wait to see what else you catch at the feeder!
I see chocolate chip cookies, too! Do you give your mom dookies when she behaves? Does she hide them so you can find them?
Whoooooo...Me and Teka are absolutely GREEN with envy ofur your supplies! We would've been into that box in a sniff...which is why we don't get to go to "food" ROTE.
I saw MILK BONES! You are so lucky Khyra! Share the wealth! That looked like the JUMBO box!
hold on a second....MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Look at that gigantic box of treats!!! Woo-hoo!!!! Are there a few kitty treats fur Butterscotch & brofur?
jack a-roo & moo too
We still think you need to convince Merdie to come join you for some football fun together. Or maybe even Butterscotch and Brofur would accommodate you. Th Khats v. the Woofs, great game that would be!!!
Happy Saturday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woooos! I see woo had a ride, but then I got distracted by that giant box of cookies and I could go on reading no longer.........cookies now Mom!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra
Looks like you are in for a good weekend with all those treats!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Better watch it or you will be sharing the house with BroFur and Butterskhotch before you know it. ~AFSS
I thinks you would like it, cats are very entertaining. ~Fenris
OMD! I've never seen such an enormous box of dog biscuits and COOKIES too! I hope you know how lucky you are!!!
Tank (who barely gets enough kibble to stay alive)
I laughed watching Merdie have so much fun with the Siberian toy. She is so cute. Go Khyra!- was that a touch down?
It looks like you and Merdie are still having lots of fun together! That BroFur is getting brave!
Thanks for sharing such a great day!
We got a smile out of your whole post! Merdie has the smile thing down! And we love how you settle in together during your evening routine. You are awfully benevolent, Khyra, to allow your mom to minister to those kitties. We think they are very sweet looking. And we just love your Mom for her kindness!
Have a great weekend and thank you for voting for Bagger -- we really appreciate your help!
Hi, Khrya...
Just wanted to stop by & say Hi...
I sure have missed everybody...
I tried to send you some snow, but it melted & I knew that Tank was trying to get some from the Wizard of Oz, too...Sorry that didn't work...
Tell your Mom I said Thanks for helping all our Fur Friends...Your Mom is amazing...
Rosco will be telling his news any day now...
Abby xxxooo
The snow is almost gone.
Now may come the spring.
Have a nice weekend.
Nice woooh
Hi my friends
I've seen you've bought a lot of yummi stuff. Hope you'll enjoy it.
Nice woooh
I can't believe you still have snow!
We are going to get 3-5 inches of rain today thru tonight! It's better than snow!!!
Happy Saturday Khaturday!
Love the Saturday shopping photos! And I love the sunbathing on the front law pictures - looks like you are really relaxing! Wish we had some snow here - raining today, same for tomorrow and Monday! Rain means mud - oh, no! PS - I also voted on your design - very cool and good luck!
Oh boy - we don't have BJ's here but we do have Costco. When my family goes there, we usually spend like 400 dollars - no exaggeration!
I like to see u playin wit ur cousin Merdie. I bet she would win in a race. :)
What great video's. Looks like Merdie has her favorite toy and Khyra you have your favorite football..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, it looks like your ROTE was Most Successful. Do you gets to eat all those cookies at one time? Or does your mom stingily dole them out one at a time like my mom does?
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. I am going to ask my mom about the puppy khrakh you mentioned in my post today. I had never heard of such a thing. But it sounds Most Heavenly!!
We're glad to se that Brofur is feeling so much more confident. Ad of course we loved the photos of you girls!
Tommy (and purrs from the Chans)
Hey Ms. Phyllis, Khyra and Merdie,
Cousin Merdie sure doesn't need to expend as much energy as Ms. Kyhra to have fun. Siberian football looks like strenuous exercise so Jack would like playing that. By coincidence, Ms. Sophie went to our BJs today on what we als o now call a "ROTE" in the Suburban. On the way home she made mom and dad stop at Ronald's House of beef so that she could have not ONE, but TWO, McDoubles (without onions). She also got to chow down on 1/2 of a large order fries with our dad. We got rawhide chewies from BJs. If mom and dad continue to be so easily controlled by Sophie she'll end up weighing 150 lbs again.
I'd still like to visit Camp Khyra one day!
Well, first... I see TWO fings in front seat what might just have my name all over em!
But mostly what I gotta say is... You girls are so much fun!
I love the Merdie video on a counta she's so lovable and khute... and when you pan to the Khyra outside lookin in... priceless! You gotta know, too, Sibe football is my most favoritest khind!
Khan't wait to see where the Khyra hides the new bones... and if Miss Merdie follows behind her [on a counta, the Luke would!]!
Much love to my Pawsylvania beauties from the Luke
A squeakie sibe stuffie not for Khyra and a football not for Merdie :) Silly cousin Khyra sitting under the tree...BOL
We like the two videos. How fun! Especially Merdie and the Stuffie! Monty loves squeaky stuffies! Mom has Tribble which she hides (which is his absolute favorite). It makes a Tribble sound.
Monty loved that cake. There is still a bit more for the humans .... which he will be sure to get some.
Wow, look at all those yummy treats!
Hi Khyra and Merdie,
The time of year is nice to go shopping with Mom. It is not too cold and not too warm!!! Just right to wait for Mom in the car.
Sweet dreams Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Miss Khyra
The Patriots can use you as a running back this season. I hope it's your free agent year.
PS- mom did you p/u that case of frogs from bj's for me?
Oh looks like you made a Costco run!!! Do you guys have the bully sticks there like we have? Hugs Joey and Kealani
That's a HUGE box of treats! Wow! I've never seen a box so big. You girls are very, very lucky!
I am thinkin' of travelin' the countryside...is there room at Kamp Khyra for a 3 legged red head?
Jeepers Khyra
What kind of store does your mom shop at that has doggie treats that big?
oooh Mom sees tiny blueberry muffins!! she has had those from Costco and they are DELICIOUS. BUT I see what is impawtant to woo!!!
We just love Khaturdays!
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