How I have fun by Merdie

Of khourse, she thinks THIS is fun too - chekhk out another SRF match
Khousin Merdie & Khrazy Khyra
Of khourse, she thinks THIS is fun too - chekhk out another SRF match
Khousin Merdie & Khrazy Khyra
Hi, Merdie!
Sure you two enjoy being together but also having your own space, right?
Kisses and hugs
Merdie, we has fun yike you has fun but sometimes we has fun yike Khyra has fun - a little of this and a little of that☺
Isn't all of that white stuff cold on your backside?
Happy dogs make for happy posts! :)
opposites attract quite well wiff you two right?
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Merdie, you'd have even more fun if we were there to run and play with you!!
Merdie you're a cutie patutie! hitting the bottle a little early aren't ya?!
just sayin'
Hey hey hey. We're back! It's good to be catching up with you and ole Merdie again!
Yes, that was a gorgeous pup on the dogsausage pack. But we keep saying, dogsausage i snot really made out of dogs so no chance that the cute pup was on there for that reason...
Wootwoot Merdie! You GO for that drinkie! Loved the switch view to Khyra hangin' in the snow. You two are some pals!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi Merdie
What a very cute video of you with your squeaky toy.
You so remind us of Martha cos that tail just wags away evertime you are spoken to.
You have just settled right in there with Khyra.
We like the way you like your own time too - if you need some help with your fight with the bottle let us know.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
You two must be having a ton of fun together!:) I would be outside with Khyra, taking in all that white stuff before it goes away.
Teddy Bear
merdie and yr happy waggy tail is soo cute!
and khrya sure knows how to enjoy the snow!
Merdie, I like your kind of fun! Napping is grand!
What what Khyra doing in the middle of nowhere!!!!!!
Your snow is disappearing...still lots up here in AK...wish I could send you some!
Hi Merdie,
How nice of you to let us see your favorite things - looks a lot like what we like.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Merdie, you are my kind of gal. That is most certainly the proper way to enjoy a squeekie toy.
Happy Girl Merdie - what a fun time you were having, we thought for a minute there that this was a video from many years ago - such puppyness you still have in you.
And Miss Khyra, you have your own Snow Island, all around you is green. But are you sure it is snow? Mom's crunching on it makes it sound like some sort of crinkly styrofoam.
We love watching you play SRF, but we think you need at least one more sibe to make a real game - we are on our way.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You both look like you were having a great time your own way!
It your looks cold there but I'm glad you have itm instead of me.
You and Merdie make such a good pair.
Great transport!! Thansk to your Mom again.
I thought you were in Alaska, at the Iditarod... oops! I hope Mom doesn't see this!
Merdie in action! Woo-hoo!
She sure does like her wine doesn't she. heehee
Wooos Merdie, woo remind me of a certain BC when woo play like that... squeaky, squeaky squeaky.... no wonder MFT is outside, I know I would be too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Merdie looks beautiful! It looks like your snow is disappearing, Khyra!
Love seeing you in "action" Khyra!
Sam & June
p/s: mom is a little cornfused about those Words you left in her comments.
Hey Merdie! You both look pretty happy in your own skins...but Khyra has more floof on hers, so she stays warm on the snow.
Great post Merdie!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Foster Sibling Maggie Mae
I'll never get used to the idea that any dog, even a Sibe, likes to relax by lying in snow! Enjoy your Merdie fun!
Merdie, you do the squeaky toy head bob so well! You are definitely having fun. So is Khyra in her own Sibe sort of way. Two happy dogs!
Poor Khyra trying to hold on to her snow. Maybe you should put some in the FREEZER for future enjoyment.
Merdie, you sure know how to party!! Those stuffies look just about partied out!!
We hope you will take some time to help Khyra hold on to her snow!
we had a feline visitor on Sunday, Sheeba let it pass.
Merdie...that Khyra looks like Stanners khoolin' himself in the can send ya some...we still have ALL OUR OURS, cept for one little western patch of grass...but it's meltin' more every day...
Khisses to all!!
Happy Tuesday, it looks like you are having lots of "Merdie" fun!
Mack here. I love the snow! I always play bitey-face with the snow, it doesn't bitey back though, but thats okay because that means I am always the winner!
Wags and Woofs,
P.S. Doofus Mia says hello too!
Hey girls!!!
You look soooooooooo happy taking your own funny time!!!!!
We love love your video....and look sooooooooooo cute sleeping next to your toys....
Khyra.....PAco & Maya are just like you...they love to lay in the snow....and thinking about life and friends....
Milo is like Merdie....he loves take his time sleeping close to mommy and have his own private space....
We would love were there and give you both tons of hugs and licks!!!
You girls are soooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!
Enjoy your day!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Have a ball, you two!
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi Merdie! I like playing in the snows but I don't like sittin' in it. I don't have as many furs on my bottom as you and Khyra do. So I would rather do what you did and hang out in the warm, cozy house!
Wiggles & Wags,
I'm with you, Merdie, on the handing out inside with the TOYS! That pic of Khyra's funny, though, when she sees Fred. Made me chuckle!
Your ideas of fun aren't THAT different, Merdie! Khyra just prefers the cold surfaces to the carpeted ones! Looks like she's going to hold on to that last little bit of snow for as long as she can!
Glad that you two are getting along so fabulously!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Merdie, your kind of fun is awesome!
Khyra, I like how you kept throwing your football around so that your mom had to go get it. hehe
Your pal,
You girlies looklike you are having a good old gossiping time. make sure Khyra protecst that snow cos it looks like it's slowing going...
Wiry love ERic x
How can two cousins look so different, yet be so similar, yet so different, yet quite similar when you really think about it?
Squeaking toys be very fun indeed Merdie! I likes the way you sit, but it not look very comfy!
~lickies, Ludo
Merdie, your fun looks a lot warmer than laying on snow! You girls both know how to have a really good time though whatever way you choose too!
Ha! Laying in the snow, of COURSE! :-p Where else would you find a Husky on a Saturday afternoon? :-D
Merdie & Khyra, What special pups - Merdie loves her stuffies, & Khyra loves her fresh air & snow. We thank you & your Mom for voting for us every day. Edith may have a new home soon. A meeting is being set up between her and people who want her. Paws crossed that it is the right furever home for her. If not, she can stay with us until the right one comes along.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica
Our two girls get to enjoy what each likes the most :)
You both enjyed yorselves in your own way. I loved watching you with the ball, looks like a lot of fun... Hugs GJ xx
Happy dogs! Each in their own way. What could be better?
Enjoy the week!
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Chillin with you looks like a good time! I enjoy a nice relaxing cuddle with my stuffies too!
He means with MY stuffies! The little theif. Anywhooo, HEY, we have a link on our sidebar to a cool blog that has photos and updates on the Iditarod. Come on over!!
AireKisses, BabyRD
is Merdie using the toys as pillows?
You look cool out in the snow but we would be cuddling up with Merdie and the stuffies.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Merdie, you are just so sweet, we love you!
Oh, we love you too Khyra!
I'm pretty sure I prefer Merdie's version :)
You 2 sure know how to have fun. Merdie with he Doggy Beverage toy and Khyra with her football. Great job at keeping mom active Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
How come Merdie isn't out in the snow with you?
You sure do look like you have fun with your cousin! You still have a lot of snow. Ours is almost gone!
Love the Merdie updates!
Lovely to see such happy cousins together!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Merdie, We love the way you have fun. That's the same way most of us have fun too.
No one chills like Ms. K.
Merdie - you are the queen of the nap..
If you two are ever lookin' for a date - there are 4 of us to pick from.
Ok, I was right... I'd definitely like to be the frow rug!
Wif love for the majestic Miss Merdie and her beaWOOtiful khousin, the Kyhra(!)... from the Luke
that was fun!
Merdie, I'm with you! Inside where it is warm taking a well deserved nap! Nothing better than that. I agree also that Khyra is crazy but I think I've told her that a time or two ;o)
Merdie, since we are cats we think your way of having fun is great! It is much more our style! But we know Khyra loves the snow, and that is ok too - as long as we don't have to join her in it!
Merdie, you are just a party animal! Poor Khyra is going to be SO sad when the snow is all gone! It is perfect that you two can enjoy being together and still do your own thing.
Aw, so cute - Merdie has fun issuch a low-key dignified way. Wee're with woo, though, MFT. Lying in the middle of a snowy yard... now that's fun!
jack a-roo & moo too
Hey Merdie, forget about your kanine beverage. I'm sending you & khyra a carton of carlsberg! Wooohoo!!
Hey Merdie gets to stay indoors where its warm! Joey and Kealani
Khyra, you are just beautiful!!!!!
Merdie is so sweet looking!!!
It is so nice that you have her company every once in awhile.
Kiss for you both, Bambi & Fern
Hi Merdie and Khyra!
Great versions of FUN!
Ha ha Khyra! You got your mom trained well! :)
Looks like Merdie is enjoying her drink!
Hey Khyra,
Can we all come over and have a little drinkypoo with Merd. We want to see her wag her happy tail because WE LOVE MERDIE; she's GReat.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay gard yore snow!!! gard it well!!! it luks like the snow theef has ben in yore area agin!!! ok bye
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Woofs from Zoë.
Each to his own, I say... I'm with you, Merdie, but the pups and Sadie would be out with Khyra... watching for a chance to bark or chase something! OC
I bet Khyra will play inside with you when summer comes Merdie! Very nice stuffy playing video. I have never seen a pup pound her paws like that!
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