We've had some pawesome days in Pawsylvania this week

We hung out

And chilled out

And hung out

and rested up from our hangin' and chillin'
Now that your eyes have been khoated with khanine khuteness it is time fur THEM

Some Butterskhotch Khat-ga

She was ready fur a skhratch

And some posin'

A khytty khurl

and a move as the flashie beastie did its stuff

Mom khaptured BroFur looking handsome too

Around sunset they were hanging around the front yard whilst I was in the bakhk - that was when I helped Mom with the sunset shot she did the panorama version of fur FrEYEday's post - here's BroFur doing a flower pose

Butterskhotch MEWandered ovfur to help

Did that khoy thing
NOW, to help khleanse your eyes from the khat khooties, here are two videos from earlier this week
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
I love the Khat-ga!
I can see you had a very nice and sunny day!
Yes... Ben rock!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, that is an impressive pre-dinner dance! You must burn so many calories that you get to beg for seconds. And Merdie ... are you sitting like a khat? You're a beautiful dog, pretty girl!
Jake and Fergi (who wishes Jake would play quietly like you do, Khyra!) xxoo
Yes, it was magnificent, wasn't it! And you guys sure knew what to do! There are a few more good days coming, too!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Great shots as always. The morsels are looking yummy. And Ben does rock!
We just love Cuzin Merdie! And whatsup wif them cats??
Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^
I went over to rock Ben and almost forgot to come back and say Thank you for letting us know about Ben and his locks....er....Ben in a box....no wait...
are those your mom's khats or a neighbors or are they stray and fed by the 'hood?
Just hanging out is the best! Butterskhotch is cute in her poses! But of course me being a cat would think that!
That video "pre dinner spunk" is great!
Butterscotch is looking very handsome today - nice kitty stretching and loved shot among the plants with the sun shining.
You and Merdie had a great day Khyra, hanging out in the sunshine.
We immediately thought of you though when we were over at Jake and Fergi's - do you see the amount of snow they have!
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy chillin in the sun.
Martha & Bailey xx
a red cat
nice photos
i hope you had fun
All that hanging out and chilling looks too much like hard work to us.
wonderful photos
it seems that spring has already came to you
Why is our Mom squeeing over those silly cats - she doesn't even really like cats, except for a few special ones?
And Khyra, why do you let your Mom torture you like that? Just pretend you don't want the food at all and you won't believe all the different things she will add to it to make you want it more? Phantom can tell you all about that.
We really want to play football with you - circle zoomies are so much fun.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I would have opened that door for you! Goodness your DOH can be most annoying. But I did get to hear your pretty voice. Those were some super zoomies!
Butterscotch has some great khatga moves!:) I have to agree with you, sunny days are pawesome. And we think Ben rocks too!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra...
What a beautiful day you had...We've had alot of them this wee, too...I LOVE Spring...
Hope you & Merdie enjoyed your walk...
Abby xxxooo
It looks like you're all having an exhausting time. Must rest!
Love Butterscotch's one-legged Khat-Ga move!
I has to go rest now from watching all that chilling out and hanging out. Whew, that be exhausting.
Khyra, I was so surprised to see that you left a comment on my blog. You are one handsome dog! I like your orange friend, too. I think it is very exciting that you can go outdoors!
Cat Mandu
Oh, Khrya, I gets all excited like that too before dinner times! Isn't it just one of the best parts of the day? I'm worried though. After all that, did you ever gets dinner???!!!!
Wiggles & Wags,
You are quite the spunky one Khyra. You and Callie would have great fun playing zoomies together.. Mom always throws us outside when we start that in the house..
Enjoy your sunshine. We have rain..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra and Merdie loos so relaxed and happy...
Butterscotch has great balance and control on the Khat-ga pose!
Happy Weekend,
Oh no! Not cat cooties! Tee hee! You were all looking very cute today!
I know you miss your snow, BUTT look at the fun stuff you can do when you are snowless!!! I'm just sayin'.
Khyra and Merdie,
Now, how do woo have more green grass in Pawsylvania than we do in Mississippi?
You 2 are such beautiful lasses! I'm glad that the khats didn't have too many pictures... me prey instincts were starting to kick in... nothing against khats- it's natural, you know. Me muffer LOVES to play with khats--go figure!
Irish Love,
Love that Butterscotch pose!! Great stretch!!
OK, now my Mom wants a Merdie-dog that you can just open the door and let her out and she doesn't take off for parts unknown. I don't see why it matters THAT much, I just like to toot around the neighborhood if I get loose, but she says Oh, see what a good dog Merdie is!
So she is probably lookin' for one right now.
You sure have fun on your long lead, Khyra!
What a funny pair you two are! That jig you do Khyra is very entertaining to watch. It is a little sad that your human mommy makes you dance for your dinner, but I bet you stay slim that way, huh?
Licks and wags...
The stupid Wizard sent the snow here instead of there. I'm surprised Dorothy and Toto ever got back home with help like that!
Thank you for cleansing my eyes of the cat cooties... they were getting really itchy.
GReat pics of all furry animals! Khyra - I don't think you or Merdie could ever "take" a bad photo! And Butterscotch's cat-ga is an amazing shot - wow - wonderful photog. Mom of Khyra - furry, furry impressive! And yes, Ben and his herd absolutely rock - thanks for posting!
Big Hugs xo
woah that is some serious back leg extension. Glad you guys are getting some sunshine in PA, but I bet you get some more khold because PA is like that!
THANK YOU THANK YOU for sendin' over so many over your pals to help us rais a little $$$.
I'm headed out of here to go cleanse my eyes, twice!
Have a great weekend
Pawesome pictures!
Now what a post.. Pictures of two gorgeous woofies and pictures of two lovely kitties.. What more could we want.. And I agree that woofie does indeed rock. I visited his post earlier and what a fabulous thing they do.. Hugs GJ xx
Hey Khyra
I am from that state. So is our uncle. It sure looks like you had a great time.
Happy Saturday
Benny & Lily
Happy Spring!!!!!
khyra :D you have fantastic
El'bow & Hauwii
While we (Toby looking over my shoulder) were watching the pre dinner video ONE, Toby started to "speak" as if to say.... Please feed Khyra and Merdie now" It was so funny!
The kitties are so cute. Do they have a home??
Butterscotch is really good at Khat-ga! Both her and Brofur were acting like models today and Butterscotch even had her Diva moment when she left the photo shoot too early.
Loved your videos! Did your mom say you had a hairball? She's taking the Khaturday thing a little too far.
Have a great weekend!
Woooos MFT and Merdie! Are woo getting to know woo two new cats or do they not get that close. Even though we live in the same house as ours, we do not see him much. He is scared of Scampi!
-~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Nice piccies of you and Merdie hanging out in the sunshine.
Very cute photo's of the kitties as well, love the first one of Butterscotch..lol
One word for the videos - Zoomies! :)
You look like Zac when you run around the house like that, he does that to get Holly to play with him. hehe
Have a great weekend. :)
An egg!!! Awesome - thanks for letting us know!
The Khat ga stuffie...crickey how clever. You think Butterscotch is doing the Asta nga kind like that Mad dogga singer?
Wiry love Eric xx
Hi Khyra!
Layla said that she thinks that cat has a magical squeaker inside, and if you can mail the cat to her, she'll share the squeaker with you.
Thanks for all your good wishes! I'm feeling better as long as I don't move my arm much. Layla and Casey are having fun because I keep dropping food instead of getting it in my mouth.
Can't wait to see more pretty pictures!
Oh Butterscotch, we LOVE your yoga photo - you're mom is awesome capturing the perfect moment. :)
Great photos! Butterscotch doing yoga is my favorite.
I hope you're enjoying your lovely weekend weather Khyra and Merdie and mum!
looks to me like there was some awesome sunbathing weather!
The weather looks nice there. Our's is yucky! Glad you are having such a grrrreat weekend.
Riley and Star.
What an awesome day we all had!
- Charlie
Oh kitties! Here we were all ready to enjoy pure doggie goodness and now I get the best of both worlds!
So nice to see all the sunshine out again. Love all the GREEN! :)
khat khooties We don't have khooties. Hi Butterskhotch and BroFur we are happy to see you. We thinks Khyra likes you more then she lets on.
We has to agree that you and Merdie have plenty of khanine khuteness, and maybe some khooties of your own. ~AFSS
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