Here is the video of us greeting The Doggy Nanny and Fred!
This morning we lost our beloved rottie Buddy to bloat. Buddy was the first dog that we fostered and being the lousy fosters that we turned out to be we adopted him :-) My husband named him Buddy so that he wouldn't get attached to him and we were going to name all our fosters "Buddy" but that didn't really work out as planned. Buddy was about 8 years old and a very ornery boy. He taught us a lot about rottweilers even though we had two others before him. He was our "Pathway to Rescue"...if it wasn't for him we would not be doing this now. He was the best boy, so damn loyal...a typical rottie. He died on the gurney from our car to the operating room at 9:15am (February 23rd).

In October 2005 I went to Tylertown, MS to Camp Katrina (temporary home of the Humane Society of Louisiana). At that time they only had one Rottie and she was the sorriest-looking one I have ever seen. Skinny, weezing and caughing, rotting teeth and with horrible breath this girl caught my eye right away. I stayed in a hotel room for nights and brought her with me; she didn't know what a bed was or how to walk on the carpeted floors. That is how I met Pearl and a week later I brought her home to Douglasville. About 30 pounds underweight, anemic and severely infested with hearworms Pearl almost died several times over the next few months. But being a true survivor she new that her life had changed and she fought each time and beat the odds. For the last 4 years Pearl has slept in a real bed or on the couch, got as much food as she wanted and all the love that Johnny and I had to give. Unfortunately, Pearl is unable to beat the odds this time...the cancer has progressed too far and Pearl is too old to undergo any treatments. It is time to say goodbye to our Hurricane Katrina heroine who had such a miserable life yet turned out to be such a great dog. She will be sorely missed
The run Mom is doing today is in memory of Buddy and Pearl - here are two of her passengers

Of khourse, Mom will have pikhs tomorrow BUT we wanted to share the special khanines she's driving fur and driving bekhause of!
Buddy and Pearl were khared fur and saved by the nice Irina lady in GA - and bekhause they are khoming from GA, we'll make this doubly special! Please khome bakhk tomorrow to find out more about THAT!
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Looks like summpups got their Doggi Nanni backh!! I hope Fred had summ special treat for woo and Merdi since you've been starved since they left. If woo need me to come over and fight for your fair share of snackhs, just give me a yap.
Your BG,
Those are special dogs, Buddy and Pearl - we are so sorry about them. Can't wait to hear about the transport tomorrow - I'm sure the spirits of Buddy and Pearl will be with your mom as she drives.
Welcome back Dog Nanny and Fred.
You have been missed. Just look at Khyra and Merdie tails wagging wildly!!!
Khyra and Merdie
Thank you for sharing the storys of the caring Irina lady in GA that helped resue doggies in need during the storms. We will light candles at the rainbow bridge in memory of Buddy and Pearl.
And Merdie- you have the most beautiful smile.
Here is a hug for you Merdie, Khyra and ,,,, your mom
Very sorry to hear about the loss of Buddy and Pearl. :(
Looks like you were all so happy to seen your nanny!
And that Merdie slobber shot is funny!
we are sorry to hear what happened to buddy and pearl.
give more hugs and kisses to yr mom k?
cant wait to hear about the transport tmr!
Wow! You're so fast. I had barely clicked post and there was your comment. It's obvious Maddie and you love the Nanny (and likewise). I think it's great that your mum does the dog runs in memory of the dogs in your lives. Keep it up Khyra's mum!
Always sad when they leave, but happy to know in our heart they are whole and happy when they reach the Bridge. Happy Sunday to all!
Inigo wants to come over and snuggle with you two now!!
We are so proud of you & your Mom for the transports that you do, it really is a wonderful thing! We will be thinking of Buddy & Pearl tomorrow.
Kamp Khyra looks like alot of fun, but you sure do work hard at it, can we come to Kamp too?
Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^
Haha - lurve the action shot of you!!
Thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos with us!
Hi Khyra
We enjoyed the video of your wonderful siberian welcome for the Doggy Nanny and Fred.
We thought you and Merdie were so well behaved waiting for your treats too. Khyra when you jumped right up on the counter we were very envious - you could reach those treats yourself!
We do hope Doggy Nanny and Fred had a great holiday.
We were really sorry to read about Buddy and Pearl.
Have a good transport Mom.
Martha & Bailey xxx
I'm so sorry about the loss of Buddy and Pearl, Buddy and Pearl, you will be missed.
And Merdie, you keep smiling :), hahaha.
I'm waiting on the edge of my seat to hear about the transport tomorrow.
Sunday Slobber from Zoë
We are so sad to hear about Buddy and Pearl. We are sending lots of good vibes to their pawrents. I bet Doggie Nanny and Fred are SO happy to be back home.:)
Teddy Bear
Oh Khyra and Merdie, you're both so excited to see Nanny & Fred. Nanny sure loves her kisses hehe.
We're very sorry to hear of about your maties crossing the bridge.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of your special fur-friends. It really made my Sunday more meaningful.We will say our prayers for them!
Bless your mom and those humans who are kind to care for them!
Tons of hugs and paws,
Maxx and mommy
Isn't it wonderful to welcome back those you love?
We hope today's transport goes smoothly.
Tommy (and the gang)
Gosh Khyra - you've been having a really busy weekend, what with ROTE's and napping with Merdie and supervising Brofur & Butterscotch....not to mention Doggy Nanny and Fred...whew!
Bet you're really happy that Merdie is staying another week! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Oh we live in terror of that bloat monster here. I have been twice to the emergency room because momma would rather spend dollars than have that happen to me. It is so scary and once it takes hold it is just luck whether you can be saved or not. We are sad about Buddy.
On a happier note, momma brought home some pictures of Tula yesterday. Well, Miss Khyra, I think she is going to give you a run for your money for most attractive bottom.
Woo Hoo, th eDoggy nanny and Fred are home - we can see from your pics AND your video how happy that made you. Even Merdie was in excitement mode. We loved the kisses you gave to the DN.
Another transport - another good deed by Mom - safe travels. And sad woos for the loss of Buddy and Pearl.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Merdie looks very happy to see her people! I hope your mom has a safe journey today!
Welcome home Dog Nani and Fred! I know someone has missed you TONS!
Buddy and Pearl both leave awesome legacies. I' sure these pups traveling in the XTerra of Love and Hope will live up to that legacy.
We're sorry to hear about Buddy and Pearl. We're glad they found love in their lives before they left for the Bridge.
You sure have a lot of fun activities at Khamp Khyra. We think we could get into that napping activity.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
happy Sunday, and welcome home to Doggy Nanny and Fred! Did you tell them how much you missed them???
to all
Sorry that Merdie has to go but I'm glad that she's back with her humans.
Was sad to read about the passing of those two dogs... We almost lost a dog to bloat many many years ago. But, by pure luck, we were going to the vet for something else when the bloat started, and he was saved. He lived another 14 years. That was very lucky day for us. But, bloat is evil.
I hope that the transport goes well.
Sure glad doggy Nanny and Fred made it home. It is always special when you are greeted by some furballs..
Thanks for sharing Pearl and Buddy's story with us. Today will really be a special transport for you...
Have fun and be safe..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wheeee Doggie Nanna is back.
I hope Mango doesn't get all green with jellyness over Merdie's slobbering skills. I'm just sayin'.
Your Dog Nanny and Fred look like very loving people! We are sorry about Buddy and Pearl :(
Hooray for Doggie Nanny and Fred to be home! What a great reunion and then to have Merdie there too!
Hooray for Phyll to be off on another transport. Two more pups to be saved for good homes.
Woos! Welcome Back! Doggy Nanny & Fred sure are generous with the treats! We think Doggy Nanny probably missed those nice face-washings from MFT, too.
We are wooing sadly for buddy & Pearl, such beautiful Rotties.... brings a tear to Mom's eye as she remembers her Rosie rotti girl. They're a wonderful breed. Paws crossed fur a safe transport fur your mom!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
so furry furry shpecial woggies for sure
angels for sures
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Hi Khyra,
Yay your nanny is back! And Merdie is visiting again. Yipee!!
My mom lost her dog Savannah to bloat, so she understands how terrible that can be. Thanks for telling us about Buddy and Pearl. You know they will be waiting for you over the Bridge.
We hope Maya, Puppa and Heidi find furever homes soon.
So sorry to hear about Buddy and Pearl but we know they are not gone forevers.
Hehe. Merdie needs a slobber bib.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We are sorry about Buddy and Pearl..That is so sad. :(
We enjoyed the video, what a nice welcome that was. We like to give welcome kisses too...hehe
Hope you are having a great Sunday. :)
So special that you got your dggy nanny and Fred back, what a welcome.. I was sorry to read about the lovely rotties and what a special transport. I know they are very misunderstood and I have first hand experience how special and how gentle they are with the right treatment and upbringing.. I look forward to seeing the pictures.. Hugs GJ xx
Lovely pictures! Buddy and Pearl sounded like very nice pups, and lucky to have so many people in their lives that cared for them.
We were very sorry to read about Buddy and Pearl.
We hope your Mom's transport goes well and we look forward to reading about it tomorrow.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
In memory of Buddy and Pearl then. :) Have a wonderful transport
Very special stories about Buddy and Pearl. We're sorry to hear about their loss.
Welcome back to the Doggy Nanny and Fred! What a great greeting you gave them! It's cute that you shake paws before getting a treat!
We hope the transport today goes well!
Dat is a furry nice tribute your maw is doing in memory of Pearl and Buddy!
We like Merdie's slobber pic. Vada does dat when maw has our treats out. Something about Pavlov's dog??? I thought she was Pa's dog??? I is confused.
Husky kisses,
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate tribyoot post to pearl and buddy!!! my mama and dada ar bad foster parents too they hav never givin bak a singel foster dog i bet sumday peepul wil stop letting them hav foster dogs at all!!! ok bye
Woohoooo, welcome back Dog Nanny and Fred. Waggging good welcome you gave 'em.And doesn't Dog nany lok all smilie and smart.
Wiry loves Eric xx
I love the "akhtivity" pics! Heeee, lots of akhtivity going on there!
Mum loves the picture of Maya, she loves rotties.
You and your husband are amazing people with hearts of gold! We know you will miss Pearl and Buddy but what a wonderful difference you made in their lives.
Thank you for sharing yet, another beautiful story.
Riley and Star and mommy too!
Merdie is so cute, I could hug her right here. :)
What a wonderful tribute!!
Welcome home Doggy Nanny!
Hi, Khyra!
Sure it was great to have back at home Doggie Nanny and Fred, right? I saw they enjoyed your kisses too!
Buddy and Pearl sure were special!
I will be waiting for your mom's report on her transport!
Kisses and hugs
Your life is so full!! Merdie is just pawsome, huh? But, I am very sad about Buddy and Pearl (from me neck of the woods, eh?).
I just love you, me woo friend!!!!
Irish love,
Sorry to hear about your friends. It is sad. I love your pics! You always seem to have fun! Nice!
The Merdie drool makes me snicker! She reminds Mom of my cousin George - he was a Boxer doggy.
Dang Merdie Suds!!! She is giving Mango a run for his money. Glad your doggy Nanny and Fred are back!
Some happy, some sad. We enjoyed the happy and feel sad for Buddy & Pearl's families.
I'm sure I commented on this the other day! Oh well! I'm so glad that the Doggy Nanny and Fred are back! I know you have missed your drive thru service! :)
Thank you for sharing Buddy and Pearl's stories with us.
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