Mom took us outside - since it was soooooo beaWOOtiful out and did one of her goofy videos - if woo want to see us be khrazy khanines fur nom noms, please khlikhk here fur the YouTube video!
Merdie does get a WEE bit wild and khraxzy in the video!


As woo khan see, mine was fur RND 2009 - in pawing together the info fur this post, I see it is held evFURRY other year SO the next one will be in 2011!
Thanks fur the chance to play along with this tag Sadie! Please go give your sisFurs a little 'tag' fur me!
If woo would like to play this one, please do!
Once again, Merdie and I want to thank evFURRYone fur being such great pals! It means more than our paws khan find the words to express!
We'll see woo here tomorrow fur khwite the free fur all!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Now to figure how we khan snag the rest of the Two Boo Bears BisKHottis from the top of the magikh khold box!
Time for a team effort Khyra. Push a chair up to the fridge and hold it for Merdie. And grab me a beer if you can, I know your mom drinks the good stuff!
What nice presents you and cousin Merdie got. Merdie loves the body scratcher and the biscotti and You, just love the biscotti!
Here is to a furry nice day again tomorrow!
Congrats on the award and that was a pawsome package of goodies.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Khyra and Merdie
Pawesome pressies!
Pawesome awards!
Pawesome friends you are!
Thank you!
Hi, Khyra!
Very well deserved those presents!
I hope you had a pawesome St. Patrick's Day!
Kisses and hugs
I don´t believe I am number 4 here!
Aren't Dugan's Barkery treats the BEST? We've got Siku Smiles, Bentley Bones and Hana's Hearts on our counter right now ... and we know if we sit nearby and look longingly up, we just might get one!
It was great fun watching you in your turning-green grass ... rollilng and lunging and hunting for crumbs. What a great St. Patrick's Day treat .... for everfurry one!
Love ya lots
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Thanks for playing along with the tag Khyra!
You and Merdie got some really nice presents and the biscotti looks really good! Hope you can figure out a way to get the bag down from the magic cold box!
Now I'm off to "tag" my sisfurs for you!
How sweet of them to send you cookies!!! And, congrats on another award!! You are quite the busy girls!
Congrats on your awards.:) We are so glad you like your pressies.:)
Teddy Bear
P.S. We loved watching your video. We're glad you and Merdie enjoyed the biscottis. I hope you got more from the magic cookie bag.:)
Teddy Bear
Cool presents and they sure look good. COngrats on the awards. you derserve them.
Merdie got into the action with the tug and the delish cookies! And Khyra has lots of enthusiasm! Fun in the sun!! Pee ess... the little moose hung around our house till just now! (10:30 pm Alaska time) It was making my dogs c r a z y!!!
They look like great treats. We hope your mum isn't eating all of them!!
We remember red nose day!
What thoughtful treats from Teddy and Sierra! yummmmmm
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Teddy Bear and Sierra are such nice furiends to send you those pressies. The biscotti sure sounded very crunchy and you and Merdie seemed to find them quite tasty. Hope you can find the bag. Merdie put on quite the show for us with that rope toy. She sure has some great moves.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh wow! You sure hit the jackpot! I love the Red Nose Day picture! I just hope Mom doesn't get one of those noses.
Wow Merdie!! You are a fantastic roacher. Bet we would have a good time together. Khyra..love your shamrock bandana. You look lovely in your flower picture. Thanks for sending the pictures. What kind of flowers are they? Them biscotti look yummy.
Merdie, did yo like the biscotti or the tug better?
My sister often mentions the likeness between dirtville and other planets. In more ways than one
Yummy treats and a cool award. Wow, you had a great day!
What pawsome noms! Enjoy!
Hi Khyra & Merdie
Hope you got some more of those yummy looking cookies.
Love Ruby & Penny
Those are some really nice pressies you guys! It's obvious that you are loved by many!
We wuv wooo toooo!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Yup, we agree. Team effort is called for. Cept we think you should hold the chair for Merdie, because, well, just because.
ps..yummie pressies
Woooos Merdie! I see woo really liked woo tug toy!
MFT! We have to talk! How dare your Mum make woo wait so long for a cookie! I would learn to start wooing pretty darn fast to get one of those instead of her playing with Merdie first. I know she is a guest ,cute and all, but really... cookies come first!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What yummy pressies you got.. Mum tasted too did she, well they must be good. I can see Merdie gets quite excited.I hope you do manage to get into the stash.. Let us know if you do. The red nose picture is a great one and good to see again.. Hugs GJ xx
Well deserved award and wonderful presents that I know are or will be enjoyed!! You have certainly brought sunshine into my life at a time when I really needed it!! THANKS for the lift and the smile at the start of a Thursday!! :-))
Furst and Ten... that's a grrreat one!!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow merdies dada livd in murrieta wunse??? dada sez it is as hot as the sun their in the summertime!!! ok bye
Woofs to those cookie treats - they are delicioso - can attest as I have had tastes of these! Furry nice pressies and it looks like you appreciated them so much too! Great tag! I remember the red snooter pix all over the blogs! Yours was a great one - Khyra, you wear red so furry well!
Big Hugs xo
Great presents and lovely card - wonderful writing too!!! We are not so good at the writing ourselves.
Good work with the tag - we remember red nose day very well!!
Enjoy those yummy treats we will come back and watch the video later.
Martha & Bailey xxx
What wonderful and yummy looking treats! Doesn't it feel great to have such amazing friends! :)
Dear Khyra,
I likes your red nosey! It looks Most Lovely on you. And those biscotti thingies made me very much drooly. Mmmmmm....biscotti....
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh yeah, go fur the biscottis! They go really good with a nice cup of java!
jack a-roo & moo too
Treats are always a welcome gift!!!!!
How did you do? Those biscotti look really yummy!
Surprise cookies?! It doesn't get much better than that! Enjoy 'em!
WOWZIE...neat yummies to receive in the mail!
My mom/person has been to Temec..but didn't know about the BARKERY..mmm? that was years ago...
Take a bite for me..
Thank you for stopping by!!!
Paws UP!
Congrats on your award! Nice presents!
Your video made my Duchess smile a lot.
Emma Rose
What a super nommie surprise to get in the mail! WOO~HOO
We loved loved loved the video. We didn't know you had so many cool videos on youtube, but now we do, so we can spend a lot of time watching Khyra and Merdie!!
Khyra, this is when you need a kitty in the house - you send the kitty to the top of the cold box to knock the biscuits down! At least that is how it happens at our house!
That looks like a great basket of goodies you got - how nice of them!!
I had fun being tagged too. Nice treats!
wooow nice treats !! :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Oh what a beautiful day to enjoy those great treats.. You are 2 lucky pups.
Congrad's on your awards...
We love the photo of you picked...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra - you got some great gifts! My puppy mouth is salivating at the thought of those treats!! I saw some pretty dogs just like you at the dog show last week, but I have to say that none were cuter than you!
Berner bumps - Scout!
Hey Khyra,
We love the Kermit version of Rainbow Connection. Mr. Henson was a gifted genius. We liked your idea so much that we stuck the song on our post but we used the Kenny Loggins version only because it had a rainbow photo and we didn't want to blatantly steal your idea so we had to modify it a bit. Hope you don't mind.
Congratulations on the CARE package and award.
You got dog treats in the mail...you lucky pup you!
Packages are the best!!!
You totally deserve the award!
Way to go!!!!!!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Those cookies look DELICIOUS! WOWZA! Did you eat all of them or save some for guests?
We are glad you received such nice presents - you make so many people happy, you deserve it! Nice awards too Miss Khrya :)
You got a pawsome package of goodies Khyra and Merdie!!!!
Good for you guys!!!
Got my power back on just in time to fix dinner, clean up from dinner and then go out and feed the critters. I was going to blog tonight but I walked with Bambi about 3 hours and I'm tired so I think I'll blog tommorrow.
Big kiss for both of you, Bambi & Fern
Man! You have some really nice and talented friends. I love that you got the same message from the video that I got.
Those biscuits look nommy! We're going to be doing that MEME too. We think that red nose doesn't do you justice!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Teddy and Sierra are just thoughtful friends! Congratulations on the awards...you and Merdie (and mom) are so deserving!
were wondering if you'd be shoo kind ash to shend ush your mailing address we're helping mommish make easter cards for our furryends and we'd like to send you one
our peemail address ish thehoustonpittiepackATyahooDOTcom
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Oh WOW!!! Those look like AWESOME treats!! Well done, pretty puppy!!
What pawesome awards!
Your everyone friend.
The world loves you.
Thats why such nice gifts and awards go to you.
Those were some mighty tasty looking treats.
mmm those khookies look good!! We have friends that live in Temecula, they have lots of WINE there, maybe they khan send you some of that next time. Khongrats on your award!
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