Friday, March 5, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

Last week Mom took me on ROTE
And she got some of this - she says it is the Timber Wolf Nut Brown Ale kind hiding in there - she had nevFUR had it before but how khould she go wrong - she had some that night was khwite happy with the taste!

Since I had fun on last week's ROTE, I told Merdie about it - it was raining a bit in the early part of the afternoon so we hit the road fur some things
I had my eyes on MOM
Whilst Mom was in Staples getting The Doggy Nanny some envelopes fur the khards she likes to make with The Khard Fakhtory software Mom got her addikhted to, Merdie decided she preferred riding shotgun
Maybe we should nikhkname her REMINGTON - Mom saw these three items at Trakhtor Supply and had them pose fur a photo SHOOT
Then Mom went into the grocery store fur stuffs but of khourse she spotted khwite the selekhtion fur my frog loving pal Norwood!

A trio!
Merdie decided this ROTE stuff was tough work
But decided she was able to resume her duties
I chose to peer ovFUR Mom's shoulder prior to leaving the parking lot
Then took a glance to the East so woo khould see how happy I am to be ROTEing!
We were lukhky that not long after we got bakhk, the showers stopped and we got our walk! A good exercise programme is one of the services ofFURed here at Khamp Khyra!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE head ovFUR to The Bumpass Hounds and Snakhks Blog and read about how woo khan help a furry special lady being honoured in a furry special way
(fur the remainder of the voting period, I'm going to link to the site on my sidebar with Jubal's pikh)
Here is the link to this week's Photobukhket slideshow of skEYE pikhs! This pikh was one Mom shot as she headed home from her transport this past Sunday!

Well, The Doggy Nanny and Fred are headed home on Saturday! I wonder if they missed me? Mom is going to try to khapture me welkhoming them bakhk to Pawsylvania as I did last year!

Have a fun Friday evFURRYone!


Khyra and Khousin Merdie


Life With Dogs said...

Norwood will be tickled! And I'd be tickled if I could hijack that case of beer. :p

BeadedTail said...

How fun for you and Merdie to go out with your mom on ROTE! Merdie did a great job riding shotgun and you looked cute as can be hanging out in back!

We hope the Doggy Nanny and Fred have a safe trip home and we're sure they missed you very, very much!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Awww, you and Merdie look like you're having the time of your lives!! (all you need is some snow!)

ocmist said...

Khyra, you and Merdie did an excellent job of ROTE with your Mom, and she sure found some cute little frogs! Norwood is going to love visiting you this time! Not that he doesn't all the time anyway! OC & the CCC

Sam said...

ROTE sounds like it was a lot of fun! You guys always manage to have fun at the Khorner, don't you?

It's nice to see Merdie again too! It might just be my imagination, but I feel like it's been a while since we've seen her!

Anonymous said...

Khyra, it's me Tank. I'm holed up in a coffee shop with a borrowed laptop. I walked on the yellow brick road until I was pooped, but no sign of the Emerald City. I was thinking if your mom drank enough of that Timber Wolf Ale, she might see the Wizard before I do.
Remind her to ask for snow if that happens, okay?
I'll try to keep in touch. T

Scooter said...

Sure looks like you and merdie jad some good times in the ride. You looked so nice there, just checking things out, LOL


Peggy's Place said...

We think it's odd you and Merdie like to be in a car. But you both look quite pleased about it. Glad you got your walk.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Your mom is so lucky to have the both of you for company while on ROTE... I bet you and Merdie made the whole trip a lot more fun!!

Teddy Bear said...

Look at all those Norwoods! I bet you and Merdie had so much fun on the Rote. The Doggy Nanny and Fred are headed back? You must be SO excited. I know they must've missed you a ton!

Teddy Bear

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Your ROTE sure looks like great fun, Khyra! All those froggies are too cute! *grins* And I think your Mom is super cool coz she can manage to keep her hand steady for the great shot of the sky! Mom tried sometimes to take photos on the road but they always turn out blurry...LOL!

Hope you have a great weekend!


Martha said...

Hi Khyra
You and Merdie sure look like well behaved passengers.
Merdie seems to like keeping an eye on your mom's driving!
That was quite a case of ale your mom had there - did you taste any?
That sky looked angry to us!
We ae very excited about Fred and the Doggy Nanny's return - we are wondering if they will a Khyra and Merdie surprise!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that you had fun on your ROTE and that you got a nice walk afterward. That sky looks threatening.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Fun moments :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi Merdie!!

What beautiful furries you both are! SS loves dogs. Me? Not so much.

Dexter said...

Oh ROTE is most wonderful for sure. Although the grocery store can be a bit of a disappointment as it produces bags of foodables not for doggies. Sob.


P.S. Momma says it is totally cool that so many doggies are doing ROTE now.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I love ROTE too!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Spring MUST be coming - look at all those frogs. We wish we could go ROTEing too, but there are so many toddler carseats in the minivan, there is no room for us. As long as the Momster remembers to bring us something for her ROTE, we won't complain too much.

The Doggy Nanny returns!!! Bet that will make you very happy. We can't see to see your welcoming her and Fred home.

Woos and Happy Friday, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kapitein Haakje said...

ooooh dark clouds

El'bow & Hauwii

Jess!c@ said...

Love your blog, I just joined it as a follower. I would really like it if you would check out my blog sometime, I just started today and it would be great if you could follow me too. Hope we'll become buddies. The link is

Paw from Zoë

Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Woo Woo Merdie and Khyra!

Can woo swing by here an pick us up for the fun next time? It looked like a greeeeeat time.
We also like those froggy's alot!
Da mom's got froggy stuffs around here, she used to collect.....but we have sort of kinds bumped into some of them, if woo's know wut we mean.

Frankie Grrl, Maddie and the Dom Dom

the_Dogfather said...

Did i hear beer? Got a retriever buddy called Gonta who always drink beer.....did you get to try some of it?

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Looks like you and Merdie had fun going with your mom on ROTE!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

houndstooth said...

I keep trying to convince Mom and Dad that I need to ride shotgun, but they never let me! You lucky girls!


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Looks like a fun day running errands!

D.K. Wall said...

Awesome ROTE adventure. So great that Merdie got to do your ROTE with you. Too bad you did not get to go into the store and help select purchases.

KB said...

Did you know that a Chocolate Lab is the owner of the company that makes "nut brown ale"? It makes sense, doesn't it?

Sorry that you'll be going home this weekend Merdie. We (and Khyra) all love having you around!

Mack said...

We love to go ridin' in the khar!
Looks like you & Merdie had a blast helping mom shop!

The Luke said...

That was a lotta fun. I feel like I been in the Ekhsterra wif my the pretty girls!!!

I fink the Merdie is havin lotsa fun wif her the Khousin Khyra and her her sweet Aunt!

The Mom say that Wolf box make her firsty! (not sure what she mean by that!)

Khan't wait to see the more!

wif love from the Luke

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ok, the taste was fine... now how about the DESIRED EFFECT how did that work out???
Norwood will go all cracker when he sees this post.
I am a bit concerned about that one frog... it looks like someone tried to Hang it or something.

Ruby's Raiser said...

Two cool dogs riding shotgun, the showers stopped, and a case full of beer -- you're ready for the weekend!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Looks like you guys had a great time out!!

Who were you sticking your tongue out at, Khyra?

Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!

Jack & Moo said...

Cool car trip! Did any of the Remington toys get to ride home with woo & Merdie?
Woo-hoo, the Doggy Nanny is coming home!!! Paws crossed they have safe trip. Did they miss woo?-- How could they not???

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too

Gus said...

Frogs...I love Frogs. I eat them when they are tiny. I eat them when they are big..the make me drool, they make mom gag, I'm such a froggy pig.

Teka toy

(toads too! It is almost that season!)

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Great ride! Of course it's even better when you get to share the ride with kousin Merdie!
Do you like to ride shortgun Khyra? I don't like it, I love to be in the back seat where I can stand and put my head outside(even when it's really really cold outside). Samantha loves riding shotgun but she always lay down when the car moves.

June & Sam

Rambo said...

How fun. You guys looks so cool in the car. I am not a car dawg...I get so nervous I can't catch my breath.
Glad you had a good time.

kissa-bull said...

oh funners it was that ROTE trip
cousin merdie looks most precious in the front and i can see how much you guys have fun when together
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Good FUN times. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a fun ROTE ride you and Merdie got to go on!!


Unknown said...

Voted and thanks to your sidebar link I can do so every day. I love how Merdie's riding shotgun. Khyra you look very proud and I'm glad you managed to go on a walk

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

You go Merdie. J and K wont let us up there.

Loving all the froggies. It's not easy being green.

You keep your eyes on the back of the truck and Merdie gets the front.

Good job you two!

Oz and Zozo

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Looks like you two and your Mom had a great time of that trip. Meowm says her woofies always purrfurred riding shtgun too!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi k , M & p!

oh what a wonderful road trip you all took!

i love all the photos!

happy happy friday!

m & e

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow that time has flown by I didn't realise the doggy nanny was due back. I hope your mum captures the welcome.. Great pictures mum snagged today.. Great to see Merdie... Love GJ xx

Remington said...

I love road trips! I also love all the stuff with my name on it....ha ha! Glad you had a fun time!

Kari in Alaska said...

My pups want to go ROTE with me but they WHINE if I don't take them into the stores with me so I can't :(

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You 2 sure are good helpers.. Looks like you had a great ride..
We love the froggies...
We stopped over and voted for Jessica. It is always sad when we hear of good people lossing their lives so young..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Shelley said...

That looks like a productive car ride for you and Merdie! Mommy would like that beer! And I like to ride shot gun just like Merdie!

Berner bumps & kisses from Scout

Sagira said...

Looks like you and Merdie had a great day shopping with your mom.

Love the Remington shot! :)

Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned I luvs beer? If you mom has any of that left over can you have her send it to Collie-rado?

That was very good helping on the ROTE. Whenever my dad takes us somewheres he always says, "Guard the truck!" before he gets out. And we always tell him we will but between you and me, we sometimes just take a nap instead.

Wiggles & Wags,

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Dear dear Khyra and Merdie and mom...
we're back and we missed you tons!!!!
How are you girls???
Sure you had great time on your big car with mom!!!!!
Merdie did a great job riding shotgun and we love love love your cute face looking at your mommy!!!!
What a special family you are!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend....
Sweet kisses and licks

Clive said...

Hi Khyra

Norwood will love those frogs!

Merdie and you were very good in the car!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Khyra and Merdie! It looks like you had a very productive trip - especially where frog pictures are concerned!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Valerie Cummings said...

Merdie got shotgun! We perk up when we see Merdie on your blog! But of course no one is as cute as you Khyra!! Have a great weekend! Love Joey and Kealani

White Dog Blog said...

I love road trips! You and Merdie look like you had a fun time...and that ale looks very interesting to mom! Glad you got walks in, too!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Looks like you had quite the adventure, love the pics in the car, too funny!!! Have a great weekend!!

lotsa licks,

Jan said...

the last time we went on ROTE, SOMEBODY that wasn't me got nose prints all over the car windows. And we all got yelled at.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
First off, thanks to you and your mom for posting about Trooper Jessica's memoriam voting on your blog. We really appreciate you helping us like that.
Now let us show our ignorance. What is ROTE? We gather it has something to do with going for a ride in the car but what exactly does it stand for. Also, we want you to know that Merdie can always have a home with us if she were to need a place to live other than at her home or with y'all. She is a real lady and she'd fit right in with us other senior Goldens.
Our dad is happy with his beer/ale and he isn't even particular about specific brands. If he drinks enough of it he gets even happier.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Oh what fun, looks like your enjoying yourself:)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra and Merdi,
Did you two miss the Dog Nany and Fred???? I'll bet you did!!
Kiss for you both, Bambi & Fern

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That beer looks interesting.... though I have never had beer.

You are so pretty! And Merdie is very good riding shotgun! Are those froggies are taking over the world?

Monty says "Hi! Khyra!"

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oops!! My personal secretary (aka mom) forgot to tell you we gave you an award!

The Florida Furkids said...

How cool that you and Merdie got to go on ROTE with your Mom! Your Mom had to feel extra special with both of you as helpers!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Teddy Westlife said...

Um, what is ROTE?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear Khyra and Merdie
Thank you for sharing your ride with the mom. Iknow it must have been a good time for all.
Did she get the froggies? Did they go home with you?
That sky show was awsome.
Those sky pictures do not look like our sky- EVER,
You have the mostest gorgeous sky there is

Duke said...

Did you snitch any of that nutbrown ale, Khyra? Mom says it sounds pretty good to her!
We bet you're going to be thrilled to see your doggy Nanny and Fred return!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

Now I know where to go shopping for Norwood's present next Christmas!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Merdie, I like shotgun too. I always race Steve for the prime spot!
