Here are some pikhs from earlier in the week when the sun was still with us

Mom even shot a video to share with woo from our Thursday after walk chekhk of my snow (melting) mountain!
This is Ginger
I think these two are Riley and Star
Or maybe Star and Riley
Of khourse, we did lots of this bekhause it was furry windy and wet in Pawyslvania - I tried to get Merdie to sit out in the yard and play sponge with me but she wanted to stay inside where it was warm and dry! I was wishing the temps had been khooler so all the rain would have been SNOW but alas...not to be this time!

Mom is off on a transport furst thing today - she did a leg fur NBRAN - with two passengers being Brittanys and another passenger that was a Treeing Walking Coonhound puppy - she'll do what she khan to get some pikhtures of the trio!
We hope all of woo have a furry nice Sunday!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hi Khyra and Merdie,
Sorry to see all your snow is gone. Ours is, too. Finally. Now they are worried about flooding. Boy, it it's not one thing, it's another.
Anyway, they tell me that spring is coming soon. That sounds pretty good, don't you think?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
You "sit in the yard and play sponge"?!?! That's hysterical, Khyra! What a hoot!!!
Look at you with all your pals!!
Our backyard is almost completely empty of snow. Its hard to believe because it was sooo deep! Its OK with me though, I am ready for some lake time.
Happy Sundsy to you, dear Khyra and sweet Cousin Merdie!
Sorry your snow is disappearing. Can't wait to see your moms passengers.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I know yer sad about all yer snow bein gone, we're just glad it's not here anymore.
Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
Happy Sunday to you!!
Cant wait to see the pics of your mom's passengers!
Sorry the snow is going.. Hey you get to see cool woofies on your walk.. Safe journey to your mum today.. Looking forward to pictures... Hugs GJ xx
Hi Khyra and Merdie
Looks like your snow will soon all be gone - we know you wont be happy Khyra!
Those two sure did look like Riley and Star!
We are enjoying seeing the sunshine and we think Merdie is too.
We are off to watch the video - good luck with the transport mom.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Thanks for the pikhs:)
Merdie's khwite like me - I love indoors - especially in winters:) But you are a Sibe and Sibes are made for the snow:)
Your mom's a very nice person:) I am sure those pups she's transporting would feel the same.
Licks n wags,
Thanks for sharing those pictures with us.
I'm so sad that all the white stuff is gone.:( We SO need to be in Alaska right now.:)
Teddy Bear
We can't believe that you wanted to sit out in the rain and play sponge, Khyra! YUK! Maybe it will snow for you one last time! We'll cross our paws!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Fresh snow on the ground today and Winter Weather Advisory for tonight with another 3-5. Come play!
Hey Khrya -great floof floof pose.. bet mango's droolin' all ovah his keyboard. bye bye snow mountain- until next year! unless your mommie puts a whole bunch in the freezer---
Years ago I had the most wonderful Malamute mix named Kishka. She looked like a mini-version of Khyra.
She loved snow more than anything, and would even curl up to lie down in a deep drift with a look of "Ahhhhh!"
So sorry about the disappearing snow mountains. Even Mom, who hates the snow says snow is easier to deal with than the rain and the ensuing mud. Hope Mom's transport goes well, we hear she has three live wires on her hands today.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We have been reading about the bad storms in PA and hope they did not cause any damage in your area.
Sorry about the snow pile, Khyra, but it was a good long one, wasn't it?!
It was windy here too yesterday so we didn't get much outside time. We are with Merdie, inside where it is warm and dry not being a sponge outside.~AFSS
Hey there Khyra and Merdie
Sorry that your snow is dwindling but at least you got to cool your paws! It's sweltering here at the moment! Please tell mom to drive safely on her expedition today and to give all the doggies-in-transit a pat from us.
You have lots of nice snowy memories and we thank you for sharing so many of them with us. And we are glad you have Merdie to keep you company while your mom does her run.
Another beautiful week at Khyra's house! I too, like to find any remaining bit of snow to lay on -- it's so sad when it's gone.
Oh, it's so sad when a Sibe's snow melts. Maybe one more snow storm??? Actually, my recollections from living in your part of the country are that the snow is probably over. Not here, let me assure you. You're welcome to come visit.
Khyra I hope you SAVED some of that snow for LATER.
I think it was windy all over the world yesterday! Sorry about your snow!
I'm glad you like the skyscape picture. I had so many pictures, I though i would load them onto a blog and then I wouldn't have to delete them all.
I'm sorry you just got rains and no snows. And that your snow is almost all gone. Do you think maybe you'll gets anymore snow this spring? Sometimes we gets snow all the way to May!
And it was Most Thoughtful of your mom to send that picture of Merdie to her dad. I bet he misses her lots.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hey Khyra! Dexter here. I think that you might have some competition ever since Momma came home from doggie school smelling like Tula. Made the RH forget all about your fluffy tail. just sayin.
Thanks for sharing some of your friends with us.
Hope your mom has a good transport. :)
Looks like you doggies certainly have a great day for an outside walk.
I am glad that you came to my house trashing party and really glad that you didn't poo in the plastic bag.
I am sorry your snow is leaving, we still have lots in the high khountry here, want to khome visit?
I have never put my feety feets in that cold white stuff cause we don't get any white stuff here in Socal.
So how do you play sponge?? That's a new one to me!!
Hi, Khyra!
I guess you are not very happy with your snow disappearing so fast!
I hope you and Merdie have a pawesome sunday and your mom a nice and safe transport!
Kisses and hugs
HaRoooo Khyra and Merdie!
I think da snow theif came and took all our snow away. So sad! Guessin' we won't see any fur awhile. Glad to see woo got to cool your feety befur it all gone.
Husky kisses,
Hope the rain goes away soon so you can get out and have more fun walks!
O hai! I am sorry u do not have any moar snow. It's springtime, so you can sniff the new plants and flowers. :)
Khyra, do you miss the snow??? We sure liked all those pictures with you in it! Hugs, Joey and Kealani
We are doing the same thing around here - taking it easy! (but without the snow...)
How sad for you that the snow is leaving. (But glad for efurryone else)
misty the aP
I don't know which is worse, rain or snow. It sounds like you like both of them. I mean, I knew you were crazy with the snow stuff but now I'm starting to lean toward "Insane" with you wanting to play sponge. We have had rain for days, you should come and visit.
Has Cousin Merdie moved in permanently? I think she should.
Well, I don't blame Merdie for wanting to stay inside where it's warm and dry! She looks so happy on her walk in the sunshine!
What pawesome pictures, so sorry your snow is gone:(
Ahhhh, the sun!! It's been so gloomy here. Send some of that sun our way!
Woofs and Kisses!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry that yore stash of snow is gitting so small!!! maybe yoo wil git more before the winter is over!!! ok bye
Getting a dusting right now, but nothing's really sticking. But tossing Khyra and Merdie a little virtual snowball anyway!
Crazy rain here too! We wanted to go chase each other around the yard, and mom even let us out in the rain, but dad put the ka-bosh on it and we had to come back indoors. Sorry your snow is gone - but if woo ask Ginger to lie down & hold real still, it would look like woo still had a pile of snow!
~jack a-roo & moo too
It is so sad when the snow goes! I enjoyed our snow this winter but it is gone as well. I hope woo gets to keep yours a few more days!
Khyra..we got it! Tell mom to put some of that white stuff in the freezer for you. Happy day
Benny & Lily
Wooos MFT! I see woo now have a little dog like Scampi he stays in and keeps warm and dry when I want to go out, then the sun come out, and I go in, he comes out!
I hope woo Mum has a safe and happy transport!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Sorry all your snow is getting rained on and going away. We never did get any snow this year but we've had plenty of rain. We think Merdie has a better idea than to sit in the yard and play sponge!
Hope the transport went well today!
Khyra & Merdie,
Sorry to see your snow is gone.
Beautiful pics of you!
Hope mom had a great transport!
hello Khyra and Merdie
i KNOW that deCoco will get me soon, very soon too bol....
hey Merdie, are you a permanent 'guest' now?????
please kiss your mummy for me and ask her to drive safely and defensively, tQ
Hey Khyra & Merdie (if you're still visiting),
Don't let too many people see you being a sponge, they might take you to that place were dogs that think that they're sponges are taken. Our snow is totally out of here and has been replaced by mucky mud. Our paddock is like that movie "A River Runs Through It."
WOO Khyra, we are sad your snow is going away. At least it lasted a pretty good long time for woo.
Hope your mom has safe transporting travels.
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
i hope yr snow comes back to woooooo!!
enjoy yr dayyy!!
Khyra...did you get a new tail perm? Oh looks so curly and floofy!!
NO, I didn't sit on Stan's paw....sheeesch...
And if it doesn't stop raining, my fur's gonna mildew...
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