We snagged this one around lunchtime on Saturday
(the time stamp is off an hour)

With Spring time EGGcitement

Sometime between Friday dusk and Saturday morning, Egg #1 made its appearance!
Mom watched a good bit of Friday fur she khould tell by the female's behaviour that a plopping was in the works!

I've done lots of this fur it is a great way to rest up fur


Some mom was too lazy to get out so she had this fur St. Patrick's Day but

Pikh outtake

Pose prior to pulling out from the parking place

Two happy girls!
Since our ROTE route inkhludes passing COUSLER PARK , Mom surprised us and took us THERE fur our sekhond walk of the day - she hadn't planned on it so we didn't have the flexi leash we've been using fur Khousin Merdie BUT Mom always has extra leashes in the Xterra
We don't have any pikhs of our walk there bekhause there were LOTS of peoples and pups there so we were highly energised - not khwite khrakhker dog but khlose - we do have a short video of us khrossing the tippity tap bridge

Mom did snag some nice sky shots

This one is kind of in the direkhtion of my house

This was just prior to attempting to load us bakhk into the Xterra - Mom will inkhlude more of thses shots in the FrEYEday slideshow

Poor Merdie was a tired but furry happy pup after our walk - this was taken at the traffikh light that is about halfway between the house and the park

Ditto fur me!

My evening's prenap to be ready fur bed dreaming
Mom headed fur Martinsburg WV furst thing this am so she khould transport four passengers to Harrisburg to help get them to their furever homes away from Gaston/Haywood County/Newton NC - she'll have pikhs and vids to share on Monday!
Happy Furst Day of Spring in our hemisphere evFURRYone!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Opps, Mommy messed up and published my last post instead of saving it before we went to wartch or show and the animal planet so come on back to see it with words.
Love your Mom's pic of og pussywillows amd Mommy copied a picture of BroFur with flowers to use when she uses you and Merdie's flower pictures. Now if we could find one of Butterscoth.
Happy first day of Spring to you, too! You and Merdie look like such happy girls. I love surprises like second walks in special places! You are two lucky girls.
Safe travels to your mom tomorrow!
Happy first day of spring.
We all love that you get to sleep on the fur-niture. We sit next to our humans on chairs, but you don't leave room for humans.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Poor little Merdie looks so tired <3 Love those egg pictures!
Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^
Spring may be sprunging in other places but not at our house. All our nice, warm sunshine went away and it's back to the good ol' cold...sigh. It was so much fun to go outside with momma and watch her toil in the garden so we could go over and DOG A HOLE!
This post was fun. We enjoyed the Tippy Tap Bridge, that was very exciting!! The eggs and sleepy/sleeping dog pix are priceless!!!!
Hey Khyra and Cousin Merdie!
Looks like you had a fun Saturday with your Mom and Auntie. I love TippyTap Bridges and I can see you two have no fear whatsoever.
Have a good day tomorrow, too!
Happy First Day of Spring back at ya!
I think Monty would be scared of the Tippy Tap Bridge!
Wow - that is so cool about the owl egg - looking forward to seeing more on that.....
What incredible pictures of the bird, the dogs and the sky! So obvious you had a good walk coz of the ZZZs that followed!
We liked you guys going over the trippity trap bridge!
Sometimes we are not so keen but the little human on the bike just sailed across.......still he did have a hat on!
Cool bird and egg pics - new life about to be hatching!
We just love the Spring.
Great shopping trip guys - our Dad would be very impressed with your mom's purchase - we didn't even know she could play the harp!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hmm Merdie looks rather concerned about something hehe.
Nice sky shots Khyra.
Noah x
What a fun Saturday you two had - ROTE and time at the park. We love going over the trippy trap bridges here, lots of cool gurgling water below and good sniffs in the woods on the other side.
We still have snow if you want to come play, MFT.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Egg#1, is it my poor vision or the egg turned purple?
Are you ready for Spring, Khyra?
Love ya lots.
Hi, Khyra...
I love your Tippity Tap Bridge...I think it would be fun to walk across..
Looks like it tired you guys out a little...
The sky pictures are really pretty...
Abby xxxooo
What a lovely day and beautiful sky shots!
Soon, the orange skies here will be a rare thing. there won't be much moisture in the sky for any kind of clouds or color.
Wow, so much to say ...
Our hu-dad also says about Kiska that he can tell by her behaviour that a plopping was in the works.
More importantly, our hu-dad was excited by the Harp.
Who balked at the trippy trapp bridge?
And, finally, our hu-dad lives in Haywood and has lived in Gaston and near Newton, so he knows them all. Thanks for helping!
An extra walk must have ben so good.. Your mum got some brilliant sky pictures.. Merdie does look tired from the walk.. Hey the first egg now the fun starts
Enjoy that drink and happy Sunday.. Hugs GJ xx
wow....we like the sky pictures lots...and you are right, Merdie looks ready for a long walk. How nice that both of you go for ROTE..muzzer says one of us at a time, because there have been bad behaviours (fights) while she is in the bank or store. Ah well, anything for a ride.
Oh a nice walk over the bridge looks like a great time.. Mom can't help but think of the kids story "Three Billy Goats Gruff" Hope there weren't any trolls!!
Have a great transport Mom. Stay safe.
Hey Khyra you won't believe what we got last night!! You got it SNOW...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Love the EGG shot!! Can't wait to see how many there will be.
Your outing was quite an adventure and we enjoyed watching you and Merdie cross the Tippity Tap Bridge! We hope your mom's transport goes smoothly today!
You both look very tired and very happy!
Happy first day of spring to you to. Beautiful sky shots and loving the bird/egg updates. :)
Some nice picks. Looks like a busy day, so we can understand you were tired in the end.
An egg - it really must be spring where you are!! How exciting. Thanks for sharing that.
And, for sharing the Khyra and Merdie shots - what a wonderful pair.
I hope that the transport goes well today, taking those lucky dogs to their forever homes!
What a great day you all had! 2 walks!
Loved the pics of the new mommy & egg. You are very photogenic and the sky pics were very good.
Wags & wiggles
Ernie, Sasha, Chica
Beautiful egg...you and Merdie are two tired, pretty ladies!
Wrooo wrooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Hi, Khyra!
You and Merdie had a nice walkie to say Welcome to the Spring!
I hope your mom is having a nice transport today!
Kisses and hugs
We absolutely love the "Stay away from my egg" expression!
You girls sound busy, as always. We hope today's transport is safe ad smooth!
oh wow, I can't wait to see the progress of the egg!
Please tell your mom that even her outtake pictures are interesting!!
happy Spring first too!!
Looks like happy girls for sure!!!
Nice egg and cool sky shots. A busy day for sure huh??
Sweet! A second walk --- and one with NO puparozzi! Happy Spring MFT & khousin Merdie!
jack a-roo & moo too
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow dada wuz just reeding an artikul in a magazine calld the noo yorker and it wuz all abowt martinsburg!!! ow abowt that!!! ok bye
hey Khyra and Merdie,
I feel better now that I have had my Khyra and Merdie fix for the day! What a surprise treat to get a second walk at a park! Sorry you don't have pics of that event, but your mom did get some pretty sky shots. You two must have had lots of fun because you both looked pretty pooped!
Sorry you did not get any snow yesterday. I got lots and lots and have been having fun in it again today. Thinking of you!
p.s. Cute Easter egg, but why the bird and not a bunny? :->
Hope you & Merdie & Momma's SPRING is the best ever!
P(ee)S: Do you have a new boyfriend??!?!
Hi Khyra and Merdie - we have to say, we adore that photo of you in the chair Khyra, you make it look SOOOO comfy, we wanted to crawl into the screen and snuggle right up with you! Some great sky shots in this post - alwas nice to see a bit of blue sky! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Happy Spring, Khyra and Merdie! It sure does look like you luved your walkies!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. All our snow melted away already or I woulda sent you some!
Don't you just love those surprise walks? I have to find a Tippy Tap Bridge. It looks like a lot of fun.
Guess what? It's snowing here in Montreal. Isn't it the first day of spring? But it's melting fast so hopefully it'll be spring tomorrow instead.
Safe travels to your mom!
How old is Merdie?
Oh that cute little birdie! Beautiful pictures of the sky!
Have a grrreat week!
Riley and Star.
You both look like you had a fun-filled tiring day! We love those kinds of days!
That birdie looks kinda angry, not at all like a mother-to-be!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Murray was very excited looking at the egg photos! We have put up a bird box and camera in our garden this year but to far - no birds (and Murray keeps checking on the TV all the time!)
Hope your Mom's trip went well.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
- we loved the video - Murray was delighted watching Khyra running around with her bandana! Thanks again for taking the time to post it!
Mama bird looks very proud of what she had done,.
And I think you have the most gorgous sky ever.
Hey Khyra and Merdie and ms. Phyllis,
So where does the bird live? What's the website to watch? Youse guys look very tired after so many exhausting walkies. Is that the same case of Harp that your mom got just a few days ago or is this a new case ALREADY?
I likes the pikshers of the park. The sky is very pretty.
Miss Khyra and Merdie
That ROTE was furry fun! Guiness and a trip to the park... poor merdie looked super duper tired. oh... we're eggcited over here too. I can sit on it to help??
PS- thank woo for the friday froggies... ribbet! croak
those are cool pictures Khyra. Merdie looks a bit exhausted..BOL
Benny & Lily
We are totally watching that bird. My momma was late from work on Friday because she and the uber geeks were watching her get ready to lay an egg (but they missed the actual event).
Great ROTE! I went through TWO drive through windows on mine today. Nom, nom, nom.
hey! be sure to come by on Monday and see a special picture we put up just for you. Mommy bought this hat months ago and took a bunch of pics and just kept forgetting to post them until she was scrapping this weekend. We think of you everytime Joel wears it.
What great photos you have up! I can't wait to see your rescue pics tomorrow.
Happy Spring!
Happy Spring with new signs of life, the egg, a lovely transport of four, all around great news at last :)
Hi Khyra and Mom,
I hope Mom had a safe transport to day. Looking forward to the pictures tomorrow.
Love the photos of you and Merdi!!
You haven't talked about the dog Nanny lately. How is she doing?
Wet kisses for Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Cool pictures, and can't wait to see the "egg in progress".
If your mom takes you to go get something to drink, shouldn't you get Siberian Nights?
Woohoo, that IS very eggciting.:) We love seeing photos of you in your chair.:)
Teddy Bear
That looks like a great walk!
I've been meaning to ask - what is ROTE???
Your pal,
We hope your mom did not drink all that beer herself!
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