Just hanging out Saturday night whilst Mom took some more of those sky shots

Being goofy

One of her sky shots - she's got more fur FrEYEday

Whilst Mom was downloading pikhs from her fun transport, she chekhked on Momma PF

We'll keep our eyes open fur Egg #2 - based upon 'things', it should be later today - usually eggs arrived every two days or so until she deems her khlutch khomplete!Time fur us to turn this ovFUR to Mom so she khan tell woo about the four furry nice passengers she had furst thing Sunday AM
Thanks Khyra and Merdie!
What a great transport for
The Last Resort Rescue - if you check out that page, you can see some more information about the four pups you'll see - AND you'll be able to see my next two passengers for this Saturday (Ivory and Silver)!

Our Good Luck Charm Again!

Baby Aspen 'The Huskgle'

Donner - and I learned from his write up on TLR page he was named for the famous 'party' since the day he was pulled from the nasty shelter was the anniversary of
The Donner Party 
Kloe on the left; Donner on the right

Baby Aspen


Kloe with Roxie in her crate


Roxie Kloe Donner

Roxie Donner Kloe

Roxie with Donner looking at her

Roxie and Donner comparing tongues




Khyra is SOOOO proud of Baby Aspen

The Power of the Paw!


Kloe as we neared Harrisburg

Donner pupsitting Baby Aspen


Roxie and Baby Aspen greeting each other

Another meet and greet!

She truly was too cute for words - she has the blue eyes of a husky along with the some of the markings but she has the ears, body, and VOICE of a beagle!

Just look at THAT face!
This street is just across from where I often get gas on the way back from Harrisburg around the PA Turnpike Harrisburg West and I83 interchange - friendly competition keeps the gas prices 'there' the best around This truly was a fun run from Martinsburg WV to Harrisburg PA - the dogs travelled well and go along great! Donner really wanted to ride shotgun with me BUT we decided to put Baby Aspen's crate on the front seat to keep her 'happy' - she tended to be a bit vocal when ignored. There were times heading north on I81 that Donner was evaluating whether or not he could fit!
I will apologise in advance for I think during some of the videos I mixed up Aspen and Donner's names - don't ask me why - maybe insufficient caffeine - Donner is the very handsome male and Aspen is the baby!
Here is the link to their Photobucket Slideshow - AND here is the link to their Photobucket Album that includes nine videos.
Some of the pics are a bit blurry but they were still worth sharing since these four really were dream passengers!
UPDATE 11:35pm Sunday Night - Sam just updated the drivers to say that Roxie was adopted!
The transport was dedicated to The Hudson Furkids very special momma Claudette!
Today (March 22) is her birthday SO Khyra, Merdie, and I wanted to make it a very special one for her!
Khyra and Merdie will be back tomorrow BUT in the meantime they wanted me to remind you
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
PeeEssWoo: YES, my silly mom did khall Donner and Aspen by the wrong names! Pffffffft!
Cut her some slack Khyra, she has her hands full. :)
Power of the paw - you just have to love that! It's all you...
Ohhhh we are in LOVE with Donner!!! Both Layla and I would take him in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, the other human in the house disagrees.
We love Aspen in the crate! Layla lays like that too. When I call her a pig, she either smiles a huge smile or covers herself with her tail, depending on how modest she's feeling.
Thanks for sharing them! If you get any updates on Donner please let us know. I hope he's adopted soon.
Looks like the Xterra was left with standing room only! I think maybe baby Aspen could have used a bigger crate... and I wish she had a blanket or towel to lay on. What's her new address?? I'll send her one!
Such a beautiful group of dogs. with you're help they are on their way to their happily ever after!
I love Donner's looks. If I wasn't in the desert I would say send him to me!
Most of my sky shots are morning shots to the east, from my deck. This morning's was Saturday night's sunset from my back yard.
Awww, such cuties for the transport! My mom did one on Saturday for 3 lucky pups on their way to WY.
And, tell your mom not to worry about using the wrong names. She does such a good thing for so many pups, it's ok to get them confused from time to time!!
With all those cute pups, it's okay she mixed up their names. That's was a Xterra full of adorableness! We're happy to hear that Roxie has found her furever home too!
The sky shot is beautiful, yay for the baby PF to be and we love seeing you and Merdie!
All of them are adorable!
Baby Asper looks very sweet!
Your mom was awesome dedicating this transport to Claudette!
Kisses and hugs
I looked at all the dogs that are available through Last Resort and they are gorgeous. I can't wait to see Silver, I bet he will be a knockout!
Good work, Phyll!
Jo and Stella
You look so happy in that second photo my dear!
Hi Khyra and Merdie and mom! Nice to see you.
What an interesting transport! We go by one of the Donner Party Memorial's quite a bit outside of Truckee. Glad all will be finding homes.
See you again soon!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Boy, oh boy, what a bunch of cuties again! Look at those blue eyes on Aspen. Mommy says, "WOW." That is pawesome that Roxie found a furever home.:)
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra and Merdie,
Love your "being goofy" picture! You two are hams! (no, Huffle Mawson, not the eating kind!)
What a gorgeous group of pups! And already happy tail-wagging news that Roxie was adopted!
p.s. the Power of the Paw photo is great!
Loved the puppy Aspen pic of the paw sticking out of the crate!
You could see the beagle and the husky there!
Great looking passengers as always - they always seem to be so well behaved too!
You and Merdie are looking very amused as your mom takes the lovely sky shots!
Have a lovely Monday.
Martha & bailey xxx
We love the second picture because you look like you're laughing!
Hi, Khyra...
Your Mom sure filled up your Xterra this week...
What beautiful doggies...Baby Aspen is adorable...
Abby xxxoooo
Happy Birthday to Claudette and that was so nice of Mom to honor her day with this transport. Four beautiful pups, each gorgeous in a different way. Mom has a soft spot for beagles so Baby Aspen was a big hit here. Quite the voice on that little one.
Thanks again for doing so much good.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We thinks you should cut your Mom some slack Khyra at least your Mom only confused Donner and Aspen's names our Mom confuses us all the time. Do you know she even called youngest boy bean FENRIS. We are not sure who was more insulted.
Hi Merdie, we thinks you and Khyra have fun hanging out. Why don't you both come over and hang out with Fenris today. ~AFSS
Momma just cleared her calendar at work so she and the uber geeks can spend the day "in a meeting" watching the birds.
Such a carload of cuteness! I hope each one will find the perfect home.
OMD! A street wot is named after me! Thank you for capshuring that for me! Now I has a lake and a street. It be so eggsiting.
Whew! I'm just relieved he was named Donner because of the anniversary and not because he ate everybody in camp!
I'm glad to see you and Merdie still having fun!
Gotta love those goofy khousins!!
The Rocky Creek Scotties
We love the goofy picture, Khyra & Merdie. So cute.
Thank mom for another successful transport.
Love Ruby & Penny
cute doggy baby!! :D
thanks fur sharing
El'bow & Hauwii
Love your Monday Posts!!!
What a handsome bunch of passengers your momma had!
We will have to go say Happy Birthday to Miss Claudette - thanks for letting us know Khyra's mom!!
My oh my! Beawootiful pups to transport! Donner sure is handsome. I can tell by his face he's lovable & a little goofy, like Jack (sorry Jack, I say it with love). Once again, good work, MFT Mom!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
It is OK Khyra, sometimes silly muzzer calls me "nigel" and "toby"...but E.Rabbit says she used to do the same with the hooman pups too.
Wooos Lady MFT. Woo have to furgive Mums when they do not have enough caffeine, something about it making the brains work better... Aspen in the crate was so cute, she is going to be a handful being a husky/ beagle...
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Woof! Woof! Awesome and interesting work transporting ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow, full house! Baby Aspen is adorable!
Khyra, even your silly faces are gorgeous!!
Okay, baby Aspen Puppy is too cute! A very handsome bunch of supermodels your mom was transporting!!
I luvs the pic of you and Merdie being goofy. You look SO happy! And all the doggies were Most Adorable but mom and me felt partial to Kloe. We luved her little wrinkled head!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Oh, we never did gets the thing your mom was gonna send us from her yahoo address. It's okay if she didn't get a chance to send it but if she DID send it, we didn't wants you to think we got it and were bein' rude by not replying. :)
hi khyra!
oh what wonderful photos!
thank you for everything you and your mom do!
Happy Happy Spring!
m & e
Power of the paw!!!
Mom loves that silly face picture of you and Merdie!
Your pal,
Oh Khyra! You have the best momma ever!
POWER OF THE PAW! Momma says these 4 words say so much more...
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
It is so nice to see Merdie on your blog so much lately.
And the momma bird, how cool is that!
And the transports all look like super nice woofies.
we often read yoor khoments on other people's blogs and they always make us larf. So we have decided to add yoo to our visiting list and we've grabbed yoor RSS feed.
The pups in the pics are ALL adorable. We wish them luck.
oh my what pretty pups!!
wags and licks
What an adorable bunch!
Donner is almost as pretty as you are. Almost.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Wowsie! What a trip! Wonderful pictures!
Khyra, Khome over and visit uSSSSS!
Lots of cute piccies. And I especially like the second one with the two of you smiling for the camera!
Khyra, I love, love, love that picture of you and Merdie!
What a sweet transport. LOVED IT!! I wished all dogs could end up with forever homes to BEGIN with, but thank you thank you thank you and all the other caring volunteers who go way out of their way to help these precious creatures. Little Baby Aspen is soooo adorable. Thanks again and again for all you do. xoxo
That puppy is soo cuete, what eyes! Yor mom is a transport hero!
What a car load of cuteness you have got there. I can see you had some lovely times.. Those eyes on that baby. I so hope they all get a loving home soon. It always amazes me that they all get on so well in the car and when you stop.The pictures and video's are lovely..Thanks for the update on the birdies. Hugs GJ xx
Great pics! I hope they all find loving forever homes!
Wow, the Khyramobile was full this weekend! Great news about Roxie being adopted, too! What you do is so special - if these dogs could talk, they'd thank you for it from the bottom of their hearts!
Hi Khyra! We have hope for our peregrine female - a new male!
They better get busy! LOL!
Please send Aspen to me. Thank you.
Oh what a cute bunch.. You sure had a full Xtera this week.. he he
Great photo's..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mom is in love with Baby Aspen! What a cutie patootie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I agree with Life with Dogs, mom deserves lots of slack, full hands and full heart!!!!
Aspen sure is a cutie!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......we're in love with baby Aspen......soooooooooooooo cute...and YEPPYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
What a great news she has been adopted!!!
All of those guys are soooooo cute and we wish them the best in their life!!!!!
And you and Merdie look more and more beautiful each time we saw your photos!!!
Happy Birthday to Claudette from us too!!!!!
Have a wonderful week sweet girls!!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Wow! Meowm is in love with Aspen now! What a fun trip your Mom had!!!!
More lucky passengers. Loved the synchronized tongue action on Donner and Roxie. Egg # 2 is taking forever. What's up with that?
Great shots with you and Merdie, Khyra!
The was another great transport your Mom did this weekend - the dogs were so lovely!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Yayyyyy Roxie! Wow that was a full car this week! Hope the other three get home quick!
Yes, after I found Moose I thought of Khyra and how much ground she covered and was greatful that moose does not have that sled dog drive! Of course Khyra is still welcome as long as she does not tell moose that going far is the secret to not getting caught! Frankly I don't think he can leave anything un-sniffed though so doubt he would be able to execute a Khyra-scale escape even if she tried to teach him!
Kloe and Aspen rock. That goofy pic of you two makes me smile
Thank you for all your help in getting to our goal - I am betting we hit the 500. What is your charity?
We loved baby Aspen until you said the voice of a beagle....oih yi-yi, them is big talkers.
Ohhhh...I am in love with baby Aspen!! And the picture of Khyra with her eyes closed too. You are the best ladies.
Woohooo for Roxie! Another new furever home!
Hey! You know what we missed today? Meeting nose to nose with a Khyra dog. Moma said she looked SO much like you! But, unfortunately, we were hightailing it (or tucktailing it) to safe ground and we didn't even notice. Maybe next time.
And ... in case Claudette see it here ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Another busy weekend for you and your Mom! We love them all but Aspen was adorable!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Donner is cute!! Mom has been up to Donner Pass and at the Memorial lots of times!
So many handsome and beautiful dogs!! My mom would be calling the dogs by wrong names .... she calls human kids in the classroom she works in by wrong names.... especially at the beginnings of the year!
Oooohhhhh soooo many cute pups! :) Looks like you and Merdie are having so much fun!
I can't comment on all your posts, but I've been reading them on mom's phone! Our internet has been dying since last Thursday and they can't come to fix it till this Thursday! Sometimes we'll get lucky and it will work for an hour or so, so we are rushing around to comments on our furiends blogs.
What a pawesome carful! I think there will be a lot of happiness in store for these guys thanks to the dedication of Khyra's mom and all the wonderful people who are involved in transport and rescue! :)
Hi Khyra!
What a beautiful bunch of passengers!! you must be very happy to get to meet so many fur-riends each week! I know i would!!!
Thank you, thank you for all the photos that you take the time to share.
All those pups- we take our time and ponder over them.. What faces that we never forget.
Your sky- your trip- for all you do
thank you
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