I spent some time on Thursday soaking up the sunshine whilst it was still around

And this is THE LOOK I give Mom when it is time to get moving and get leashing! I bet woo khan almost hear/feel me tapping my paw whilst looking at my watch!

Merdie used her super GR powers and held up this wall in the kitchen

She made it look SO easy

She's so furry talented

She was even able to shift and make use of her shoulder too

The khyttykhat bush is starting to purr

I khan't wait

until more of them

start showing me their toesies!

Mom snagged a few shots of the furst khrokhi's

This is near where Butterskhotch and BroFur like to nap

This one is also a skhwirrel trap - notice the bait!

Mom's new flashiebeastie has a panorama setting that stitches three pikhs together - she took this last weekend - it was the furst time she made use of the feature and she was furry happy with the results!
Woo hoo!!! We're furst! We've never been furst!! How great!!! Whee!!
Now what was I going to say?
Misty the alpha Poodle
I'm noticing a rather significant lack of snow. Do you want to come visit? We've still got plenty, and are supposed to get a big storm this weekend (although if it is anything like the last 'big storm' we might get a couple of inches...). I'll try to keep Abby from biting your pantyloons, too!
*kissey face*
Your snow is almost gone Khyra. We love the look you gave your mom while waiting to get moving!
The way the paw is sticking out from underneath Merdie, it looks like she's laying on another GR! Her legs are like a rag dolls!
Yay for the signs of Spring! We really like that last photo too - very pretty!
Poor puppy, where did your snow go??
You have got just the look and I et mum gets moving straight away. Merdie has got relaxing down to a fine art.. That setting on your mums camera has snagged a beautiful poto here. Not time to look at the others yet but will tonight. Just trying to check a couple before work.. Love the pussy willow and that is a sure sign that spring is ready to be sprung.. Hugs GJ xx
I love that three in one pic your mom took for the first time, beautiful view. I bet she's gonna take lots and lots more and you'll have to model, LOL. uess you don't like it that the snow is almost gone, overhere it's gone, but now we're gonna get a lot of rain, hate that, I'm a Chihuahua, I don't want to get my fur wet!!!!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Take Care.
Woofs from Zoë
We love the way that you look so ladylike with the crossed legs in so many of your pictures. We are sorry to see the snow go, for your sake, but aren't those pussy willows, and flowers beautiful signs of spring? Happy sniffs and sneezes from the CCC
Such beautiful spring buds and flowers.
What happened to all your snow?:( Merdie is SO strong. We are excited to see the kittycat tree grow. Ahhh, the first signs of spring...I guess winter really IS almost over.:(
Teddy Bear
Pussy Willows and crocuses? So nice to see. We can't wait!!
Your crocus is the first one we've seen this year, Khyra! Mom can't wait to seem them in our yard!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your signs of spring are be-woo-tiful! We are still waiting fur ours but at least the snow is melting!
Your mom sure has a nice flashie beast! Our momma is jealous!
BTW, for a, shall we say - more mature doggie - Merdie sure is strong to be able to hold up walls!
Oh dear, that snow is really shrinking away but look at those beautiful skies. We loved the panoramic view - really beautiful. We know how to give that look too. With Phantom, it is the look to get out for a walk. For Phantom and Ciara, it is the look to bring on the food:) Merdie does a great job holding up her wall and she looks so much at peace doing it.
Hope the weekend is a good one.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It's nice to see that nature is waking up at your place. Pawsome work by Merdie! Have a good weekend!
I forced momma to open my present last night. YOU WERE IN THERE! I confess to getting a bit cracker dog over that bag of floof. In fact Momma had to totally confiscate it because she said PeeWee and I were "too" interested and she could see me gearing up to tell him to BACK OFF! As if! The package was for ME, wasn't it?
Oh yeah, momma apprciated the DOH's on your card.
Spring is on it's way! The flowers are so pretty.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Khyra, although you have snow around, we see that springtime is coming quickly...
We love the panoramic shot! And of course ALL the shots of you, Khyra, and khousin Merdie!
Hurray for Croci and purring kittycat bushes!
I had no idea Merdie had such hidden inner strength! We love the signs of Spring at your house!
P.S. Where can I get one of those squirrel traps? I could put that to very good use!
Beautiful pictures! I loved seeing the pussywillows!
How I love you and your khrossed paws, Miss Khyra!
I too am in awe of Miss Merdie's talents. We have some walls here that I wish she was holdin up right now! Just sayin.
Please tell your the Mom... that pan-o-ram is KHOOL!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. That one pitcher looks like a LUKE TRAP and/or tasty buffet item!
Those are Most Beautiful pictures, Khyra! But my favorites are of Merdie holding up the wall. Gosh! I don't think you ever told us that your Khousin Merdie is a super-hero. I am Most Impressed!
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow...living in an older home, we could surely use Merdie's talent at holding up walls from time to time. Does she do any consulting?
Ummmmm KHYRA... I just saw your KHOMMENT on Norwood's blog!!! Wowie... Has he Khaptured your heart????
Spring has arrived for you Khyra.
Love Ruby & Penny
It was always such a relief to me, to see the first crocus emerge!
With regards to Norwood, if you have an interst in that dog you need to get in line.
I clicked on the "vote here" link/pic at the top of your side bar, but didn't understand what I was voting for.
Merdie is so strong and talented!
It totally stinks though that all your snow is gone Khyra, but don't be sad. Spring is fun too - right?....right?....
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
PeeS, your mommas camera is most cool. Our momma is jealous!
We do that tapping of paws when its leash time too.... sometimes right ON Mom!
Pussy-willows? Khrokuses? Either our neighborhood is falling behind the spring schedule, or else Mom seriously needs to start looking close at everything!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Hi Khyra and Cousin Merdie,
Patient watchful waiting going on there Khyra! These humans must be keptin order.
Merdie we are very impressed that you can hold up a wall!
We like your pics showing us Spring is on the way - we are now ready although we guess you will miss the snow!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Wow! I love the panorama!
Thanks for giving us a bird's-eye view of your world this Friday! Have a good weekend!
You is the second one in Pencilvania to tell me you has flowahs coming up. Mom's daffydills and twolips is coming up but they does not has flowahs yet.
We have some new flowers coming up too. I do my best to trample them when we leave the house for a walk.
I never realized how strong Merdie was! Holding up a wall is hard
Wow, that Merdie is quite strong!
What are we going to do about having no snow Khyra? Did you get the rain yet? Not yet fur us but it's coming. :(
Your mom takes bewootiful pictures! Love that last one!
Sam & June
oh Khyra!
can't you just smell the spring coming?
Dre so tired of snow and cold!
now, me thinks your friend misty the alpha poodle is funny! like her short term memory loss. dre shall visit her blog now.
That is a very cool last picture of the pana rama view...very talented for sure. I love the kitty kat tails
Great pics! Looks like spring is almost here!
Great pictures! I do a lot of the paw-tapping too - the humans don't tell time right.
- Layla
Wow! Merdie is so strong!
We had no idea you wore a watch.
I hope your Ma is giving Merdie lots of treats, being an integral part of the roofing support system is an exhausting task, and we don't want to walls to fall down on her noggin!!
Koda MD
Oh, Khyra, that panorma shot is just gorgeous! Biggified is even better! And Merdie did a wonderful job of holding up that wall -- it's a mighty important job you know. I haven't seen any flower poking through the grass just yet, so you are very lucky to have some color filling in, even if it does mean your snow is retreating. Have a great weekend!!
I'm so glad that Merdie is still there. I can tell that she makes you very happy. Plus, she holds your house upright. What would you do without her?
Have a great weekend. Love the crocuses!
Oh what beautiful pictures. Spring is definitely on its way... Sorry about your snow..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The pikshers are funny. The one with all the trees in a row is nice. :)
So sorry to see that your snow is almost gone - today the very last little bits of our's disappeared. Mom says she's so happy the snow is gone!
HaRooo Khyra!
Dat sunshine sure felt great. We efen gots maw to take us fur a walkie. Now we is gonna have clouds fur da next few days.
Good job Merdie on holding up dat wall!
Husky kisses,
Spring is in the air, Khyra, me dear, indeed!!!! I am terribly jealous that Mango and Dexter got some Khyra Floof!!!! Me thinks they are very lucky boys!!!!
Irish Love,
I'm feeling spring approaching. Loved the panoramic photo! More please
The crocuses are pretty! Merdie probably needs a nap after holding the wall up like that. Zim and I both know how hard that is.
The leggeds are always bad at telling the time when It comes to do with walkies. Even worse when it's dinner. But then must be a worry if your kitchen wall is falling down. Thank dog Merdie saved the day.
Wondering. Do you chase the pussy willow?
Wiry love Eric xxx
That is a "look" alright. No snow and pretty flowers we see! Have fun with Merdie
Benny & Lily
OMD...pussy willows? Ya got pussy willows? Of if we only had a tree like that...Mumsie used to when she was a girlie...
No bloomin' crocuses here yet....just little peepin' green stems...
And the snow melted yesterday and today...
And it looks like a family of moles has moved in. Ahh...that's going to be like terrier heaven.
Whack a mole...yep...
Khisses, dear girlie...
Um...DO NOT WRITE TO GILLIE'S MOM ABOUT MY REPU er um some of the silly gossip floating about in blogland...like about my butt...big? As if....
Muddy pawslaps,
Wow Merdie is super powerful! We're impressed.
Those Spring flowers are purrty. We're sorry your snow is going away, but Spring can be fun too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
wow, your Merdie is so strong even in slumber; i'm so impressed!
love your crossed paws and your mumster is well trained as mine is challenged in too many ways to explain!!!
great pics too and have a nice safe weekend
Neat to stitch photos together into one big one.
Wow Merdie is one strong canine. We loved the panoramic photo...So pretty.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the foster
The Snow Eaters have been here in FORCE, its almost gone, but nobody cares, we have had enough of it.
Hi cousin Merdie, you are looking good these days and furry, furry happy.
Mom, your panoramic picture is just beautiful.
Khyra your floof is making Mango and Dexter crazy. You really should be more careful passing that floof out!
Sunshine? I'm envious. I just have dreary rain here--all weekend long. I guess I won't be going outside with Mommie this weekend.
It is great to see you and your tree are again the outdoor focus (sorry, I know you miss the snow)! Thanks for the lovely Spring signs walk. Merdie has amazing powers...you two are so lucky to have each other.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow a skwirrel eeting flower??? can yoo send me a cutting??? ok bye
Very happy to see flower pics, those are some pretty purple flowers to.
Merdie is a wonder dog, such power to hold up the wall like that.
Who knew Merdie was so powerful? She hides it so well. Mom and I love your kitty bush photos. I don't think we have any of those close to our house. It is exciting to have flowers coming up isn't it? Well, it is for me! Maybe you will get lucky and see a crocus in the snow soon.
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