
(As of this pikh Sat AM, still just three eggs)
Here are Mom's three passengers fur Sunday afternoon's trip from Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA

"I’m not sure any dog has ever touched me quite like Elvira. My stomach still drops when I see photos of that first day…visit her Petfinder to find out more. http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/15918573. I knew we had to help Elvira just to be able to hold her in our arms for a few moments and tell this sweet girl that there is love in the world. Elvira is traveling to a foster home in New York"

This tranport is fur Rotts 'n Pups - the nice Irina Lady already told the transport list they were NOT to pupnap Misha - Misha is going to foster in NYC until a furever home khan be found fur her WHICH MIGHT ALREADY BE IN THE WORKS! Amy got an amazing applikhation fur her and those people will have the chance to see her as she passes throught the Allentown area on her way to NYC! The skhreening process involved a home visit/etc which will be done so PAWS KHROSSED Misha will only be in foster fur a short time!
Gretchen's reskhue is through Schultz Senior Dachshund Sanctuary. Also along fur part of the transport will be Dottie #2. She joined the transport in VA so she khan ride along to Hagerstown where she'll join another transport that heads to Western PA. She's joining the OTHER Dottie that khame North last month!
Mom will have her usual souvenirs from her transports and will share them tomorrow!
The cherry trees are starting to fuzz
And hint at the beaWOOtiful blossoms on the way
Sorry it is a bit blurred - it was breezy and the limbs were swaying slightly as Mom took the pikh
PeeEssWoo: With Mom being gone a good bit of Saturday and Sunday, I might be behind in my blog visits - please be patient fur I'll get there when I khan - I might not khomment on all but I'll read 'em! PLUS, to make matters worse, we were without internet for about three hours Saturday night!
The doggy nanny looks like shes doing a great job keeping you sufficiently scratched!
Great transports, much better in the new pics poor girl!
A stray that striking and pretty! Gosh! The world is upside down!
Koda MD
Khyra, it sure is generous of you to share your mom with so many dogs to help them find forever homes!
Please send some cherrie blossoms to dirtville!
You have such a good mummy!!
The beatiful B/W Husky made me think of Kat . . .did you?
Such good stories today, I am always so happy when I hear about
furever homes and happy pups.
Give your Mom a special kiss for us when she goes out tomorrow!
its so nice to see yr mom helping all the furpals getting their forever homes!
have a great day!
It's always makes our heart happy to see all the woofies your mommy helps. Please give her a big hug from us!
You look very happy spending quality time with the Doggy Nanny! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Hi, Khyra!
I am so happy for those doggies getting forever lovely homes!
Have a great day with Doggie Nanny!
Kisses and hugs
Seems a really busy weekend. Lots of dogs being transported. Your mum is just awesome!!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We don't know where your mom finds the time Khyra.
We are glad to see that you are taking it easy - these humans tend to overdo things.
What wonderdul doggies your mom is transporting today - good luck.
We loved that little pic of Misha - how very sweet.
We cannot believe she was found as a stray - surely there must be some human out there looking for her!
Nice to see the flowering cherry starting - we must have a look at ours!
Martha & Bailey xxx
We just love reading about all of your mom's transports, Khyra! Bless her over and over!
Mom can't wait to see your cherry trees in bloom!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're mum does such wonderful things for doggies in need!
Always so cool to see who your mom helped get to safety. Thanks for the Sunday Sharing.
P.S. - Out of internet for 3 hours means it sounds like you got it back. Was not sure if we were going to see a Crackberry generated post this morning.
That is a beautiful park you are visiting! Love the spring blooms at the end.
We are in read only mood for the most part here as well. Just too much to do!
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like Doggy Nanny takes good care of you while your Mom makes the coffee...
What beautiful pups...It's so nice to hear that some of them already have their Furever Homes...I know the others will have their soon...
Give your Mom some extra snuggles when she gets home...She is amazing & you are amazing for sharing her with our Fur Friends...
Abby xxxooo
Mom's eyes got all leaky when she saw Elvira's petfinder photo. We're glad she's on her way to a better life.
Gretchen is a cutie pie!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That Doggy Nanny looks like she takes good care of you. There were so many pups going to homes that I lost count of them all! We're happy for all of them. I hope your mom gets a chance to sit down and rest soon! Whew!
Thank you for getting Gretchen out of doggie jail, she looks so happy now. You are amazing - thank you for your big heart!
Sorry about the lack of internet. So happy Ivory and Silver have forever homes. They are both gorgeous and we have a soft spot for GP, like Ivory.
Wow what a difference between Gretchen's pound picture and the one at the top.
You look very happy watching things Khyra.
Purrs for Elvira and hugs for everyone who helped her.
Misha looks so cute, we can't wait to learn more about her.~AFSS
Poor Elvira! But it looks like her life got a whole lot better real quick. I'm very Most Happy for her and all the other doggies.
My mom wishes she could help with transports like your mom does. But they almost never, ever come through Collie-rado.
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra and mom...continued safe journeys on your mission...muzzer showed us some of the "facebook" pix - great run.
pee ess...Khyra, we thank you for sharing your mom with all these poor pups.
Khyra you are so sweet to take care of Nanny. We are sure she enjoys her morning time with you too..
Can't wait to see the transport pictures.. Mom will have a hard time passing those 2 off..
Be careful out there Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra
I think you and doggy nanny take good care of each other while mom is gone.
Your tree will soon burst into spring blossoms then it will look like snow petals falling to the ground.
Thank you to you and your mom for helping all those pups
Morning scritchies from the DN are the nicest:) Hope Mom is the one who has put in that app on Misha - she is a doll. Ciara would love to do zoomies with her, they are about the same age.
Hope Ben gets clost to 500 comments.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Gretchen looks sweet. I hate to see any dog in the pound but especially an older dog; I can't imagine, say, Tucker being wrenched out of his home and left at a shelter. He would be scared and miserable after spending all those years with a family.
Hi Khyra,
We're so glad that Ivory found a home! Layla was almost a Pyrenees named Willow, but it fell through. I'm glad though.
Hope you get lots of beautiful blossoms!
Your mom is so nice for doing all those transports. Yea to her...
Benny & Lily
Khyra, Your posts are always such a mixture of sad and happy moments -- kind of like life itself. The glass is always half full though -- and sometimes all the way to the brim!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Are you shure woo can't pupnap Misha? It would make a furry nice Easter prezzie fur my Maw because her Misha passed away 2 years ago. She would make my maw furry happy.
But den again, I don't need da competishun. I make my maw furry furry happy too!
Husky kisses,
Chiweenie? Can I order one of those at the hot dog stand? :)
We are soooo happy Elvira is getting the help that she needs. I just breaks our heart to see that type of neglect.
Wonderful job transporting!
We are very happy that ivory also has a good home to go to.
We wish we could help them all :)
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
I had blog connection problems over the weekend so I understand.
I'm definitely praying that these deserving dogs find wonderful, forever homes!
So what about the blog visits? Your mommy's job is much more important than that. Cheers for all the lucky passengers!
How neat that your Mom is helping dogs on their way to getting forever homes--You are wonderful not to mind sharing her!! Hope you've had a good Sunday and the transport was done safely too!!
puppy strays make me grrrr as well. You look so happy to be napping in the breeze!
Khyra please thank your Mom for all she does to help our brothers and sisters with 4 legs.
Emma Rose
Wow, really looks like spring has sprung at Khyra's Khorner, enjoy the beautiful weather!
Sounds like a busy weekend for you and your Mama Khyra!
We love your heart and wonder how it can fit inside you? (because it's
Mom saw Elvira's pic in the petfinder link and she cried. But she is glad that Elvira is in good care now.
Khyra, please give your mom a big hug for doing all the transports.
Sam & June
Each time we see photos of your wonderful transport passengers, we wonder how anyone could possibly have abandoned them.....
Your mom is a saint - the saint of lost dogs searching for their forever homes. That's all that I can say!
I admire your blog. I could only aspire to have a blog as great as yours! I am trying to work with the local shelters in this small town area and start a blog for homeless pets here in my area in Missouri. Is this just the free blogger version? I could use some tips, I am just starting out. I do have a blogger blog about animals, but it's not very organized etc. I am also on Facebook, where I croospoint and share homeless animals. I do not run across many FB animals in Missori crosspointed. I am going to try to work on that also. You are my idol!! My name is Jenni, Btw. Keep up the incredible work. And beautiful pictures!! : )
We are very sorry but we could not allow our mommy to read the sad story. Especially since she was crying buckets last night after watching a MOVIE called Hachi, a Dog's Tale. She needs some time to recover her happy-self, even though it was a good story and no doggies were injured or hurt.
We were very happy to see Senior Citizen Gretchen find a home. We know lots of times when the senior doggies moms or dads cross the bridge their families do not want to take the doggies. This is how we got our late brother, Porter. His mommy crossed the Bridge before he did and nobody in his family wanted him.
We always wish for happy endings for dogs and cats and all creatures but sometimes we feel they end up in their perfect home after doing some hard time, unfortunately. Mama Bird Rocks!! And so do Woo!!! xoxo
I hope your mom had a twixerrific transport today (TTT)! I loved your Friday flowers this week and the cherry blossoms....they will soon be blooming everywhere. I finally figured out why you always look freshly brushed....its the doggy nanny running her fingers through your fur isn't it? Mom and I are really trying to keep more up to date with commenting but we aren't succeeding much. We can't figure out how you do it.
Hi Khyra! We totally understand about your mom being behind - our mom is so behind it isn't even funny! We think it is so great that your mom was able to help those doggies, especially Elvira. We saw her petfinder info - how sad it was to see her picture. But now she will be well taken care of!
Oh, wow, I was in Hagerstown, MD last weekend! We hiked in Harpers Ferry (will post pics sometime during the week), and what a great thing your mom does in helping to transport the pups!
Seeing Elvira's petfinder page made us all leaky...it is so sad to see them so skinny and unhealthy.
Glad your mom was able to help drive!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hey Khyra,
That Gretchen is sure a cutie little pawtootie. We're glad that new loving furever homes are awaiting these guys. Hugs and lick, you know the routine by now, to your mom from all 13 of us down here in beautiful downtown Bumpass.
You are a luckhy girl to have a Doggy Nanny who will give you the back scratches!
What a difference a bit of time and love and care make... the Elvira lookin real good thse days. Wif more and more good nutrition, she will be in fine condition real soon!
Khyra, I all ways love your pitchers! Fank you and your the Mom for sharin em!
wif love from the Luke
That little chiweenie is just adorable! That was what Grammy tended to have most of her life before she got involved with Corgis! So glad that you are there for these precious pooches! The CCC
You look adorable sitting next to the Doggy Nanny. Look at all those cute pups. Your Mom does such a wonderful thing each week.
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra -
We are so glad to read the happy stories. Mama did not see the picture of Elvira on Petfinder but she probably would have cried if she did.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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