Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thursday Thinking

Lord PF reminded us that he's no turkey!

Hanging out together again -
I liked the SUNset in the background -
We made it to 60!  
And since it was so clear, the temperature dropped like a rock when the sun set - 
Willow doing her best zzzzzzzzz'ing -


Sadly, we are thinking of NowAngelArianna's family gathering for their Thanksgiving with THAT all imposing EMPTY chair - the above picture was from BobTheKhat's FB page -when she was showing one of the ice cream creations - THAT's the Arianna we'll keep in our hearts -
Another picture from BobTheKhat - 

It is still surreal to think of what happened - and how it turned out - 

We had her as our waitress each FrEYEday - until school started again - but was still covering Saturdays - WELL, we had intended to go in that Saturday for breakfast - but then.......

The family has finally published her obituary - 

We'll also be thinking of her BobTheKhat Family - I KNOW they've been impacted adversely as well - whether it be the adults running the business or 'the kiddos' that made BobTheKhat a place to learn and serve - 

Please hug someone today in her memory - 
and do watch out for school buses - the cargo is precious - and needs to make it on the bus safely -

I've reminded Willow as I put this together that I'm home until Monday now - but we will be working today!

Happy THANKSgiving  EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

We send Arianna's family and friends huge hugs♥
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mom, Willow!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We feel for Arianna's family. #1 lost her father on Thanksgiving 21 years ago. She was celebrating with cousins in Ohio when she got the call, and had to drive straight back to Chicago and get on a plane.

We wish YOU a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ollie (and #1)

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Happy Thanksgiving to you! We hope you have lots of good stuff to gobble-gobble!"
Java Bean: "Our Mama and Dada are going up to Dada's cousin's for Thanksgiving, it'll be the first one without his uncle, who passed away in the spring from a brain tumor. An empty chair for a different reason from Arianna's family ..."