Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday Sharing

The showers had stopped by the time I snagged this shot from The PF Palace -
And then came THE SUN!

The Royal Khouple just hanging out -

Afternoon - with sun waning away -
The Babblers were all about how there would be rain for the early Black FrEYEday shoppers - we didn't care a bit about that -
Time for our 'venture - and note the skEYE -
Come on Willow - time for your pictures!
Much better!
And yes, she did her standard khrazyHerderHeeler dog stuff when I grabbed the keys and my bag -
Friendly's -

I had khontemplated the veggie omelette but decided on the brioche french toast - YUMMERZ!
And true to The Babblers babbling, the khlearing had khommenced -
Auntie Di had said hi to Wiggles when she arrived - I had left the rear window down a bit for her - but after we ate - and prepared to leave - I leashed her up to say HI to evFURRYone!
From this angle, is this a KhattleDog! or a Pemboke Khorgi?
The view is a wee bit changed eh?
The Dog Tax$


It was nice to see Auntie Di, Uncle Paul, and Linda - Khousin B's 'Boys' were going to come but ended up with other commitments - but enjoyed the foodabables and all that stuff - and came back to The Khottage to just lounge - what a great way to spend the day -

I'm not sure what today will bring - we may just hang around here and make the Rana Ravioli I have in the frig - BUT after putting this together, Auntie Di wrote us asking if I wanted somethings SO we said YES - went and met her - so now I have food for the days ahead - the ravioli can wait - 

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The french toast looks so yummy and now you've made hungry for it! I love Rana's raviolis and tortellini!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 is drooling over the brioche French toast!

We had a lot of fog here today!

Great pics, as always, Willow.
