I'll let Mom take khontrol of the keyboard now!
Tehya - she's a HuskyBorderCollie - and she's the best of all those breeds offer -
As we mentioned on Sunday's post, we were going to do Heart's transport in honour and memory of Bandit and the others at Wandering Spirits -
Well, here are some pictures we snagged from Tehya's post about her brothers -
Mac and Ozzy
We are still thinking of them and Emmitt's family too - please check out the awesome video his mom put together for us to celebrate Emmitt on their blogOff we go
This is for Auntie Di - she works at United Rentals in Phoenix - this one is our local one - it is down the hill and across the interstate from Khyra's B&B SPCA!
I'll be back HERE on Wednesday!
I saw this plate when I stopped to get some very precious $3.199 ga$ that was $3.229 when I went by three hours later - most of the gas I saw enroute to and from Hagerstown was $3.259 to $3.319 - sad sad sad
Short of Chambersburg I passed this truck and took it as another omen of a great transport!
Once again, Chester's bridge as I headed South -
Some bonus PUPPY pictures!
I got to McD's and encountered Peggy - the one who joined us in Harrisburg last Sunday - and Helen - coincidentally enough, Helen had done Hope and Vicky's overnight for Sam's transport - I had been to Helen's quite a few times to get pups that had spent the night at her place - she'd been out of the country for some months but has returned and will be back to helping with B&B and driving as her schedule permits!
I told her how I had wanted to drive Hope and Vicky on Sunday - she confirmed they were very special girls - Helen got very excited talking about Vicky - she said she was a beauty - and that Hope was so in need of love - but what a great pair they were!
I did get a video of the pups in Hagerstown - AND again in Harrisburg for they were there when Heart and I arrived!
I let Heart check out the snow in Merryland
Some girl was FURRY happy to be heading home!
She was such a sweetie!
I think she was one of the most photogenic dogs I've transported - so please be prepared for the number of pics in the Photobucket - I just couldn't bring myself to delete any of them!
The blanket was hers - and she loved it
Her eyes were awesome and so expressive!
Sorry - out of focus - had to shoot it quickly!
Chester's Bridge heading North -
Checking out the sights in Harrisburg
Inspecting my side of The Xterra
Another successful trip as we try to see they all do have a home!
Our Harrisburg shot as I headed back across The Susquehanna River for home
Mission Accomplished!
There are LOTS of pics in the Photobucket including some from Saturday's meeting spot in Charlotte - Heart got to ride along with a Dalmatian transport - and Mary went over to the Bob Evans to snag some pics of all of them -
As I mention in the one of the videos, Heart is going to live in Western Master Chew Sits - her mom and dad drove down to North Paterson NJ to meet her and escort her HOME! She's nine months old with lots of happiness and fun in store!
UPDATE: Around 7:30 Sunday night we got an email wrapping up the transport - Heart was on her way home with her mom and dad - they were THRILLED - and thanked all of us for bringing 'this bundle of joy into our lives' -
The transport was done for PMAR - Heart had been fostered in the Greenville SC area!
Here is the link to the Photobucket album with six videos AND here is the link to the slideshow -
Once again, all the wagging tails you see are proof
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner