Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday Telling

The first look of the day found Lady PF and
Lord PF hanging at The PF Palace -
No doubt checking out our icky weather -
A sun shot later -
Now for telling about her SUNday - with The Toys -

Expressing her opinion of the golf - I had switched to be ready for The Evening News - 
Willow reminds me that although her tailed was 'docked' I should make sure to capture ALL of her -
A wee bit better BUT still missing a wee bit!

We did get out for our AM walk - and then the breakfast khlub of stuff - on to some just hanging on the sofa time until it was time to head to The Groomer - on the way back to The Khottage, I did hit MyGiant then so it won't be on today's ROTE - but today will be a Willow venture - as I mentioned yesterday - some places to hit before the month ends or I head back to The GKP - 

And of course, I have to check on BobTheKhat!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Duke said...

Your poor tennis ball, Willow! We feel the same way about golf here too.