Thinking we are enjoying hanging out together

Thinking napping is GREAT!

Thinking how thoughtful it was fur
DOG DAZE to paw this along to us
and how thankful we are to have gotten to know them in the past months!
Of khourse, there are rulesregulationsrekhwirements that akhkhompany this award but I AM A SIBERIAN!
We don't need no stinkin' rules (but we do need leashes)!
I've seen this award shared on many of the blogs on our GooglieReaderieThingie so we shan't even begin to chekhk out which blogs have and which blogs have not received it.
We will furry graciously akhcept it bekhause it means a lot khoming from the hooman behind Dog Daze!
In the khoming 'daze' of our own, our blog visits will probably lessen a bit as Mom realises she has to get bakhk to the world of making green papers. She's khwite sad to think she'll probably not return to the job she so enjoyed prior to her layoff. All of woo know she's a big advokhate of 'things happening fur reasons' BUT even this one is trying her logikh of 'okay, then NOW what khan I do'
Having pawed THAT, we just wanted to warn evfurryone that going furward, we'll share any awards we are lukhky enough to receive and let any of woo have 'em if woo choose to snag 'em!
Now I think we need to move on to some happier thoughts

Meet Tessa

Furry khomfy Tessa

Furry furry happy khomfy Tessa who was khalled
GINNY and got to snag a ride in my Xterra along with 'Connor', Spike, and Tiger on December 13, 2009

I'm thinking I'm smelling some snow!
Merdie and I were khwite flattered to read all the kind words pawed about our Khalendar Girl post fur Wikhked Wednesday!
Merdie's Mom left my mom a FB message about missing their girl and maybe they would have to khome steal her bakhk!
What do woo think? Should Merdie stay or should she go?
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Merdie is your new costar. Can you hide her?
Be glad you dogs don't get the concept of money. ;)
Maybe Merdie's family can move next door so they can come visit her at your house! Okay, maybe it's okay she goes home to her own house every once in awhile.
Congrats on your award! Tessa is a pretty girl! And we hope your mom gets a job that she enjoys so she can get some of those green papers.
Hi Khyra
I hope that whatever your mom does to bring home the green paper- it will be something she likes to do.
Too bad that stuff does not fall through the sky like snow flakes.
Congratulations on your award Khyra- your the best there is,
Thank you for sharing all the photos - we loved them.
We are furry sorry that your momma will not have the job back that she likes so much - bummer.
We think that Merdie should be stayin' at your place most of the time because you and Merdie are good company fur each other.
We are seein' that your transport dog sure landed into a great place to put down her paws - WOWZA!
Happy New Year! Both of you are looking good there!
Hi Khyra and mom!
Good luck with the resumes/job apps... so far, best responses back (of those that respond) seem to come from craigslist postings.
btw, loved your verification word on mine :)
*typo'ed on our first khomment!*
Stinky about your mom's job. Don't worry, we'll still come around to visit!
Keep Merdie.. she sure is nice to be with. :)
~ Bae
Congrats on your award! I think that is a swell one *grins*
I hope your Mom will make lots and lots of green papers so that she can stay more often at home with you. It's a necessity apparently...if only things were much simpler, right? =)
Wow, congratulations on your award. You really deserve it, Khyra! I'm so glad that your Mom found a job...even though it's not the one she wanted.:( I think Merdie should go visit her Mom since she misses her so much. Then she can come back to your house to play with you.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
Lovely to see you and Merdie together so much but I guess her family miss her lots too!
Best of luck to your Mom on the job front. We know all about job problems at the moment, the NSLM's dad was let go just before Christmas. We're still adjusting to all that at the moment!
We wish your Mom the very best.
take care
hey Khyra, congrats on your award and your mum deserves the best for being who she is...good luck
do come over for another deserving award
You both look great.
Love Tessa 's bed.
Best of luck to Mom
Happy New Year Khyra! Sorry it took me so long to visit. I see your human likes to take pictures of you napping as well. Hope your mum will get a job she loves. It's really nice when mums works at home!
Best of Luck to your Mom and Wishing you a Very Happy and Successful New Year!~
Merdie's family must miss her terribly, but she is ours now!
I hope your mom has her priorities in order when looking for a green paper supplier. Blogging first! (Seriously Good Luck! I know it's no fun!)
Tessa is adorable and looks to mayb e have some ocd/acd in her so you know we are smitten! Happy tails Tessa!
What a lucky girl Tessa is and part of the thanks for that go to your Mom and the other wonderful people who do transports to help save these pups.
Maybe joint custody plans can be put in place for Merdie so she can spend time at both of her loving homes.
We hope Mom is able to find work quickly so she can make those green papers - paws crossed and good thoughts and prayers for success in her search.
Woos, Phantom and TD
I think you are smelling snow because it is definitely on the way today!
Good luck to your mom with finding a job! It's not easy out there...
As much as you love being with Merdie, she should probably go home to be with her mom.
Merdie's humans would be so sad if she went to live with you. I think that she needs to stay with her family and visit you often.
It is good that your mom will be making the dollars, but it can be a pain when that work stuff limits important activities such as visiting pals.
Aw Merdie needs to live closer so that you can be partners in crime.
Hope your mom finds a nice job
We are wishing your mom the best of luck and hoping that 2010 will bring her her best job ever.
I think Merdie needs to be a permanent member of your pack!
Happy new year. sorrys we late buts mums is bits slow on puter so cants get round everybody. you and Merdie looks good together
Oh no doubt about it Merdie stays, but her poor mum must miss her too.That looks one happy little woofie after getting a forever home.Makes it all worthwhile. I hope your mum gets a job she enjoys, I know she will be anxious to make some green papers after being of work. Fingers or rather paws crossed that something good comes up. You can have my snow Khyra because I dont like it..HUgs GJ xx
oh my. We think Merdie loves it with you and your mom, but probably (on occasion) misses her kid. Maybe she could visit him on weekends.
I know how hard it is to run your own business. I was lucky that I was able to go to work with muzzer, otherwise, I prolly would not have seen much of her! You and Merdie have each other for company...that is very good.
I know her two leggers want her home, butt.... I'm just sayin'.
I like Tessa. She has giant ears like me!
Okay, so I think your mom should tell Merdie's peoples that she was kidnapped by a giant band of mutant squirrels and you're working to find her...all the while she's hidden in your bedroom. It might work. :)
Wooos MFT! I think Merdie can come and go as she likes!
Congrats on the award, woo certainly deserve it.
As to your Mum's job, we understand, when mum got laid off from her best job in the world two years ago she was very sad. Then she picked herself up and started her online business, which has been not always successful but fulfilling as she has always wanted to create her art full time after 20 years of doing it on the side. We hope someday it will be successful and we wish your Mum to find something as fulfilling as her last job and be happy!
-Kira The BeaWootiful, and her Mum!
hide her !! hide her!!
mommish has been working long 12 hr shifts at her job too and refuses to be our bloggy slave when she gets home and grammy does'nt know how so we've been posting less as well. but we gots a home and food and warmness so we are vewy lucky doggys.
the houston pittie pack
Congrats on your award!
The best of luck to your Mom!
Nice pictures of you and Merdie! You two get along so well!
So everyone's fighting(!) over Merdie! She is such a popular girl, and we understand why!
We wish your mom all the best in rejoining the work world. Times are hard everywhere, and many of us are seeing our people face tough situations, and we are always there for them!
Oue mum would like to know if you want our snow, because we're fed up with it now!
Wish you could get paid for blogging... you'd have it made!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i dont no wot it is with hyoomans and green paypers but they seem to be verry konsernd abowt them all the time!!! hope to stil see yoo arownd a lot tho!!! ok bye
Merdie should stay with you!!!!!!!!
You are a great great match!!!!!!!!!
And seems you're having tons of fun together!!!!
Maybe her humans could move next to you so you could stay together furever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your wonderful award sweet Khyra|!!!
You deserve it because you're very very very special for all of us!!!!
And thanks for sharing with us the wonderful and happy photos of Tessa!!!
Have a great day with Merdie!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Wow, you and Mom have been busy Khyra....transports and visitors and holidays! Looks like you had so much fun and even celebrated New Year's Eve with a drink or two. ;)
We say let's hide Merdie so that her hooman can't take her back....
Sorry that your mom can't have her job back. We wish her good luck with her new job search.
Sam & June
Merdie is very cute and we think she should stay - on the other hand her mom misses her... Though decision.
We're crossing our paws and hope your mom finds a job she enjoys soon :-)
I hope your mom finds a job that she enjoys just as much!
I just love Tessa's ears! :)
Congrats on your award!
I'm sorry to say that I think Merdie has to go back to her humans. I'm sure they miss her very much! But she will have to come over for frequent sleepovers! :) I really think Merdie should start blogging too!
Merdie! Merdie! Merdie!
We're supposed to get snow tonight. Whoo hoo! I can't wait. Mom and I have been playing this awesome game where I act like I have to go out to do bizness real bad and she lets me out and then i just stand around and enjoy the cold weather. and eat snow. And then she gets worried b/c it's been so cold, that she has to come out and get me. It's real fun! hehe
We're sending lots of pawsitive thoughts for your mom and the green paper/hunting thing.
Your pal,
Tessa sure hit the jackpot! Just look at all those toys and places to lay around
That's a great award - conCatulations!! We missed yesterdays post and just looked - you are two hotties!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Stay, stay, stay! Merdie wants to stay. Seriously? Is this an option? Wow! I'm afraid to ask, really! You guys do right by you first. The world needs you. I'm sorry to hear about your momma's job. I wish her the best!!! And let's not forget: Congratulations on your award :)
We DEFENITELY thinks Merdie should stay! She's your sidekick! And ConCats on your award!!! Also, we thinks the snows are comin' too...
Congrats on the award Khyra!
We don't know what to say about Merdie because on one had it is great she is there with you but on the other if her people miss her that is tough for them.
We hope your mom doesn't hate her new job - we hope it is a good one.
I'm always amazed at the number of comments on your blog even before I can get to it! You have some very nice friends!
But then again, you have a very nice blog as well! :)
Hi Khyra & Merdie
You two look so relaxed together! Congrats on you Award.
We know all about the problem of humans making green papers!
It does lessen the blogging time!
We hope your mom finds something that she will enjoy - change might happen for a reason but sometimes you kinda wish it wouldn't!
Tessa looked adorable!
Now as for should Merdie stay or should she go - looking at Merdie she seems to have decided!
She sure looks at home there.......paws under the table as they say!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
woah we have so much to catch up on we are thrilled to see you had a super xmas but a bit sad your momma has to find a new jobby, we send lots of pawsitive powers her way for a dream opportunity!
Hi Khyra! Congrats on the award! That's so sweet you and Merdie get along so well! Tessa is very cute! And stay cozy and warm since it's snowing! -Hector and Lola
Meride is lovely, Even if she doesnt have such a fluffy tail.
HNY to you all and lots of good will for all your efforts in the dog runs. You help lots of pups.
If Merdie has to go back to her home...we think she should be at least a guest blogger. Or get her own blog.
We hope your Mom can find a new jobbie that she likes. We hope lots of people can find jobbies that they like...including our Uncle.
I think we have to consider Merdie's two boys that love her and miss her when she is at your house. I think she should go home to her boys (its very important for boys to have a dog to bring them up right) and stop in and visit you when she can.
I send your Mom all my good wishes for a job that will give her lots of green papers every week, and I would also get all the Unemployment green papers that I could too!
We think Merdie will have to come visit LOTS!!! But like Stella said, she does have to little humans that love her lots.
Don't let Merdie go -
Tessa looks like she landed on her paws -
Not so great about the job, but hang in there.
Tessa is a pretty girl. Glad all those hounds got somewhere for Christmas. Snow...it's snowing here, everything's closed all for ONE INCH! BOL Merdie comes to visit a lot but her family would miss her terribly if you kept her--esp if they miss her so much after a week. She is a pretty girl, too.
love & wags,
Oh Merdie you need to stay. Khyra you would be so sad if she left...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are Merdie are such a perfect team! Tell mom not to worry, she is a VERY talented person and her next job will give her new opportunities to discover new things about herself...change is good. BTW, please visit Mack (Mack and Sally Ann) he is not doing well and could use some kind words. Thanks.
My Pops was watching this movie where a guy in a blue helmet got cloned into thousands of similar guys, except in white helmets.
Maybe you could clone Merdie? That way, everyone can have a Merdie, but without the silly white helmet.
It's sad that your momma has to go back to work and can't help you blog... but the Beagle from down the road says green paper means more plushies and chewies for you!
hi Miss Khyra and Merdie
Yep.. Merdie is here to stay. How can woo do pin up Wednesdays without her? Hmmm we wish mom well in getting back to work. Things to happen for a reason and I'm sure it's for the good
Hello hello!
Kongrats on your award! Looks like Merdie's a regular on your posts, that's great!! We luv reading about her and you two look very happy spending time together!
Thanks for sharing your transport friends pics, as always we enjoy it!
Congratulations on your new award! We would like Merdie to stay, but understand that her Momma needs her too...
Hi Khyra!!
Congratulations on the award, it is well deserved!
I would love to hang out with you and Merdie some time, looks like you are great Khousins.
Snow? BRRRRRR Cold!
hey Khyra,
Tessa is such a pretty girl. Thanks for sharing her update. Makes my tail wag! And congrats on the great award! Very cute!
What a difficult decision about Merdie. I am sure Merdie misses and loves her humans, but I KNOW she loves you! The photos of your paws touching as you are relaxing are just awesome! How can you two be parted? Good luck!
p.s. good luck to your mom finding a job she loves. my human is going through the same thing so I know how it can be rough.
We think WE want Merdie!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Sending lots of "good luck" vibes to your mom!
Maybe you could hide Merdie like you hide your snakhk bones? Oh wait, that might not work. I don't think she'll fit into some of your hidey spots.
You two look very thoughtful in those pictures!
Tessa is adorable!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs
She should stay. Does your mum have a new job to go to?
We sure hope your Mom khan find something she khan do that makes her happy and makes the green papers. Such a hard thing sometimes. At least that is what Mom says.
Mom has had the last 3 weeks off from school... and is thankful to have her job... but it is a hard job! She hates leaving home to go do it!
We will miss Merdie if she goes... but then we might too be losing one of our own soon.
Monty says "Hi Khyra!" He thinks that the little one is furry cute... but has tired of some of its antics!
We hope your mom snags a really fun workplace so she can enjoy her work again.
We know Merdi went home in the next post. You must miss her.
We liked Merdie and wished she could have stayed. Maybe she'll be back soon?
Hi, Khyra -
Congratulations on your award. We like all of the pictures of you and Merdie.
We hope your Mom gets a good job soon. Mama knows only too well what it's like to be out of work.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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