Your tail is looking might floofy today Khyra! We're sorry your mom twisted her knee during your romp around the neighborhood. We enjoyed the walk today!
I am sorry your snow is disappearing. I have about 50-50 right now of snow versus ground. I wish the snow would win, but it seems to be on the losing end. That is a nice little snow pile you have by your driveway, though. Enjoy it while you can!
p.s. *I* didn't wonder why you took off on a run! It is in our blood - to run free like the wind! But, glad you are back safe and sound!
That's about all the snow we have left too Khyra-BUT it's supposed to maybe do sumpthin' tomorrow. I'll keep my paws crossed that you get lots more snow to play in!
Drat, your Mom stole the words right out of our mouth - we were going to comment on your extra-floofy tail today. And the "tiger" look so well describes you. Wish we had some dry roads like that to walk on. Nothing is dry here between the melting snow, rain, and continued fog. Makes for lots of towel wipedowns.
Hi Khyra, we watched your video - Martha loves to hear your mom! We did think you looked very stripey and extra floofy. What a shame all your snow is going but at least it doesn't seem to be icy. We are glad your mom's knee is better - how awful to think again of you running off........ You must never do that again - we would never do such a thing!!!!! We were a bit worried to see the reports of you running off from Mango but we have explained to Asta you were shopping for us. We must say you looked very cool - no sign of the floofy pantaloons - but very foxy! love Martha & Bailey xxx
Wooos! MFT! So sorry about your snow pile, it has been in the 70's again here, so my chance of snow is gone completely... Love the tail girl! -Kira the BeaWootiful
Me again, The video was awesome and I hate when Smokes gets out and runs off. It makes me sooooo nervous. I'm glad you found her on Thursday! They LOVE to run :)
Hey there Khyra So your snow is disappearing? Well your floofy tail isn't! You are quite charming. Please send my love to your mom...and to Merdie....and to Unc' Paul and family. Lotsalicks MAXDOG IN SOUTH AFRICA
Your tail is looking exceptionally floofy today. My snow is going away, too. But the weather dude says we might get some next week. I am crossing my paws...
The tail is super floofy.. Our snow has gone too but down south they are getting it again now and York is flooded again because of the thaw.. Poor them all that water is awful.. Hugs GJ x
I hope you get more snow soon! It's looking too green for you!
We still can't believe that you ran off...well we can, since I would also do that in a second, but we are sooooo glad you are back! Mom is always so paranoid about me running off.
Woo! Your mom is right! Your tail looks extra floofy today! :)
I'll come with you if you promise not to let me get lost or let any big woofies chase me. It looks like a nice place to sniff. I'd like to chase a squirrel up a tree just once again, but not actually outside of course. I had enough of that as a starving semi-feral.
I'm sorry your mommy's knee hurts. You should make her rest it on a soft sofa for a long nap
Most of your pretty snow is gone. Too bad. We're planning a trip to Prescott to visit snow the end of the month.Sure hope there is still some there! Smooches, BRD & Hootie
You had a lovely day for a walk Khyra.. To bad all that fun snow is almost all gone. We are sure glad that mom's knee is better after your little escape act..
Hi Khrya - great pantaloon shots here! It's sad about the snow no longer being around isn't it? We've heard we might be getting some more over here - although for some strange reason this news made our humans groan! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
First of all we're very very happy your mommy's knee is better!!! had a wonderful walkie with her!!!! WOWOWOWOOOOOO!!! What a great great video!!! We love walking with you!!!! Thanks a lot for taking us along with you!!! ONDDDDDDDD Khyra....we your fluffy tail!!!! We could do everything for your sexy tail!!!! ;-)))))))) HAve a wonderful day!!! WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
Thanks for taking us on your walk today Khyra and Mom. Great pictures!! You have the best looking butt that we have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi and Fern
Wow you have a shadow! We'll have those again in April! :)
Mom wants to know if all that walking on the street keeps your toenails short?
We just think you look cool.
I wish I had a nice l'il snow pile like u. Dat looks like ice creem.
Your tail is looking might floofy today Khyra! We're sorry your mom twisted her knee during your romp around the neighborhood. We enjoyed the walk today!
What a wonderful walk! We just love that floofy tail that you have!
Monty says "Hi! Khyra!"
hey Khyra,
I am sorry your snow is disappearing. I have about 50-50 right now of snow versus ground. I wish the snow would win, but it seems to be on the losing end. That is a nice little snow pile you have by your driveway, though. Enjoy it while you can!
p.s. *I* didn't wonder why you took off on a run! It is in our blood - to run free like the wind! But, glad you are back safe and sound!
You are the Queen of the snow. I'm so glad that you found a patch of it to play in.:)
Teddy Bear
hold on to your queenly-ness a bit longer
nice walkie.....
mumster tried to video me walking and she couldn't manage so dadster took over BUT he said i was a TINY DOT in the horizon, bol...
will show you soon
That's about all the snow we have left too Khyra-BUT it's supposed to maybe do sumpthin' tomorrow. I'll keep my paws crossed that you get lots more snow to play in!
Chester ;0=)
Drat, your Mom stole the words right out of our mouth - we were going to comment on your extra-floofy tail today. And the "tiger" look so well describes you. Wish we had some dry roads like that to walk on. Nothing is dry here between the melting snow, rain, and continued fog. Makes for lots of towel wipedowns.
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
Miss Khyra! Lucky for me momma let me watch your walkie movie earlier. Hehehe. Because now she says she is already late to start her day.
Snow is on 1t's way! I am sending the white stuff we got last night in dirtville, that We are not supposed to have!
Hi Khyra, we watched your video - Martha loves to hear your mom!
We did think you looked very stripey and extra floofy.
What a shame all your snow is going but at least it doesn't seem to be icy.
We are glad your mom's knee is better - how awful to think again of you running off........
You must never do that again - we would never do such a thing!!!!!
We were a bit worried to see the reports of you running off from Mango but we have explained to Asta you were shopping for us.
We must say you looked very cool - no sign of the floofy pantaloons - but very foxy!
Martha & Bailey xxx
i wish ive a nice snow pile too!
its just too hot over here.
hope uve enjoyed yr walk!
Despite the recent rain we still have the odd snow pile about the place.
We hope you enjoyed your walk!
Floofie tail photos. It doesn't get much better.
Weekly Fluff Fix Wednesday is what you should call this.
have a good week.
Wooos! MFT! So sorry about your snow pile, it has been in the 70's again here, so my chance of snow is gone completely... Love the tail girl!
-Kira the BeaWootiful
How clever of you to have kept a snow pile away from the Snow Thief, Khyra! It won't last forever but every extra moment is a joy!
those are great pikshurs. we just love your furs and floofy tail!
That snow thief is getting pretty brazen!
I liked your video. If you would like some more snow we have plenty in Minnesota and more on the way!
Queen of the Snow Pile!
OHOH, the where is all the snow going?
Before you know it you'll see flowers:)
Me again, The video was awesome and I hate when Smokes gets out and runs off. It makes me sooooo nervous. I'm glad you found her on Thursday! They LOVE to run :)
Hey there Khyra
So your snow is disappearing? Well your floofy tail isn't! You are quite charming.
Please send my love to your mom...and to Merdie....and to Unc' Paul and family.
Oh know...your snow is almost gone Khyra!! We hope it is replenished soon!!
Love all your floofiness!!!
Your tail is looking exceptionally floofy today. My snow is going away, too. But the weather dude says we might get some next week. I am crossing my paws...
Your pal,
The tail is super floofy.. Our snow has gone too but down south they are getting it again now and York is flooded again because of the thaw.. Poor them all that water is awful.. Hugs GJ x
We hope you "claimed" that snow pile yours.
Sam & June
I hope you get more snow soon! It's looking too green for you!
We still can't believe that you ran off...well we can, since I would also do that in a second, but we are sooooo glad you are back! Mom is always so paranoid about me running off.
Woo! Your mom is right! Your tail looks extra floofy today! :)
I'll come with you if you promise not to let me get lost or let any big woofies chase me. It looks like a nice place to sniff. I'd like to chase a squirrel up a tree just once again, but not actually outside of course. I had enough of that as a starving semi-feral.
I'm sorry your mommy's knee hurts. You should make her rest it on a soft sofa for a long nap
Most of your pretty snow is gone. Too bad. We're planning a trip to Prescott to visit snow the end of the month.Sure hope there is still some there!
BRD & Hootie
You need to come visit our mountains would have plenty of snow to enjoy!
Oh that is too bad your snow pile is shrinking! I wish we could send you some of ours!!
Great Walking Wednesday!!
Ya'll need some more snow! Great tail swishing, as always!
Wow your snow is slowly disappearing, sorry!
You look totally pawsome in those pictures!
Toby's Trainer
SEGDI Raiser
We are jealous. We have had storms all week and no walkies.
Misty the alpha Poodle
It's a good thing you still have some snow left.
Looks like you've had another nice walk.
Seems each time i see, you're tail's getting fluffier..!
Thanks for sharing your luvly walk!
Your tail sure is floofilicious!
You better guard that pile, or it will magically vanish over the next few days!
I love your tail, and your shadow!
You had a lovely day for a walk Khyra.. To bad all that fun snow is almost all gone. We are sure glad that mom's knee is better after your little escape act..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sassy watched your video and has "floofy tail envy!"
You and Mom keep strutting your stuff!!!
Hi Khrya - great pantaloon shots here! It's sad about the snow no longer being around isn't it? We've heard we might be getting some more over here - although for some strange reason this news made our humans groan! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
How great to be QUEEN of the snow. All I am is king of the mud puddle - we is very very wet here in supposed sunny Southern California.
Wonderful walk Khyra!
Many thanks for taking the time out to nominate us. We really appreciate it.
take care
What a nice walk Khyra. When my snow melts I also like to seek out any remaining pile to enjoy :)
Enjoyed the walk and I'm happy to see your snow is melting too.
What beautiful floofy tail!!
I can't believe your snow is disappearing so soon - make sure you eat lots of it....
Oh no, your kingdom is slowly disappearing! Maybe you should consider being queen of the grass for a while.
Hiya Khyra - all of our snows are gone ... thoes weather doods say we getting some ice tonight or tomorrow ... yuck!
Magnificently Floofy. What an excellent compliment!
Wowa, your snow is almost gone and it looks purrty sunny in your pics! If you are the Queen of snow, can I be your dutches?
Those photos are testament to the magnificence of your royal tail. We've got rain here, if you like I'll put some in the freezer for you.
Happy Wednesday to you and your mum Khyra.
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Walkin Wednesday!
Yes, your tail looked soooo fluffy today!
I enjoyed your walkie.
Kisses and hugs
Hope mom's knee is ok. Thanks for taking us all for a walk...we needed to get out of the stuffy winter house and stretch our legs!
First of all we're very very happy your mommy's knee is better!!! had a wonderful walkie with her!!!!
What a great great video!!!
We love walking with you!!!!
Thanks a lot for taking us along with you!!!
ONDDDDDDDD Khyra....we your fluffy tail!!!!
We could do everything for your sexy tail!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Marge always finds the snow piles, too, and makes them her own --
only difference is that she likes to leave pee mail on them!
we love your snow pile
we wish we had even that wittle bit here in houston
the houston pittie pack
Mine is melting too but I am happy! Mom's probably not though because of the mud but oh well. :)
Thanks for taking us on your walk today Khyra and Mom. Great pictures!! You have the best looking butt that we have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi and Fern
It was fun to take a stroll with you today, you're such a good girl on your leash!
Miss Khyra
Isle de Woo is shrinking... whoo woo. I didn't think u would trip me.. you look funny these days!
It seems lots of puppers out there have lost their snow. Ours is slowly dwindling too.
Your snow keeps you so sparkling clean and fluffy tailed!
Looks like you had a nice walk. Where is all the snow going?
Your tail did look extra floofy! Sorry your Mom hurt her knee, don't go running off again ok!!
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