Woo really need to add it to your GooglieReaderieThingie! It is khwite a hoot!
I strongly urge woo read The Kitty City Gazette!
I'm still ankle deep in khytty litter as I sort through all the entries fur MANGO MINSTER 2010!
I'm still ankle deep in khytty litter as I sort through all the entries fur MANGO MINSTER 2010!
I had more help from Butterskhotch and Brofur after my furst walk on Friday - please chekhk THIS OUT!!!
I would like to thank them fur their assistance in keeping me on my toes!
Don't furget to head ovFUR to MANGO MINSTER 2010 so woo khan vote fur your choices!
It will SOOOOO be the happenin' place to be this week!
I don't have to share the Xterra this weekend...Mom had a transport leg to do BUT the 'weather' khaused it to be postponed since the trek was from Oak Ridge TN to Hagerstown MD on Saturday with Mom due to hit the road furst thing Sunday AM to khontinue the journey to NJ. Mom will share a pikh tomorrow.
I hope all of woo that got some SNOW have enjoyed being One With The White!
PeeEssWoo: If woo hear skhreams khoming from Master Chew Sits this week, it is only Mango's DOH! Please stay khalm!
Oh my goodness, that little woofie toy looks just like you Khyra!
Hey Khyra,
It looks like you know how to have fun with a stuffie. We're so excited to be #2 in the comments! That's what stayin up late will do for ya!
The human is gettin circles under the eyes if ya know what I mean.
Hoover BPD
That stuffie looks a lot like you K! The Harley hat was a nice touch.BOL. You look a little tired in the pics. Are we EVer gonna find out what you were up to the last few weeks??
BabyRD and Hootite
Hi there Khyra,
Your lil woofie friend is like your twin. It's so full of cuteness! Roll rolling during the weekend can be lots of fun.
- Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
The little toy really does look like you Khyra! Thks for the reminder. Heading over to the Mango Minster now! Cheers.
That plushie is awesome! It's just... it's like a little you!
Try to keep it in good shape!
Khyra and khyra 2 hehe.
Noah xx
You have a Mini-Me!!!!
Congrats on the Kitty City award, Khyra. That's a biggie!
We love the stuffie!
omg! that little toy doggy
is cute!!!!
El'bow & Hauwii
Mini Khyra is a KHutie. I see you are wearing your snowman scarf. Is that the triumph of hope over experience???
I surely don't envy you the Judging Job. It took me until after 9 PM to finally be able to cast my vote.
So what do you think of Mango all dressed in his "evening wear"???
Hi Khyra and Mom,
Love your doggie.
Sheeba misses her 2 brother 's (her Mom 's nephews) they left yesterday. The boys also miss her a lot.
Are you going to become a bad girl biker chick?
Cute stuffie, Khyra - we still think you need a real twin, think how much fun you two could have getting those cats and then all the squirrels - double attack.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
How cute! You do have a soft side, don't you?
I can't believe houw nice you are to your stuffies!
Did you get some snow?
That is one cute stuffie! And we are kinda glad your mom is staying inside with you this weekend. And very glad Doggy Nanny and Fred got to Floribunda earlier this week
gussie n teka
That furry guy is really cute. That's the kind of brother I like. That award is scary.
That Harley-Davidson hat it cool!
Ooopsie, I meant "is" cool!
Wow, it's pawsome that you have a stuffie that looks just like you!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We enjoyed seeing Butterscotch and Brofur today!!! Good thing you were on the leash, you would have given those kitties a run for their money!!!
We've voted for our fave kitty on Mango Minster!!! So much excitement and hard work for you Judge Khyra!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Grrrreat stuffie, MFT! Alas, I'm not allowed to have Star's husky puppy stuffie, Mom says its been "retired" and now itlives in the see-thru cabinet with the other not-a-dog-toy stuffies. *sigh*
Thanks fur the link to the cat dog competition -- we voted. Try not to drool on them when you're picking the winner.
a-roos to yous and toodle-woos,
jack a-roo & moo too
We loves the toy, it is almost as cute as you.
We can't wait to see what is going on at Mango Minister today. ~AFSS
Hi Khyra,
You got a mini Khyra for Christmas? Cool!
Sorry you missed out on the snow. We were happy to see that storm pass south of us. But thought maybe it would swing up your way.
Wooos MFT! That M.M. judging must take a lot out of woo, all of those Khats!
At least woo have your stuffie to keep woo company who is Not a Khat!
Have fun up there in MasterChewSits!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Darn, I just wrote a whole comment and then it disappeared when I clicked publish.
Here's the best part - I think that my friend Bob, the kat, would be afraid of you Khyra. You're one tough canine around the felines, based on that video!
I missed the Mango deadline. In my post-surgery haze, I wrote down the wrong date. Oh well - next year will be our chance. Have fun judging!
Mom zoomed over and voted..
We love you with your little stuffie..
Be careful on your transport mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra! Mom is just emerging out of the week from H-E-double toofpicks and still has another few hours of stuff to do this am, but so glad to see you and your antics with Brufer and Butterscotch! I would do exactly the same thing woofwoof hahahs! You definitely have great stalking style!Love the stuffie too!
Have a good Sunday, dear girl xo
Sammie and Oz
Once again we fall behind and are playing khatch up. Good luck with all those khrazy khats, Mango Minster is going to be pawesome now that they got that LACIEBEAST out of there.
Oh - a minnie stuffie Khyra - how cool is that!
We must meet up for a drink after the show Khyra!
Martha & Bailey xxx
The cutie has survived since Christmas? I'm impressed, and I'm not easily impressed. Fun video too :)
Khyra you are so silly. Mom did have one of those with me and Callie but it blurred on her.. Thanks for noticing..
Once again have a safe transport Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
OMD....a Harley stuffie! And it looks just like you...cool! Nice shots of Butterscotch below too.
HaRooo Khyra! Dat is a cool bandanna on your stuffie! My uncle Stevie would like dat!
Guessin' woo didn't git snow either.
Husky kisses,
We love your bandana Khyra and that little baby that looks just like you. We will be sure to check out that Kitty Gazette thing
Happy Sunday
Benny & Lily
I think you should ask for a motorcycle with a sidecar. That way you could ride around with all of your friends!
Batu beat us to it -- that is totally Mini-Me!
That's a "mini-me" Khyra!!!
Too cute although you of course, are much more beautiful>
Did you get much snow Khyra? We got about an inch. Very cold but not enough to even make a good snowball. Sigh.... maybe next time.
Woofs and mini-me slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Hi Khyra - oh goodness, your new stuffie looks like great fun! We adored that first photo - the two of you look really cute! Congratulations on the award - your blog is pawsome! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Khyra how pawsome that you have a mini me to snuggle with but don't have to share your treats with.
Do have a Harley Scarf too? I bet you would look righteous in one.
Sorry to hear the weather postponed the transport - hang in there the babies will get to safety. We don't worry about snow in S.Cal -Momma just gets to deal when she gets stopped by border control and they run search dogs over the crated dogs. OR makes her unload all the dogs - ugh.
Hi Khyra! That's a nice stuffie, sort of a mini-me. We voted in the cat-dog contest. There were a lot of terrific entries.
love & wags,
How cute is that toy! It does look like you.
What a gorgeous stuffy.. Lovely present to get.. I can see you have been very busy in your judging and am glad you have got some good help.. tell your mum to be careful on her journey if the weather gets bad again.. Hugs GJ x
That baby wolfie was just in time for the Wolf Moon. Did you know?
Did you and Wolfie go out and howl at the moon?
Hi Khyra,
I really like your baby. Does it have a name? it's so cute.
Yes, this is going to be an exciting time. Things are finally getting interesting now that January is almost over.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
What a cute toy, Khyra. Kind of like a mini version of yourself. :)
We likes that stuffy! It does look lots like you! Does it let you nap in peace?
We love your little toy, Khyra!
What a cute little mini-Khyra stuffie! Of course you're the cutest Khyra!
We liked your moves on your walk with Butterscotch and Brofur. Too bad you couldn't play with the kitties though.
Your HD baby is so cute just like you! :)
The mini-you is just adorable, Khyra! Bring him by and both of you can take a spin on dad's Indian as long as it's not snowing!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
A motorcycle riding mini you! Your new stuffie is very cute! Congrats to you on your award. We love your site too.:)
Teddy Bear
Oh, we don't know abuot that. If you hear screams they'll probably be coming from Georgah and it would be Jan's toe. It has a voice that carries.
Did you look like that when you were a pup?
Are you like Jack and do you have your own Moo?
Wow! Is that a puppy?
For some reason we can't see your writing, but your pictures are cute!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - Java thought you looked like a hottie at MM
Hey Khyra...need any help with that KHAT judging???? So many purrin' kitties...how have ya managed not to eat any of 'em??
That Sibe stuffie is a male isn't he? Does he DATE?
We're thinkin' that Mango's momma has probably lost it by now...
Wonder who's scoopin' the poop at the Estate?
As for your fluff...hmm...the sweeper actually broke. Yep....
Clogged up with fur...
That's never happened before...oh...and the drain the the jacuzzi is stopped up too...how many bubble baths did you take here???
What a cutie! And the little toy is cute, too... *snickers*
You are so cute with your "Minnie Me" stuffie, and we are most impressed that you don't have it in your mouth.
The Khyra mini-woofie is so very cute and cuddly. But she looks tough enough to take a good shaking if you have a mind to stir up the stuffing!
Hi Khyra, That stuffed woofie makes us wonder if you were ever that small?
We won't see any snow....... :(
Hey Girlie! I hope you are surviving after all that torture at the estate. I know how bad it has been as I was there too! YOu did a great job with the judging and your dress looked beautiful. Now, put all that stress behind you and get some decent rest...dream of snow dogs ;o)
That is one cute stuffie! :)
I love how you wanted to chase them! I like to do that to the duck (Henrietta)! I gotta keep her on her toes!
You did a great job as a judge and looked HOT in your dress! :)
Hi Khyra!
Mom and I think you did a swell job judging the cat-dogs at Mango Minster. As for Mica, well, he thinks you're the khat's meow!
Your pal,
Cuuuuute stuffie!!
Will head over to the Mango site now...all we keep hearing about from Golden Samantha, is entering in contests...all in good fun.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi, Khyra!
Is that a mine-me stuffy??
It is pawesome!
I know MM has been hard for you!
Good job!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra,
Your "cutie" is very cute - very "Eskie":) Did you model for it?
Licks n wags,
oh we hope your wishes come true and you get some snow today!
m & e
Wow! You've got your on mini-me just like Austin Powers. That little cutie might last about 5 minutes with Sophie or Homer J., the worlds most terrible shredders. Of course Jubal would love it and carry it around and protect it, but eventually it would meet thae same fate as all stuffy do that fall under the stuffy curse of The Bumpass Hounds.
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