Due to the wind snapping some powerlines along Interstate 83, a portion of the road was khlosed fur about four hours so they khould get the live wires off the road. There was khwite a bit of flooding - with the potential fur more - along various sekhtions of The 'Susquehanna' River and its tributaries.
Here is a link to a slideshow posted by one of our lokhal television stations - viewers are able to submit their pikhtures - khwite a variety of nasty events - it makes us feel furry furtunate we did not experience anything more than we did!
It does inkhlude a special guest walker! We made sure to khapture this week's walk whilst Khousin Merdie was here!
Unkhle Paul appreciated all the greetings here (and on FB)!
I shared all of your theories about the trash redistribution incident with The Doggy Nanny. Since she and Fred are headed South today - returning in early/mid March - I've told her I'll protekht things from any nasty khritters that somehow manage to get in a sort through 'stuff'!
I'll see all of woo here tomorrow!
You're a very brave puppy to take care of the sitter so well. You're also a good sitter when you're by your tree!
A storm indeed by the looks of it.
I am sad when I see no snow in your yard. How crazy is that? :)
That was quite a storm! Glad you are all okay.
We enjoyed walking with you and Merdie and seeing your floofy tail and Merdie's happy one! Hope Merdie can come visit again soon!
I'm glad that everyone is ok. You can always replace roofs - puppies is another matter!
hey Khyra,
Somewhere over the rainbow, there is snow...
I am glad you were not sitting under your tree when the big storm hit! That would have been furry scary! I love the second pic of you by your tree. The shadow of the tree branches look like witch's hands waiting to grab a critter for dinner!
What a fun walk with you and Merdie! Such good walkers with pretty furry tails!
WOW< that was quite a storm there. Gald that you are all ok. You always look good by your tree.
and what a cool rainbow too!!!
Wow, what a cool rainbow! Wow, what a strong and crazy storm. That's how it was here last week. Poor tree.:(
Teddy Bear
Mother Nature sure likes to remind us how powerful and beautiful she is at the same time! woo!
nice shots!
wild dingo
We had quite the storm too, but no damage - glad you are all OK.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
That was quite the storm! Glad you all kept safe!!
So good to see you sharing your walktime with Miss Merdie. We love how she just sort of swaggers along at her own pace while you do all you can to get things moving along.
Too bad about the big trees. The wind and heavy rain sure do wreak havoc.
Thanks for the floofy tail today too - it is looking quite floofed.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Khyra? Act Cracker Dog on a walk? We think it was all a myth because she was so well behaved in the video.
wild weather everywhere! don't worry Kyra, there is plenty more snow to come!
That looks like quite a storm!
Happy trails to the Dog Nanny!
Beautiful rainbow shot. We didn't get that kind of wind here. Glad there was no more damage than that.
that rainbow makes us smile
like you khyra :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Woo Hoo..we have a big "system" headed our way. It is due to come on Friday. They should start announcing closings and cancellations sometime early tomorrow. We are glad you all came through OK. Tell Doggy Nanny to drive carefully.
What crazy weather! We were happy to see that your tree still looks good!
What a storm!
Glad you, your house and your yard made it through relatively okay.
CAn't wait to see more pics of the rainbow!
Woof! Woof! Happy Walkin Wednesday. Mmmm I see SUNSHINE ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Khyra
Lovely to see Merdie enjoying the sunshine on your walk.
We were a bit confused with Walkin Wednesday being filmed on Saturday but we understand you have to take advantage of the weather.
We reckon the weather has gone mad!
We are sorry to read about your storm - they do so much damage.
Stay safe
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Great Walkin' Wednesday! You guys looked like you were having a great walk. I don't know why your mom said you were a cracker dog on your walks. Sometimes walks just to that to you. Doesn't she get it? ;)
Your pal,
Whenever I see a rainbow, I remember my Acadia, my beautiful soul-touching lab who died 6 years ago. We put a large boulder in the spot where the vet let her go. I was sitting on the boulder, wondering if I would ever see her again (wondering about the rainbow bridge idea), when a rainbow appeared, seemingly for no good reason (no storms in the area). I was convinced. She's watching over me, and I'll see her again. In fact, I bet that she even helped me find K, the sweet girl who healed my soul.
Beautiful post.
Wow, that looks more like a spring storm than a January storm! Glad you didn't have more damage, and that you are all safe.
I'm sure you will do a great job of keeping an eye on your mom while your doggie nanny is away!
hi, it seems that springtime's acomming soon!!
I am so glad that you escaped without any major dammage. I know how badley storms can effect people and propertyu. You are all safe and that is the main thing.. I hope your doggy nanny and Fred enjy themselves. That is quite a trip untill March.. You will though guard the property very well while they are away.. Hugs GJ x
Somewhere over the rainbow, I see beautiful Khyra!!!
it looks like a storm but the rainbow is beautiful!
Wroooo Wroooo, We want to come walk w/ Khyra and Merdie!
But we don't have pretty floofy tails!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Poor trees! Don't woo just hate when that happens to trees? At least woo are all safe & nobody blew to Kansas in their house & landed on a wicked witch and .... or, sorry, I got carried away, so to woo.
a-roos to yous,
jack and maybe NOT moo
Glad you all are ok. What a nice walk with you and Merdie! Thanks!
I am happy you are all okay. I would of been scared -- flying trees, oh my!
Isn't Nature pawsome?
Stay safe, and enjoy the beauty.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Wow, I'm glad I didn't hear about this any sooner. You guys are okay now, phew. I'm on my way to watch the video. Ta-ta for now ;)
Wow it looks like you had quite a storm - we are glad that you didn't really have much damage other then some downed branches.
Hey, Khyra, can you please convince the snow to come see you and stop visiting us for a while - we are all a bit tired of the white stuff!
I'm glad the storm didn't do too much damage, but I wish it dropped some snow for you! Your yard looks a little too green for winter.
So glad to see Merdie on your WW! :)
The third picture of you is our favorite!!!
We didn't go look at the storm pictures, but it soundslike it was quite a humdinger! We are glad your home wasn't damaged and that you are safe!
scawy storm khyra
we are vewy happy your most beewootifulness is ok
wiggles and pibble sugar
the houston pittie pack
I am glad that you are okay
I'm glad you guys are safe. We been having lots of rain in Las Vegas the last week-the left overs of the storms from California. I'm enjoying it, but people don't know how to drive here. Keep safe.
i am glad that you are okay
HaRooo Khyra! We musta had da same storm. We had lots of sticks and our cots blew off da fence and all over da yard. Thank dogness it be all over. But den we had snow da next morning.
Husky kisses,
No you did not cause Meep to run up the tree ... but she sure does like your tree ... humm
Would you like an itty bitty kitty in your tree?
We have an award for you on our bloggie
That must have been some storm..wow
Oh no high winds. We are hope you are alright...
Great to have Merdie to walk with..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
It is a shame all your snow has almost gone now, just a few little heaps around. Ours has been gone for a while, it was fun when it was here until it turned to nasty ice of course.
Thanks for sharing your walking video, it is always lovely to see you and cousin Merdie out together. :-)
Glad no pup was harmed in the storms. And your mum too!
Where are the Doggy Nana and Fred going?
wow talk about 4 seasons in one day eh
Your rainbow picture is just beautiful!
It sounds like you and Merdie and your mom met people along today's walkie. Don't you ever bark or try to say hi to them, Khyra? Mom wishes that we could be more like you at times!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
did the storm blow away all your snow?
Misty the alpha Poodle
The NSLM loved the rainbow!
Wooo MFT! I am glad to see woo were ok after all of the winds... we even had them here, lost a few branches that is all.... I hope I will see Merdie while she is down here sometime, I will be looking for her...-Kira The BeaWootiful
What a nasty storm! Glad everyone is safe and things are pretty much sound. The rainbow was beautiful despite it lack of intensity.
woah we are pleased you weathered the storm ok stay safe!! look forward to the rainbow pics loves and licks
My hooman friend saw compleet rainbows a couple of times! She says they were very pretty. :)
Khyra we had a stormy day like yours 6 days ago!! Down trees, flooding, just a mess. Glad you and yours are ok!!!!!!!!
Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi and Fern
Hi Miss Khyra and Merdieballs
I love walking with wooguys. Miss Khyra.. you should be on the local weather - they can post your floof to show viewers which the way the wind is blowing.
Wow - looks like you had some big storms! Glad it didn't knock your tree over. *hugs*
I think you should definitely continue your trash redistribution activities. *snickers*
We are happy to know you are safe from mother nature.
We just never know what to expect- do we?
The rainbow was beautiful.
We have been having some rainbows too and mommy always wishes she had her camera.
Be careful when you go on your walkies with Merdie.
I send my love
I think I can see Oz over that rainbow!
Nasty weather! We've been having some of that here as well - a blizzard yesterday.
We're glad you're all right. The photos are lovely. Our favourite is no. 3. You look so cute in it, Khyra.
O how do I love a walk wif my Miss Khyra and Miss Merdie... Let me count the ways!!!
I love it to depfs my soul can reach! It is way SO much fun... I need video camera, so I can take the you along wif the me! Just sayin.
Fank you so much for the fun and pitchers what I love!
wif love from the Luke
Wow! I am sooo happy everyone is okay! Your pictures are toooo cute!
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