The Snow Fairy paid us a visit Thursday night into Friday morning. She didn't leave much - probably around 2" or so BUT it was enough to khover that pesky grass showing through!
AND it gave Mom and me the opportunity fur some MORE SIBERIAN RULES FOOTBALL!!! It was sooooo much fun again! I wonder why I nevFUR played with a football prior to this winter?
Mom is on the road again today as she helps get three beaWOOtiful girls from Gaston NKh to freedom in NJ! Her leg is akhtually a bit difFURent in that the overnight hosts were in PA. Mom's leg is Greenkhastle to Harrisburg She'll file her report tomorrow!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow is that woody woodpecker??? i hav herd he is a selbritty like bugs bunny however i hav yet to enkownter him in prizzin!!! ok bye
You must be so happy with this snow and cold weather. You may even be the only one I know who is. Enjoy it while you can, my friend. it's supposed to warm up a little bit next week. It hasn't been above freezing here for so long that when it finally does go above 32 it will feel like a heat wave. hehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Is there any way we could shrink you down and get you here puppy?
Hi Khyra!
I am glad you got even a little snow for someone who just likes to go lay in it! It has been too far below zero to go out and play here but we are supposed to warm up starting tomorrow!
I did enter Ali Z in Mango Minster and me too.
Khyra, you look lovely in the snow. I love your new green scarf too. More white stuff? Lucky you!!!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra!
I hope you have a happy sunday and your mom a happy transport too!
Kisses and hugs
yay to you for getting some more snow to enjoy!
Hi Khyra!
Looking very snuggly in the snow there! It's soo hot here..plus mommy's been busy..!
Hope your mom has a safe transport as always!
P.S - The scarf's very chic!
Hooray for the snow Khyra - it just suits you perfectly!
You will need to get a sledge and you can help your mom with the transport this weekend.
If it is anything like Scotland her car wont be much use!
Tell her to take extra special care on the snowy roads.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
What a wonderful winter wonderland you have there. You look right at home. I wouldn't be complaining about 2" of snow. We've got 44 degrees Celcius coming up tomorrow...
Hi Khyra - it's been snowing daily here and the whole country seems to have ground to a halt as a result! The snow is now way over our tummies and we have to wade through it - we wish we had an experienced snow dog like you to share it with - and rescue us when we get a bit burried! Would you have any tips on how to deal with ice ball build-up on the paw-pads? Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hullo Khyra,
A very snowy "bow wow" to you and MISS MERD..
I liked the woodpecker.. its soo kewl.
furs and paws
That green bandana looks very lovely on you, Khyra!
It is so cold outside! How can you stand it?
Most excellent ball handling skills.
Miss Khyra
Yes.. how come you never played football before? I can teach you a QB sneak?!!
Well... at least you got a little snow. It's just plain cold this morning 2 degrees... brr I had to put on my pantaloons.
When we see the snow fairy here we shall ask her to give you our snow!
That snow looks so cold! But since you like it, we are glad you got some and hope you get a lot more!
Great pictures Khyra :)
We've had the snow fairy here too, but it's all starting to melt now :( Hope you're having fun in it!
chelsea and cassie
Hope your mom has a grrrreat transport.
You look soooo content in that snow. I just don't know how you do it.
Glad to hear your pesky grass was covered and you can enjoy some snow on your belly. Your Mom is such a star, helping so many dogs...you must be so proud Khyra.
We used to have a Woody at our house in Connecticut and he would wake all of us up very early with his work.
We think Khyra began her new interest in football to give Mom some of the action play that she missed this season due to the evil M.V. It is a lot of fun to watch her play.
And we must say MFT looks great in her green bandanna.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
A husky needs snow, Khyra, so you must be very happy! My friends around here say that their Alaskan-type dogs don't like coming indoors, even in the coldest days of winter. But, staying out is a very bad idea with the big scary lions wandering around. I wish that people would be more careful and not leave their dogs outside alone around here!
Kisses to you and your mom...tell her we hope she has a safe trip, and polite passengers.
Khyra, you have mad football skillz!
Oh what fun. Again we wish we had some of that snow to play football in...
Have fun on your transport and be very careful...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wooos MFT, I did not get of the snow, I am sad although it really is nice and cool out! Enjoy your day in the snow!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
Khyra, honey....you sure do look right at home in that white stuff.
Enjoy, honey!
You look bootiful in the snow w/ your green bandana!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
I hope your mom is safe while she drives such precious cargo today.
We haven't seen snow at our house yet, but we have it on the surrounding mountains. Have fun in the snow!
Please give your mom some extra love when she gets home today, for all that she does!
Khant wait to meet the new transport pups! Enjoy you Sunday.
You saw Woody...how cool!
It looked sooooo fun!
~lickies, Ludo
So glad you got some snow. We have had some every day this week. Can you believe our humans are crying enough? Wow.
Can't wait to see the Gaston pups since our dad was "rescued" from Gastom himself - snickering.
HaRoooo Khyra!
We know how woo feels. Our snow is melting away too! But it is nice and cold.
Husky kisses,
Glad you got to play in some snow again. It so suites you.. wishing your mum a safe journey on her transport today.. Hugs GJ xx
Enjoy the little bit o' snow that you got for the weekend, and can't wait to hear about Mom's transport tomorrow!
Do you just watch Woody and not bark at him? We must say you do have some mighty self control. Enjoy your snow frosting!
Smooches from Phoenix,
BabyRD and Hootie
What do you see up there Khyra? We hope not a tree rat. You look adorable laying in the snow
Benny & Lily
Enjoy the snow while it lasts Khyra!
We are really hoping you will kheep all the snow where you are.
Misty the alpha Poodle
ah we are so jelly that the snow fairy always visits you , but we sure hope you enjoy it for us
wiggles and waggles
the houston pittie pack
We hope your mom had a safe trip! We're glad you have the snow and not us. We're having enough problems with the cold. Brrrr.
Khyra you are looking very cool snow dogs in your pics.Of course.
Wiry love Eric xx
You look so content and so sweet in your green bandanna.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I guess that snow fairy visits are a good thing for you. I loved this set of photos too. On my way to youtube now because you've kept us waiting for this part. Oh, and best of luck with the new transport. Yay!
You look like you have so much fun playing football! Did the squirrel come down and play with you? Hope all goes well with your mom's transports!
Oh you woz watching the woodpecker in that furst pikshur. I thoughted you woz wating for more snows.
Wow, playing with the football sure looks fun! My Pops tried that with me before, but I got really scared of the ball. It looks so much smaller and manageable next to you... but it's like absolutely massive and scary to me.
Oh Khyra -
How did you restrain yourself from climbing the tree and getting that pesky woodpecker?
You look so contented lying in the snow. What a life!
Khyra! You got some snow. It is so fitting for you!
We loved the Brofur pics... will he coach you in your judging responsibility? He looks like a wise cat. One who would recognize a dog cat in a heartbeat.
Hope all is well!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi-Woo Khyra,
You looks mighty happy enjoyin yur snow!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
You look quite pleased with your snowy weather. We were worried that it might snow here yesterday. It actually did snow a few miles from our house!! BRRRR!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You have an incredible view of the world from under your tree. Glad the ground was blanketed in snow and you could do some quality communing. Hope your weekend was good and mom's transport safely successful.
Khyra always looks so beautiful and at home in the snow. I think she'd love to frolic out here in the Rockies...but not this week, it's going to be warm and in the 50s. Crazy Colorado!
Hi Khyra
Who won in the football game?
I see mother nature is still giving you- your hearts desires.
All that beautiful snow!
Tell your mom to drive safe on her trips.
Hi Khyra and mom
Ahh...I love your snow pics! :) I can only dream about what snow is like.
I like your new bandana! :)
You are bee-WOO-tiful, Miss Khyra!
wif love from the Luke
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