I realise I did mention it last year and planned to celebrate it this time around BUT it just snukhk up on us!
Here is the GOOGLE SEARCH fur it - perhaps woo khan find an event happening in your khommunity this weekend!
If not, have one of your furry own!
Now bakhk to our regularly skhheduled post:
It's the MERDIE edition!
Hi EvFURRYone!
Look at what I had to put up with when I arrived on Wednesday
Please pardon the slightly blurred pikhs - Khyra's Mom didn't realise we'd be moving soooo fast!

Oh Merdie, Khyra's just so happy to see you!!!
Squirrel Appreciation day??? We love love love squirrels. :) Now if only we could catch one too!
Happy tails to you too! I will definitely try to find a squirrel celebration this weekend...
that squirrel guy is kinda scary
OOOOO, I saw a hawk yesterday and I think, from looking at your picture and the Google, that it may have been a Cooper's Hawk as well, although a young one. I got within about 5 feet of it, and then it flew away!
Thank you for reminding me! :)
And thank you for sharing Merdie with us again!
What a great opening - and a hard act to follow! :)
What?!!? Squirrel Appreciation Day?
Ha-roo roo, I've got a furry special celebration planned alright... wanna stop by fur a bowl of Squirrel Fricasee?
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
Khyra, you and Merdie are having so much fun! Thank you for letting us know about Squirrel Appreciation Day. I have to admit, they do make life more fun.:)
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra, and hey Merdie!
That looks like a mobster Squirrel so I wouldn't want to mess with him or his crew! I prefer bunnies myself.
You two pups looked like you had great fun playing Hide-n-Seek! Merdie, good hiding place! But next time make sure there is a long tablecloth over the table.
We don't have squirrels in NZ :( Could you please chase one for us?
Hello Khyra and Merdie!
Will pay a visit to them squirrels at the Botanical Gardens this week!
If they'd only come near enough for me to show them how much i appreciate their company..(drooling)
I lurve squirrels, fried, roasted, or sauteed, or raw, carpacchio style.
But don't like 'em wearing clothes though!
Yes, I surely do appreciate Squirrels, every day!
How nice of Miss Khyra to share her blog today with Miss Merdie! Did you two have fun playing chase around the table? All tails are looking quite floofy there today, nice to see Miss Khyra has her own tail today,no wonder she is guarding it.
Happy Friday, Phantom and Thunder
Wow! What a beautiful picture of the sun peeking through the clouds
Ha! Love that squirrel picture! If that squirrel were in my yard, he would be toast!!!!
Enjoy your weekend with Merdie!
Looks like Khyra was very happy to see you.. I love the zoomie picks.. Love the squirrel picks too.. Mum actualy loves the sqirrels. When her and dad go out and they see them she is always getting dad to take pictures.. Beans they are funny sometimes.. Have a good weekend.. Hugs GJ x
Great to have you back posting, Merdie. Excellent choice of pictures!
Happy Friday, Girls!
Hi Merdie, We know that Khyra is enjoying your visit.
We'd appreciate a squirrel - if Mom would cook it up with a few dumplings and gravy.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Merdie,
Looks like Khyra was very happy to see you :-)
Thanks for telling us about Squirrel Appreciation Day. We have one in our garden and he sure is fun to look at.
Have a wonderful weekend!
happy squirrel thingy day :D
we have lots of squirrels but we name them "eekhoorns"
El'bow & Hauwii
wait, WHY does we haf to appreciate EVIL SKWERRLS? They're food!
Hey Merdie:
We hope you had a good visit.
I think that Squirrel is in the FBI. Furry Bad Individual.
If I had a pretty tail like that I would be protecting it too!
Have fun with your bestest friend Merdie! You two are quite a pain. I love seeing how happy you look when she visits!
I love the squirrel appreciation day photo!
Squirrels are evil, but we hear kwite tasty.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We were sorry to miss squirrel appreciation day - we just saw that Benny & Lily ate one!
We would have loved to have marked the day that way too......
Your squirrel looked like a scary gangster!
Merdie and you are always so happy together Khyra.
Have a nice weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
We love happy tails! Woof Merdie! Woof Khyra! Have a wonderwoof weekend!
Sam & June
You both look like you have fun playing together and the tails are fluffy and cute.
I didnt even know they had squirrel preciation day!!!Have a nice day today!!
Tails to ya
Do you like to wrestle as much as a Sibe? I bet with as much time as you spend with Khyra, you're turning into a Sibe in a Golden suit.
Woof! Woof! Happy Tails Friday to you. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
How nice to have such a great friend! Enjoy your weekend!
what a wonderful day you two had!
have a great weekend!
we cannot wait to hear about your adventures.
m & e
Geez, NICE flat screen; VERY NICE flat screen. We's jealous. Noticed that Merdie wears the same royal purple color and type collar that Jubal does. Can't believe that the world's most famous squirrel hater observes Squirrel Appreciation day unless it's a menu appreciation.
"Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day."
Merdie....looks like Khyra was happy to see you!!! We hope you are having a great time with her!!!!
Well of course you casnot let someone take your tail!
You look so happy to see Merdie, it beed fun to see!
~lickies, Ludo
So happy to see you today, Merdie! Hope you're having fun with Khyra and we hope you both have a super weekend!
Khyra is sure happy to see Merdie! We didn't know about Squirrel appreciation day, but Sam wants to know when Rabbit appreciation day is!
Go Merdie!!! It is so nice of your to give Khyra a day off!!
Are you sure it's not "Chase the Squirrel Day"??? Cause that is what it is in my backyard.
Hi Khyra and Merdie,
Thanks for sharing all your purdy pictures with us. I posted some snow pics for you!
Happy Friday!
What pawsome pictures:)
Khyra, I don't care what Merdie says, when she's "hiding" from you behind the table, she looks anything but scared. She's a jokester, isn't she?
Glad you two are having a ball!
How's your Auntie Di faring?
Squirrel appreciation day?!?! Hmm...I'd appreciate if I could get a squirrel in my mouth and give it a "mouth hug", does that count??
Not squirrel day. What is up with that? Those things antagonize us all the time!!
Great pictures of you 2.. Enjoy your weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Squirrel Appreciation Day? Too bad I missed out on the fun...maybe they'll come and celebrate it with us next year?
Thanks for the great sky slideshow!
We would appreciate 6 squirrels, rare, please.
Thanks for taking us around, Merdie!
The sky is very impressive - I bet Ziggy DID send it!
Have a good weekend, you two!
Oh that sky picture is beautiful! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Nice pics. We don't have many squirrels around here yet. Our trees are still babies but I am sure once they get big and strong we will start to see some around here.
We appreciate squirrel's so much - that we chase 'em and chase 'em and sometimes - only on the bestest days we CATCH THEM!!!!
PS - much love Ms. Merdie - us goldie have to stick together, although that Khyra with the tail is pretty hot to trot.
Hi Khywa and Mewdie
that is quite a cute squiwwel..I haven't seen such a well dwessed one awound hewe , but will be on the lookout so I can wish them a happy holiday
smoochie kisses
Fun pics .. even if you were moving fast .. :) purrs and thanks for being my friend
Squirrel Appreciation Day? Why am I always the last to know? Are there recipes on the website?
I really couldn't figure out who was chasing who!!!
Merdie is a good friend Khyra, Yes ??
O My Miss Merdie... May I tell you how much I love catchin up wif the you on my Miss Khyra's bloggy? I feel like I've asked for Heaven... and it's been biggified!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. Skhwirrel pie rocks.
Can the bunnies get in on Squirrel Appreciation Day? Our doggies appreciate both equally!
Happy tails and happy weekend!
I've never seen a squirrel... am I missing much?
Merdie! You're back!
Excellent, make sure you both have fun!!
Hi, Merdie!
Yes! Khyra was very happy to see you and she wanted to have fun!
I am sure you two had a pawesome friday!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, looks like you and Merdie had a really good time playing! Alice and Sam have voted to overlook Squirrel Appreciation Day. I have to ask: Did you REALLY swipe the balls at Dennis's Flyball match??!!
They celebrate squirrels ???? Appreciate 'em ???? Who does that ???? we need ta follow the link...
Looks like ya and Merdie had a great time....but watch out fer that angry sky....the weather this winter has been brutal.....
Dewey Dewster here....
A squirrel in a Pinstripe suit and a Fedora . . .must be a gangster
rodent. I guess Cloud hasn't seen him yet since I am sure he would have some "words" about it.
Merdie, you look just great. I wish you and Khyra would get to Minniesnowda, we are getting lots of snow this weekend.
Your cousin,
How nice of you to let Merdie post! Looks like you both missed each other a lot! Fun games, great walk and floofy tails! :)
Have a great weekend!
Hi Khyra
There is nothing better for the soul than your fluffy tail (that you are hiding- so no one can get it) and your moms sky show,
We just went and watched the beauty! Your mom and the magic camera are awsome.
Ya know what Khyra- my squirrel did not have any clothes like your squirrly- I wonder where he got those!
We have red tail hawk- but no coopers.
Merdie is looking beautiful as always and so are you!
mardie we just love when you comes visit khyra
have fun this weekend ok
wiggles and pibble sugar
the houston pittie pack
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that skwirrel is a snappy dresser all rite!!! can yoo ask him ware he gits his hats??? ok bye
I barked at a squirrel recently, does that show my appreciation?
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