Merdie wants to show THIS off

The wind blowing us along

Happy happy!

Oh yes

Happy Happy!

And we have a bluebird to prove it (and it BIGIFIES!) but...
Furst khame THIS

Merdie's dad khame to see her

and decided it would be fun

to brush her!


I had to snoof the floof!

Multiple piles of floof!

HA! I am so NOT next!

She was such a good sport about it - must be the breed!


Just taking it all in

I said NO I am NOT next!

How do woo like those floofy noodleloons!?!
Merdie's boy beans were missing her SO her people rekhlaimed her Thursday night!
We will all miss her but I'm sure she'll be bakhk soon!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Khyra's Mom here: Thank you to all that responded to my special emails! We did it!
It's always amazing how much hair comes off the buttal area! :)
And I can't believe you haven't seen UP yet! Get thee to a Target right now! :)
Looks like you are primed for the weekend! I'd say stay warm, but I don't think that's an issue. ;)
Merdie got de-floofed and noodlelooned and then had to go home? We hope she can come back soon!
Khyra, you look pretty in your bandannas! Did we miss the story of where you are getting your stylish neckware?
Oh Merdie
Your going to be naked! Look at all that FLUFF! My goodness, that is enough to make a little jacket for me (a pug).
Khyra- you had such a beautiful smile !
Your mamas sky show was absolutely splendorious.
You have the most pretty clouds that I have ever seen.
Thank you for sharing
all that fluff! u must be feeling lighter now merdie!
khyra, u look pawsome in yr bandannas!
Shake your tail feathers!!
There's a bit of wool on that Merdie girl, sheesh...
Brushings are not my thing either. Merdie is so good. We love the picture of the wind blowing through Merdie's tail. You weren't next for a brushing, were you, Khyra?
Teddy Bear
PUPPY TAILS!!! *bat bat bat*
you know, a good brushing does feel good sometimes! its like a nice massage and you end up look prettier than when you started (if that is possible!)
So glad you got such a nice visit with your fellow floof tail,Merdie! The tails blowing in the wind was lovely. I hardly have a tail and Hootie's is like a flag pole!! (Very stiff)
xxoo-BRD and Hootie
Oh my, I think I'm due for a bit of thinning out. My coat is getting rather thick and it's just too hot at the moment.
Noah xx
What a fluffy tail you have. :)
~ Bae
That's a lot of excess floof! You're so pretty, Merdie! We love your smile!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We love the floofy windblown tails - we just hope you don't get the winds we had yesterday AND the cold that comes with it. The skies look a bit angry in some of those shots. Did you get some snow last night? More fun time out there for MFT?
Happy Friday, the OP Pack
You must be giving Merdie and the clouds lessons in floof! I've never seen them loooking floofier!
Happpy Tails!
It looks like a girl's spa retreat at your house - we've heard mumblings of one happening at our house too.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I don't understand why your ground isn't all covered with snow like mine is. It has been that way here for days and days. What did you do with all of YOURS? Eat it???
Oh dear, I think you've given someone here a bad idea - she's holding a grooming brush in her hand at the moment!
Have a good weekend
Dear MFT & FNM (Fluffy-noodleoons Merdie),
Whew! I got scared for a second -- that 2nd picture of the grooming looks like he's got woo by the throat & is threatening woo with a knife!!!
(it doesn't look so scary when mom biggifys it)
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
Oh NO, now muzzer thinks it may be time for brushing around here! Gee, thanks Merdie
Removing floof from the noodleloons when it is that windy outside? Kiska is horrified.
Merdie's human is doing great if he can sit on the floor already!!! Wow. It was 3 months before I was even allowed to take off the brace and then sitting on the floor was impossible for a long time!
Love the brushing photos. For some reason, K is blowing her coat now... Is that common where you live? Usually it's in April here.
Woos! I bet Mango is drooling so hard he forgets to blog today... he,he, he. Woo both looked absolutely Fabulous!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
U and ur cousin are lucky to have such nice floof. Plz to keep warms. :)
Oh Goodness! Yes... Sam leaves lots of fluff behind when she's brushed or washed and groomed! Merdie looks so pretty all dolled up and brushied though! But Khyra: You definitely have that defiant look of "no I am NOT next!" Sky pix amazing - really gorgeous - maybe the cooooollllld does it??? So glad you reached your target...
Hugs xo
You girls! All that floof!!!!!
My mom's first dog (that would be my boyfriend Baghera's own mother) was half Belgian Shepherd, and every time my mom brushed her, she could gather enough fluff to fill a small pillow. She never did - just talked about it. Ha! Anyways, there's where some of my kids get their fluff from - for it certainly is not from me. I have YET to be brushed! I hardly have to take baths, thanks to my very short fur. On the other hand, winters are very, very cold... I don't think you would freeze at nights like I do, Khyra!
Lots of love from West Africa,
WOW, looks like Merdie gave birth! Geez, that's lotsa furs! We do love her floofy bloomers! And we hope you skated by without getting brushed! Have a happy weekend!
Two beautiful girls and 4" of snow at my house. It's a good day!
Happy Weekend!
Your pal,
Wow that is so much floof you could build a mini-Merdie for when she isnt there to visit!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Poor Merdie! I know they said something about brushing me this weekend! Hmph!
I love the pic of you next to the floof! You look happy that it's not you being brushed.
Great pics! :)
Khyra, Merdie's got just as much fluff as you do!
Samantha doesn't have as much fluff when she gets brushed. I on the other hand, have lots! And of course my tail! :)
You should make doggie wigs out of that floof. Warmies.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We agree keep those clippers away from Khyra and from US. ~AFSS
Wow, Merdie is definitely turning into a Siberian! Way to be!
Too cold to be losing all that fur!
Best use it to knit a warm winter jumper!
Or is that sweater over the big P?
Martha & Bailey xxx
Merdie almost had enough extra floof to make a mini-Merdie! The walk sure looked like fun...I love walking when the wind blows through my fur!
We know so well all that fluff in the floor =)
You look beautiful in your green bandana, Khyra!
Merdie is one good looking woofie, and she sure gave you a run for the money in the floof category. Not sure who has more floof now between you too!
What a big Merdie floofy pile!! I bet it would have been fun to roll in!!
We love to be brushed! We bet that felt good for Merdie!!! And her "loons" look great! Both your floofy tails look cute blowing in the wind!
Im sure your Butterscotch is a sweetie our Scotchy is stinky! Come back later to read about him - he is a smelly cat
We are sure glad that you didn't get in the way of that Khyra. Let Merdie have all the fun.. snicker snicker..
Too bad she had to go home. The Beans will be so happy.. We are sure she will be back real soon for a nice happy walk..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great wind-in-the-tail shots! Can I have some of dat floof? It's way too cold here fur me to go fur walkies. :-(
Hi Khyra and Merdie!!! Grooming fun....not! Khyra, glad you only got to snoopervise...however, Merdie does look super spiffy!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Khyra Mom says your mom is so silly.. Mom grew up in Wisconsin and the Texas people laugh at her when she wears her long johns, but she is not cold!!!
Have a great evening. We will catch you tomorrow...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We love that floofy tail in that first photo! And you sniffing Merdie's floof!! Ha! Ha!
Woof! Woof! Happy New Year! Back from my long holiday break and catching-up with all my blog friends. Hop eyou had a great holiday. I see that most of the SNOW on your area melted ... had snow for the past 2 days n its coming your way. Have a great weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
hey Khyra,
Merdie sure handled her brushing like a pro! I am impressed. You would never see me handling it like that. You are lucky your mom and Merdie's dad did not grab you to brush!
Sorry Merdie went home but she will see you again soon!
Merdie sure has some fluffy pantaloons!
Is Merdie part husky wid all dat fur?
Woo sure had a windy day fur walkies.
Husky kisses,
Merdie sure has (had) a lot of floof! Did they ever get YOU?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Khyra's Mom, you are an angel!!
Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi and Fern
My emotions as I read your post: Happiness and gushy feelings at the sight of Merdie. Horror, absolute terror when I saw her dad holding a knife. Then I relaxed. You got me! BOL Great job tricking lil' ol' me. As for Merdie, please tell her I wish her the best. I'm glad her family couldn't wait. They must be smart humans.
Man, I hope my trainer doesn't decide to groom me anytime soon, she already did my nails today...
Cute photos:)
Fluffy tails to start your post!
I can see Merdie lost lots of fur with that brushing!
I am sure she will be back soon!
Have a good night!
Kisses and hugs
The floofies my friend are blowin' in the wind, the floofies are blowin' in the wind!
We love your windswept fluffy tails ladies. :-)
That is a lot of fluff... hehe
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Phew...I am so glad Unkhle Paul didn't attackh woo with those weapons. I would have had to valiantly defended your floofi honor.
Your BG~
Noodleloons rule! Merdie is such a good sport.
doggie butts are delightful!
pantyloons, jodhpurs and noodleloons!
wild dingo
Looks like Merdie was being held at knife point in the one photo :) I am so glad I am not a fluffy dog and don't need to endure that. Although, some fluff would come in handy when its khold here.
Merdie kinda look like my much more beautiful twin sister in that one pitcher! She is one pretty girl!
I am wif the her... I will do most any fing for a brushin. Heck, I will even come outta the bunker durin a funderstorm!
I love all pitchers but that one of you sayin "o I am so not next" make me laugh. It do!
wif love from the Luke
Hi, Khyra -
Merdie sure has a lot of floof. Mama had a good laugh when you said "Oh, I am so not next."
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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