Mom will be taking The Xterra to Hagerstown this afternoon so two more of ME khan get to fureFUR happiness! Both of her passengers were saved from high-kill shelters. One of them has a partikhularly sad story but I'll let Mom share that on Monday.
We hope all of woo are having a furry nice weekend!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We're kind of behind on news, Khyra. Having cousin Merdie there again is a good thing, right? We mean, her human isn't sick?We hope she's visiting and having fun.
Does Merdie need a little help with that loofa?
Please make sure to turn Merdie over so she's cooked evenly on both sides.
wild dingo
You are both looking very comfortable, girls!
We are looking forward to reading about this week's transport tomorrow.
Chuckling. Merdie is looking very protective of those toys. Please tell us that Miss Khyra would not take them from Miss Merdie. That would never happen in this house. Oh no.
You girrrls sure know how to take it easy.
ooooh you gotnice toys merdie :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Merdie looks like she is teaching that fox how to position his paws just like hers. And Khyra, you have the same content but exhausted look on your face as TD does when he is really relaxed and tired.
Happy transporting and stay safe.
Woos, the OP Pack
Khyra, you look so absolutely comfy in that chair.
Thanks for letting your Mom take the Xterra to do the transport. We always appreciate her doing it and look forward to her "tails" on Monday Momday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
5 minutes of playtime = 8 hour nappers... i'd fit right in!
I love the nap time snuggly time pictures.. Safe journey to your mum.. Hugs GJ xx
Miss Khyra,
That chair looks just perfect for you to do your meditations.
Hi Khyra
Merdie looks very pleased with herself!
You look very relaxed on that seat - with your paws all nicely crossed!
We don't like the sound of high-kill shelters!!!
Thank dogness your mom busted them.....
Martha & Bailey xxx
It's great to see that big smile on Meredie's face. We will be looking forward to hearing your Mom's adventures.
Hello Khyra!
What great pictures of Merdie and you having fun indoors. We think the picture of you napping on the couch is very elegant! :)
Licks and wags
The Dog Woods Pack
Marge's Loofa just got thrown out last night --
I caught her NOMMing on the crunchy inside pieces last night!
Can I come over and nap too?
Merde looks very happy with the loofa. Good luck in Hagerstown.
Khyra, You're so sweet to Merdie...You're the hostess with the mostest!
However, we're a little disappointed in some of the Khyra pictures circulating on various doggie bloggies...You need to stop sashaying your floof and be a lady!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
This is Ms.~K...take some advice from an old lady...strut it while you've got it Girl!!!!
For a dog, I think you're great. I love the way you Khtalk. By the way, I have a fox just like yours.
Cat Mandu
Hi Khyra & Merdie,
It looks like you two are having a relaxing weekend. We are enjoying the sunshine today, but I have some sad news for you. Most of our snow has melted.
Our human is still trying to find a hair color like Merdie's.
Misty the alpha Poodle
look at that face on the sofa khyra! tts so cuteeee!! u sure look very comfy. aww.
merdie looks like shes having fun too!
cant wait to hear the story from yr mom!
Dearest Khyra, just to advise that shortbread will certainly not only make your bum looker bigger - it will be bigger!
Just ask our mum xxxxx
You are such a good host making sure that Merdie has toys and is having fun.
Thank your mom for helping the 2 other babies get to their furever homes.
Oh Khyra, the picture of you in the arm chair is ginormously cute. What a beautiful woofie you are! Thank you for your sweet words for my recovery.
Many purrs, Siena Snowfox
Hi, Khyra!
Merdie sure looks happy and you very comfy too!
I am sure your Mom will have a nice and safe transport!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Merdie you are so funny guarding your stuffie. Khyra is looking at you like so what, I am taking a nap. BOL
Benny & Lily
Merdie looks so very happy with her Loofah toy. You is very good to share with her. Something I not so good at doing.
~lickies, Ludo
You 2 sure know how to enjoy your weekend..
Once again be careful out there mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Looks like you are having a great weekend. I like your cozy chair!
Merdie always seems to be smiling, even when she's asleep! :)
Hi Khyra, great piccies, oooh that chair looks comfy! Your mom is just wonderful - she helps so many other doggies, you must be so proud. We're looking forward to the stories that have happy endings in tomorrow's post. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Oh Khyra,
Is that you? I have a great valentine's date planned, but are you "you?" Please let me know.
And an even better weekend to your two passengers. I can't wait to hear the story. Have a lovely weekend Khyra and Merdie and family :)
Oh, I almost forgot. Momma tried Khyra's walks with the katz BOL and I posted the story today.
That toy looks fun! (And the naps are just my style, too!)
Even your paws are floofy!
Merdie seems to really like that loofa!
You sure do look Khomfy in those last two pictures!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Besides tennis balls, loofas are my favorite. I tear them apart and pull out all the stuffing. Mom got smart and just started repairing them everytime I tore them apart. She said otherwise it got expensive to buy a new loofa every week ! I love your snuggly relaxing chair too - you look so comfy !!
I bet it is fun to have a cuzin to play wit. :) I am glad some noo dogs have found places to live. Kisskiss. :)
You girls know how to enjoy the weekend don't ya! We're glad your mom is helping out more pups in need!
Khyra, I'm down in Key West running up Moose's bar tab. WIFI here. Hey girl... you're lookin' kind of WILD in those pics. I'm seein' out here in Blogville. Watch it girl. You have a reputation to keep up. I'm just sayin'.
Merdie looks so very happy!:) Khyra, is that your chair? I love that you have your own chair. Me and Sierra have our own couch to share. Mommy and Daddy rarely sit there. I'm so glad that your Mom was able to help save 2 of yous.:)
Teddy Bear
Quite the comfy day you two are having!
Can't wait to hear about your mom's transport! She does such great work!
Great photos of Merdie and yourself Khyra.
We look forward to hearing all about your Mom's trip in the morning.
take care
Woo two look pretty cozy while yur mom is on a mission. I'll bet woo get hugz & treats when she gets home!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & maybe moo
Khyra - you look fantastic on that lounge there - very comfy! I love the purple sausage dog Merdie is playing with (lucky it is not a cat!)
You shore does look comfy in that chair. I wish I could fits one of them in my hidey spot but I think it be too big. Bummer.
This Mango Minster sure is getting khrazy!
Wow, your mom is doing real good work helping pups get to safe homes. I love the pictures of Merdie, but she's kinda protective of that loofa, isn't she? Heeeeee! You look totally adorable curled up in the chair, getting some well deserved rest!
Khyra, you are such a good hostess to cousin Merdie, and there is nothing quite as peaceful as you sleeping in your chair!
Hi Khyra and Merdie
It appears to me that the two of you are really getting lots of rest this weekend- you both are looking HAPPY! Thats what I like to see.
Your mom works so hard Khyra- I hope you have her dinner all fixed for her, when she gets home.
Khyra - you get sharin' dog award of the year. Merdie gets to come as often as she would like AND you don't mind when your Momma is off drivin' doggies to safety.
Your a good girl Ms. Khyra.
Oh yes Miss Khyralacie is fast asleep. No more tom foolery for now. Ha.. Loki and Juno are right.. flip the merdie so she is even.
So nice of you to make sure Merdie is enjoying her stay with you. I hope Uncle Paul is still recovering nicely. Love seeing you so comfy in that chair....even have your paws crossed then I noticed ;o)
You have lovely hostessing manners, Khyra. Merdie looks very happy!
Wooos MFT! How kind of woo to share your toys with Merdie. I hope she appreciates how nice woo are! And once again to lend woo x-terra fur Mom and those needy doggies!
Love and kisses...-Kira The BeaWootiful
hey Khyra,
I want your chair! I am getting bored with my dog house.
You are a good snoopervisor of Merdie. Merdie always looks so happy and content when she is visiting you. And you just always look so pretty no matter what you do!
Hi Khyra,
We love seeing you and Merdie hanging out! That loofa doggie toy sure looks fun!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Merdie is very nice to toys. It definitely looked like she was enjoying herself.
love & wags,
Great pictures today Khyra!! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hope Mom had a safe trip today.
Kiss for you and Merdie, Fern
Merdie sure looks like she likes that loofa. I have never gotten into the one we have, so maybe I should study Merdie's moves.
Sweet sweet photos!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That loofa looks too small for you guys! You gotta get your humans to tie three of those up together for you.
you looked mighty comfy there khyra im gettin sleepy just looking at you
we just love seeing mardie on your posts
we send you both lotsa pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Merdie has the most beautiful smiley!!
Moose just got a loofa like Merdie's only it is green. I don't know why it is still in one piece but probably won't be for long!
You look very comfy on your chair! :) I had a loofa like that once...I pulled out all the stuffing and into the trash it went!
OMD Khyra, you look SOOO cute on that chair!!!
PS. MERDIE!!!!!!
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