
These aren't 'my' khats - they are akhtually feral but some of us do our best to keep them warm with food and water. As I've shared before, the woman with 'Chloe' The FlatDog (aka Greyhound) has gotten them 'tutored' - she feeds them each day and as a few boxes on her bakhk patio fur them to snuggle in when it is khold.
Mom does what she khan to keep water out fur them. They really are 'sweet' khats - a bit skittish of khourse given the life they lead. They are really pretty inseparable and appear to be khwite efficient little hunters. Part of Brofur's late afternoon routine involves some mouse and/or vole hunting out near the utility pole that had the fire late last year.
So, if woo think woo have one it tastes - I mean TAKES to represent that group fur a chance at Best In Show, please paw your entries befure MIDNIGHT EST JANUARY 27, 2010!!!
I'm still entertaining bribes - I mean, I'm still furry much looking furward to snoofing and pawing all of woo!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Merdie, you are such a sweetie and obviously love cats and squirrels! Khyra, love your "look" fur your mom!
Butterscotch and Brofur are furry purrty kitties! It's wonderful that they feel safe at your house and come to hang out.
I definitely don't think Merdie would ever hurt a khitty or squirrel.
It's furry nice of your mom and doggie nanny to take care of Butterscotch and Brofur. My mom is would be the same way. At least they both look well fed!
Merdie seems to be having lots of fun with you, Khyra.:) I think it's so cute that Butterscotch and Brofur like to hang out at your house. Do they let you play with them?
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra and Merdie,
Merdie, is Khyra antagonizing you by putting all the stuffies on you? Well, at least you and Khyra always seem to have lots of fun together!
Khyra, your mom is an Angel for taking care of Butterscotch and Brofur. And they look like pretty decent kitties to have around.
We like to nap on newspaper just like Brofur
Hi Khyra
We think Merdie should enter that pic for the dog pile contest!
We thought Butterscotch and Brofur were looking very smart today - well for cats!
We are glad your mom leaves food and water for feral cats - they have a hard survival and dont trust humans much at all.
They have probably heard about your mom transporting dogs and know she is a good human.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Newspaper can be awful comfy!
What cool neighbours you have with Butterscotch and Brofur!
Your mum got some great pictures again today, both yourself Merdie and Butterscotch and Brofer. I hadn't realised that they were ferrel and thought they belonged to a neighbour. I am so glad that you all look after them. they obviously like it near your house or they wouldn't stayHave a good weekend.. Hugs GJ x
Brofur & BM are so lucky to have people like your mom!
Is Merdie a natural blond?
Miss Khyra,
BRIBES? Shocking! Must be the Khryacie in you. Hehehe.
Hey Khyra!
Aww, they looked really adorable. Just like the two rabbits in the house. They're inseparable!
Mommy have been feeding a cat who just gave birth to 4 a week ago!
Unfortunately, the box is gone. Mommy guessed that probably the previous owner had came and taken them back as she met d cat's owner who abandoned the cat before.
Stay gorgeous Khyra! Have a happy weekend !
Angel & Miko
That paper looks like the perfect napping spot. We would nap there too.
Merdie really needs to enter the Pile it on contest - she is doing a great job there. Those two cats are just amazing. For feral cats they appear to be very healthy looking and so pretty. That picture of Brofur napping on his cot in front of the pretty flower pot could almost be a postcard.
Good luck to you in your judging - we know you will do a pawesome and fair job.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Ah - so mom is equal in her wake up and abuse the animals with the flashy beast efforts? Sigh.
Is Merdie going to enter the Dawg Pile contest????
Merdie looks so comfy with all those animals crawling on her..
Sure glad you are looking after those nice kitties...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Butterscotch & Brofur really do look like sweet tasty kitties... I mean, sweet kitties. Mom was suprrised to read that they are feral - they look like nice plump housecats! Four paws up for all the neighborhood furiends they have!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
Merdie, you're such a love puppy!!!
The kitties may have BEEN feral, but your love/care has definitely made a difference!
Cute, cute Merdie. And dignified Khyra! Thanks for explaining the cats. I didn't know their story.
Bribes?? I'm shocked beyond words :)
Merdie, you look lovely with your collection of khats and skhwirrels.
It is very nice of your Mom & her neighbors to help the feral cats out. Ally Cat Allies has some cat shelters you can "make"
We are thinking about getting Daddy to make one for Socks, so those nights he refuses to come in he will have somewhere warm to sleep. We thinks the Faux Rock Shelter looks cool. Although we suspect that Socks has already found him a warm place to sleep that the beans can't find.
Merdie is beautiful, but we think she looks a little dorky with stuffies on her.
Misty the alpha Poodle
merdie is such a cutie.
butterscotch and brofur both look very good-looking!
love yr ' the look " for yr mom.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww girls....
you are sooooo beautiful more and more!!!
Merdie looks sooooooooooooo cute with Kittie and squirrels on her!!!
And you Khyra are soooooooooo sweet outside in your world looking at mommy!!!!
And we love your Kitties friends!!!!
Soooooooo cute!!!
Do they let you play with them???
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........when Kitties try to play with us.......we're sooooooooooooooooo sweet with them.....ehhhhhmmmmmmmm....
Have a great weekend girls!!!!!
Tons of love and sweet kisses
We will be entering Mango Minster this morning - thank you for the heads up! Lovely cat, pictures - we have six feral cats that we have had spayed/neutered and feed every day.
You guys are so cool! Hey, we have kitties outside that we feed too. They won't come to us to be petted but Mike put a house out there with a heating pad in it so they can be warm and safe in these cold Minnesota winters!
Those cats do look cute and they certainly had some nice yoga moves. :) Bribes huh??? You are funny Khyra and did I ever tell you how sweet and amazing you are?? ;)
That is very nice that someone got them 'tutored'. Feral cats can end up with a lot of babies!!
Those katz look nice for katz. As for Merdie, is she practicing for the Doggie Pile? Oh boy, the competition is making my tiny head reel.
Where may I mail by bride? :)
I'm glad to hear that someone got the feral cats tutored! Mom and Dad give some green papers to have feral cats around here tutored. I guess they miss out on schooling by being feral, huh? And Mom is sorry about her complete inability to bribe you... The thought is there, but the State of Utah apparently frowns on such things... :-(
*kissey face*
You and your mum are very kind looking out for the kitties. They are so sweet and look right at home there.
Did you find any squirrels of your own?... Merdie is such a cutie laying there with the stuffies..:-)
Have a great weekend Khyra, Merdie, Kitties and Khyra's mum!
I just realized that Brofur and Buttercotch were two different cats!
Dear Khyra and Merdie
I just love seeing those squirrels and kittys crawling all over Merdie.
Now is Merdie a boy or a girl- well what ever--- Merdie is a MOUNTAIN to climb, and I would have fun climbing on Merdie.
I was wondering if Butterskotch and Brofur ever chase you?
My kittie brother and sisters chase me! Silly cats!
We have ferral kitties too and I think a ferral cougar!
Are they going to enter the cat- dog competition? They are very cute.
Sally Ann
Hi Khyra and Merdie! You guys must have a lot of fun being together! Butterscotch and Brofur are very cute! -Hec and Lola
It's so great of you and your neighbors to look out for the kitty brofurs. BB and I think they look a little like GK.
Merdie, you are adorable!
Hey there Khyra and Merdie!! We are not the least bit surprised your mom is watching out for the kitties. We all know how much love she has for ALL critters.
Us from Peggy's Place
We are pretty sure those kitty kats are up to NO good. What do you think Khyra?
Benny & Lily
thats a great pile!!
keep up the furry tail
El'bow & Hauwii
I agree that Beautiful Merdie should be in the Pile It On contest. She is so relaxed you could put all your stuffees on her and she might not care much. It would be nice for her to win something.
Khyra, are you getting a little soft on cats? Was a day you didn't have one good thing to say about them. Now you are keeping them warm and happy. Nice, very nice and I will tell Ali Z about this.
That's khool keeping the cats happy and full. Paws and claws up to your Mom and the neighbours!
Wiry loves Eric xxx
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think all cats ar a littel bit feral!!! eksept for my sister pooh bear she wuz like a dog in a cat soot!!! ok bye
Hi Merdie! Nice to meet you. Up till now, I am only aware of the Khyra, The Magnificient, but obviously there are more. Kitties too!!!! Yay!!!!
Mieow to Butterscotch and Brofur. They are really handsome kitties. Your mom is such a kind purrson to be looking after them. Headbutties to her.
Khyra, what cute look for your mom!
Love your pics! Love to see Merdie along!
Butterscotch and Brofur are very good looking neighbours that you have.
What a nice mommy you have to help take care of those kitties when they need her the most !!
Your mom takes care of some cute kitties!
You guys are so cute. Merdie looks like she is enjoying life around your house. :)
Lots of cuteness pawed today...
Kute Khrya
Kute Merdie
and Kute Kitties!!
Kute Dory
I love the picture of the squirrels on your back! That is too funny. Please tell your Mom that she is the best for taking care of the ferrel kitties. A lot of people would never do that! She is pawesome!
I like ur kitteh friends doin the stretches. I do that sometimes too. :)
Ur friend Merdie is so funneh. I would loves to play tag wit her.
Merdie is so sweet to let the little stuffies sit there!
Butterskhotch and her brother Brofur are very lucky to have someone that does care for them!
Monty says "Hi Khyra!"
Hi, Khyra!
I thought Merdie was entering the Pile Contest!
It is nice to see the kitties there!
I am sure they feel safe around your place!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, those toys look like they're super fun!
I like your yard, too. Looks like you gots lots of room to play!
Are you entering the pile-up contest at Biggie's blog too, Merdie?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We also thought that Merdie was practicing for the dog pile contest!
It looks like Butterscotch and Brofur take really good care of one another, and are lucky to have nice humans around who look out for them too.
I love seeing pics of Butterscotch and Brofur. She always sits so prim and proper! So nice of you to let your mom try to make them comfy and give them water. I bet you enjoy watching them hunt.
I hate to admit it, but those cats look kinda cute! :)
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