But furst, some furry important wishes
Fur K and KB in KholWOOOOOrado!

Tuesday AM when Mom started chekhking the GR, she had just started to read their post fur the day. I had just taken up this pawsition - khrossing fur their respekhtive rekhoveries!
K recently had an emergency intestinal surgery whilst her mom KB faces a procedure much more intensive and khomplikhated than Unkhle Paul's. KB has been a great source of support and infurmation fur Unkhle Paul.
NOW it is time fur
looks like there was a wind messing with your tail!
Hi Khyra,
We spent some time visiting KB's site. Thanks so much for alerting us to go over! You are the bestest...just must say how much we appreciate you and mom and Merdie!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We enjoyed your walk today Khyra and Merdie! Merdie it was nice of you to greet the other dog you met on the walk while Khyra was filing her nails! We like how you both looked at the camera today too!
Doesn't the wind feel so great during a walk? We hope that K and KB both recover quickly. It's no fun being sick.
Teddy Bear
Breeze, breezey breeze
Walking is great!!!!!!
But not for me today, tomorrow it is!
It is always fun to follow behind you on your Wednesday walk! You have such a lovely backside!
you know what's weird? i started getting to know you all thru The Herd, and i asked them where they found me and apparently (tho i don't remember) i commented on KB's blog one day and the herd found me. i was like "who the hell are these guys?" and when i read about 6 sibes, i was like 'oh my dog, they're crazy. i think i like them'... anyway, long story short, i think KB may be the reason why i found woo and the rest of woo in the blog world. i sure wish KB well and her dog K. sigh
pee ess: we dog parked on monday and met a gal who will give MFT a run for her floofy tail monay. her name was Isis and she was LOVELY. and very small, but her tail was so very big. we all loved her. i will post pix this week when i try to come up for air from wurk.
pee ess woo: pantyloons and jodhpures!
wild dingo
hey Khyra,
Where did all your snow go?! You can't be out of snow already! That is not right! By the way, your green bandana looks great on you - very fashionable!
Thanks for the update on KB and K. I sniffed my way over to their blog and now my human, K, is worried about me. All week I have been eating deer parts that I found and dragged home. I don't want to have surgery like K. I cross my paws that both K and KB are ok, and that my tummy is ok too!
hey Khyra,
Where did all your snow go?! You can't be out of snow already! That is not right! By the way, your green bandana looks great on you - very fashionable!
Thanks for the update on KB and K. I sniffed my way over to their blog and now my human, K, is worried about me. All week I have been eating deer parts that I found and dragged home. I don't want to have surgery like K. I cross my paws that both K and KB are ok, and that my tummy is ok too!
hello cutiepies... thanks for taking us along walk..
Hi, Khyra!
You look great on video....the camera loves you!
And you are right.....Hank WAS trying to impress you! (He kept telling mommy to get his best side!)
Licks -
Miss Khyra
I see you activated your pantaloon powers to send healing vibes! Woo woo heal quickly K and KB
Miss Khyra,
Thanks for posting those lovely pictures of yourself on walkies. Momma says there is no time to watch your movie now and I will just have to wait until later. Sob.
Great mug shot at the end there, Merdie - and how we love your sway!!! Khyra, you must be missing your cousin again, but at least you are lucky enough to be getting a walk. That is the only good thing about the Snow Thief. We might actually find enough bare pavement to get the Momster to take us for a stroll.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We love shadow pics and you got some great ones!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra, great shadow shots of you on your walk today.
We liked the video with Merdie and her ever wagging tail. She looked pretty with the blue ribbon and you looked pretty with your green bandana.
We also hope your mom is allowed to pee when she is older when she need to - it would be a shame to make her hang on!
Martha wags her tail when she hears your mom's voice and comes over to the computer!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
ps we will visit KB soon xxx
The floof is looking good!
Hi Khyra and Merdie, You took us on a wonderful Wed. walk. I love your blue "granny" bow Merdie.
Now I understand why you don't need to have your nails trimmed. Your lucky girl.
Beautiful pikhtures, Khyra:)
Licks and Wags,
PS: Whenever Mercury sees your tail, she sighs...I don't know why.
Great Floof pictures.
n teka
What a nice walk! You have a beautiful tail!! My Smokes needs a haircut!
Thanks for sharing with us about KB. I'm heading over now.
We will keep our paws crossed fro your friends, We will go over and visit there site now. I am certain,Mango is enjoying these pictures and video!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Those are some beautiful shadow shots, Khyra. It looks like it was a perfect day for a walk.
We'll go check out KB's blog...
Happy Wednesday,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Looks like Merdie wouldn't mind too much if you slowed down a little, Khyra!
You pups look good stomping along together.
Looks like you had a great walk. We're glad there's no snows on the road to stop you.
Your snow seems to be melting, Khyra! Want to come over and enjoy mine?
Yo,Khyra...I gotta admit life has been more interestin' lately with my large fluffy tail...I just feel so um khalm too...weird, totally weird...I just don't really know who I am anymore...it's tough havin' an idenity khrisis at the tender age of almost three...
Laciekhakes or somethin'.....
I love those tail shots! Mum has pinched your tail piccures for a dog she making. hehe.
You is getting very clever in your hiding places, so your Mum! You should give her a cookie!
~lickies, Ludo
Now there's a floofy way to start a year of walkin' Wednesdays!
I see your snow is almost gone! That is sooo sad.
However, you are looking quite fluffy!
Holly and Khady
What a nice walk the two of you had :-) And you are looking beautiful in the pictures Khyra.
Our snow is melting too, but the Humans say we'll have more in the weekend - we could send you some if you like ;-)
We hope K & KB will have a speedy recovery.
Nice butt & tail shots from your walk! Love that fluffy tail of yours!
Sam & June
no more snow!
we do not have snow either
nice...it looks that you are very close to me
Those Iditarod chumps got nothin' on you.
We really dig your purple leash, makes ours look less than royalty.
Misty the alpha Poodle
very beautiful photos indeed!
thnak you for sharing them with us
looks like there was a little wind blowing your floofy tail around Khyra! We will be purring for K and KB.
those are great walking pictures! if you were here, you'd be walking thru snow. wanna come over? we read that huskies are really good with blurpies and you could nap with Joel after your walk.
we hope your friends get all better soon. purrrrrrrrs
Just love your fluffy tail!! Us docked-tail pooches have tail envy.
BabyRD and Hootie
hi k & p!
happy happy wednesday!
what a great walk you had!
What happened to all your snow Khyra??? Looks like you had fun anyway!!
Hi Khyra, what a great walk today! We don't know K and KB but we are going to stop by to send them some good thought and purrs!
Sending sibe vibes to K & KB!
~jack a-roo
hello fluffy tail. It seems super floofy today.. Is it my imagination or is my woofie friend growing. You look so big in those pictures.. Hugs GJ x
What a great walk you had again...
We stopped over and sent some Heeler healing vibes out to K and KB..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We love your walk pictures! You have such a floofy tail!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think your pantaloons are getting floofier.
What a nice walk you had!
Beautiful pictures!
Hi Khyra,
I'll bet you're missing Merdie!
Great floofy-tail action!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Your snow is dwindling, Khyra! You need another dumping!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great photos Khyra!
We are thinking of KB and K.
take care
Loved the wagging tails in your video :) We wish the best for your friends and their recovery! Take care, Farley
Woof! Woof! Sunshine on your walk ... the best part I bet. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar
Green is definitely your color. You should get more green accessories!
Khyra, I think you have the prettiest butt I have ever seen!!!!!
A big kiss for you, Fern
Beautiful photos, the shadow is spectacular!
I like ur vidyo. It would be fun to play wit u and Merdie. :)
:) Starter Kit? For Mercury or for me?
Oh No Khyra! Your snow is almost all gone!! We still have plenty but it is starting to melt.
Quick hello. Got to run to watch the new video! Yay
Hi Khyra!
I was just over at KB's, pawing our well wishes.
Nice tailworkz!!
That is some good swishy tail action!
I am crossing my paws and sending lots of Sibe Vibes to KB and K. We went to stop by their blog to wish them well.
Woo! Look at your fluffy tail! :) I love your first pic!
Paws crossed for K and KB!
I enjoyed a lot your walkie!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra, You have such a pretty tail and such dainty little legs. Your are a total lady!
Looks like a very good walk!
Merdie by Proxy! BOL!
I am a little disturbed by the lack of snow in Pawsylvania. It's happening here in the Mitten State, too. :(
Your pal,
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