(more about THAT tomorrow)
Now to turn it ovFUR to Mom so she khan tell you about her special transport that had her hit the road about 6:45am Sunday whilst it was a furry toasty -9C/16F degrees with LOTS of wind!

Time to meet my passengers

This run was done for Husky Savers out of New York
It took the work of many many people to make this one happen since the route was longer than the normal runs from The South. It took one of the special drivers along the way to provide an emergency overnight (THANKS FRANKIE AND TED IN VA) since the original overnighter in the Winchester area had a family emergency which required she get to SC ASAP.
I did not get many shots enroute from Hagerstown to Harrisburg because Cedric and Fagan decided on Sunday that they did not like each other despite the fact they had travelled well together on Saturday.
I had Cedric tethered on the shotgun spot - and he slept quite well most of the time. Lukina (thank dog for girls) was fine loose in the back with her leash and gave me some calming kisses from time to time. Fagan was tethered but unfortunately had a bit too much leash so he could still get a bit too close for Cedric's (and my comfort).
It was unfortunate because I got to see many great pics of Fagan taking in all his gorgeous eyes could see! He hardly settled down because he was soooo excited to be so close to furever happiness and freedom. He was very very close to NOT being here (and I know you know what I mean by that).
Kim's ability to commit to these pups and the drivers committing to transporting these passengers has given them a new beginning for a new year! The 'shelters' they came from were the kill kind so without official ($$$) committing to pulling for transport, these poor dogs were on extremely limited time.
Here is the link to their Photobucket Slideshow AND here is the link to their Photobucket Album that includes FOUR videos. The last of the videos is where I babble a bit about dedicating the run to Charlie The Big Dog.
Unfortunately (as you will hear) it was VERY VERY WINDY (23mph gusting to 36mph) here this weekend. I tried to make sure to compensate for it but a bit of it did get blown away. In fact, after I got back on the road, I took the PA Turnpike for one exit to get back to I83 - that route involves crossing The Susquehanna River- BOY HOWDY WAS THAT A TREAT. I felt like I was reeling in some kind of PA Pike as I manuevered over the bridge!
Thanks again for all your support!
HERE IS A NOTE WE GOT FROM KIM AROUND 8:35 SUNDAY EVENING (the transport arrived to her part of the world around 7pm)
Good Evening Everyone!
Just got the kids in from playtime outside and they are tucked in for a good night sleep. They all did very well with the other dogs and they are absolutely adorable.
Cedric and Lukina are just puppies and so sweet and playful with everyone. Fagan is a bit shy, but after a week here, I'm sure he will shake out and become very confident. Right now he is outside with his own little harem ;) four females and he says life is VERY good.
Thank you all for taking the time to volunteer and drive these kids. They are all so wonderful it is heartbreaking to think any of them were facing death in a shelter.
Each will get excellent homes with fenced yards and playmates where they can learn what life for a companion should be like.
Again, I cannot thank you all enough. Without you, rescue would not be possible!
Kim MorrellHusky Savers, Inc.
Khyra and Merdie will be back tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner!
P.S. We shared the picture of Hank on Sunday's post because his furever family had shared it with Sam! We try to make sure we 'pupdate' when we can! We have another to share later in the week!
Another pile of pooches who have you to thank for helping them on their way. ♥
It was great to catch up on DWB chat. Since then we've had nearly three feet of snow. Would Miss Khyra like to pay a visit? ;)
WE love seeing the transports! It is amazing how many wonderful people there are (to balance the bad!) who commit time and money to rescue & transport. Hooray for your mom!
love & wags,
PeeEss: we thought we saw a fluffy tail flying through the air, anyone missing one?
Again, our momma is blessing you and hugging you from afar. To know that those darling dogs escaped death because you helped - well, it makes momma proud to know you - if only virtually☺
Oh what a lovely post again. Three lovelies to forever happiness when so near not getting that. Mum was all leaky on me again. They look three lovely pups. I can just bimmagine what it was like if one decided he didn't like his travel friends. Thank your mum so much for continuing this in difficult times. Your fluffy tail was a treat to behold. Hugs GJ xx
We also look forward to seeing your transport posts and love hearing how they turn out (like with Hank!!).
Thanks for all you do!!
Dory and the Mama
What a cool group of dogs! Love those eyes on Lukina. Once again, we have to commend you on how much you do for these wonderful animals. These three are off to a good start in the new year!
Boy, it's cold there! I'm so glad that your Mom had a safe and successful transport. I know that all her passengers from today's transfers will find furever homes soon. They are too cute!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra...
Your Mom is amazing...Rain, snow, wind...Nothing stops her...
Give your Mom a big snuggle from all of us...
Abby xxxooo
Woohoo! This is so wonderful! Lukina and Fagan came from our home state! Thanks for saving them from the shelter!
It sounds like an eventful transport in difficult conditions!
Is Cedric a cross between a Sibe and an Akita? He is really gorgeous, as are the two others!
Hi Khyra! That first floofy tail pic is awesome!
PS: Hi Merdie!
I love Cedric's handsome spots.
That wind can be bad and blow you all around. Sounds kind of scary.
Thanks for the exciting FT shot.
We loved the first floof shot! And well done to your mom and all the others that helped these pups!
Excellent transports - and our hu-dad knows those areas they are from well.
Oh, and since we are catching up, we loved the Siberian Rules Football videos.
Woooos! Another great run from your Mom! I think I would have adopted Fagan, he was such a cutie, can I trade Scampi for him? I guess Mum might have something to say about that... anyway, thanks again for helping with these pups! We are all so proud just to know you!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
Pawesome way to kick off the New Year - those three pups will never forget your Mom and the other transporters. We loved the markings on Cedric and the coloring of Fagan. Lukina seemed like a sweet girl. Too bad about the wind and the wild boys in the Xterra, but another wonderful deed from your Mom.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I think that the note from Kim said it best. You're amazing. Your partners are amazing. Thanks from all of us.
I love the first photo of Khyra. She looks almost striped!
We so admire what your mom does for these dogs. Such a shame they have to travel such distances to find a home.
Thanks for sharing
Wow!! What beautiful tales and not to mention, tails too!!
Your mom has a good good heart! Woo must be very proud of her!
Have a great day!!
Khyra your mom has done another grreat transport.
I keep wondering... Why do so many dogs seem to be coming from the south and going to the north???
i think your mom deserves a t-shirt that says "I survived the drive!" fur that one, MFT! Such cute pups, and so good to know they are on their way to new lives with families that will love them!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
wow, that is amazing! we are so glad there are good beans like your mommy and the group to take care of woofies and kitties who need them.
you all stay safe in all that wind.
Happy New Year!
PS it looks like you got a grooming session Khyra. very pretty as always. your floof is all tidy and what not. i don't let my beans do that at all
What beautiful doggies. We are so glad they were rescued. ~A,F,S,S
Floofalishus! Good work on the transports as always. I know what a pain it is to drive through high winds!
The mighty tail of Khyra!
Glad that your mom had a safe transport. We love seeing those pups getting a ride to their new lives!
Sam & June
What a handsome bunch of pooches!
And so lucky too, to have a Khyra mom to transport them!
Like D.K., we know the NC area these dogs come from and they are a furry lucky bunch. We are so happy that you are able to do this, for yourself (gotta make you feel great!) and the dogs.
Love and hugs,
Two Rescues (Stella and Mom, who was also adopted!
I was just going to ask how you handled the puppies who don't get along together. It seems that you must have a special gift to let them know they need to behave while you're driving them to their new homes!
Wonderful post. Such Lucky Pups to have you and others like you to help get them to places where they can find their furrever homes. Little Chica was transported from Merced California. Rain & Grass seem hard for her right now. Bless you all.
Tail wags
Ernie, Sasha, & now Chica
They are all sooo adorable! So hard to believe there are so many like them that are not so lucky. You all do such a wonderful thing by volunteering your time to help. I know all the pups, their rescuers, and new furever homes appreciate all you do!
It looks like Merdie is wearing that stuffie on her head like a hat!
We always get teary reading these transport/rescue posts. So glad they all made it safely.
Khyra, we read your confession at the Meezers. How could you make your mom run outside after you in her bare feet IN THE SNOW?
More beautiful passengers! Khyra, give your mom some kisses from us fur all she does to help. <3
PS. Love the floof!
Hi Khyra
We looooooove to watch your transport-stories. You and your mom are doing such a gr8 job. And don't forget, people might think that it's easy to rule a Kingdom. But you know that organisation and a big heart is the thing that makes a good Queen or a King.
Nice woooh
Oh Khyra, what a great transport your Mom did and in difficult weather conditions. It is wonderful that all those dogs got another chance.
take care
Wind on the freeway is scarey. We are glad your mom is OK. And we loved the floofy tail picture.
You are a dog angel and wouldn't it be cool, or sorry, KHOOL to see all your dogs with their forever families all together? It makes me need to wipe a tear away from my eye with my paw.
Bless you all for all the hard work you do to bring dogs to their forever homes.
Chester & Mom ;0=)
First...Happy New Year to you, Merdie, and your beans!
Second...your mommy has the BEST looking cargo (all the time)
I was getting educated at huskysavers. The national statistics got me very sad and I shared them on Tweeter. I am so happy about your latest passengers. We all count and we're all furever grateful for humans like your family. Three woofs for your passengers!
WOO HOO!!!!! Another successful transport!! Great job!! Meowm is drooling over Fagan.
Love the Husky Savers! And, all the transport help, even with the unsettling wind.
All wonderful!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Khyra give your mom a great big hug for us! We love how she helps all these doggies so much! They are all cuties!
FLUFFY TAILS every where :D
love them
icey kissslobbers
El'bow & Hauwii
Oh man, Cedric is PAWESOME. look at those markings. i'm guessing husky heeler mix? that would be tooooo wild. talk about OPPOSITES!
i'm so happy to hear about happy endings. and i'm so happy to know such an awesome volunteer such as yourself. sigh. you do so much.
happy Momday!
wild dingo
Now a note like that makes the entire transport well worth it. Such beautiful pups.. Thanks again for sharing Mom....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Look at all those cute faces and floofy tails! What a bunch of adorable transports this time! We wish you had driven them all right on over here to Oregon!
Merdie, we can't wait to hear why the stuffed sibe is watching over you!
Yay for these sweet woofies being saved! And a Happy New Year to all of you!
Those pups have a lot to thank you for, Khyra's mum!
No matter what, we can count on you, Khyra, and your mom to remind us what a wonderful world it can be! Once again, thanks for walking the talk!
They are so cute! It's so great that your mom and all the others involved could help them!
Another great transport tail! :) More happy families, what a nice way to start the year.
hey Khyra,
Your mom is an Angel to dogs, as are all the others who help transport the dogs to forever homes! A millions licks and tail wags for all your mom does for us doggies! And thanks to your mom for sharing her weekly transport stories and pics. And what a wonderful tribute to C$!
YAY, for the Southern Pups!!
Did they say, "Wroo wroo Y'all?"
Looks like Merdie has a special guardian angel watching over her!
Hugs and belly rubs,
Those dogs sure are lucky that there's someone like your momma out there!
And I still laugh whenever I read the word floof!
Hi Khyra,
Many smoochies to you and your mom for helping Fagan, Cedric and Lukina. We hope they find their furever homes real soon.
Beautiful Pups ... Momy hasnt been on a run in a while.
You all are not going to believe the story with the lil girl kitty its a doozey - looking forward to seeing you again friend
Thanks for making the scary drive - weather and passengers who decide they don't like eachother.
Miss Khyra
I thought your pantaloons flew off this weekend. I guess that fluffy tail can withstand anything. Wow mom was in heaven with 3 sibes in the car.
Happy Fluffy Monday, Khyra!
Those are lucky doggies!
And you know this... your mom is the best!
Kisses and hugs
Cedric and Fagan were a little irritable with eachother??? OK...we're gonna make 'em HONORARY TERRIERS!!!!
Mumsie had to go to work at 8ish Sun am...was eight degrees with nasty wind...honestly Khyra...this is Sibe weather not Lakie weather!!
I was HELPING shovel the driveway today...playin' tuggie with the shovel and got a whole shovel full of snow DUMPED on my small petite body...sheesch...honestly, I was just tryin' to help Mumsie so she didn't have a heart attack out there and Scruffy woulda eaten her...
Kisses dear girl and special hugs to your mom!!!!! That HAD to be cold...good thing she had FLUFF in the car to keep her warm...
Pee ess....should I let my tail grow out like a Sibes??????
Hi Khyra
We thank your mom and the many others who go out in the extreme weather- to help save these pups.
What beautiful faces.
This is a great way to start 2010, thinking these pups will get loving homes.
I of course loved your fluffy tail Khyra.
wow a real angel is what you are! i hope many more blessings come your way . your an inspiration
the houston pitties mommy
Happy New Year, Khyra and Mom!!
What a wonderful way to begin 2010... your mom is one wonderful lady! What she does is truly humbling.
Those all look like great doggies, and we hope they all find forever homes soon!
We certainly miss Charlie for sure. Those transport pups were khute, Mom really liked Fagan. Your Mom is pawesome for doing this every week, and I know we say it lots, but she should be told all the time how great she is!
Hi, Khyra -
All of the pups are so beautiful.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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