I've been spending time khollekhting my thoughts fur judging my group fur Mango Minster 2010
There are several more pikhs of the rainbow in the beginning of it. Mom suggests you watch it in order fur all the shots were from Monday's sky progression. Often times, she only had to reorient the flashie beatie 90degrees to khapture a khompletely difFURent look!
Shortly after Mom and I put this post together, we were chekhking out Googlie Readerie Thingie and saw some furry sad news.
Deetzy's Brofur Sharkie has left us - I know many of woo have already been there by 'now' but please stop by if woo haven't
The Doggy Nanny and Fred arrived in Florieduh around 330pm Thursday - something about 70 degrees and I would love it there ! I had Mom paw bakhk a text telling them how many good wishes they had gotten 'here'!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says right now, her #10 is any job - not just one that makes her happy
Oh Khyra, in this case, I guess size does matter. Sorry about your little pile. :(
Visited Deetzy last night, I hope they are hanging in there...
Your humans need to get you a snow making machine!!!
I'm so glad that your Doggy Nanny and Fred arrived in Florida safely. 70 degree weather? I don't think we snow dogs would like that. Look at all those sticks! Sierra would be in heaven. Great sky photo. Did you roll around in the little snow mound? Little snow is better than no snow, right?:)
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra!
Is that all the snow you have now?? Hmmm... I guess you are not very happy!
I am so sad to know about Sharkie. Our thoughts and prayers are with all his family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
At least you still have a little bit of snow. I'll bet the OP Pack are envious.
Ahhh... the snow's almost all disappeared!! :(
We just visited Deetz's blog.. it's so tragic and totally devastating.
Sharkie's story is heartbreaking and is exactly why The Herd wears breakaway collars at home. The night Natasha almost choked to death when Rusty's jaw got caught in her collar was one of the most frightening moments of my life. Fortunately, I was sitting right there, but it still took agonizing seconds to cut away that collar.
Somehow, someway I wish we could trumpet the need for breakaway collars, particularly at homes with multiple dogs.
P.S. - We are expecting a foot plus of snow at home. Come home with our hu-dad and play in it with us.
ooooh love the sky at your home
our is grey and grey
El'bow & Hauwii
Dennis is right, we are jealous of even your little mound of snow. We think we might need to get to the mountains with the TH. We did get a dusting overnight, but not enough to stick on the grass.
Great sky shots, love those rainbows. Hope your Mom's pot of gold is just around the corner in a great job.
Happy Friday, Phantom and Thunder
Khyra, your snow mound is pathetic! Sorry!
The PM is jealous of all those sticks! They would come in very handy for kindling.
is thats the last of your snow. your sky pic is awsome.
We love sky pictures. We also love sticks just to carry them around. My mom cried when she read about Sharkie and went to visit their site. Hope you have a safe weekend--we're supposed to have ICE down here.
love & wags,
You look as thoughtful as ever, Khyra! I am a great collector of sticks and can volunteer to help your humans.
Sad news about the khute Sharkey. I must go now and console Deetz and his pack.
So is your mom expecting a "little Pig" to come along and buy those sticks????????
All your snow is leaving!
We hope that more comes along soon:)
Hi Khyra
Thank you so much for sending us the link - the NSLM really enjoyed the photos! Rainbows are always very special to him.
Thanks again
Have a lovely weekend
Clive and the NSLM
Hey, we are s'posed to get Ice here...you want us to send it your way?
We always love the sky pictures!!
We were sad to read about Sharkie too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We wend and visited Sharkies family. My mom has a quick release collar for Grete but now wants to look into break away. For us kitties we have stretchy break away collars...
Woof! Woof! You sure missing the SNOW.LOVE the sky photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
The sticks look fantastic. Do you ever have the urge to grab them out of the garbage can?
We are so sorry to hear of Sharkie's passsing.
Great pic of your eye and ear! I am SO sorry you don't have hardly any snow. Come on over to my place we have PLENTY!
Wooos MFT! I see woo have a little snow left, maybe woo can roll in that to make woo feel better. I go for a swim alot, it is nice and cool now in my pool!
So sad about Sharkie, are paws care crossed fu his family.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hey, looks like woo found a little snow the now thief missed! We had a sprinkling of snow yesterday but the ferocious winds blew it away already, darn.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo and maybe moo's ok
Maybe you will get some more snow this weekend with all the winter weather that is on the news.
Khyra, If there's a job that involves loving dogs, supporting humans who are scared, and rescuing stray dogs, your mom is the #1 choice. I hope that there is a job like that because the doggy and human world sure loves her!
Khyra, sorry to hear about Deetzy! That's never easy...
Big hug from Africa!
Like your Mom's stick compilation - what does she do with them, Khyra? Those sky pix are just extraordinary - truly gorgeous!!! (but still never as gorgeous as you, dear pal!) Hope your Mom gets a "10" JOB!!!
Hugs xo
We just love that picture of you with your eyes on your Mom!!!! And the scenery picture is beautiful!!!
We went over and left a comment for Sharkie's family. What a terrible tragedy.
I´m so sad to hear about Sharkie.
Beautiful sky shots!
Khyra, lets go on a snow strike! We want snow, we want snow, we want snow!
So mom was wondering if your mom has checked out the US Census 2010. It's a temporary part time job and they are hiring in the NY but perhaps they are hiring in Pawsylvannia as well.
Sam & June
I think Doggy Nanny and Fred are gonna miss you lots! Mom says she would like to be in FL right now. It was 4° here this morning. I kept wanting to go outside and enjoy the great weather and she kept making me come in. Moms! Sheesh!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Your pal,
Oh Khyra your snow left? Good thing you are not one of those dogs who like sticks, cuz your momma would probably have a hard time collecting them!
Not much snow left. Hope you get a little more to play in. You take such beautiful shots in the snow!
We went over to visit Sharkie's family. So sad. :(
Sorry about the lack of snow! I hope you get more soon!
Glad to hear that they made it to Florida safely and are nice and warm! :)
Crossing my paws that your mom will find something soon.
I do believe that's the tiniest pile of snow I've ever seen.
well at weast you still have a wittle bit of shnow
you can shtill make shnow cones
wiggles and pittie sugar
the houston pittie pack
Hi Khyra, we have more snow today so if it lies we will send you some.
Good luck with your judging!
We saw the dreadful news about Sharkie and have visited.
We didn't know Sharkie or his brother but were very shocked at what happened.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Ouchies on that #10 Khyra. Thank you so much for the updates and the lovely shot of your ear and mouth. I hope you have a lovely weekend. You can use mom's harvest to play fetch.
Yepper that snow is pretty sad..
We love the slideshow.. The rainbow is so cool.. We would go for some of that sunshine about now...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We are sorry about your friend having to go to the bridge Khyra - there are too many sickies out there right now. We wish everyone would just get better!
And tell your mom about her #10 - we hope she finds a job she likes soon. Having a job that makes you miserable is almost worse then not having one. Almost.
Our mom collected about the same amount of sticks that your mom did, Khyra!
And we got snow, not much, but it's still white and cold and wonderful! Shall we send you some?
We are still very, very sad about Sharkie. Such a horrible tragedy/
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're glad the Doggy Nanny and Fred arrive safe and sound in Florida. We're sorry your snow mound is shrinking. Pretty sky shots too!
We hope your mom finds any job soon.
Khyra. Mom says she has more "snow" in her freezer than yours on the ground!!! Haaaa. Shall I get her to send it over for you? Paws crossed for Mom with #10.
Wiry loves Eric xxx
I think snow might be coming your way...or at least I am keeping my paws crossed! You look so serious in preparing for your judging duties...I know you will be fair and impartial. Glad the Doggy Nanny arrived in Florida safely and we hope she has a fine time. How does mom feel about a life in New Mexico? (We have lots of snow in the mountains!)We are sending our strongest job finding mojo her way.
I have stick harvesting on my list this weekend! It is one of my most hated activities! If your mom would like to come help she is welcome!
You should see our snow mound... all that is left from Mango & Dexter's snow man is an ice cube! Pathetikh is right!
Well, at least you have a tiny bit of snow left. Better than nothing.
Judge well!
Your close up is beautiful Miss Khyra :)
We had 68 degrees today!!! It was very nice. Suppose to get rain tonight and tomorrow and then COLD again. Glad Doggie nany and Fred made it safely!! You and Mom are goimg to be lonely!!
Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Have a great weekend Khyra! Our moms been very busy and she hasnt been keeping up...sorry Hugs Joey and Kealani
We were also very sad to hear about Sharkie. It must be very hard for Deetz and his humans.
Very nice skyday!! We hope that you get more snow soon!!
we is getting SNOWS in VA friend ... come play in the snows with us
Khyra we are happy you didn't pee pee on it. The snow mound would have disappeared.
Benny & Lily
Will it be snowing where you are this weekend? I hope woo get some more snow! I live near Anna Maria Island...sorta...maybe I will see the dog Nanny n Fred! See you at MM this week!
Oh Khyra
your mamas photo show of the sky is breathtakingly beautiful- and the rainbow. That is what I want to remember tonight when I go to sleepy- is your mamas sky shots and you and your mound of snow.
I am so sad about Sharkie. So sad.
We left some love- and lit a candle like you did
Oh no, sorry to hear that all your snow melted. Maybe it'll snow again real soon.
Where did all your snow go???
We just stopped by Deetz's blog to thank him for including Ziggy in his angel's slide show when we read the news of Sharkie. Since we haven't been blogging since losing Ziggy we didn't know. My mom just absolutely lost it. Between Sharkie and Harry's mom, she is a mess. God needs to take a break for awhile. We all need to find our happiness again. This is just too much.
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