Butterskhotch agreed to help me with my judging skills fur Mango Minster 2010

She khlaimed it pretty khwikhkly that day
She showed me some pawtential khytty trikhks
Showed her flexibility
And let my mom take several pikhs fur me to use so I know where to put my paws when I'm judging
All impurrrrtant nape of the nekhk
Then the khoy and smug look of akhkhomplishment
Mom has some other shots (along with these) from Butterskhotch and Brofur here on this Photobukhket Slideshow

Mom has some other shots (along with these) from Butterskhotch and Brofur here on this Photobukhket Slideshow
I had several khount test ants submit examples of their talents
Example One is a video
Example Two is an art exhibit one has planned
I wanted to thank all that entered the furry special KhatDogGroup!
I've enjoyed getting to meet all of you! I've been snoofing around your blogs so I khould see if woo had what it took to represent the KD Group fur a possible Best In Show win at Mango Minster 2010!
Judge Khat Dog Group Mango Mintser 2010
That is some tum you've got there, little puppy!!
oh we know you and butterscotch are going to be super judges and furry fair...
Butterscotch is very cool in that she layed down on her new khot leaving room for Brofur if he showed up.
I love the Ghost Cats! Don't you?
It's good to switch tree sides once in a while!
it looks liek someone drove a stake thru Butterscotche's back whilst she is doing her cat stretch!
khwick! take it out!
wild dingo
Oh Wow! You have a belly just waiting to be rubbed, too!
hmmm try to clim that tree? says hauwii
ooh luck at that cute tummy
El'bow & Hauwii
I can't imagine having to make the decisions you mangominster judges are going to have to make. So much responsibility! Good luck!
Such a big job judging the most important category in MM, Khyra! We hope your Mom is keeping you well supplied with energy khookies...
Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan (contestants both!)
PS: Tommy says Hi!
Butterscotch is a really pretty kitty.
Good luck with the judging Khyra.
Love Ruby & Penny
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Miss Khyra.....it's so good looking at all the sides of your tree....better 2 perspectives than 1!!!
And you look soooooooooooooooo beautiful as always!!
good choice about Butterscotch!!!
We know you'll do a great work together choosing the winner of MAngo's contest!!!
Have a great weekend...and good job with your Judge work!!!
And mommy send you a special and sweet hug for being sit close to her last night!!!!
You're soooooooooooooo special for us!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Good luck Khyra, it is very hard judging.......thank dogness your have Butterscotch to help you!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Khyra, do we need to be worried that your Mom is providing comfy carpets for your cat friends? What's next, nuts for the squirrels?
Seriously, we know you will be doing a great job in your judging role. How nice of you to let Butterscotch give you some tips. Lots of luck.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Butterscotch was soooo kind to help you prepare for this difficult judging that you are taking on. You are an inspiration for ALL judges everywhere.
Khyra..you are doing such a good job with your khategory at MangoMinster...thank you for taking the time to make an infurmed decision.
Beautiful pics as always! Butterscotch's a beaut! but then again, she learned from the best!
We know you'll do a great job!!
I don't know Khyra - Butterscotch is mighty handsome. She might be taking over the glitz of your blog! Better be careful!!!!
It's nice that you put a rug out for her. Her life must be tough in some ways but she has lots of people looking out for her most of the time.
Khyra, We're thinking about you this morning because we have a TON of snow!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Honorable Khyra with the best pantyloons in town! I have prepared a special Khat post highlighting my specila tallents!! Khome on over to see it!
You are doing such a good job there.. All that research I am impressed.. Thank you for all the hard work you have done .. Love the belly shot.. Mum wanted to reach in and tickle.. Hugs GJ x
Judging is never easy - such responsiblity! The very best of luck!
Clive and the NSLM
You guys will be well prepared to be the judges. Oh those faces of Butterscotch! BOL
Happy Saturday
Benny & Lily
All stand for Judge Khyra,
Misty the alpha Poodle
Rest Up Judge Khyra, that competition is TOUGH!!
Great job my dear.
I love judgeing too.
Nice woooh
That Butterscotch sure is hogging the show.. hehe
You all will make great judges..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are and Butterscotch are so cute, perhaps she might become your kitty brother. Judge well my love, Mack
You are so lucky to have such a good friend to help you....that's what friends are for!
I have my paws crossed for MM!
Our official thank you note:
Thank you so much for all the purrs and prayers for our little hansel. It means the world to us- and we truly believe that with everyone in the cb - it's how we got through all of this. We don't know what we'd do without everyone! Hansel is doing very well - walking around, but we did have to put his cone on- as he thinks he should eat his sutures. He is eating, taking meds, drinking, using the litter box, everything is fantastic!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
-mom bean,
and the whole gang!
Thank you for the beautiful kat photos. And the Khyra photos...as always. I'm excited about the contest. I can't wait. I'm sure you will do a great job judging though, Khyra. Just rest some more, kk?
Okay, if you're letting Butterscotch help you prepare, we know you will be a fair and impartial judge.
we are all "sunny side up" here, too. It's too bloody hot. Please send some snow over!
We don't know how you will ever choose one cat dog, they all looked fantastically CUTE!!!!! We don't envy you one bit having to judge the cat dogs.
Buttterskhotch was very nice to help you and she seems to really like the rug/mat you bribed her with. ~AFSS
PS: We doubt any of the cats can growl as well as Scylla. She scared the dogs when Mommy took her to the vet with her growling and yowling.
That was nice of you to let Butterscotch and Brofu have a warm rug to lay on! She really liked your mom's scritches too. Next she'll be taking over your tree and then your chair inside! That's how these cats operate. Watch out!
Hi, Khyra!
I can see how well you are preparing yourself for your judging duties!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
Oooo - I wanna know, I wanna know, but I can't tell you! I'm sworn to secrecy!
It's always good to change pawspective everyone once in a while. And your snoot is just as cute from that side of the tree as it is from the other!
Loving the Butterscotch photos!
What a wonderful Khaturdy Khyra!! You have some tough judging ahead of you!!
Good luck with your judging Khyra. I sure wouldn't have to do it - especially after all you have gone through with that other girl from Pittsburgh. Your pal, Morgan
Hi Khyra! I went to the Golden Gate 105th annual Kenel Club All-breed Dog show here in San Francisco (it is our biggest one). I came across the Husky breeders and of course they had a few Husky's on display that i was able to touch. I can honestly say that they were no where as beautiful as you are.
Back scratches and belly rubs,
LeeTal - The Mommy
You will be a grrreat judge and Butterscotch is purrrrfect.
How very nice of you to leave out a comfy blankie for Butterscotch and Brother.:) Oh wow, good luck with the judging. I know it won't be easy.
Teddy Bear
So let me get this straight. You've joined forces with a cat? I never thought I'd see this day.
Sure does look like a relaxing day!
That was so nice of you to give Butterscotch a new khot! :)
The first three pics are very good, but then the fourth. Ouch. A trying-to-be-cute woofie.
And then a feline rescue.
So it ended up being a nice post.
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