Time to let Mom tell you about Sunday's GIRLS!
Thanks Khyra!
Here are this week's passengers

These three girls were very good passengers! As you see, Virginia slept shotgun with Luci and Misty holding down the back of The Xterra!
It was a very lovely -10C/15F when I hit the road...and due to the temps, not a lot of time was spent during the two rest stops. Since The Girls had come from Gaston NC, they weren't completely cold weather ready yet PLUS as you'll see, all three need to put on some winter weight!
They made the trip up thanks to The Last Resort Rescue! - I see on their website that Virginia has a furever family waiting for her!
I didn't get many good pics of Luci for she was always moving and she really wanted to be with Misty. Their overnight hosts said they were even crated together and did very well. As you'll see from some of their pics, they tended to nap touching each other.
Another great transport with three very lucky girls...I kept telling them they were safe now!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow AND here is the link to their album which includes three videos!
Thanks again to all for your support! It means a great deal!
If you ever get the chance to do a transport, please do! You won't regret it and your life will be forever changed as you see the passengers and know what you've helped save them from!
I was checking out how Brandy The Brittany and Her Two Pups were doing (via their foster mom's FB page) and found THIS VIDEO on YouTube!
It is a perfect example of how rescue makes a difference!!!
As you'll see, they are all doing well - and have found their voices! It is beginning to look as if Dad MIGHT have been a Beagle!
I also noticed that last weekend's handsome Cedric has made the Husky Saver's Available Pets Page (and actually includes two of my pics from the transport)!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner!
Aw, they are all so beautiful! Thanks again for everything you do to bring these lucky pups to their furever homes.
Do woo ever have a bad transport? I think not. I think the chauffer must be extremely entertaining, or have amazing doggie treats. cuz all your transports look lovely!
wild dingo
ps. pantyloons and jodhpurs!
ps2: Juno met a sibe/wolf mix tonight formally. she's always known him but she got to meet him close today. he was quite charming. she was a shameless hussy, flirting, wagging, duckingher head and crying for him. shameless. where does she learn these behaviors? so wrong. so very wrong.
You had some truly beautiful passengers this week! Ever think about snagging one?
love you cuties..
Another successful transport. What beautiful girls. We're so glad that Virginia has already found a furever home.:) Thank you for all that you do.:)
Teddy Bear
Misty is especially pretty! Very lucky puppies I think!
Looks like you and Merdie doing much the same as I...
What beautiful doggies! Maybe Luci and Misty will find a forever home that will take them both and they can be together forever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I asked mom if Luci could come and snuggle with me, but she said no. Sob. What a beauty.
What beautiful pups - we hope they find wonderful forever homes. Thank you for all you do to help them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What lovely dogs you were helping this weekend! We hope they all find great forever homes.
take care
What a difference your Mom is making in so many pups' lives!!! Virginia could be a cousin to Titus, such gorgeous eyes she has. And Mom is in love with Brandy, Comet, and sweet little Dancer. They all look so wonderful. Mom would welcome one of those little ones anyday.
Thanks to Mom again and again and again.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
What cute gals! My mom says she really loves Virginia - except for the fact that her boss' name is Virginia!
Wooos MFT's Mom! I think woo are an awesome human to do all this fur us dogs! My human sister is fostering kittens right now,and Mum won't let me go pay with them. bummer.
Another beaWoootiful job!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hard to be believe that such beautiful girls could be homelss!
Thank DOG your mom is around to help them on their way to furever homes and safety!
Happy Tails!
I always look forward to Monday. It makes me feel soooo good to see what your mom has done to make life better for sad dawgs. She is a treasure. Butt, you already knew that.
Mom was so furry disappointed to not be able to meet you and your girls this week. Me too 'cuz after seeing that brindle girl, I mighta had a sister to play with. Glad they traveled well for ya.
We'll meet someday!
Chester ;0=)
Great rescues!#1 was partial to Virginia as that is her name! Wonderful job, as always, Khyra's mum!
We loved the YouTube video of Brandy and her pups.
Love checking in on Mondays to see who the lucky subjects are. Beautiful pups and love the Froot Bat ears.
Really nice piccies!!! There are some cuties in there!!!!
Another great job with transport, and excellent frootbatting!
i just want to say that I have a great respect for you for doing this. I would never let those pups go :)
Khyra's Mom, you do such wonderful work for the pups that need your help so badly. I do all that I can to help animals!! I wish everybody did!!! I don't drive anymore because of my frozen neck. I can't move it from side to side. I can move it up and down but that doesn't help in driving!
I am a shout in! That is why my blog friends are so important to me. Love you Khyra and Mom, Bambi & Fern
I don't know how you keep from adopting every puppy that you transport. I'd be one of those people who ends up with 52 dogs in their house!
What a pawsome Mom & you Khyra are so special to agree to let her take time away from you to help all those pups she transports. Our Mom & Dad have only had one foster so far and we think she is staying. We agree with JackDaddy's post & that maybe Mom should try transporting rather than fostering?!
Tailwags & Big thanks
Ernie, Sasha, & Chica
Yay, more cuties saved! That is always so great. They must know how you are helping them because you always seem to have a good trip!
Happy doggies, happy humans. What great work you are doing for both.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What beautiful work you do for these lovely pups! I know they understood your words and must have felt so safe in the X! Glad to hear that at least one has a furever home already! (Also love the pix of Khyra and Merdie!
Hugs xo
Another group of gorgeous passengers! :) I hope that they all find their furever home soon!
Your mom is pawesome! :)
Awww, another buncha beauties! Mom likes Virginia and her FrootBats!
Doing transports DOES make a person feel very good! My mom does them whenever they come through our area. We certainly don't get as many as you, but we always try to help. It really means a lot to the pups who are being saved, and for all the people who worked so hard to save them.
What beautiful gils!
Thanks for the wonderful job with those puppies! Hope all they find great furever homes! Luv you Khyra Merdie and mom!
What lovely ladies! We hope they all get great homes soon!
Aouououou! Momma and I spent the weekend finding out what doggies where in the Danger list and we both got so angry and sad and yes a bit discouraged by what we learned. It was healing to visit your blog today. First off, Merdie's pictures were so beautiful and taken by a human already in love. Then, aaah, Virginia, Misty and Luci!!! THANK YOU! g2g take care of my momma right now, she's turned all emo on me.
Another set of lovelies. They had very soulful eyes which seemed to be talking in those pictures.I so agree that they need to be fed up to gain weight. They are safe now and thanks to caring people will hopefuly get happy forever lives. Thank you to your wonderful mum for her part in this.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh all three or so beautiful.. Luci has Mango colors..
Again we are so proud of you Mom. Thanks for sharing with us...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I hope those sweet puppies find some good homes now!
I love Khyra dozing!Thanks for playing along with my seasoning game. Foil shells is a great idea for twice baked potatoes actually. Thanks!
you and Merdie sleeping are sooooooooo adorables!!!!!
We would love cuddle you a lot!!
And what a great and sweet and beautiful passengers you and your mommy had this week!!!!
you're always soooooooo special family bringing all these doggies friends to their furever home!!!!!
You made our and their day!!!!!!!
have a wonderful day!!!!
Tons of love and kisses
You're a good samarnt, samarina, samsamrina - Erm... you're a good person!
Mysty , Viwginia and Luci awe lovely!
umm, I've nevew known you to be so noisy, could you pleez hold down the shwieking?
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Good luck to this week's doggie passengers. We hope they all find terrific furever homes. Thanks for doing what you do!
It looks like your mom has done good again.
What have you and Merdie been doing to get all tired?
You and Merdie are so cute snuggling in chairs! The transports are cute too! Luci looks like a tortie dog!
Grete is wagging her tail so hard because these woofies are getting such great support. Grete was a pound woofie herself but I think she got to her destination by paw...
Hey Khyra, cute pictures. It doesn't look like Lucie wnats to have anything to do with the pawparrazi. BOL
Benny & Lily
I'd like to kiss all those cute little faces. So glad VA. has a home to look forward to.
Thanks for coming by - what purdy pups you helped on their way - bellah time is a good time...and meep has a very cute bellah
What a cute bunch of pups this week! Bet they (and Khyra Mama too) were chilly!!
Thanks for all you do!
Khyra and Mom,
All the dogs you transport are so beautiful!! I pray they all get forever homes. DO any have to be put down?? That would brake your heart!!
Give Khyra a kiss for me, Fern
Such sweet, sweet faces...
You have Good Karma my friend!
Sure your Mom had another pawesome transport!
They are adorable!
Kisses and hugs
Love those closeups of you and your transports. They make our hearts sing.
Stay warm... and thanks.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Merdie is so cute, the kiddlets want to snuggle with her!
THose pups your trasported are really very cute, we hope they find homes really quickly!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Ha ha Miss Khyra
That virginia did look like a fruit bat? hee hee. Looks like a good day with the merdie
What beautiful girls and so lucky to be rescued.
Now they will find what they deserve- a forever home and love.
Those are some super pretty ladies.
i thinks i's have a crushie on lucy
she is super pwetty
mommish wants to say she always sends her blessings to you for all you do..
Nice bus load of tourists you've got there.
Sleep is all I do at the moment, too.
A very lovely and lucky bunch of ladies!
Beautiful pitchers of my Shweepin Beauties! I was getting shweepy myself until I saw all of the XTerra's passengers!
Ever rescue need a lift... and I am fankful to your the Mom that she givin so many that opportunity! Give her a big kiss and tell her it from the me...
wif lots of love for boaf you and the her... and another heap for the Merdie... from the Luke
OMD! Check out that VIRGINIA! Mom is super glad that she has a forever home (she does, right?) because she's pretty sure that I would've had a new pink and white sister.
Your pal,
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