Thanks Khyra!
Due to the icey conditions in Southern Virginia, the transport got a delayed start - at one point it was guess-timated to be around 3-4 hours late but for the most part it was 2-1/2 hours behind the original runsheet times.
This was actually a combined run with three dogs coming for The Last Resort Rescue and one coming for Rotts 'n Pups Rescue

Please help us to get Spike to his new home! Spike was rescued from FL. He and his brother, Sol, (who still very much needs a home) were tied up in a backyard, one with only a hole for shelter, the other with a beat up dog house. When they were rescued, they had horrible ant bites all over them and were emaciated. You should see them now! The two boys just needed love, care and attention to become the amazing companions they now are. Both are fully trained, happy, healthy and friendly dogs.
Spike is going to a “foster with intent to adopt” situation with a large and loving family in NY—we know that the family will fall in love the second they meet him! Please help Spike to have a chance at a forever home. And, if you know anyone who may be interested in Sol, please pass this along: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14550143. He’s the older brother, and not as traditionally attractive, but he is a big love, and all he wants is to be held and loved. Along the initial transport, one driver noted that he leaned up against him the whole time just longing for human attention and touch.
Stories like theirs just tear me up inside as well as making me feel prouder about being able to do what I can to help!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow for the four passengers AND here is the link to the Photobucket Album which included three videos. Sadly, I couldn't get too many videos in Harrisburg due to the treacherous sidewalk around The Earthlink Building. The three pups were a handful (Spike was still in his crate) and I needed to ensure all of us stayed in the upright position!
With the transport running late, the light was a factor as well.
I didn't get a chance to do a video that included the special spirit my Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA leg was in honour of: KYRYE - my eldest Sibe.
She'll be making her journey across The Rainbow Bridge today (Monday). She went downhill quite quickly these past several days. I spent some time with her on Saturday to determine if she was ready. She let me know she was. Once I told her we'd honour her wishes, there was such a peace about her. I could see how tired she was...and I told her she could sleep soon...and when she woke up, she would be young again.
Whilst I drove my leg today, Khyra spent time with her SibeStas. When I dropped her off around 1:30pm, Kyrye was doing okay but enroute back I got the phone call to warn me she had gotten worse in the several hours I was on the road.
By the time many of you have the opportunity to read this, she'll have made her trip. Actually, she's already there in a sense as I write this (just before 8pm EST). Only her frail furry body is curled up and resting with her other SibeStas nearby.
Thanks for keeping me safe on Sunday Kyrye! The temps were 32-35/0-2 yet you made sure I helped get four canines to furever happiness like I think you've had since early December 1994!
Khyra will be back tomorrow!
Until then,
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
All adorable pups! I seem some Mal in Spike by the looks of his face and those ears!
My deepest, heartfelt sympathy about your Kyrye. It's still so hard to let them go, even when we know it is time. She will certainly be met by lots of Sibes, and will once again be happy and running free.
Hugs to you!
PHbbb, KhL, and their mom.
What a simply heartfelt post toda. Mum is checking before work and has so many tears. How can heartless people leave their animals like that. They just want some love and they get that. Their faces today said it all.. Just look at them. Sorry for the rant but thank god there are people like you to help. o sorry about Kyrye. But we can know that there will still be love where she will be going to. Hugs GJ x
Khyra, we're glad you could provide a smile today with your biscuit hiding cause the rest of the post broke our hearts. All the transports are so cute and we hope they all have furever homes. Spike and Sol's story is sad but we hope for a happy ending for both of them!
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye but we know she'll always be with you in spirit. Our thoughts are with you.
hey Khyra,
My human and I are crying over Kyrye. We are SO sorry to hear of her condition. What a wonderful heart your mom has to honour Kyrye's wishes to leave in peace. We will be with your mom in thoughts and prayers as she helps Kyrye cross the bridge.
We are also very saddened to read of Spike and Sol and their horrendous situation. I don't understand some humans, and probably never will. I will keep my paws crossed that Sol finds a loving home. I wish I could have him! My human will pray too.
p.s. I don't mean to scare you but I think you have a ghost in your living room. In that first photo there is a large glowing white thing.
I'm so glad your Mom was ok on the scary roads. Kyrye was watching over her.:) I hope that all those adorable pups find furever homes soon! We will keep our paws crossed!:)
Teddy Bear
I'm heartbroken about Kyrye.
But I must say, I always look forward to your wonderful posts about your transports..It is the most incredible thing you do...
Thank you again and again,
Oh honey, i'm so sorry to read this about Kyrye. I'm in tears. but we understand.
thank you so much for all you do for all our furiends who need homes. you are a saint!
we'll say a "woo" for kyrye that she has an easy journey.
woo...woo...woo... :(
~wild dingo
Wow! Look at all the handsome pups!!
Mommy visited your mom's blog and read about Kyrye, she's still teary eyed though she tried to hide it behind her sunglasses..
After reading your post she couldnt hide them and she kissed me and gave me a hug! Thank you Khyra for this beautiful tribute to our helpless furfriends! We will keep our paws crossed for the pups to get good loving permanent homes.
Maxx & mommy
Run free dear Kyrye. We'll be seeing you, a bunch of our former pack members will talk your sibe ears off wanting to be friends.
Khyra's mom, as you commented on the poem from friend to friend, it is a hard thing to do, but a gift we must give them..I understand.
As usual, you remain one of my doggy heroes with your transports. Special place waiting for you someday me thinks.
God Bless you and all of yours.
And bye for now, just for now-you told me that, remember?
((((((BIG HUGS)))))))
Jamie & the kids
We were saddened to read about Kyrye going to the Bridge as it is so hard to say goodbye to our dear friends. But her life was long and so filled with love that we can feel the peace that comes with this final journey for her.
That was a full Xterra! We hope all the pups find great homes, so they can forget about the pain they have experienced so far.
Tommy (and everyone else at The Poupounette)
What a beautiful crew.
You know we are thinking of you and Kyrye today. The Herd will be howling to The Herd members at the bridge and asking them to welcome Kyrye into the fold.
I am so glad ur Mom helps with these transports. It is awesum that she helps goggies find noo hoams.
I sorries about Kyrye. :( The clouds are really fluffy in Heaven, tho, so she will have a nice place to rest and play.
Sorry to learn about Kyrye
We're glad those doggies are being helped on their way to new homes.
Khyra and Khyra's Mom, today will be a very difficult day for you as you say your goodbyes to beautiful Kyrye. But as your Mom always says, you are giving her the gift of a better life. She had 15 wonderful years here and now it is time for her to join all the other grand furbabies across the Rainbow Bridge. She will have quite the gang waiting for her to welcome her into her new life of peace and joy and freedom from the difficuties of her last days. We will be with you in spirit and send our very best love and hugs to all of you.
Hugs, Thunder, Phantom, and Kathie
It is sad when our friends cross over the bridge, but good that our humans can help us on our journey before we have to suffer.
Momma tried to explain doggie transport to master last night. One of our friends is getting a little spaniel from Kentucky today. She had a special pickup in that a spaniel rescue lady drove all the way from Master Chew Sits to pick her up. Imagine!
Khyra, that is the floofiest tail EVER!!!
I am sorry to hear that you will be missing Kyrye's physical presence, I know she will always be at your side.
Mom is getting leaky eyed reading about beautiful Kyrye. But just remember what a wonderful home she had all thanks to your mom and how she will no longer be in pain. Khyra's mom, you are an ANGEL to help all those pups in need.
We love you all,
Mack & mom
Khyra, I am at a loss. I feel like I had just gotten to know Kyrye a little. Please know you and your family are in our thoughts this difficult Monday.
RIP sweet Kyrye...
Dearest Phyl & Khyra,
Mom is crying, we knew this was coming, but it always catches you off guard when the time comes. Even though she's ready, we know how hard it is to let her go. Kyrye will love being young & vibrant once again, wearing her silver harness as a member of God's sled dog team North of the Bridge. (((hugs)) to you, Phyl.
Sad woos,
Jack & Pat
Great fluffy "sunny" tail. How long does it take you to eat the bones? We do it in a short while!
Hi Khyra, can i come visit your house sometime?? I'm really good with hide and seek hehe...
And you must be so proud of your mommy, our less fortunate bros & sis get a second chance!
omg what cutie doggys
love them
El'bow & Hauwii
It makes us so sad to know when another furry has to cross the bridge, and when a family has had to gently help that journey get started. We know that Kyrye knew amazing love with you, and we are so glad that she was one of the lucky ones during the last years of her life. Khyra, you and your moma are amazing beings on this earth. We feel so privileged to know someones with the hearts of gold that you have.
Kyrye will be waiting for you. For us. All of us. And she will wait with love in her heart. Thanks to you.
Jake and Fergi
(Take care today. Notice gentle breezes.)
Whew. I am sooo very much glad your mom made it home safe and sound. I was worried when it was on the news about how icy it was in Allentown. Glad she got it done though. Love that halo tail shot.
Thanks so very much for helping those dogs toward their forever homes. It looked like a lot of dogs in your car! It's a good thing that they were all so well-mannered, especially on icy roads. I can't imagine people who are mean and neglectful to such loving creatures as Spike and Sol. I hope that Sol finds a home soon.
As for Kyrye, I'm very sad for you and her family. But, I'm glad that she had such a long and happy life. 15 is old for a Sibe! I hope that my departed Labs help welcome her.
Joining the chorus of sad hearts wishing Kyrye a beautiful journey home.
gussie and teka
Such cute babies!! Great job on the transport!!
Woofs and Kisses!
We are sorry to hear about Kyrye. She had a great run on earth and now will be young and running again with all the siberians that have gone before. Maybe she will see our puppies.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
What beautiful, needy cuddly pups, all - wish we could adopt every one. I'm just undone by the work you do - every Monday I read about the transports, but today, I also am leaky about Khyra's sister, who I just read about over at Brice and Eva's. It must be so hard to help a very sick dog to cross, but you certainly know how to listen and "hear" a pup when they know it's time. I hope I can do that one day a quarter as well as you. Khyra - good for you to stay as guardian with your sis, dear pal.
Hugs and Love xo
Sammie's Mom
Another carload of love safely delivered.
We're sorry it's time for Kyrye to go. They can never stay as long as we want them to.
Soft husky wooos, godspeed Kyrye,
Such a truckfull of sweetness!!
So sorry to hear about your friend going to the Bridge. It is so hard to say goodbye.
Great treat hiding spots!!
And more lucky puppers finding new homes with your guardian angel driving mama! wow! Hope you guys had a great weekend!
So sad that Kyrye crossed the bridge but she lived a full and loved life.
That Tiger checking out the front seat sure is a cute shot!
i love all your friends specially Cornnor for he looks like my Sheeba.
Happy MOMday
Khyra's mom, you are right, story like Spike and Sol kills me. I often wonder why humans became so heartless.
So sorry to hear about Kyrye. She is in a good place now and she's free.
YD & the girls
They're all so cute! I hope they all find their furever home soon!
I'm so sorry to hear about Kyrye. We are thinking of you all today.
Mochi & Mommy
Thank you for all that you do!
My symphaties about Kyrye! Will be thinking of you today!
We are very sorry about Kyrye. (Hugs). ~S,S & F
Oh our hearts are heavy & tears are in our eyes...Kyrye - may your star shine so bright each & every night to let your mom & sister know you are watching over them...
We send you deepest sympathy...our thought & prayers are with you tonight...
We will look up to the stars tonight & watch for Kyrye's bright star..
Love & Licks,
Randi & her peoples
We are sad to hear that Kyrye crossed the rainbow bridge. Our hearts go out to you at this time. If only our beloved pets could be with us longer.
RIP Kyrye.
Love Ruby, Penny & mom
We are really sorry to hear about your sister Khyra - she was very beautiful - just like you.
We know she is going to meet some great dogs at Rainbow Bridge.
This is always such a sad time for the humans - just as well us dogs dont think about such things.
Your mom always has the most adorable of passengers on her transport day - it is a wonder to us that she hasn't dognapped any.
Our mum shares the sadness of their plight with your mom and all other dog lovers.
How we wish every dog had a loving home.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Such cute pups!
sorry to hear about Kyrye.
Cute pictures:)
Toby's Trainer
SEGDI Raiser
Our thoughts are with the both of you.
xo martine & the kiddlets
oh our the mom is crying. we hopes that sol gets a forefur home. and we are so sorry about Kyrye.
Our thoughts are with you as you say goodbye to Kyrye. She lived a long, wonderful life, thanks to you.
Steve and Kat
Those are some gorgeous dogs. Another great transport by your mom.
So sorry to hear about Kyrye. I didn't know you had an older Sibe. You've made a hard decision for her and I'm sure it was the right thing to do.
We will light a candle for Kyrye tonight to help her find her way over the Bridge. May she run painfree and young...and be waiting for each of us when our time comes. Know that we share your sense of loss and hope you feel our comforting arms and paws around you.
Hi Khyra
It hurts to read about Kyrye. But we agree to your Mom. What a wonderful idea to respect her wishes. And today we can tell you honest that we wished we would have done the same with Julia. Stay strong and help your Mom through this sad times.
Everybody having furry friends knows how hard it is to say goodbye.
All our thoughts are with you.
Sad wooooooooooooh
Sally and the Can-Openers
We're so sorry you've experienced another loss - this one so close to you and Khyra.
We're sending you our warmest thoughts and wirey kisses to help lick your tears away.
Jake and Just Harry
We are so sad to hear about Kyrye - it's so hard to let them go even when they're ready. This was a beautiful tribute post - we feel heavy hearted knowing she has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but we know she is running free with the wind! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and max.
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye. That is so sad. Mom says she LOVES Tiger!!!
You were brave about Kyrye, but since I have been through it too, I have an idea of how you are feeling. I send love and hugs in the loss of this beautiful dog.
Your transports are all gorgeous, and yes, you can feel very good about doing what you are doing!
Stella and Jo
So sorry to hear the news about Khrye!
Great hiding spots!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
What a wonderful bunch of woofies your Mom trarnsported!!! We will be purring for all of them to find furever homes quickly!!!!!
We will also be purring for Kyrye and her family as she makes her way across the bridge.
Those are sweet pups as always. We are still very very sad about Kyrye.
Huffle and Tracey
Oh we are so happy for Spike. We hate to hear those sad stories too. Hopefully his brother will find a great forever home real soon.
Those are so really cute pups...
We are sure glad you and they made it safely...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
sad woofs, we know ur heart is breaking..even tho u knew time was runnin out, its still very hard to let go..you can see in the pictures, shes ready to go..bless u for giving her a chance to b free, a chance to b healed...RIP Kyrye, run with the wind!!
a very sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..
Oh Khyra, we are so sad to read about Kyrye. But we are sure that our Floyd is honored to meet your sister up there - your mom is so wonderful to everyone out here in the blogosphere and all those doggies who need her so we are sure that Kyrye has a special place up there at the bridge because of that. We are sending you and your mom lots of supportive purrs, prayers, hugs and kitty headbutts today. We know that up at the bridge all the kitties and doggies are happy and play together!
We love the transport pictures - we are so mad about the jerks who had Spike and Sol but are so happy they were saved with help from good people like your mom.
We're so sorry to hear about Kyrye. ((((hugs)))))
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dear Khyra & Phyl,
We´re so sorry to hear this sad news about Kyrye.
RIP Sweet Kyrye
Hugs and kisses,
Thor and family
Hugs to you both - run free beautiful girl :(
I am so sorry to read about Kyrye. May you be blessed with all your memories. May God Bless her.
Dear Khyra and her Mommy,
I am so sorry about your sisie. Mommy is always sad to hear about older doggies moving to heaven because it reminds her of Sylive. Kyria sounds like she was loved, and if she was sick;then, her people or y'all(again not sure, sorry) gave the greatest gift. Loving so much is letting go. She is now happy, running around in Heaven;not hurting or in pain.
Be brave and strong,
Khyra - hug your Mom tight. She's got a very kind heart. Kyrye will be welcomed by the rest of our sweet fur babies at the Bridge. You're all in our thoughts.
Andrea & Echo
We're always so thankful that there are people like your Mom who do this wonderful work. We are saddened that people are so mean to sweet woofies and kitties.
We're sorry to hear about Khyre (((Hugs and headbonks)))
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Khyra (& her mom), we are so sorry to hear about your sister's passing. She sounds like a special pup indeed. And your mom is just as special for giving up her weekends to do transports & helping to find forever homes for so many doggies. God bless!
Your pal,
Bless your heart for all that you do to help these dogs. We are so sorry about Kyrye :(
We're all really sorry to hear about Kyrye.
My Humans have two dogs who are on the other side, and I know Snowy and Simba will help welcome Kyrye and play with her.
I know that you've been paying extra special attention to your mom today. Maybe you could even snuggle with her tonight! She's a good person and very brave to honor Kyrye's request.
Princess Eva & Brice
the houston pittie pack wants to send our most heartfelt sniffles and sad woofs for your loss
we are vewy sorry to hear about your beutiful kyrye and we will keep you in our thougths and prayers
brinks, bella , guero and coco and their mommish
How comforting to have a co-driver resting on your lap for the journey! So sorry to hear about Kyrye. At least she's not suffering anymore.
Hi, Khyra...
I was just visiting the OP Pack & heard of your Loss...
Me & My Mom are sending all our love & hugs & thoughts & prayers to your & your Mom & to Kyrye's family, too...
We Love You,
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo
That pups face sure looked like Lucie! We are glad you had a safe trip.
Our hearts are breaking for you.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Oh my goodness poor Kyrye. Hope you get Spike to a new home...so sorry
Benny & Lily
All beautiful dogs (including Khyra, of course!)
Hi ya Khyra.
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye. What a sweet sweet friend.
Rest in peace.
Lively transport your mom had! From the photos, looked like all passengers were pretty mellow for the ride! And, probably pretty chilly out too.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mama Khyra!
Hi, Khyra!
More cookie spots!
Those doggies are adorable! Happy homes for them!
Sure it was not easy to let go Kyrye.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Very sorry to hear about Kyrye; through just a few words, your love for her spoke volumes.
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye. She was a fluffy girl. We are sending hugs.
love & wags,
We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye, but we admire you for knowing that it is sometimes the kindest thing to do. We are sure she is happy over the bridge,and taking good care of you, Khyra and the other Sibesistas.
Tucker, Daisy and mom Heidi
I agree with your comment to my post, Khyra, We should try to be more like Scrooge, as penned by Charles Dickens, when he says "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
Now THAT'S the spirit of the season!
Your pal,
oh khyra.. biscuit hiding, really?
you don't want to just gobble it right up?.. hmmm.
your mom is a furry special person. it's so hard to say goodbye and Kyrye will be deeply missed but always remembered.
How does she not accidentally keep one of those cute fuzzy faces!
Sweet Khyra and mom
Our hearts are so sad for you.
We know how hard it is to watch our 4 legged friends go down hill ,and then for them to slip away, leaving a void in our hearts.
And even though their fight is over- the fight in our heart is not.
Run free Khyre- someday you and your family will all be together again- i know it will happen/
dear Khyras mom- please drive careful- i know your heart is sad
We khame over to say sorry for the loss of Kyrye. She is going to be joining lots of great furiends though, so that is one good thing to think about.
Oh Khyra
We are coming a day late to your post and we feel so sorry for you and your Mom.
Sunday must have been very hard for your Mom - her transports and all the time knowing how sick Kyrye was. She is one very special Mom.
We are very sad to read about Kyrye and we are thinking of you all.
love and woofs
Clive and family
O Khyra and Phyllis... I'm so very sorry. There is just never enough time for those who love so fully...
We love you and hope you can feel our hug...
wif love from the Luke, the Bleu... and the Mom
Khyra and mom,
We is so sorry the Kyrye crossed. She lived a long life and we all know how much she was loved. You really represent the resuers well, which is probably why you got that B-Z. It is easy to let go but it's the unselfish and right thing to do when the time is right. All that being said, it doesn't get any easier just because you know it's coming. We alllove you, even the "Khats" Alex, Boru and Jenny.
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this – the last battle – can’t be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don’t let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn’t want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they’ll tend,
Only, stay with me ‘til the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its’ last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don’t grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We’ve been so close – we two – these years,
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.
- Anonymous
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