Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday Telling

Kyrye and Me
Mom and Kyrye this past Saturday
Kyrye Monday morning
The sky whilst Mom waited to take her in
(if woo bigify it, woo khan see some KhanadaGeese where the sun is peering thru the khlouds)

My SibeSta Kyrye khrossed just before 9:30 EST

It was peaceful

As the day progressed, the skies khleared to help her be able to spot all of us watching her journey and guiding her there safely and then they khlouded bakhk up

Mom will need some time to sort through the pikhs and memories befure she khan put together some kind of tribute to her

Happy Trails To You Kyrye

Until we meet again...bekhause it's not furever...it's just fur now!


Okhtober 28, 1994 to December 14, 2009


Khyra and Mom

PeeEssWoo: The past few days have gotten us furry behind on the blogs - we WILL read them but khan't khomment on all - tank woo fur your understanding!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Dear Khyra and her mom, Just for now.... We love you both.
Hugs from Jamie and the pack

Anonymous said...


I am sorry to hear about your friend. We'll pray for her. Your mom must've been a source of comfort for Kyrye. Take care of your mom.


Licks and Wags,

Life With Dogs said...

I hope you are as well as can be expected, and that you know there are many of us with you in our thoughts this night.

Rest well sweet Kyrye, your amazing pack will miss you.

BeadedTail said...

Khyra and Phyll, we are so sorry about Kyrye but we know she's looking down from above. She was so beautiful and had so much love in her eyes. Our mommy has so many tears in her eyes right now and we're sending purrayers and lots of hugs your way.

Sadie, Angel, Isabella, and their mom Sharla

Emily and Ike said...

That's a bootiful sky!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Run free sweet girl.

We send you all our love and good wishes.


Brooke, Greg, Angel Charlie, Opy & Benson

Suka said...

hey Khyra and her mom,

We are shedding a tear tonight for your beautiful girl Kyrye. Those pics of her, with her big eyes, are precious! She is beautiful! We are so heartbroken at your loss but are amazed at the LONG life she lived! You obviously took great care of her all these years.

How wonderful that the dog Angels opened up the sky for Kyrye's journey. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this sad time.


Suka and K

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Just to say that was already a tribute. Beautiful... Run free sweet one. HUgs GJ xx

Sam said...

I hope you're all doing well. Kyrye was really a beautiful girl and lived such a long life, and I'm sure she was well loved. Hugs to all of you!

Sally said...

We are so sorry - our thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you and the pack

Sally and Paddy (Hugs from D)

Teddy Bear said...

We are so so sad to hear about Kyrye. Be sure to give extra hugs and kisses during this painful time. She sure was a beauty!

Teddy Bear

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
Our thoughts and prayers for Kyrye!
Take care of mom!! Tons of luv and hugs from all Singapore furfriends!!


Bae Bae said...

So sorry to heard about Kyrye. She sure's a beautiful doggie

~ Bae

Clive said...

Dear Khyra and Phyll

Please know that we are all thinking of you. Special hugs and kisses from the NSLM!

Clive, Murray and Fiona

Noah the Airedale said...

Our thoughts are with you all. Kyrye was a beautiful girl. She will be missed.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Sonic said...

She might've been feeling ill, but Kyrye was beautiful all the way to the end.

I'm sure she's feeling better now.


D.K. Wall said...

You continue to be in our thoughts today. Today, Kyrye is young and care free running at the bridge and she thanks you for the love and guidance over these 15 years.

Cat with a Garden said...

Khyra and mommy, we are so sorry that Kyrye went to the bridge.
Please accept our heartfelt purrs of condolence. Happy trails, Kyrye!
Siena & Chilli

The Black and Tans. said...

We are very sorry to read that Kyrye has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Our thoughts are with you all.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Princess Patches said...

We are sooooo sorry about Kyrye! And you are right, Khyra, it is just for NOW!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

wally said...

Sniff. Good night Kyrye. The sun was shining bright for her yesterday.

Corgador hugs.

wally t.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

There must have been quite the celebration over the Rainbow Bridge as all of our furiends welcomed dear Kyrye home. You gave her 15 wonderful years, that alone is tribute enough. We have thought of you and Khyra a lot yesterday and we so understand how hard it must be. 15 years is a wonderfully long life, but somehow it never seems long enough.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Mika said...

I think Kyrye is in a wonderful place right now, she's being welcomed in by many of our wonderful friends and family. I believe the meteor shower was Kyrye's way of letting us know that she is okay. May Miss Kyrye rest in peace.

The Creek Cats said...

Sending you and your family lots of comforting purrs. We are very sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))

Maxmom said...

We are very sorry to hear your sad news. Your Kyre was really pretty - just like you, Khyra. Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Chris and Ricky said...

So sorry to hear about Kyrye....our thoughts are with you. Give your mom a special big hug, Khyra!

Mack said...

That is the most beautiful pack of dogs!

I know Khyra you will be taking good care of your mom and giving her lots of sugars.

Your mom is such a loving and sweet person, We don't like it when she is sad. Khyra, also please tell her how much she is in our thoughts.


Homer said...

Dear Khyra and Mommy,

We are sorry that you've lost a wonderful friend.

We love you.

Homer and family.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Furend Khyra, I am sooooo very much sorry to hear that your loved one crossed over the bridge. Glad that it was peaceful. I will cross my paws in hopes that you and all the two leggers that loved Kyrye will have a short and easy time as they recover from the loss.

Sheila and Bob said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We have been down this path many times and it always is terribly heartbreaking.
We all wish our fur loves could live much longer, but we would not trade a minute for all the love that they give during their life.
God's speed Kyrye, we will watch for the brightest star in the sky and know that you are waiting at the Bridge, free from pain, and with all our loves that have gone before.
God's Speed Kyrye, run free.

Hamish & Sophie and their
Mom & Dad

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Happy Trails Kyrye...Run free...

Khyra & mom,
We know it's a sad time for you. We hope you will find comfort in each other and think of the great memories you had with Kyrye.
Our thoughts are with you.

Sam & June & YD

KB said...

Dear Khyra and her mom,

We thought of you yesterday and the journey that Kyrye had taken. You are very lucky to have known such a special dog. My departed Labs are helping lead the party to greet her at Rainbow Bridge.

I hope that both of you are hanging in there. Many many people and dogs are thinking of you.

Achieve1dream said...

I'm so sorry about your sister Khyra. You're in our thoughts, as is the rest of your family.

Gus said...

The love you and your Mom share is a great tribute to Khyre, as is her work with the transport groups. Our thoughts are with you, mom and your furfamily.


TimberLove said...

wooos, and pawsitive thoughts,

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am verry sorry to heer that kyrye has gawn away but yoo ar rite it is not furever sumday we wil all be running and playing together with owr mamas and dadas and brothers and sisters ok bye

Stella said...

The meteor shower, the heavens opened up and the geese heralded Kyrye's coming. Fifteen years is such a good long life for a dog and she was so loved.

Our love and sympathy,

Jo and Stella

Southbaygirl said...

Our thoughts, prayers, woofs and purrs are with you right now! We are so sorry for your loss! My Kyrye rest in peace and be playing at the Rainbow Bridge. She will be missed and will never be forgotten!

Velcro, kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Angel WInton and mom Penny

Daisy Dog said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. We will keep all of you in our pawyers.

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm so sorry Khyra and Mom. Our thoughts are with you both. It's good to know that Kyrye is watching out for us all now!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

The Airechicks said...

Sorry to read this news.

We'll hold you tight in our prayers & hearts & hugs.


JacksDad said...

Goodbye Kyrye. We'll miss you!

Mochi and Bali said...

You're right, it's not furever. Kyrye had a wonderful life. I'm sure she's doing zoomies with Aunty Ume and all of our other furiends. Hugs to you and your mom!

Mochi & Mommy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, Khyra, we are so sorry you have lost your sister Kyrye. Purrs and tails wags for you from us. And {{{hugs}}} from Jan for your mom!

Deefor said...

So sorry to hear the news about Khyrye. Me and Arrow are thinking of you and saying our prayers.

the_Dogfather said...

Mommy will light a candle for Kyrye and i will howl for my bro Blackie to wait for her at the bridge.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are with you in spirit. The love we give is always with us.

White Dog Blog said...

It is not forever, it IS just for now...what a comforting sentiment. Feel our paws and arms holding your family in a circle of love and understanding during this sad time. Kyrye is painfree and young again on the other side of the Bridge...and waiting for reunion day.

Jack & Moo said...

Wooing softly and sadly fur Kyrye, may she spend happy days alongside all our RB angels till we meet again.

Jack + Pat

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for you loss of your mommy. She is happy, healthy, and running free...once again. The cloud picture is amazing how it just opened up to welcome her.

Ms. ~K said...

Thank you for shairng these precious pictures of Kyrye.
My heart aches for you during this difficult time...
Khyra, give Mom an extra kiss for me!
RIP sweet Kyrye.

Anonymous said...

woo. wild dingo's eyes are leaking. we would have loved to meet kyrye. she was beauwoootiful!

heavy hearts. glasd she's at peace. but heavy hearts miss her.
~wags-n- woos~
wild dingo

Anonymous said...

PeeEssWoo: I'll bet her pantyloons were beautwoootiful. (See? You got Wild Dingo to say "pantyloons" and "PeeEssWoo" in one sentence.)

Jan said...

What a beautiful Kyrye. We know she will be missed.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

So sad, hugs to all of you! Heard about Kyhra from Sadie at Beaded Tail.

Splendid Little Stars said...

over here from beadedtail's blog....
I'm sure you will all miss Kyrye very much! My condolences to you. This post was a nice tribute already.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Khyra we are so sad your sibesta had to go to the bridge. We understand why you are behind - please don't worry about any of that, know we are always here for you. We are sending you and your mom lots of purrs and prayers to feel better. Like we said yesterday, we are sure that Kyrye is up at the bridge meeting all those who got there before her, doggies, kitties and everyone and they are happy and healthy and safe now. And she will be watching over you and your mom and all the doggies you help to make sure you have a wonderful happy life.

Khady Lynn said...

It's the hardest thing we have to do, yet we do it because we love them so much. Kyrye is now free to run and play with so many others who will be there to meet her at the bridge. She knows how very much she was loved, and will be waiting for you.

Many, many hugs to you!

Jan and the fur kids too.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Rest in peace sweet Kyrye... We are sure she is happy watching down on all of us..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. I know just how very hard it is. You are in our thoughts, hugs from Lena and Nancy

Teddy Westlife said...

We are so sad in my house right now. But Kyrye is up there with Star and Tori and all the other pups and kitties who have made the journey this year, including my brother poo-face Salvador, who is no doubt annoying Kyrye enough right now to make her chase him. He was like that.

Hugs to you both.
Huffle and Tracey

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are sorry about Kyrye, but at least she is all healthy now. And we know you will see her again. Hugs and gentle headbutts to all of you!

The Island Cats said...

We are sorry to hear abotu Kyrye...purrs to all of you who are missing her so much....

Asta said...

I know Kywye will be waiting and playing in heavenly snow till you meet again..so just fow now..

smoochie kisses,ASTa

Sugar said...

Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear about Kyrye. It sounds like a peaceful passing, and my thoughts are with you and your family. Happy and safe trails to all...Sugar and Crazy Lady

Ben said...

Oh boy, sorry to hear about the crossing. She was a beautiful ray of light.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Khyra...we are so sad for you and your mom...we know Kyrye has been welcomed at the Bridge by so many of our friends...we'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, dear Girl...

We know there is a new bright star in the sky....

Comforting Kisses...

Scruffy, Lacie, Stanley and Mumsie

Duke said...

Our thoughts are with you and your mom, Khyra. Kyrye was a beautiful girl!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

doyle and mollie said...

NO - oh NOOOOO we have just found out
momma has rivers of tears... OH Khyra!!!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I know you'll be missing your sibesta, but she is always with you. Nothing can change that.

Golden Samantha said...

You and your mom are always such a comfort to others, Khyra and this gesture is no exception. Our hearts go out to Kyrye's family and fureinds.
With Huge Huggers xo
Sammie and family

Piappies World said...

Hi Khyra,

So sorry to hear about Kyrye. We are sure that she is running free over at the rainbow bridge.

She now watches over you and your family. Indeed, as Phantom and Thunder has said, she is a star shining in the heavens now.

-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Martine said...

Kyrye is such a beautiful girl, I'm sure she is so happy to be running around up in doggie heaven. I'm so glad you were able to spend time and your life with her.

xo martine & the kiddlets

Chef said...

Dearest Khyra and Phyllis.

We are thinking of you and sending comforting hugs.

Kyrye was lovely and I know she will be sadly missed.

Our skies now have a new bright star named Kyrye.


Linda and Chef

Two French Bulldogs said...

Sorry about your friend...
Benny & Lily

Scout and Freyja said...

Our momma is bawlin' like a baby. She knows that all of us have to leave for heaven someday but it never makes it easier - never - even if a long and wonderful life has been lived. Sending tender thoughts and cuddles and hugs.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry. I only met you a short while ago, but...I'm so deeply sad. Not for Khyra so much; I like to think that we're all going someplace nice. I do however feel for her family. You were all blessed to share part of your lives together. I remind myself of that every day of my life, however long or short that may be.

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Lots of furry love to you K

John, Kelly, Oz and Zo

Bijou said...

We are very sorry to hear of the passing of your furiend.

RIP Kyrye.

Bijou, Banjo and Mom

Mr. Hendrix said...

Dear Khyra & your mommy. We are so sorry to hear about Kyrye. She was a beautiful girl with sweet sweet eyes.

We are sending you comforting thoughts and hugs. purrrrrs

Joe Stains said...

We understand if you khant get to all the bloggies!! I am sure your Mom has lots to think about and process with this loss.

Thor and Jack said...

Khyra and Phyl,
Kyrye was a beautiful girl. Our thoughts are with you.
hugs and kisses
Thor and family

Thoughts said...

So sorry about Kyrye:(...

And we are sorry we havent been by in awhile. We miss you and think of you often though Khyra! Thanks for continuing to support our blog during Mom's rough times...

Wags and woofs and kisses,
Benson and Gibson

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Khyra and your mom, It certainly is a sad time of year for a lot of us. We are so sorry for your loss.

xoxoxo and extra smoochies besides,
Sophie Brador and her mom

Teddy said...

We're so sorry to hear about Kyrye. It sounds like her spirit parted the clouds to let you know that she's ok. I'm sure she's with you now in spirit, at a place where she was loved dearly. I hope you can find love and support from your friends and family through this sad time.

Teddy, CC-man and mom

Lorenza said...

Khyra and Mom.
I love you and my heart is with you.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dewey Dewster said...

So sorry ta hear about Kyrye headin' ta the bridge.....Gram did a double take on the date in 1994....as my fur Pap, Alfie was born 10-4-1994 but he's been gone 2 years now this month.....maybe they're runnin' free together....

Dewey Dewster here......

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Run free sweet Khyre.

Khyra and Phil you are in our thoughts and our hearts.
We are so sorry for the sadness you feel at this time.
15 years is a long time to have a dear friend in your life and then have them go away- its like taking a part of your life away- but at the same time - its never long enough.The empty void is deep in your heart- we know.
We lit a candle for Khyre- and we saw the canada geese in the photo- in fact they flew over our house too- a fre hours later.
Our hearts are sad for you,
we love you
tweedles and moms

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

run free Kyrye.
Your pals Morgan & Maisie

Meghann said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. We send you hugs, and Arwen the Wonder Dog sends you all gentle kisses.

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Kyrye was a beautiful girl. We are so sorry to hear of her passing. I hope she looks up my Brittany brother Benny at the Bridge, he can show her where the best places to eat are.

Run free, sweet Kyrye.


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

We are very sorry to hear about your friend... *hugs*

Holly & Zac

Ruby's Raiser said...

There aren't many words at a time like this; just know that so many of us are thinking about you and smiling through tears at the beautiful photos of your exquisite Kyrye.

Sending you lots of love and big hugs from way out west.

Inky and Molly said...

Sugar, have you multiplied?!!

Elyse K said...

Dear Khyra and your mum, I came over to you from Jack's (Cyber-Sibes) blog. I am so sorry to read of your loss of Kyrye. Please accept my sympathy,

Suzy (∆••) said...

So sorry to hears about your beautiful Kyrye. I know she is running free with our Freda, Opy's Charlie and Sophie's Graham.

Licks and nuzzles for you and your mum.

Suzy and her sD

Shmoo said...

Soft sad wooos

Meeshka and the gimpy gang

The Furry Kids said...

Dear Khyra and Khyra's Mom,
This has been such a sad week - 4 furbabies we know have gone to the Bridge.
We're so sorry - we just saw this post about Kyrye. You are in our thoughts and purrayers and we're sending lots and lots of dawg hugs and not-so-slobbery dawg kisses to you both.

Lots of love,
Titus, Mom, Dad, and the Khats

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

We are so sorry about Kyrye. She lived a great long life and your mom was a great mom to her.

Steve and Kat