Here is who I shared my mom's Saturday with...

He was SOOOO furry good and SOOOO furry khute!
I do think part of the mix inkhluded with his Shep is some of ME! Well, not ME but some of MY kind!
Here is the link to the Photobukhket Album
and then there are TWO videos that had to go to youtube
1) Furst one
2) Sekhond one
I hope woo enjoy them!!!
Here are some pikhs of what MR PUGGLE sent us
Here are some pikhs of what MR PUGGLE sent us
Woo khan bigify it if woo would like!
Here is what Mr Puggle's mom sent with it:
Hi Khyra...I took the liberty of customizing the bag for you. I have no idea how the pictures will look bc they were low res. Hope you like your official K9 bag. Your mom made up the name. Cool huh? I mean Kwel huh? Thanks for being a part of Mr. Puggle's life and a member of his posse!
WELL, let me explain: during the time leading up to Mr. Puggle's 100th post, he was running various khontests. I won one of them. My prize was something from Mr Puggle's Shop Mom and I chose a messenger bag with Mr. Puggle's pikh on it. We pawed a note and said we'd use it fur Mom's transports. She khould keep things in it fur the days I let her use MY Xterra!
Well imagine my surprise when THE BAG ABOVE arrived!
Tank Woo Mr. Puggle and Mr. Puggle's Mom! It was furry khlever and khreative of woo to do that fur ME!
Here are some barn owl pikhs Mom snagged Friday night:
Mom needed to touch up her feathers!
I just love the look of the little one staring at what Mom khan do!
Such beaWOOty!
Mom said she saw at least a half dozen red tails on her trip down and up 81! She made some really good time! Fur a Saturday afternoon, things were pretty light. In fakht, the entire transport ran about thirty minutes ahead of skhhedule!
Tank woo again fur the healing thoughts fur Sinatra. The nice AO4 Mom is going to try and chekhk on her this week. Since Sinatra is with the KSU Vets, she's been in touch with them about how she's doing. Dave indikhated he'll get us a report!
Here is what Mr Puggle's mom sent with it:
Hi Khyra...I took the liberty of customizing the bag for you. I have no idea how the pictures will look bc they were low res. Hope you like your official K9 bag. Your mom made up the name. Cool huh? I mean Kwel huh? Thanks for being a part of Mr. Puggle's life and a member of his posse!
WELL, let me explain: during the time leading up to Mr. Puggle's 100th post, he was running various khontests. I won one of them. My prize was something from Mr Puggle's Shop Mom and I chose a messenger bag with Mr. Puggle's pikh on it. We pawed a note and said we'd use it fur Mom's transports. She khould keep things in it fur the days I let her use MY Xterra!
Well imagine my surprise when THE BAG ABOVE arrived!

Here are some barn owl pikhs Mom snagged Friday night:

Mom said she saw at least a half dozen red tails on her trip down and up 81! She made some really good time! Fur a Saturday afternoon, things were pretty light. In fakht, the entire transport ran about thirty minutes ahead of skhhedule!
Tank woo again fur the healing thoughts fur Sinatra. The nice AO4 Mom is going to try and chekhk on her this week. Since Sinatra is with the KSU Vets, she's been in touch with them about how she's doing. Dave indikhated he'll get us a report!
PeeEssWoo: Please go help Martha and Bailey celebrate their 100th post!!!
Falcons = pretty
Eagles = Pretty
Owls = not so pretty (momma always found them freaky)
Congrats on a another successful and safe transport.
Princess Eva
Hi Khyra
We tried to leave you a message an hour ago and bloggie locked up and booted us out, So will try again.
What an adorable pup , and I also believe it has some of your breed in it. Beutiful.
Also the pics of the owls are cute too,
nitey nite
Awww the puppy is so cute.
We like the owls too. Thanks for sharing the pawesome pics.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
I love your carry bag!
Cole is certainly a lovely puppy who seemed to be a very well behaved passenger for your mom.
What a great carry bag with all your transport things in - very thoughtful of Mr Puggle and his mom.
Your mom sure is busy with transports at the moment.
We thought all the bird pics were cute - we loved the owls too!
Martha & Bailey xx
That's a fantastic travel bag that Mr Puggle and his Mom sent you.
The owl photos are great. The litte man really enjoys visiting your blog every morning!
Take care
Clive and gang
I have to agree that pup has some of your breed in it. What an adorable little thing he is and so well behaved.
What an awesome bag. I bet you and your mum were so pleased when that arrived.
You do though deserve it for all the work you do.
Have a good Sunday.
Hugs GJ xx
PS brilliant shots of the owl. Mum watches them all the time but didn't get time yesterday.
We loved all of the Khole pics and videos. He is such a sweetie! And that messenger bag is great!
The barn owls pics are AWESOME. We just love them!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Khole certainly is khute and khool. We love the eye.
By the way, if Khole needs a lesson in how to hike that leg, Kiska will be glad to help. Despite being female, she can do the leg hike and pee hire on a tree than any of the males. It drives them batty.
Cole really behaved for your mom. I guess it was his gratitude showing!!
Hi Khyra, thank you for sharing the lovely pics as always.Khole is so well behaved and i luv the bag! Of course you deserved it!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Hi, Khyra...
Love the videos of Khole...What an adorable pup...
That bag from Mr Puggle is great...
Abby xxxooo
Your bag is very Kool and purrfect for you. ~S,S,C & F
Khole seems like a nice doggie, and I think he looks a bit like you. ~Fenris
Mom's latest transport is another cutey pie. One of these days, one of these beautiful pups is going to make its way home to Khyra's Khorner - we just know it. Nice messenger bag - will you send some messages to future transports? Those owlets are so funny looking that they are actually cute.
Happy Sunday, the OP Pack
Yea for the transport!
Your bag rocks Khyra!
what a great bag! We loved looking at the birds, as always!
Khole is khyoot! :) Your new bag is awesome, too. It looks like it could hold a ton of treats!
Thank you to you and your mom for your condolences on the loss of our Great Gramma. We feel so lucky to have such great friends.
Your pal,
OH that Cole is a cutie.. He has ears just like Callie.. We sure hope he grows into them..
What a wonderful bag you got there. It looks like it can hold lots of transport treats..
The barn Owl is so cute too. None of those near us..
Have a great day.. Thanks for the lovely videos. Hope Cole learns to lift that leg. Louie still pees like a girl and he is almost 2...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khole the Khutie! Mom would love
to plant a little smoochie on that
cute little snooter. The little owl with the momma just way khute!
And your Khyra transport bag is
devine. Thanks for sharing
all the pics and hope your Sunday is pawsome!
Hugzzz to woo,
Frankie Girl
Hi Khyra. Cole is a very handsome and lucky puppy! Are you sure you don't want him to khome live with you?! I love the bag that Mr. Puggles sent you - you can fit a lot of cookies in there! And the owls are beautiful, especially the baby watching and learning from its mommy. Cuteness!
Woo, what a little cutie! I hope the little fella has a good home lined up!
I will check on Sinatra tomorrow when I go to the vets! I'll let everyone know how she's doing!
Wow, that's a furry khool transport bag! How nice of Mr. Puggles & his mom to make it fur woo!
Khole is khute all right! And our mom loved the wl & her owlets, thanks for posting them, MFT-mom!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
That K-9 bag is key-ute!!!!!
That puppy is key-ute too!!!!!
Did you know that Martha and Bailey Basset are having a commentathon? Well they are, so go visit them!!
Oh, the transport bag is awesome! Now you are even more official!
Hi Khyra,
I had so miised you while my computer was dead. We'll be back soon to catch up with your blog happenings while we were gone.
The poc of the baby owls looking at their Mom is priceless.
What an awesome bag for an awesome duo-You and your Mom!!!
Hugs and Rubs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Love the messenger bag, and we do think Khole might be related to you.
happy Sunday
WOO Khyra! Those owl pics are pretty cool. Do they make good snacks?
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
What a BAG!!!
That is exceptionally wondewful!
Thank youw Mama fow doing those twanspowts it's faboolous of hew
smoochie kisses
Khool Khyra! What a neat present you got there. Once again, we thank your Mommy for doing such a wonderful job transporting those pups!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
That puppy is so cute!
My mom likes owls too! They are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
That is a really cool transport bag!! I enjoyed the videos of that Cole. Very handsome puppy!
That is one cool customized messenger bag from Mr. Puggle!
The baby owls are kinda homely looking! The pup is sure a whole lot cuter!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
"Khole" is just so khute! And your messenger bag is pawesome since it is purrsonalized for you! Now baby owls too? Who puts those cameras in all those bird places?
What a great bag! Cole was a cutie.
Huffle Mawson
WOW! Thanks for the kind words Khyra's mom. Thanks for volunteering your time and love to help doggies. :) Glad you like the bag. :)
Hi Khyra,
Cole looks likes such a sweet puppy. I love you transport bag! Its so cool! The birdie pics are really cool too!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
khute doggy, khute baggy, khute Khyra... my Khyranese is improving!
Hi again!
Theres an award for you on my blog!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
that's a very nice bag that your mom got for you. we have a bag kind of like that that we love. mom takes it to the dog park with our extra tennis balls and pooper bags and camera and stuff...
did you get to go to mcdonalds and get a cheeseburger?
w00fs, love the bag, and the pup iz to cute..hope he likes his furever home..the baby birdies iz lookin at mama in aweee..
b safe,
That is a very cool bag!
Cole is very cute! I think the OP Pack is day a puppy is going home with you! :)
The owls are so cute too!
That's great of Dave and his mom to check on sweet Sinatra!
How nice of you to share you xterra with some pup who certainly could use a leg up! We are also hoping he has a wonderful furever home
What a great new bag for you.:) All the birdies seem to be doing great. I am so glad that Khole was such a good boy during the ride.
Teddy Bear
great pics - tahnx again to your mommy for helping all these doggies - cole is a real cutie - and grest pics of you
Hi, Khyra -
We really like your new bag! It looks great when you "biggify" the picture.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I love your new baggy! Mr. Puggles and his the Mom are very very talented!
And speakin of the Moms, yours is very very special for doin the transport!!!
Most of the rescues don't know how to drive (yet)... and they're really grateful for the lift!!!
wif love for you and what you do... from the Luke
Khyra, That is absolutely fantastic and such a nifty bag. Your own transport bag.
Great job, once again, Khyra's mom!
That's a really cool bag! I hope you make your mom carry lots of good treats in there for you.
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