Smells like weekend to me!
fur the khool khomments here about our furiends needing help!
Mom and I were really touched to see all the nice pawing left AND some of the other posts out there fur OUR FURIENDS!
All of us 'here' are furiends even if we haven't met...YET!
Here is a Friday afternoon pupdate on Sinatra:
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, i am absolutely amazed by what we have achieved in just 1 1/2 days, we have raised $1990 dollars towards little Sinatra's Surgery! isn't that incredible!
Even though i have heard from multiple people that they couldnt get the link to work so I have been asked to put a paypal link for people who prefer to use that instead.
We had a slight set back this morning when she tested positive for Parvo, so she was moved to the 'medical' dept at K State where she will be treated with 'aggressive antibiotics' for the next 3 days, then she will be moved back to 'surgery' and continue her care and treatment there.
In the words of her doctor “if not for this set back, Sinatra would have been on her feet tomorrow.”Her prognosis is still excellent and i will keep you all updated as soon as i know more.
I am working on a blog for Sinatra so people can go and check that for her progress and regular photo updates! it is my first time ever writing one so bear with me and i will post the link soon
Thank you again we would never have achieved this without each of you!
I will be sure to keep us posted on this special girrrrrl's progress!
Here is a furiend Mom hasn't met yet but

Mom didn't have time to watch The Banding yet (slakhker) but here is the info from The Falkhon Wire
At the May 27th banding event, the PGC banded four female nestlings, one male.
All five of the eyases were treated for mites; all are doing well.
The watch and rescue program will begin on Monday, June 8th and run through the weekend or until all of the eyases have fledged and returned to the ledge.
That is about what Mom suspekhted they be - she did tell The Doggy Nanny she was expekhting 3 females, 2 males due to their size
We've got more we khould post and share but we'll save some fur Sunday!
BUT just wait until woo see what I got from Mr. Puggle! It was soooo furry khool!
I will leave woo with this video sent to Mom from the nice lady Mary in Charlotte that likes the videos Mom khaptures during the transports. Once woo see the video, woo khan only imagine the exchanges I had with her! I mean, this just shows that since we khame from Siberia this is a food of our heritage!
PeeEssWoo: At one point, I sent Mary the pikh from my Thursday blog with biskhuit and tongue! She laughed so hard her workmates wondered why! Mom told her she should REALLY let the Peregrine Kham run - that would show 'em fun! Especially when the LacieBeastie Skhreachin' started!
Poor Sinatra! We keep thinking about her and the challenges that she has coming but we know that she'll be up and running before we know it.
The thought of 130 khats is very scary. I'm not sure what I would do with one, much less 130.
p.s.The Princess want lots of pics of Khole! She thinks he's furry khute.
Poor Sinatra - we are crossing our paws and our human is off to Paypal (wherever thatis...)
Khole is very cute - and we send you lots of licks for all the good work you do.
Sally and Paddy
Our thoughts are with Sinatra... Thanks for letting us know.
We just came over to tell you that you got an award from Corgi Country. We presented you with one of the “Top 10 Blogs that Make My Heart Smile” Awards. Thanks for being a friend and making us smile! Sniffs and Licks… OC, BG & Dott
130 cats is a lot of cats. And we used to have only 5 here!!
We hope Sinatra gets lots of help!
We almost feel bad.... we have tagged you.... if you can do it that is ok if not.
We are glad that the news is looking more positive for Sinatra - we hope with the right treatment he will do well.
In the UK we have the PDSA which offers very cheap vetinary treatment for those on low incomes.
They would, we are sure, also have helped with a similar situation in the UK.
Is there anything like that in the US - sounds like it would be a good thing.
Have a great weekend Khyra.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Khyra
I hope you have a pawsome weekend :)
Big licks to you
Hi Khyra!
Have a nice Saturday!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
We are happy to hear that suitable funds were raised for Sinatra and hope she gets over the Parvo soonest and can move on to surgery and a new life!
Yes, Khyra, we agree that the name should be changed to Khole...
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Hi Khyra! thanks for the update on Sinatra. We will keep praying for her recovery!! you and your mommy are angels - always helping fur friends in need. Khole looks very regal and handsome! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!
You DO look ready for the weekend! Thanks for all that you do out there Khyra and Khyra's mom. You are both awesome!
I am so behind with your blog.
Poor Sinatra. I´m keeping my paws crossed for her.
Have a great weekend, Dear!
poor sinatra - we will keep candles lit and paws crossed
woodrow sweetie & MJ
Mom said when we go to KSU for my appointment Monday, we'll look in on little Sinatra. or maybe just Mom will. I'll make sure she takes pictures!
yikes... that's waaaaaaay too many cats
Hello there!
We hope Sinatra gets better soon and yes, Khole is looking furrily cute!
Have a great weekend Khyra!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
We are pawing all our good wishes for Sinatra to pull through strong, healthy, and loved. Thanks to all your furiends for their wishes for Dakota. We all really appreciate them very much. She is doing OK but still hasn't quite bounced back to where she was before her latest seizure.
Yes, MFT, it is weekend air you can sniff. Enjoy every minute of it.
Woos, the OP Pack
We are keeping our paws crossed for Sinatra. She is one lucky pup to have such generous blogger friends..
Cole is on handsome pup.. Mom says she would just like to hug him.
130 cats omd..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra! Have a nice weekend - it looks like you're sniffing out a good one!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Oh that is so terrible about Sinatra having Parvo. We hope she makes a super fast recovery.
And I do believe Cole has a come hither look in his eyes. I think he likes you, Khyra.
I hope Sintra gets through all of this well. =) and wow that is a lot of cats!! 130, I could not imagine.
I feel so sad for Sinatra. Thank you for keeping us updated. Khole is adorable. I know that your mom is going to have fun with him.
Teddy Bear
Thank you for the update. I also could not get the link to work, but will go back now.
Your mum is going to be busy again this weekend. I love watching her transport trips.
Lovely blog again.
HUugs GJ xx
We're crossing all 8 paws for Sinatra. Thanks for the pupdate.
130 khats!!!ewww. That is our worse nightmare. That is just 130 khats too many.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Thanks for the update on Sinatra. We are still crossing paws and sending purrs her way. Cole is very cute and your mommy is so wonderful to help him get to his home.
Sadie, Angel & Isabella
Wooo! Poor little Sinatra, after all that she is sick too. I can only hope that the kindness of strangers continues.
And WOOO what a crazy khat video, Mom is sending that one on to her cat loving Mom.
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I'm sure purrin' for your friends Dakota, Benson and Sinatra..oh, and Khole! I sure hope Sinatra comes through the antibiotics and on to surgery. What a sweetheart.
Khyra-face, you know I love you more'n my fevverbutt mousie!
My paws are crossed for little Sinatra. At least she's in the right place to get help now.
Huffle Mawson
Hope Sinatra doesn't have any complications from parvo and can have surgery soon.
Khyra, honey.....I can' take it anymore. I'm goin' out on a limb here and professin' my love for you to all o' cyberspace.
Your beautiful Siberian face howlin' is more than my heart can take. Now tell ya have a problem with a man who's shorter than you?
Poor Sinatra! We are still thinking about her!
Oh my, that is a very scary video! They would drive me crazy!
Cole is a total cutie! :) Can't wait to see more pics!
Hi Khyra,
Hope Cole's or Khole's trip to my state was great!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
I am so very sorry to hear about the Sinatra. I go right away to see what I can do to help!
On lighter side, boy o boy, that Khole sure is khute! What a face!
I glad you share your Xterra wif the him!
wif love from the Luke
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