It is Monday again!
I'm sure many of woo (and your hoomans) are worn out from the weekend!
My pal Nala tagged me fur this one
SO here are various old and new shots of my various sleeping places and pawsitions!
Of khourse, Mom khould keep posting and posting lots of my sleeping beaWOOty poses! I do it soooo furry well BUT she's got other stuff to get on with soooo I hope these will satisfy your khuriosity!
If any of woo would like to do this one so woo khan share your favourite sleepy spots, please do!


The last two were late Sunday afternoon! Notice the parental tail feathers in the shot that shows the nest box!
I hope evfurryone had a pleasant weekend!
Dessert time below along with a pikh of the planter Auntie Di and Mom got my Doggy Nanny:

Hi Khyra! I love to see you sleeping! Well, I love to see you!
Beautiful pictures of you sleeping!
Happy Monday!
I am the first here? I can´t believe!
Khyra, you are truly a sleeping beauty!
I love your pictures, Khyra! You look so cozy sleeping on your couch. Where is your favorite place to sleep?
Teddy Bear
I'm pretty sure I need a nap after looking at your pictures... yeah, I most definitely need a nap.
You sure are a sleeping beauty, Khyra!
Ooh the chicks have hatched! We sure have missed out on so much lately.
Hi Khyra
You certainly enjoy sleeping - so many places - so many positions!
What a lovely planter!
Have a great Monday.
Martha & Bailey xx
You look cute sleeping.
I think you're a fluffy sleeping beauty
~ Bae
Lovely sleeping pictures, true beauty asleep or awake!! Nice to know i am not the only Husky with sooo many sleeping pics! Hoooowwwwl..
Love the photos - I like to see that other fellow bloggees enjoy their down time as much as me!
What a sleeping beauty you are, Khyra! And always so elegant!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Looks like you sleep nearly as much as me!
Lovely photos!
lots of woofs
Excellent sleeping positions. We think sleeping should be an olympic event!
Woo must get tired from all your responsibilities. Your chair seems perfectly contoured for your FT self.
Hi, Khyra...
Love the sleeping pictures...
Perfect paw placement, as usual...
Abby xxxooo
Mum kept saying AWWW, well I suppose you are ok for a woofy.
Love the planter and as always love the birdy pictures.
Hugs GJ xx
Morning, Khyra, time to wake up (for a little bit at least). We love all your sleeping positions and locations - yes, you do make a lovely sleeping beauty.
Woos, the OP Pack
We thinks the chair looks very comfy. ~S,S,C & F
Of course you needed a MeDay after all that lovin up of the mom you had to do yesterday. They just don't get how exhausting that can be.
Looks like you sleep very well - a true sleeping beauty.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Khyra, you have so many sleeping spots! No wonder it was so hard to choose a favorite. I only sleep in two spots: On top of the couch or on the bed. I like to keep it simple, you know?
Woooo! Love the snoozing pictures Khyra, so look so cute in the chair. Mommy will have to do this one too, I love napping!
~puppy kisses~
Kira The BeaWootiful
our mommy is always taking pictures of us sleeping too - i dont know why -
Sorry we have been AWOL, but you know who went to NOLA and took the 'puter!
We loved the doggie nanny pressies, and also enjoyed the sleepy Khyra posts.
gussie d
Wow--woo iz luckee to sleep on da bed. Daddee won't let us. :(
Gus and Waldo
Woo. That makes me want to go take a nap!
My favorite napping place is on my mom.
So many sleeping pawsitions Khyra! You are a sleeping bewooty.
Sam & June
That looks like a great sleeping chair. I don't have a chair but when I went to visit my family at Christmas I got to sleep in a chair and it was oh so cozy. I think it feels like sleeping wrapped up in a hug.
You are surely a sleeping Beewootee!!
And you don't like to sleep with your mom? Even though I don't get to do it very much, I think it's pawsome!
Those are awesome pics! For some reason, I'm feeling a little sleepy, though. hehe
Happy belated Mother's Day to your mom!
Your pal,
I think my favorite picture of you, Khyra, is the one where your mum caught a photo of you providing "turn down" service! My mom says she wished I could do that-as IF!
Oh Khyra! Momma got very upset watching the birdies this morning because one of them didn't get any food at all. I told her that is the way things are with wild animals and she says she understands, but it still makes her feel sad to watch it.
Hello Khyra,
thanks for sharing those sleeping posture! isnt it great that you could get comfy and sleep at anywhere you like?
best regards
That's a lot of great sleeping places, I would never fall asleep outside unless my mom was asleep there too. =)
Look at all those baby cool!
I love to sleep too. That chair photo of you sleeping was too precious Khyra....I think I am in love...Mum says my out-e is kinda freaky, hope it doesn't bother you...I will let you know I am sure it will just be alot of wasted money to the doctor and that money could go a better cause, like snackies and stuff.
Khyra we LOVE your sleeping photos, this sounds like fun! Mom is going to get some good ones of us and post them this week now! What a fun idea!
You are a sleeping beawooty!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
Khyra, you know how to relax real good! I think if you play hard, you should rest hard, too.
Khyra, you really having getting comfortable in any place down to an art!!! Great shots of all your sleepy places. :)
Tell your dog Mom we hope she had a Happy Mother's Day!!
Khyra, you are one sweet woofie!!!
great sleeping spots! we kitties nap 16-18 hours per day so i make sure i have plenty of nice comfy places to know, to "mix it up" a bit.
PS I loooooove chicken more than beef, but that "fort" is nice nice nice.
awh, your such a pretty sleeper Kyhra!
I think I'm glad that Madison doesn't have any pictures of me sleeping. I caught her trying to take one the other day when I was on the floor and all twisted up. I just stared at her until she put her camera/phone away.
Madison tells people I look like my neck is broken when I sleep. I'm just getting comfy.
You look like we all feel on Mondays :)
Those are wonderful sleeping spots! And great pictures of you sleeping!!!
Z-zzzzz your post put us to sleep.....zzzzzzz
We need to do this, I LOVE sleeping!!! You look so khute all khurled up in your chair!!
Oh ya you can sleep anywhere!! Great photo's..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think I did a series of posts about my sleepy poses but yours are very interesting!
Huffle Mawson
You look like a sleeping angel, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wroo, Khyra, those are great sleeping pics! I especially like the one where you've gathered all of your feety feets together! I do that all the time, and sometimes even my tail!
Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl (finally letting me visit my furends!)
Very nice sleeping pictures! I especially like the ones of you sleeping outside.
AWWW you look so cute when you sleep!!
Thanks for all of your purrs and purrayers for our Daddy. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thank you for sticking up for my right to snare a Gizzy, Khyra. And for noticing my cuteness. My siblings only notice my large ears, but I think they go very well with my size.
The birds are growing.
And now that you have shown some of your favorite sleeping spots, I think I'll go back to my chair and nod off again.
Hi, Khyra!
I like all your sleepy spots!
I hope you had a great weekend too!
Kisses and hugs
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i ... i ... hay ... wow ... yoo luk reely comfy in all those sleepy shots ... yoo no i am gitting kind of tired myself ... think i mite ... just ... zzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Hi Khyra,
All great places to sleep I'm sure, but I think I would prefer to curl up on your fluffy self. Would you mind a nine pound dog sleeping in your fur? BOL
Wags & wiggles,
Ciao bella Khyra!
You remind me of the ad for that famous mattress company: A Perfect Sleeper!! Fantastico pikkies, dolce Khyra -- even fast asleep, you are so photogenic!
Tanti baci!
PeeEss: La mia ragazza says thank you for keeping your paws crossed. We really appreciate it so much.
Khyra, can sleep with the best of 'em, I tell ya what!
Are you sure you aren't part pug??
WOO Khyra - you are the master sleeper and woo rule the house!!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Great sleeping positions! My favorite place to sleep is either on the futon against mom, or under the futon. :)
You look like a giant stuffed pillow- you look so comfy, I just want to come snuggle next to you!
What nice places you have to sleep and dream. And your sweet little footies!
sweet dreams
Those are great sleeping positions. Naps for all.
Ah, no pup does sleeping quite so good as you!
I like to sleep on the couch with my head on the arm rest, just like you do with your couch!
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