One of my newest AND most talented new pals 'CLIVE' tagged me fur this one!
I think Mom and I will tag team this one!
Here are the guidelines:
Here are the guidelines:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the khwestions on your blog, replace one khwestion you dislike with a khwestion of your own invention; add a khwestion of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people / dogs! REPLACING THIS ONE WITH "DO IT IF WOO WANT!"
What is your khurrent obsession? Trying to khatch Butterskhotch Morsel!
Favourite Khoffee Shop - The 1075 Khlub
Do you nap a lot? Yes, a lot!!!
Who was the last person you hugged? My special furiend of khourse!
What’s for dinner? Khalifornia Naturals Lamb and Rice; some pea pods in butter; something TBD; AGJ later!
What was the last thing you bought? The new CD from 'Christene LeDoux
What are you listening to right now? The evening news, the neighbour mowing his lawn, and a Siberian panting!
What is your favourite weather? Anything less than 25 C/75F...preferably raining so my khoat soaks up the moisture!
What’s on your bedside table? My magikh wake up machine my khomb and brush, a lamp, and a special pikhture.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you - CLIVE: I'm so glad we were introduced to woo and your blog! What woo do fur The Little Man is soooo freakin' khool!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Furry tough one! Maybe Alaska - then again, Pawsylvania isn't a bad place to be!
Favourite vacation spot? I have nevfur been on a vakhation!
Name the things you can’t live without - My Blog, my mom, my Doggy Nanny, Mom's khrakhkberry, my leash, my tieout, my Xterra, my special furiends!
What is your favourite tea flavour? Hmmmm - I've nevfur had any but Mom says it has to be unsweetened!
What would you like to get rid of? We plead The Fifth!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? I would arrange fur all The SMS and DWB members to meet SOMEWHERE!
What did you want to become as a child? you mean as a pup?? - I guess running free! or is that a dokhtor?
What do you miss? Special people when they are away from us. We don't feel quite khomplete without them.
What are you reading right now? My Blog BOL! We will be attempting to start Adventures with Ari soon!
What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)? Neither of us khoncept designer khlothing and the khosts associated with them!
If you could go back in time and talk to your 17 year old self, what would you say? Get out and have fun...don't wait fur it to find woo!
What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? I really khan't say fur I khan't really say! Or is my life befur Mom/Khyra?
And now for Clive's khwestion -'Who or what would you choose to come back as ...?' Khyra II!
Here are some pikhs from Friday!
Again, here is the link

Have a nice Saturday evfurryone!
The house behind us is for sale. You could always move to MinnSNOWda. And you would be closer to some very special pups.
Look at those paws!!
Happy Saturday to you Khyra!
Big licks to you
Those are lovely pieces of you! I enjoyed reading what you had to say!
Love your body parts;-) and always enjoying your sayings...
Kisses and hugs,
Hi, Khyra...
Perfect paw placement - as usual...
Loved your answers...
It would be sooo much fun if we could all meet somewhere...But I think it should be for more than an hour...
Abby xxxooo
That's a really fun meme and we loved reading your answers!!!
Your Friends,
tommy and The Girls
Hi Khyra
We loved reading your answers! You were very good to complete the meme - it took the little man's mum weeks to get around to doing it when we were tagged!
Have a lovely Saturday.
lots of woofs
Clive and the little man
Very informative.
Momma was watching the birdies at work and the mom bird starting yelling and all the cube dwellers came a runnin! Hee hee.
Bits 'n pieces. Every bit is good for a khuddle. Every piece is good for a khiss.
Happy Mums Day to your Mum (human and otherwise).
Your furriends, Maggy & Zoey
We are almost finished with Adventures with Ari. It is very good.
Great tidpits (and paw placement).
Those were some very good answers, Khyra. I really enjoyed reading them, especially your comments regarding clothing and dreaming. Hopefully, after completing that meme, you were given many treats for your faithful compliance!
That's a cool meme. I bet it took some thinking and took your mum ages to take down your dictation :)
Huffle Mawson
Nice paw work both with the feetie feet and with the answers. Inquiring minds want to know if we can ask questions about your answers to the questions??? BOL
Happy Saturday.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
aw i loved looking at 'pieces' of you! they're great paw paws you have there!
We love the Khyra parts pictures..
We would love to live in Wisconsin close to the grandma's and grandpa's on a farm with land for all mom's rescues.. Dad says we would love running through the woods chasing all the wildlife. We would always be the bestest dogs ever since we would always be tired..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Well done with Clive's tag. and wow the baby birds are getting so big already.
I like the last one of PF Mom!
Good tag answers. Happy weekend!
~Lickies, Ludo
Hi Khyra
You are full of interesting pieces! Good work with the tag - that was hard work! Great answers.
Have a good Saturday.
Martha & Bailey xxx
AWww, look at those little puffballs!
Your paws look sleepy, Khyra-face!
Please forgive my long absence..with the Sandy Man home and the English Major graduating, it's been a bit hectic! I've missed you!
Cool answers Khyra!! You have never been on vacation though? You must ahve your Mom take you. :) Hope you are having a grrreat weekend!
Lovely post and loved the answers to the questions, especially the one about everyone meeting up, now that would be fabulous.
Those chicks are getting realy cute.
Have a lovely weekend
Hugs GJ xx
Your answers are really interesting! and look at those paws!
best regards
Hi, Khyra!
I hope you are having a great saturday!
Do you have your paws crossed for someone??
Good job with the meme!
Kisses and hugs
Your planned dinner sounds very delicious! Khyra, I think you would never want to move where I live! It's too hot and humid. I wish I lived somewhere that was a lot cooler.
It's fun to learn a little more about you. Thanks for sharing Khyra! Woof, Tank
Nice blog post! Hmm, woo are aware that we live in one of the top vacation spots in the khountry, right? (We've got a spare bedroom...)
Great post! The little falcons are so cute - all 5 hatched! I like your bits and pieces photos. My mom is going to pass by again on Friday and will wave to you. She has to pick Leah up in Harrisburg at her boyfriend's house then go to West Virginia to move her stuff into her apartment for next year. She and Leah will wave again on Sunday when they're on their way home! What are you giving your mom for Mother's Day? I think I'm going to give mine some extra licks and a snuggle.
Hey, Miss Khyra
Very interestng answers, and interesting paw pics.
Our Mommy is a librarian and she just bought Adventures with Ari for her library, so we will probably be seeing her reading it soon.
Tucker and Daisy
Your paws are so feminine.
Misty the alpha Poodle
PS. All hoomans would like to khome bakh as woo.
That was certainly a tell-all!
Or maybe a tell almost!!
Have a great rest-of-the-weekend!
That was a great meme!! I would have needed a nap in the middle of that one!!!
Purrs Goldie
w00fs, nice tag pretty girl...guesss whattt, me iz watching the birdies RIGHT nowwww...
b safe,
I enjoyed seeing the pieces of you and also reading your answers!
Those are some cute little feetie-feet!
You're right, it would be so cool to have a DWB/SMS meetup!
Those are such cute pawsitions, Khyra! You are too cute!
Teddy Bear
We loved your pieces of you piccies Khyra.
Great tag!
Holly & Zac...XX
We haven't started adventures with Ari yet either, Mom is busy reading some detective series.
khome on, you don't want a house in Arizona??? its only 99 here right now!!
Hawaii isn't a bad place to live...but it has been pretty warm lately. The only bad thing about living here is no SNOW!
Great answers to the questions!
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