Here We Go!
Furst of all, I'm working fur The Snuggle Puggle today!
I'm playing Khyra Drew or is that Khyra Khristie...
Please khome bakhk Millie and Ben!
Tree time...
Tree time...

The cherries are getting khloser!

The lunch wagon has arrived!
My mom had LOTS of fun Wednesday watching the early evening feeding! It was oh so yummy looking!
I'm working here...
I'm working here...

(I'm hopeful this will work! This is Mom's furst attempt at a slideshow)
Here are the videos to go along with the show...
1) O N E ;
2) T W O ;
Here's some bakhkground: Mom was on the phone with Summii's Mummii. She noticed Butterskhotch AND 'the skhwirrel' up in the tree together. So whilst talking to SM, she went out with her khamera and started shooting. Please exskhuse the babble woo hear in the furst few videos!
I made her wash her hands befur she touched me! BUT she touched it again on Wednesday night. It seems to like her now...but not enough fur her to let Mom hold her fur more than a few sekhonds. YES, we've diskhovered 'it' is a she! Chloe The Greyhound's Mom told my Doggy Nanny 'they' are brother and sister with Butterskhotch being the GIRL khat! Figures: she is the khuter of the two!
SO, there's my story! Please help me!
Happy Friday All!
PeeEssWoo: THIS POST marks my 500th!!!
We've been meaning to ask about Ben and Millie.
I heard a rumor about your mom holding BM. Any chance of pictures to prove that that happened?
Princess Eva
p.s. Congrats on #500
Ben sure has been quiet for a while now. Hope he's ok.
Congrats on your 500th post! And many more to come!
Woo hoo, halfway to 1,000 -- keep it up!
OMdoG.. 500 posts!! Congrats Khyra! We look forward to lots more...
MFT, thank woo for 500 reasons to smile! Still waiting for the video to load.....
W & A-r,
500 that is some blogging. ongrats on that. I will see what I can do with the cousins. I will have to get on the phone. Although I do know that their mum and dad are not so well at the moment.
Your mum and a cat eh that is so cool. I would like to see that.
Hugs GJ xx
Hi Khyra
We have realled missed Ben and Millie!
We think that Millie has chewed the computer wire and they cant get on to the internet.
We are now worried in case she has eaten the whole house - these rotties can chew some!
Cant believe you are at your 500th post! We will soon be at 100 and that seems a lot!
The chicks are looking cool - how good that your mom got to see them having their dinner!
We will come back and check out the videos as this is the quick morning dash before work!
Good luck to your mom with the escorting this weekend.
We wouldnt be surprised if she dognaps Charlotte!! Who could resist!
Have a great Friday Miss Fluffy Tail.
The Basset Babes xxxxxx
(we kinda like that!)
wow, congrats on your 500th post!!! you sure have come a long way (:
have a greatd weekend
best regards
Hi Khyra! SOOOO sorry for not visiting you sooner...congrats on your 500th post! Your photos are always so interesting to look at, and you always have cool things to blog about! I hope I can blog as frequently as you someday...*crosses paws*
Hope you have a great weekend!
Love the pictures :)
Hi Khyra
Congrats on your 500th post. We love reading about your adventures.
Hope you find Ben soon.
Love Ruby & Penny
Congrats on your 500th post Miss Khyra! We are still waiting for he video to load, so we can see your Mom and the Butterscotch cat, did she really touch it? Cool, maybe Mom will get you a cat or two like I have have got, although they are not as much fun as they look and they have really sharp claws and they sleep all day.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra - you HAVE to do something about your Mom. Not only is she teasing you with BM but she is really torturing poor Phantom here. He is going crazy here trying to find that kitty. Mom may just have to mute all those videos.
Woos, the OP Pack
The baby birds are so cute.
Butterskhotch is cute.We are glad she let your Mom pet her.
Congrats on your 500th post.
~S,S,C & F
Wooos ~Fenris
Congratulations on number 500! And do not worry, our muzzer flirts with catses too. But she is a dog-muzzer, and we have made the rules very clear.
Kitteh = Lunch
gussie d
pee ess...I respects catses and kittehs for their unique talents and abilities. I prefer not to live with them.
Wow 500 posts thats impressive - and wonderful pictures too as always
silly cats climbing up the tree and then neding help down.
My pet misses seeing cherry trees so she truly enjoyed that taste of home this morning. She told me that one time, she had climbed up the cherry tree in her backyard and ended up falling out, crashing into the yard. Her dad rescued her as she wailed and cried. I wish I could have seen that display...ha ha ha!
We are so relieved that Butterscotch finally made it!!!!
Did you say 500!!???
Congrats pretty Khyra!!
I hope your mom washed her hands really good after touching BM! Nothing worse than khat khooties!
We are worried about Ben & his sissy...
Welp, Bell and I would like to say good bye... Unfortunately we live w/my boyfriends parents. They said Bell is too much _ she eats and rips up everything she possibly can and apparently they dont want me to take her to training. She has to go to another home, I'm heartbroken. It's a really difficult thing for me. I'm not taking it well and have been leaking out of my eyes all last night as well as this morning.. THANK DOG FOR XANAX. Anyway- wanted to thank you for chatting w/us time to time.... Love your dog like there's no tomorrow.... much love Kimberly :) &Bell
I know this is going to seem real dumb, but I guess I didn't realize that the tree would actually grow real cherries!
ps: Congratulations on your 500th post!
oh wow.. you cherries are way ahead of any fruit around here!
Congrats on your 500th post! I look forward to visiting your bloggie every day!
Happy Weekhend! (did I spell that right? hehe)
Your pal,
Your 500th post is about a Khat? Wow!
Heard in one of the videos your mom say Lassie would have rescued Timmie in the well. Good thing Lassie was not a Siberian, or Timmie would have needed gills.
And, Khyra, that was a bark. What were you doing speaking Lab? Did you think the Khat spoke Lab?
And, finally, a valuable lesson was learned at Chez Herd. Never, ever, ever, ever, play a video of a Khat meowing with The Herd in the room. We believe we failed the Khat test. And the human may need medical attention.
Congratulations on making it to 500 posts. That's quite impressive considering how informative your posts are!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Congrats on your 500th blog, Khyra (and her mom!). It's a lot of fun to read them every day!
We hope you get your package soon! The other two have arrived safely to Texas and Australia.
Your Friends,
Tommy and the Khats
So.... Butterscotch speaks Khryaese? I mean, I read the subtitles and they're in Khyraese! Amazing!
Play bows,
I dear, I can't stop laughing at your comments about he-homing my DOH. I don't know if I should trust yours to do the transport though, ya know, being kind of a DOH herself.
I sneakie looked at the Butterscotch movies yesterday, but am glad to have your comments to know what is going on.
Hi Khyra,
Congratulations on your 500th post! I am only on my 112th. Slow down so I can catch up! BOL
That krazy kat! Mom says just leave the silly thing in the tree. :)
Wags & wiggles,
concatulations on your 500th post!!!!
Butterscotch is a cute kitty!!!!
Wow! 500 posts! Congratulations! I enjoyed all the pictures today and saw the slide show of BM! Love the photo of you with your mom's reflection in the window!
Congratulations on so many great posts and so many great friends. We are glad to have you as our furrrry frrrriend.
That Mom and Butterscotch are pretty nervy. Mom actually touched that morsel? Butterscotch doesn't seem to get the message that you don't want her around!!
Congrad's on you 500th's post.. Keep up the good work..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy 500th Blog, Khrya and Mom! How many miles of walks is that??
So, Khrya, your Mom actually Held Butterscotch Morsel? Its only about two more holds and she's in your house, sharing your bed (and toys!) Khyra and BM, Snuggled! I want that picture!
I can not believe your mom is petting BM!! wow 500 posts!! that is just awesome, I am rounding on my 200th post, hard to believe already. Seems like I just started this gig. he he.
Our Mom (and Daddy) talk sometimes when Mom is doing videos too! Silly beans.
Congratulations on your 500th post!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Khyra! Congratulations on your 500th post! Woo hoo! We hope to enjoy 500 more!
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Khyra, so many great pics! We love them all, but the one of you looking in the window is our favorite!
thanks for the poem, i hope you don't use up too much of your mom's creativity, khyra :P
maya xx
500? WOW! We say good stuff! I have been wondering about Ben and Millie, I hope they haven't been abducted by aliens or anything.
Huffle Mawson
i hope more people share their writing with us too. it is a nice poem that your mom wrote.
500 that's somethin' ta crow about....we don't think we'll ever get there cause Gram is always too busy with other stuff ta help us....
Those baby birds are really gettin' big......
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Khyra -
500 posts?!? That's impressive. We haven't even hit the 100 mark yet.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Khyra!
Happy 500th Post! Congratulations!
I miss Ben and Millie too!
I liked Butterscotch videos!
Kisses and hugs
Wow, congratulations on your 500th post, Khyra! That is pawesome!
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
Congratualtions on your 500th post! You are amazing and have such an interesting site! You and your mom work very hard- as it takes a lot of time to do all that you do. Incredible- is all I can say.
And by the way, I read a beautiful most beautiful poem your moms wrote.
Wow! loved it
Congrats on your 500th post!!
That is a lot of blogging!!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Wow, 500 posts!!! Way to go Khyra!! Cool slideshow the pawprints. ;)
WOW! Congrats on your 500th post!!!
Umm...what's up with your mom and the cat? I think she should have brought you out to "help". :)
OMDOG ok first Khongrats on 500! that is amazing. BUT more important your Mom TOUCHED that KHAT and didn't even bring her to you to nibble just a taste?? That does not seem fair or right to me?!
Your mom is cheating on you?? And with a CAT! I knew this day would come. Everyone wants a cat more than a furry beast.
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