Time fur some Sunday Sharing!

Have woo all met Daisy? Her birfday is khoming up soon and she's having a khontest on her blog! She is enkhouraging all of us to introduce our old and/or new furiends!
WELL, I thought I would introduce her and woo to some siblings woo may or may not have met before...
Please say HOWL-OH to Ozzie and Dief! They are real life and in the fur SIBLINGS! They live in the land of Red Khlay and they are khwite talented with their paws! It is khool they get to see each other from time to time!

If woo haven't yet met Daisy, Dief, or Ozzie, please go woo/purr/skhweak/etc at them!
We want to enkhourage woo to chekhk on the PF and Eagle sites! Woo won't be disappointed! Akhtually Mom says it is kind of freaky to see the eagles from the nightvision khamera! It almost makes them look like a khompletely difFURent species!
My last bit of Sunday Sharing is a 'review' of Travis's blog:
My last bit of Sunday Sharing is a 'review' of Travis's blog:
If woo haven't met him yet, please stop by!
Have a great rest of your weekend!
I hope all of WOO are having fun AND special times with your peeps!
Hi, Khyra!
You made a very complete Sunday Sharing!
2 bunnies?? Hmmm... I'd love to chase them!
I have not met Daisy but I am going to visit her blog! As well as Ozzie and Dief!
I liked your Travi's review!
I clicked to see the eagles and they are sleeping now!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for sharing so much with us dear miss fluffy tail ! I have met Dief, but have not met Ozzie yet, i think I am gonna do that right now ! Thanks !!!
Lots of Drool,
Monty dog says he loves your fluffy tail! You sleepy in that one photo? I am also going to visit your friends Daisy, Ozzie, and Dief.
bunnies - I have them too, but they haven't moved in like the squirrels did.
your pal, Morgan
We know you love snow, but this spring sunlight makes you look wonderful, what a big tail you have!! Kisses.
It's always nice when you share photos of you.
Hi Miss Fluffy Tail!
Don't those crazy rabbits know Easter has come & gone????
We spotted a bunny on our walkie yesterday, Khyra! We wish mom would have dropped our leashes so we could have chased him!
What a clever review on Travis's blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for posting pictures of the birdies for us. Now things will get more interesting.
Careful looking up at the sun too much. Just because your DOH does it, doesn't mean you should too.
Chuckling - you did not warn us that Travis' blog had music in the background. We were sitting in the RV all quiet like with The Herd asleep and "Who Let The Dogs Out" rang out. Everyone jumped.
great pics - and thanx for sending us over to your friends blogs - they were all great
Have you always had your fluffy tail? Khyra it is gorgeous. Mommy just wonders if you had it as a puppy or you grew into it.
We loves rabbits. Socks caught one, it made Mommy very cross. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & FENRIS
Wow, I even knew all the friends you mentioned today!
Huffle Mawson
Great pics to enjoy on a pleasant Sunday morning. We bigified you and see that you have those beautiful thick white eyelashes like we do - gorgeous!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Your posts always make me smile :) Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing :)
I love the pikshers of u and of the other dogs. I is happy to meets dem!
The bird childrens are gonna be so kewt. :)
Hi Khrya,
It was soooo very nice of woo to mention me and Dief on your blog today. We'll go over and meet Daisy. I can't believe that you saw a bunny!!!! Did you get to sniff it?
Hi Miss Khyra
Thanks for including me and my birthday contest in your Sunday Sharing. We will be sure to go and visit these new friends very soon.
Daisy and Tucker
A rabbit! I see a rabbit!
Wow that bunny looks like something us heelers could really get into herding.. They are pretty fast though...
We stopped by to visit Daisy. She is a sweety...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks for sharing your Sunday. Did that (those?) bunnies bring candy and eggs?
Misty the alpha Poodle
I just left Mrs. Falcon, she got up off the nest, flew away for a minute or so, and showed me Four Fluffy little birds all huddled together in the middle of the nest. Just beautiful. She will have to feed them soon I suppose, so she will be leaving now and then. Go look!
Khyra! Bunnies huh! i caught one once. Mommy found out because she caught me playing with it and flipping it in the air. It was just a baby, and was screaming really loud. Mom told me to put it down, and i wagged and did. The bunny hopped off scared, but it grew up into a nice big bunny! mom thinks it's amazing that i didn't hurt it!
Youse have a guid weekend too, Khyra, sorry I am late commenting, my Parents have been AWOL. All day.
So my legs are crossed and my tongue is hanging out.
I will try to catch up with it all on Monday!
lotsaluv, Marvin who is quickly touching base..............;0D and J who is getting some big glasses out after her long day on the back of a motorbike............
Ah those bunnies are so brave. I tink you live in an idilic place. Mum got all excited last night, she was watching the eagle cam ad mummy bird was feeding the little one, it was so good. For some reason the dial up wouldnt show the same pictures so mum couldn't capture it. You caught the little one there vey clearly.
Mum says we are going over to meet al your buddies now.
Hugs from your puss cat pal GJ x
Hi Khyra! Nice to meet some of your friends, my favorite is the bunny...
We know the others except for Daisy, we shall visit her next!
Have a BeaWootiful Day!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
wow Khra, thankyouu for sharing, you look lovely!
PS. Cassie is so jelous of your tail!
Zimmie and I walked Mom a bit earlier. We didn't see Oswald (obviously, since he's in PA) but we did see the Huffle Imposter.
Tail wags,
Hawoo! We didn't know that Ozzie & Dief were yur fursibs! Khool! That explains why your ALL so khute!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Bootiful floofie tailed Khywa
Thank you fow all that sunday shawing.
I will twy to go visit the new fwiends..Mommi is so behind..I don't think we'll evew catch up.
Have a lovely day!
smoochie kisses
Thanks for sharing all that.
Beautiful pictures of you Khyra! And what is going on with the rabbit invasion? They are everywhere! And the PF fluff is exciting!
Cute pictures of you Khyra! :)
Thanks for sharing - You are so beautiful Khyra - I'm going to visit your friends blogs in a few. Good news - I won out - mom gave me a bite of steak tonite and baked potato - of course she put it in the blender to make sure I got my kibble too.
Hi Khyra,
Boy them rabbits are sure cheeky coming into your yard like that. I would love to catch one sometime.
I chased a real squirrel today but no luck. Maybe if you take your stuffie squirrel outside a real squirrel would try to rescue it and you could catch it....Just a thought.
Really great pics of you today Khyra, and I almost forgot about Daisy's challenge, thanks for the reminder. Will have to stop by and meet your friends too. Awesome review of Travis's blog.
Great to see sunshine somewhere! Thanks for sharing it and the bunnies. We like bunnies!
love & wags,
We haven't met Daisy but will go check out her blog now! :D
Pruett and Daphne
What a terrific Sunday Sharing! We can't believe it was just one Sunday ago that we were crusing through Pennsylvania! We do promise to stop on our next trip to meet you in person. We talked to Barry about the quakes and he never even felt them? We are worried about him!!!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hi Khyra
We had rain and sun today.
Yesterday mom broke her toe jumping up from the couch to watch the Derby- so is all black and blue now. That is what is happening here!
Nice review on Travis blog! How true about the music. It was so quiet here one night and all of a sudden the song played and I thought the boogey man was in the house!
Thank you so much for sharring pics of the birdies and bunnies and beautiful you!
Hi Khyra,
Your friend Daisy has a very pretty necklace!
Love your close up picture.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures of you. You are gorgeous!!!!
Thanks for sharing your friends. I´ll visit them.
Great review of Travi´s blog!
More beautiful pics of Miss Khyra! :)
I have not had a chance to meet everyone, so I'll have to stop by their blogs. :)
Did you get to chase Ozwald?
Obviously the Oswalds are definitely selling condos in your neighborhood. Perhaps some will try to move into your tree and you can have some fun.
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