Time to be thankful and thoughtful!!!
This khame from my furiend Kess!

From my pal GJ and his mum!
I got some yummy snakhkies and THREE new toys! Their kholour choices were spot on!
My purple heart rope toy!
This one was pretending it khouldn't see us!
But then it said I see woo now!
And this one wondered if we khould him/her now!

Then as the afternoon progressed, they were out and about!
Almost time to tukhk 'em fur the nigh! They will sleep furry soundly!

We are to name SEVEN awesome things about 'us' - these are khompletely in random order:
1) I'm furry
2) I'm khlever
3) I love to blog
4) We have the most awesome furiends
5) We've got the bestest furamily and family
6) I love to walk
7) We love helping others anyway we khan!
If any of woo would like THIS one fur your furry own, please help yourself bekhause I know woo are AWE-SUMMM!!!
If any of woo would like THIS one fur your furry own, please help yourself bekhause I know woo are AWE-SUMMM!!!
Speaking of AWESOME/AWE-SUMMM...
I'm sniffing the Royal Mail sent to me from The Dughallmor Beagles for hosting Rambo on their Easter Bunny Hunt Khontest!

As Mom predikhted, Wednesday was the day fur the PF's kids to leave the whelping box!
Here are some scenes from their big day:
Some SUNSHINE fur my furiend Kira The BeaWOOtiful!

Maybe she khan ship Skhampi to visit Fenway!

The one khamera shot into the box has been resituated to shoot down onto the ledge. Over the khoming days, they'll be learning to navigate. They've begun flapping their little wings! Mom even noticed some of the dark tips of wing feathers are growing in! As they make their way down they ledge, they'll get to see the windows and diskhover their khlones looking bakhk at themselves! That is always khute to see!
Once again, make sure woo chekhk out the khamera site!
I khan guarantee if woo watch via MediaPlayer fur a while, woo will laugh!
Tank woo evfurryone fur the honours and the gifts!
Please visit any of the blog pals woo don't know already and introduce yourselves!

Woohoo!! We're the first one today mommy! congratulations on all your awards and gifts, you sooo deserve it!! Have a happy Thursday!
Hi, Khyra!
Congratulations on your Awards!
Enjoy your presents and snackies!
Have a great day!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra
Congratualtions on your new awards, and look at those new toys and treats! You deserve all the awards that are given to you. Thank you for always taking the time to share the birdies and your walks and all that happens in your life. It brightens up my day- cause of you- my friend
That picture of the fledglings coming out of the nest is funny -- it's like they're all looking at the camera. "What's that thing? Are we on TV? I want an agent!"
Congratulations on all those awards! I love your happy, smiling face in that photo!!
We want to thank you for the words for human sister! Sarah seems to be feeling better!! We are sure it was just a bad stomach flu!
Congrats on your awards! Certainly well deserved!
The little chicks are growing fast!
Happy Thankful & Thoughtful Thursday!
Hi Khyra,
Congrats on all those awards!!
That purple tug toy is very pretty.. Hershey has a similar one, but it's in pink. I like your purple one far better!
Hi Khyra
Congrats on all the awards and enjoy your gifts from Scotland.
Chicks are looking great!
lots of woofs
Congrats on your awards Khyra, you deserve them all.
The pagage looked realy good, you will enjoy.
The birdies have come on leaps and bounds. Mum watches them and laughs. The owl has hatched her young but is keeping them close to her chest at the moment.
Hugs GJ xxx
Congrats on the awards!!!
Your new toys and treats looks awesome.
And again thanks for the falcon update - our Mom loves seeing it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra
Wow what a bunch of awards you got there. Well done and congrats.
Awww the little chicks are really cute. Just lovely.
That's a great picture of you,MFT, with your big happy smiley face on. Congrats on your awards - more and more.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for telling me about the parcel! Now I can see what yummies I missed!! I don't understand - why wasn't there a note in my parcel to explain who it was from? Maybe the greedy people at NZ MAF took that too...humph!
Honey the Great Dane
Congratualtions on your awards :)
That is a furry cool parcel from the Beagles. They are so thoughtful!
Big licks to you
Wow the birds are growing so fast! And your days are so full, I don't know how you do it.
Sorry to make your Mom's head spin with my blog post this morning ;)
Hi Khyra! Congrats on the awards - I love the sparkly crown one! Those purple toys are nifty! Watching the birdies is nifty, too. Happy Thursday!
Your pal,
whoooo...the PF had an adventurous day. I'll bet they slept well last night.
gussie d
pee ess..muzzer watched one afternoon and now we are even farther behind on laundry!
Hi Khyra
Congratulations on the awards.
Those chickies are growing so rapidly. Mom must be providing quality meat.
Enjoy your new treats.
Love Ruby & Penny
Wooo! Thanks for the sunshine wish, although there is not any yet, still rain, hopefully tomorrow....
Thanks for introducing us to Fenway, Scampi is very interested in the jumping and things he does.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, congratulations on your awards and your presents! The purple rope toy looks really fun.
The first pic kinda reminded me of my favorite read-headed girl.
Those babies are gettin big and fuzzy!
Congrats on your awards! You definitely are awwwsum!
Hi Khyra,
Congrats on all the awards! Very nice presents you got too.
Mom says the chicks are "cute little fluff balls". I think they'd make great stuffie stand-ins. BOL
Wags & wiggles,
What a neat present you got in the mail Khyra! Such nice friends to send things all this way! Enjoy!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
Hi Khyra
Congratulations on all your well deserved Awards.
Super pressies too - we hope you enjoy playing and eating them.
The PF's are learning to pose now!
Hope you had a great Thursday - we are late today but sometimes mum's work gets in the way!
Martha & Bailey xx
More goodies in the mail! We like that purple heart rope toy!!!!
Concatulations on your awards!!!
congrats on all the awards - well deserved - and kudos on all the gifts that is always nice.
Sorry for the Sugar post - momma feels badly about your mommys post on our bloggie - no hard feeling if you dont want to follow us or sugar. We do it cause we want to
Sweetie, Woodrow, MJ
hi Khyra, congrats on your cool award. you got some good pressies in the mail too. how pawsome.
we love your little birdie chicks. they are little balls of fluff, kind of like you!
Congratulations on your awards Khyra! What a great new purple toy too! How exciting to see those birds getting so big!
I thought that said, "AWWWW- SUMMI"! Hee hee hee!
Congrats on the awards! And aren't the pressies from the Dughallmor Beagles WONDERFUL!?!?
Those pressies are really cool.
Congrats on your awards Khyra.
Thanks for sharing the baby birds pix, they grow so quickly...Awww..:-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Amazing how big they have gotten already. Thanks for the updates.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
You have a lot to be thankful for. Don't forget Mom for all the awesome fun you have with her...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
you got some wonderful stuff there!
Wow, lots of awards. Congratulations, Khyra! Are you having fun with all of your new toys! New toys are so much fun! The PF kids are growing SO fast! They are so cute!
Teddy Bear
We love the purple heart rope tug! Purple is such a pretty color!
Congratulations on all of your awards, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Such a lovely collection of gifts for the Fluffy Tail.
Huffle Mawson
hi k & p!
happy thursday!
m & e
congratulations on all your awards. =) and the birds I am still just amazed to watch them grow.
Hi Khyra,
congrats on your award.
the purple rope looks so cute, can we play with it too?
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Hey Khyra...
Bet ur gettin' all hot and bothered again...it's been 80....how many days till fall???????
I feel for ya girl with all that fur...maybe you need to buy a teeny weeny bikini?????
Let me know, I'll go shoppin' with ya!!!!!!!
Kisses and shrieks....
Khongrats on more much-deserved awards, Miss Khyra. And may we say that we just love that first picture of you: you have one terrific smile.
Congrats on your adwards!
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Hope to talk to you soon
Aw, those little bi-pedal feathery fluffs are cute in an awkward sort of way! Not near as cute as sibe pup-pup-puppies, but that's ok!
Woos& aa-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo, formerly cute little sibe puppies
Congrats on your awards and those are some great gifts. I think you might be right about the heat, it is cooler here today and raining and I took a good poop. You might be on to something.
Congrats on all your awards and awesome new toys and treats! :)
I'm furry.
I'm clever.
I love to blog.
I have awesome furiends.
I have the bestest family.
I love to walk.
I love helping others.
Wait a minute, we are a perfect match!
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