Some shots from Saturday...Mom and The Doggy Nanny watched fur a bit! The Doggy Nanny was furry impressed with the feety feet too!

Here's me waiting patiently fur my Friday after work walk...

As promised, here is more of my Wednesday photoshoot...

I told woo yesterday that Mom was doing TWO transports this weekend. Well, Tuesday night she got an email fur Rusty The Brittany trying to get from Pawsylvania to North of the legs was Harrisburg to Hagerstown SO since Mom was already doing a Hagerstown to Harrisburg, she wrote and said she's do it! It will get her to MD about an hour plus early BUT better early than Rusty not make it south. It was furry touching Friday evening when Rusty's furever pawrents wrote the transport list to thank them fur getting their boy to them on a day they knew the drivers might want to be spending time with their families.
Ironikhally enough, Summii's mummii is doing a Brittany leg on Sunday too! Hers is Daisy and she's heading to Wiskhonsin from New Iberia LA. Summii's mummii has the last leg befur her new dad gets her! He's driving from Wiskhonsin to the Des Moines area to get her!
Befure I tell woo the next part, please grab a tissue fur your peeps. Woo HAVE BEEN warned!
Now fur the furry special run in honour and memory of Mr Magoo!.
After the last transport on April 26th, the nice Amy lady (who had her first human pup ANDY this past Tuesday) wrote Mom and told her to keep 5/16 and 5/17 open. They would be sending Charlotte north from GA. Khloser to the time, they would try to add some other dog(s) if they had met the rekhwirements for foster time/health chekhks/etc. WELL, early in the week Solomon was added (look on the available pets page fur SOLOMON the LANDSEER NEWFIE)!
Please read how The Last Resort Reskhue khame to be!
I have a feeling befur the weekend is out, the entire transport list will shed some tears of all origins. Many of these same drivers were part of the group that brought Brandy, Whiskey, and Violet to NJ! In fakht, the nice Irina lady and her husband have Charlotte...her husband khonsidered making her a permanent part of their household fur she's another special one!
Mom will do her best to get some pikhs and videos of the three lukhky khanines. One of the drivers on the list (HI MARY), always looks furward to Mom's videos....well, given Solomon's size (85#), Mary thought Mom should let him be the khameraman!
Please send some healing heart vibes to Mr Magoo's special hu-mom Sam. Once again, the greatest gift of love was given albeit with the resultant broken heart.
Please send some healing heart vibes to Mr Magoo's special hu-mom Sam. Once again, the greatest gift of love was given albeit with the resultant broken heart.
Again, thanks for all that your mom does to help pups in need.
Princess Eva
p.s. Too bad that Charlotte couldn't make her way to MN.
I am so glad the dogs is gonna have some helps. :)
Also, the berdies look very nice.
Kisses and hugs to your Mom!
She is great!
Have a great sunday
Hi Khyra
We agree with everyone else - your mom is doing such great work.
Needless to say our mum is now leaky eyed abour Mr Magoo! One human who was so cruel to him and one who did all she could!
We were happy to see the tiny PF's coming along.
Have a lovely Sunday Khyra and extra big licks to your mom.
Martha & Bailey xx
What the heck is Khottenbutt thinking? Easter was weeks ago!
I think your mom is super for all the help she gives poochies in need!
Thanks for sharing the story of Mr Magoo. Such a sad week for them, but such a wonderful legacy for him!
Oh my goodness, Sunday morning tears. Mum just read about Mr Magoo and the tears are flowing. What a lovely lovely dog. I am so glad he got to have some love and attention after such a horrific start to life.
The humans have a lot to answer for sometimes.
Cant wait to see the latest transport pictures.
Hugs GJ x
Heart-healing thoughts to Sam on the loss of her Goobey. Thanks for sharing the story, Khyra, and give your mom a big high-5 for the work she does to save furry ones. As for those birdie-feets...shees, looks like they can't ever grow into those, doesn't it? :-D
pee ess...(this is Bonnie talking now) we have the Bunny Channel on DogTV nearly every night. Mom opens the wood front door so we can look through the glass front door - DogTV!! Khottonbuttz are there all the time, just sitting there and looking at us. Sometimes I can't contain my excitement and have to jump and yell, but the khottonbuttz don't care...they think we're BunnyTV!
Solomon is a cutie. We wishes we could help him, he sounds very nice.
(Barking & Meowing) Our thanks to your Mom for helping all these terrific dogs.
~S,S,C & F
Oh that is so sad about Mr. Magoo. He certainly brought a lot of good into this world just being there..
Hey Mom and Dad are from Wisconsin. They both grew up on farms there and much of their families are still there.. Mom wants to retire there and start her own rescue. She is hoping retirement comes really soon..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra! We just read about Mr. Magoo. What a sweetie, and a great - but sad - story.
Your pal,
We appreciate all the work your Mom does to help dogs in need.
We've been away for almost a week and it's hard to believe how much the birdies have grown - big feets and everything.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi, Khyra...
Please give your Mom an extra snuggle for all the work she does to help our Fur Friends find their Furever Homes...
She is a true hero...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, again, Khyra...
I forgot to tell you, I gave you an Award...
Abby xxxooo
We did 2 transports yesterday - and am fostering a pup this week then bringing him to his forever home next weekend.
Woodrow, Sweetie &MJ
hi khyra!
oh what wonderful pictures of you! your mom and her rescue work and soooo amazing and special!
Your mom is amazing, Khyra! As always, I am enjoying your pictures. Looks like you had a great week.
And the Mom is off again to do some more good. Congrats on finding yourself such a wonderful human.
Are you making your own furbed out on the lawn, we see lots of you on that grass:-)
Happy Sunday.
Woos, the OP Pack
Yet another hugely busy weekend for your Mom!
W e love all your pictures but we love the ones where you're smiling the very best!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Three cheers for your Mom to give up her weekend for helping the pups!
I wish they would bring Solomon to my house. I bet he would like the cold winter, don't you think?
Oooh, great Iris! Mom wants to plant some Siberian ones here - wouldn't that be cool?
Good luck to your mom this weekend!
Tail wags,
We think your mom is super terrific, but you know that. we think those berdies are huge!!! They are bigger to us than they are to you.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You have a really great Mom - working so hard and doing such good work.
Those photos were lovely too - the little man has really enjoyed following the eagle chicks. Great to see them progressing so well.
lots of woofs
Hi Khyra
Tell your awesome mom to have a safe transport.
Love Ruby & Penny
I am still sad about Mr Magoo. Your mum is doing good work.
Huffle Mawson
Great flowers, great news, great photoshoot, great birdies, great feety-feets, great...Oswald? Is that a wabbit?? Just parading his fluffy butt under your very snooter? What a chhek!
Thank you for sharing all these things, lovely pics! And we've been wondering what happened to your BF too....
Slobbers xx
We didn't read that link because momma says she gets just too sad sometimes. I am so glad your mom helps all those pups.
It is such a great thing that your Mom does. Please give her hugs and kisses for us.:)
Teddy Bear
Your mom is an angel and so are you! Thanks for sharing your walking pics, the flowers are beautiful!
Oh Khyra, you have such a wonderful human to give up her time to help other doggies! Can't wait to see the photos and videos of them...
So awful about Mr Magoo - so, so sad. My human was crying as she read it with me.
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I just love that photo of you with your paws crossed! :-)
Great pictures of you Khyra and it's so wonderful what your mom does to help pups get to their forever home! Your mom is truly special!
Our hearts are just breaking for Goobey's parents. It's wonderful to think of all of the pups that have been saved and that will continue to be saved all because of a sweet pup named Mr. Magoo.
Solomon is just gorgeous! We have a thing for large b/w pups! :)
Keep up the wonderful work!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Wow, what a great Sunday sharing! Love the photos of the birdies, the flowers and of course YOU, Khyra! *grins*
BIG BIG hugs and kudos to your Mom and the transport team for doing such great work in helping pups in need!
Your mom is doing such a great thing! I can't wait to see the pics!
The babies have such HUGE feety-feets!
That is so sad about Mr. Magoo. :(
We just read Mr. Magoo's story! What a wonderful doggie he was!
Mom loves your Iris, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You Mom is a wonderful person & you are a great doggy! We're glad to know that those doggies will find their new forever homes soon.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Birds wouldn't be so bad if they stayed all cute and fuzzy like that! Your Mom and all the transport folks are heroes for what they do. We are off to read the story.
Ohhh.. Soloman is really handsome!! We hope that all doggies find their own furever home... cos they deserve nothing less!!
your mum is very special, and so are you for being patient while she does all that good work.
Big thanks to both of you!
your pal, Morgan
You should pose in front of the purple flowers! They really match your collar (and mine too!)
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