Welkhome to the Friday Free Fur All
Bekhause I've got furiends that need our help!

She has Cushings Disease and is having a rough time right now. She's had some seizures in the past weeks. Her furamily isn't ready to lose her yet. She still wants to be here with us and we don't want her to go until she is ready.
Please keep her in your thoughts...
And then there is our handsome Golden buddy Benson

Please meet Sinatra

A khouple more of the SMS Moms Khapt'n Maverikhk's and Aja and Flurry's helped us find the link fur the donations with her story.
Please khonsider making a small donation towards her fund so that she khan have a full and healthy life!
I'm just going to sit here and think how lukhky I am to be healthy...
I had other things fur the Free Fur All today BUT I just had to put them on hold so that we khould get the paws khrossed and vibes blown 'round the world!
I'm even going to publish early so we khan get this pawty started!
PeeEssWoo: Here are some pikhs Mom stashed 'here' Thursday morning...
Excellent early edition. We root for Dakota everyday, but appreciate learning about the others now.
Dakota woos her very special thanks to you and Mom for your kind thoughts. She hasn't had a great day but she is one strong girl and is trying hard. Mom isn't ready yet either.
We will visit Benson and wish him well too. When Mom saw Sinatra, she so wished she could go get him, but the time is not right for us to add to our pack. We will help some with the costs for his surgery and hope that he finds a wonderful home.
Thanks again, the OP Pack
Oh my, between these sad stories and the squirrels trying to take over, I feel like pulling a blanket over my head and hibernating... Hope all these pooches are feeling much better soon and I'm working on a plan for the squirrels that will be posted soon. Woof, Tank
Dakota got some nice sunshine to make her feel better. I sent her healing thoughts too.
We watched the banding of the birdies. They are huge (and even more like Lacie during the whole banding thing).
You know that we're sending lots of pawsitive vibes to the OP Princess. We'll stop by to visit Benson and Momma says that we can stretch her plastic a little further to help Sinatra out.
Princess Eva & Brice
The Beautiful Dakota is often in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be.
We will go check out Benson and Sinatra and see what we can do.
Kisses, and good on you for this writing, Khyra
Hi, Khyra!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for Dakota, Benson and Sinatra!
Kisses and hugs
Thank woo Khyra for always thinking of others...Woo is such a sweet girl!!! We are all praying for Princess Dakota. She is so beewootiful and is much needed in our lives. We will also keep Benson in our prayers and visit his bloggie. Mommy got an email earier about Sinatra and that story is so sad! Poor baby. We pray she gets the care she needs!
Painter Pack
Paws Khrossed here in Mayemphis.
Gussie n Teka
We are sending out warm Poodle (and dog) thoughts. Dakota looks like our Chamois.
We are keeping our paws crossed for Princess Dakota, Benson and Sinatra.
Good vibes and well wishes are on the way!
Wags & wiggles,
We all have our paws crossed over at the Ozzie household. We all think about Dakota everyday and hope for the best for the other fuzzies. Puppy kisses to everyone, especially you K for thinking so much about all your buddies.
Your the best,
I know what it is like to have health problems. And it is hard on the humans too.
Everyone in my house is gonna do a healthy dance for All the animals who need it. (its kinda like a rain dance but instead we dance for health.)
Wow! You posted this before mom got home from work.
We think of Dakota everyday and send out extra sibe vibes to her. We are also thinking of the other pups.
Khyra, honey....I had a moment of silent prayer fer yer friends.
Purring hard for all those pups!
Huffle Mawson
Khyra, you're amazing and kind! I don't think any human is ever ready to let their beloved canine go.
Hi Khyra, thank you for sharing with us. Me and family will keep our paws and hands crossed very very hard and pray hard for every pup mentioned. I will also be a good boy today. I'm gonna sit and think about how lucky i am to be soo healthy and will keep on sending good thoughts and pawsitive vibes!!!
All the paws are crossed here for yer friends!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Awww, your friends need lots o' purrs...and I'm more than happy to purr and purr for them. Thanks for keepin' us updated. You're such a gorgeous-face!
Ohhh - that's awful! I didn't know about Dakota! I'm going to go over now and offer some slobbers...
Honey the Great Dane
Oh no Dakota is a favourite of mums, she is so lovely.I hope she improves. Thank you for bringng the others to our attention. Every little helps in these situations.
Every day we have to give thanks that there are angels out there that rescue and help the needy.
Mum couldn't get the link to work yesterday to see the banding of the birdies.
Hugs GJ xx
Dakota is a special girl and we are always thinking of her and so are the rest of our furry friends who need prayers. Hope that Sinatra finds a family who will love and care for him...
We're sending lots of AireZen out to Princess, Benson and Sinatra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are so kind and caring Khyra.
We will pop over to see the doggies you mentioned. We is already furiends with Dakota, we so hope she feel better soon. xxx
I only know Dakota. I will have to stop by and send the others my good fur vibes.
Big licks to you
Two comments today - woo - Got your comment. I would be ready, but I am still in Philadelphia today and do not fly out until 5:30 (so hoping the airport "works" today), land in Charlotte and then drive the 3 hours home. So guessing 11 pm arrival? Hoping to be pulling out at 6 a.m. with the dogs walked and in the S-RV to get over to Bristol so I can walk the dogs again before leaving them in their air conditioned comfort.
Sleep is overrated.
We are crossing our paws and thinking good thoughts for all those who need a little bit of extra strength to make it through difficult times.
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Mommy lit the candles for these doggies - and we all have our paws crossed and are sending bully love to them.
thanx for this post
Hi Khyra
An important Special Edition post.
We are keeping our basset paws crossed for Dakota and hoping things settle down for her. We need Dakota!
We will visit Benson and Sinatra.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
My pug paws are crossed. I wish we had a special doctor that could heal up all these doggies that was furee!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Hi, Khyra...
Me & my Mom are sending Dakota, Benson, & Sinatra our thoughts & prayers...
Thanks for sharing their stories...
Abby xxxooo
hi k & p
oh you are such good friends. emmitt and i are thinking of all of them too.
m & e
Oh my, i'll keep both my paws cross and pray for Princess Dakota, Benson and Sinatra.
best regards
Oh, I hope all the doggies are ok. I need to go visit Dakota. :)
MFT, thanks for posting links for those poor pups. We are sending sibe vibes to all. we also linked to this post from our blog today, so more pups can come read & lend a helping paw!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Great post Khyra! I soo hopes the power of paw will work for them all.
We will definitely be keeping our paws crossed and saying prayers for everyone.
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
We've been by to offer our support. We have our paws crossed and double crossed. We look like pretzyls. We're praying for speedy recoverys.
Love Ruby & Penny
We're saying lots of prayers for everypuppy!
Tail wags,
hi Khyra, we are sending our power of the Bs to all of your friends and our friends too, who need it to get better and be strong and healthy like we are!
A great cause for today's post - we'll keep those hurting pooches in our thoughts.
Have a great weekend!
What wonderful tributes I read here, my dear Khyra. My eyes leak now but it so important to support each other...
Thank you for introducin me to these beautiful new friends.
wif love from the Luke
It makes me so sad to hear about all the doggies having health problems. I am so glad to be healthy. All those doggies will be in our prayers.
Hugs, Kodak
You got it! We are pooling our vibes and sending them out. Plus we will tackle Wilbur so he can't send out any anti-vibes.
Steve and Kat
We read yesterday about Princess Dakote in their blog. Cushing Syndrome can be treated but the Boss says it's all easier in humans (he's a veterinarian of humans). So, she is in our thoughts and prayers, too. Of course, the other dogs... we'll visit their blogs.
Sending out pawsitive vibes and visits to each pup. Thank you so much for letting us know about these doggies. The eagles have gotten so big! (Mom and Dad saw so many in AK - amazing birds I guess!)
Hugs and xo
We will be purring for all those woofies and will donate if possible!
Oh, Khyra. Thanks so much for telling us about these wonderful dogs. We're pulling for them and hoping they get well soon.
We stopped in and sent out our big Heeler vibes to all in need. You are right it just isn't fair.. We sure wish pups could live forever and never be ill..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I hope these pups get better soon...our paws are crossed just like yours :)
xo sugar & martine
Khyra, you and your Mom have such big hearts for others. How we all appreciate woo!
I have my paws crossed and Mom is praying for Dakota, Benson and Sinatra!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Our paws are crossed for everyone and the kitties are sending healing purrs. ~Fenris, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Thanks for keeping us all updated on the happening even when they aren't the best. We stopped over and will pray for Dakota and Benson and the poor little pup!
We wish you a great weekend!
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
We are keeping our dew claws crossed that Dakota makes a full recovery soon and NEVER has another seizure~!
Thanks for letting us know about the other pups in need.
Hi Khyra, that's so sad that those doggies are sick. Mom will most definitely keep them and their families in her prayers. Hopefully they'll all be alright. -Hector and Lola
We're sending prayers for Princess Dakota, Benson and Sinatra. Thank you for telling us about them. My mommy is from KS so she's sending special Kansas prayers too!
We are crossing our paws for all these doggies.
We are so worried and sad.
We are sending prayers for them and their pawrents.
Thank you for getting us all organized to get the good thoughts going.
Your right, it is so sad to see bad things happen to good dogs.
Hello there Khyra,
Thank you for sharing. We're keeping all our ten sets of paws crossed and hope all the good furry canines in need will recover soon.
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
My thoughts are with those pups, especially Dakota every day.
We don't know any of the pups in your post but we will send some healing licks and paw hugs that they will get better soon.
Mama knows about Cushing's disease. My (Hershey) older sister was diagnosed with this but she did not have seizures.
Have a good weekend, Khyra.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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