Yes it is!
Here are some pikhs from Wednesday night!
Monday was yapping AGAIN and whilst on the phone, she khouldn't stop herself!

There are MORE - she'll post them on Sunday along with some information about the TWO transports I'm lettting her do!
Here are some early and midday shots from The Ledge...

Tank woo fur kind words about my 500th post!
All of woo make it SOOOOOO worthwhile!
Happy Saturday!
PeeEssWoo: Since Mom will be off to Harrisburg - Hagerstown AND then Hagerstown - Harrisburg, I'll be going to bug my sibestas!
I hope you have fun with your Sibe sisters. You look so pretty in your close up photo. I see your winter coat starting to come off.
Teddy Bear
I think your mom has the flashy beast permanently attached to her hand. Is she some type of mutant?
Not that we mind since we love to see pics of you.
Princess Eva
Tell ur mom to have a safe pikturs of u..and those birdies got sum big fetty feets..
b safe.
Hello there!
We would like to honour you with an international award.
Please pop by our blog to pick it up.
Let us be the first to congratulate yous!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Khyra, you are one gorgeous Siberian! You look so regal in the close up shot. Have fun with your sistas.
P.S. I have an award for you.
Beautiful pictures of you Khyra! I see there are pieces of you all around too! And those birds are sure getting big!
We like your pretty face! The rest of you too! You are shedding? Monty dog sheds a lot too!
Those are great photos of you! You are one pretty lady!
Tell your Mum to have a safe trip - those PFs look a bit scary - in a fluffy cute way - but a little scary...
Thanks for the photos
Sally and Paddy
Hi Khyra
You are looking quite the Husky in your photoshoot today!
Well done in letting your mom go and do the transport. That is important work in helping dogs find their forever homes.
When Martha came to live with us we met Bobby's dad from Kind Hearts in Northumbria!
Bobby's parents are foster carers for rescue dogs and he and our parents - and me! - drove two hours each and met in the middle!
This was great cos otherwise we would have had an eight hour round trip!
We look forward to hearing how your mom got on today and dont be at all surprised if Charolotte is dognapped by her!
Have a great weekend.
love and kisses
The Basset Babes xxxx
Have fun today.. Cant wait to see mum's pictures when she gets back.
My mum was spell bound last night watching the birds on the ledge. Mum was feeding them and it was so close the camera. But mum being mum, she kept saying the two at the back are not getting any..
Happy weekend. Hugs
Your pal GJ xxx
Do I spy some MFT fluffers on the grass next to you? The birdies will be happy. They can use it to line their nests.
Hello Khyra!
We sure hope you are not stressed out... looks like you have lost some of your beautiful fur!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
What a great Khyra expose!
Those baby birdies have bigger feet the Paris Rain!
Like The Herd, you seem to be leaving some fluffiness wherever you go. Natasha has literally exploded in the last week, Rusty is just a "pigpen" of shedding, and the others are all right behind.
Best of luck to your Mum on her travels and hope you enjoy your stay over also!
Looks like lots of you is shredding - I do too even though I'm meant to be non-shed!!
lots of woofs
Have fun with your sibesters. You loosing your furs? hehe.
Happy 500 too, you be an inspiration!! I did do readings yesterday but didn't have time to reply as I beed waiting for youtube to let me watch the BM videos. She has a sweet miaow.
~lickies, Ludo
Woo Khyra, I hope you have some fun with your Sibe Sisters! I would have liked to go in the car for a road trip too! That sounds like fun too, transport. Maybe I should have Mommy do that so I can go to!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Great shots of you, Khyra!
I wish your mom a safe trip.
Have a great weekend!
OMD, we can't believe we missed congratulating you on #500 - we read your post yesterday but somehow got distracted and just realized now that we didn't comment. 500 is just awesome - no way will we ever catch up to you. We wonder how many photos there are of you on all those posts.
Our favorite photo of you today is your "khoy" shot. But as always they are all quite beautiful.
Those little birds are growing up fast, my what big feet they have!!!
Happy Saturday, the OP Pack
Great photos of you, you are very kind to humor your mom. =) the birds are getting bigger and bigger.
Khyra you look as bored as us Reds. We have a rainy day so nothing to do but follow mom around...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Khyra!
You know the camera thing never ends!
But that is good because we see more and more pictures of you!
I hope your mom has a happy and safe trip!
Have fun with your sibesistas!
Kisses and hugs
500 posts?? Wow, you have been around the blog haven't you? he he.
They are some really pretty pictures of you Khyra. I think you should be a supermodel.
You are such a beautiful girl Khyra! Love the pic of the wind in your floofy tail! Our internet is back up and running, thank goodness!
great pics - Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Great pix! Oh.. And I know I promised to bug Mom into taking my packet to the post office ages ago, but she's been impossible to get through to.. But she finished the gift last night, now that's something.
You'd totally see me blush if I wasn't all black.
Wow! That was a lot of fur flying!!!!
Have a great weekend!
Opsss! Also, thanks for wishing mom and Sandusky Happy Birthday! Still wonderful pictures of you! Mom likes your curlee tail!
Uh oh. Were you brushed? Or combed? Or plucked? I see the tell-tale evidence! *shudder*
My humans just can't get enuff of how pretty woo are! I think woor mom is more of a pawparazzi than my humans are. Hope woo have fun with woor sisters!
Love all the poses...thanks for making your Mom take so many nice shots of you and share them with us. Happy Saturday night, Khyra!
I'm sure you don't mind the breeze outside any more than you mind the rain!
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra, we thought you would be interested to know that we spotted an Osprey nest today that was just recently built. Mom is going to bring her zoom lens and get some shots sometime if she sees the birds on the nest again. :)
Love your close up and the when are you going to stop pic...I know that one very well. ;)
Have fun with your sibe sisters! :)
You should see my grass. Maybe I'll have mom take a pic tomorrow.
Comfy lawn?!
The birdies are amazing.
Khra... you are gorgeous! You seem to be very accepting of your the Mom's dedication to rescue. And as a TRUE rescue, I commend you... I do.
My the Mom is dedicated in same way, but I sometimes think she oughta just stop wif the rescue of the me... but not really... that just my sometime selfish thought!
When I truly think bout it, I love her helpin others. Don't want em to come live here, but support efforts for em to find other place to thrive.
Is that your fluff on the ground? I hope your mom wasn't torturing you with the brush!!
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