Welkhome to THAT day of the week!

If woo want to see THIS week's Walkin' Wednesday, please khlikhk H E R E ! ! !
Here is a blurb from The Falkhon Lines on the website:
On Wednesday, May 27th, the Dept. of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Game Commission will host the annual Peregrine Falcon Banding Event at the Rachel Carson State Office Building in Harrisburg, PA from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Teachers and their students, non-formal educators and youth organizations are invited to attend this event. Activities will include the weighing, examination and banding of the nestlings. There is no cost to attend the banding event.To register for this event, please contact Ann Devine at 717 772-1644 or adevine@state.pa.us. Since 1997, a pair of Peregrine Falcons have made their home on the 15th floor ledge of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. The falcon pair has successfully reproduced since 2000, and this Spring, the female again laid a clutch of five eggs
Woo will want to watch this if woo khan! I'll remind evfurryone khloser to the time!
It is lots of fun to see them - and get a feel fur their AKHTUAL size! If woo do miss it - or want to see bandings from other years - they do have it on the website!
I went through my arkhives to pull out a link to one of my posts from last year...woo will want to chekhk it out to see what happened to one of the hoomans helping with the khapturing of them last year!
Breakfast of Champions!
Lunch of Champions!

This one made Mom think of T H I S S O N G!!!
Be khareful...I might just plant an earworm!!!
Have a great rest of your day!
Have a great rest of your day!
Oh Wow, the first comment on a Khyra post! I have loved watching the PF babies the last couple of weeks. They grow so fast!
I will be sure to watch the banding ceremony. Do they stay in that grubby nest until they are adults? Yuk!
Great pics of the babies. Is it time for a nap after the walk?
Thanks for the compliment on mom's banners! You are a good walker! You are tired after the walk? After a long walk Monty dog is sleepy!
Hi Khyra
We only got the first bit of your video today - you tube being funny - we will come back later and see the rest after work.
The litte PG chicks continue to do so well!
Have a lovely Wednesday,
Martha & Bailey xx
Wow, that would be so cool to get to do! I tried to get a feel for the actual size of two new black swans yesterday at the park, but the Spokeswoman started spaz-ing out and hyperventilating on shore, so, I had to turn around in the middle of the lake (just when I almost had a mouthful of one of them!) and swim back to shore. I swear, I think the Spokeswoman was about to jump in the lake after me. Some people are just overly excit
The chicks have got so big!
It's been great to see them.
lots of woofs
hi khyra!
what a great wed post!
you are a wonderful friend! thank you so much for coming to partypalooza 2009!
The young ones look fabulous and we'll try to remember to catch the banding!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Look at all the fluff on those babies - how fast they do grow!!! Mom says they called your nosecones "helicopter" when she was a kid. We wonder how they would stick on our snooters.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Khyra
You look furry worn out after your walk!
Big licks to you
Wooo! Walkies! I love walkies, I nap after mine, do you too? Mom is impressed on how much those birdies have grown. Soon they will be off flying.
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Great pics and video - that is one fluffy tail you got there
Woodrow, Sweetie, MJ
We saw the video with no problem at all now!
Nice fluffy tail!!!
Good luck with the transport - we have never heard of a dog called Charlotte!
Posh name we thought. She sounds lovely.
Martha & Bailey xx
Nice pictures of you, Khyra!
And the PF is cute :)
Adele, Vincent & Bella
And this is why I do not walk - you get tired and sweaty. No thank you!
Those babies are coming along. My human pet is a native of Pittsburgh and lived there for most of her life until moving to Houston. She's never heard of the banding event you described so she'll check it out. :)
Khyra thank you so much for the update. We will have to remember to tune in... :)
LOVE the pictures, as usual :0
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
As always your post cheers up a dreary day. Love your pictures. Those irds are growing so fast, there must be lots of food around for them. That day sounds like fun, wish I as nearer to see.
Hugs GJ x
Awesome walk!
Pruett and Daphne
Youtube just not being very friendly to me today and will not play. :(
Great pics of the babies, they grow so fast!
~lickies, Ludo
peeess, I hopes you find Ben soon.
You Wednesdays are much more exciting - perhaps it's time to rethink this wordless a Wednesday thing :)
What a great walk, and oh my those birds will be flying soon, thanks for keeping us updated on them. =)
Khyra, those pics of you are cute! We went for a quick walk this morning. It rocked!
Good walk, as usual. Mom says her head hurts too much to hold it up high.... darn cold.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Are woo a little tired after your walk?
or were woo chasing one of the hair tailed creatures?
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
on top of the Kodak headquarters in our city (Rochester) there is a Peregrine Falcon fambly that lives there. they has a webcam efurry year so that efurryone can watch the fuzzies when they come out of their shells.
Woo had a good walk. I look like dat when I is done with my walkie too.
And dem babies are starting to grow!
Husky kisses,
Oooo... Wish we could see the videos better but with a SLOW computer we only get to see a little of them. Mom was fascinated though, so we DID get to see some. She loves raptors and she has helped to save a few injured ones around here.
Thanks for the info, though. Being in California, we won't get to make it to the banding, but if we get a chance to use a faster computer, Mom has written down the address so we can see them.
OC from Country Corgis
Thanks for sharing another great walkin' video Khyra. Did you join the basket ball players? hehe
We hope your mums weekend transport goes well. :-)
Holly & zac...XX
Wow what a wonderful walk. It is getting hot her in Texas. Mom just sweats walking out the door. Glad you have nicer weather than us.
Those birds are getting so big..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi dear Khyra!!!!
Nice to meet you!!!!
we're honored that a stars on the bloggie world like you are stopped at our blog!!!!
can we add your blog at our friends' list???
you had wonderful walkie!!And........OMDDDDDDDDDDD....you have a little cute birdie like us!!!!
YEPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....we've lots of thing in common!!!!!!
Sure we'll visit you often!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!
Thank you for letting us know about the event. You must be excited.:) The babies look so great!
Teddy Bear
We will have to watch your walk when we our Meomw gets home! But we like the pictures of you catching your breath and the ones of the birdies!
The babies are getting so big!
Miss Khyra,
Not Sunday, not Wednesday, that is NOT a math problem. It could be like totally any other day.
I say your mom had nekked leggies. Is she wearing pants?
We enjoyed your walking video, Khyra! What was the cerise flower? You were walking too fast for mom to catch it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mum says I am not allowed to click on the link to the song... just in case.
Huffle Mawson
Wow look at the babies! oh my they're so cute!
Hi, Khrya!
Happy Walkin' Wednesday!
I will be waiting for that event with the birdies!
Kisses and hugs
We made our moms happy on mommy's day, didn't we?
The birdies growing so fast, that bird mom is a super mom!
Today Wednesday, I wake up, wag my tail to warm up and walk to computer to woof at you, hehe.
Love ya
Khyra, honey....ya never did answer my question. Do ya smell good? You sure look like ya would.
I think I'm gettin' a little sweet on ya. Would you have a problem datin' a guy who's shorter than you?
Great walk today Khyra! I'm not surprised that the golfer recognized your beauty! By the way, don't tell your mom but your feet are way cuter than hers!
Those babies are so big! Great pictures!
BOL....Hold Your Head Up!!! Your Mom is clever Khyra. :)
Hi Khyra
We always enjoy coming to your site. You always have so much to share- your walks, your life, the birdies growing up and adding fluff to their little bodies.
Thank you again for sharring your world with us. Its nice to take a moment and relax- by looking at your bloggie
Hi Khyra! We loved your walk today - your tail looked especially lovely. There sure were a lot of those nose cones, and we even got to see your mom's feet!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Oh Miss Khyra, I enjoyed going on your walk with you. Thanks for taking us along. Tell your Mama she gives great khommentary. I love watching the chickies grow too. It's so interesting!
That was another great walk! :) I'm always tired after my walks too!
The babies are so cute!
Watching Walking Wednesday filmed on another day and commenting on Tardy Thursday. Does that count? Enjoyed the video as always and loved how the golfer recognized Khyra and not mom. That happens to our humans all of the time.
Or when the humans are recognized, the first question is always, "Where are the dogs?"
woo Walking Wednesday! Looks like you had a nice day, I am glad it wasn't too hot for you! I sure would love to take a walk but it is indeed too hot right now.
We khame around your blog about this time last year and got to see the birds growing up!
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